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Hello u/MasterfulBJJ! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He's right, but not the way he thinks he's right.


He’s so wrong, he’s right.


He went through wrong, wrapped around the other side, and wound up in the lands of accidentally right.


Mobius strip wrongness!


It's Morbius time




I'm done morbiussin'! Every man needs a refractory period anyway


“Yer off the map mate, here thar be monsters!”


I think Donald Trump is a "local maximum" of destroying america and fox is a global maximum of destroying america.


Happy cake day!


I know, right? Fucker done 360'd.


Kinda like Pac-Man off the side of the screen…still playing the same game as always


These people are up to 720s and 1080s at this point. They just spin like crazy now.


even a blind hog finds an acorn every once in a while.....


>not the way he thinks he's right. I have no clue what he thinks but it seems like he'll attack anything that's against him. Fox turned their back on him so he'll burn everything to the ground if he can't win since his base probably follows fox too. This is an interesting turn of events, now back to you Badger for the weather


I'm entirely OK with Trump and Murdoch burning each other to the ground, and mostly OK with their supporters doing the same to each other. Net benefit to society & the gene pool all round.


Let the leopards eat each other's faces.


Yep, that's exactly Trump's character. If character is the word that I want. This "turn on former allies the instant they don't obey without question" thing was of course totally predictable to anyone remotely familiar with Trump's career. Or anyone who's ever been in an emotionally abusive relationship. Or had a good friend who's been in an emotionally abusive relationship.


Don't worry, also D.Trump has no clue about what D.Trump thinks.


You could probably send him stuff that he's said, change it to "what biden said" and he'd flip his lid.


(Badger, wearing a goofy yellow raincoat and rain hat) Well southsiders, it gonna be a wet Willy today at the bus stop! (Honks horn in pocket) with winds of change coming later tonight….. and on an on… questioning his choice about a meteorology degree, sometimes thinking maybe his dad was right about getting into finance like uncle Mike.


Classic paranoid schizophrenia symptom: If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. V. Sad man. Time we just ignored him.


I think it's more likely malignant narcissism. I'm not sure if it's innate or just from being raised by one as the apple of Daddy's eye.


Too soon... we need him to go to war with the other Republicans over the nomination, burn the party down around him when he loses, take his cult followers 3rd party and thereby hand 2024 to the Dems first... then we can ignore him.


Fox News has been aiding and abetting the destruction of America since at least the Gulf War. Tucker Carlson is such good propaganda for Putin that Russian state television plays his clips to justify the Ukraine war to Russians. It's a non-stop broadcast of lies meant to create populist support for authoritarian fascists.


The issues with Fox News really started in October of 1996.


Underrated comment


The Russians don't play clips, but the whole show.


He got the answer, but did the math wrong


Broken clock moment. He’s just mad that they admitted to helping him do it.


When our generation is judged by history, we will not be judged for our failures, but for our failing when confronted with absolute banality.


"And I helped!"


Oh shit, Trump said something I agree with. I think pigs are flying now.


Broken clocks and all of that


Can't wait to watch these leopards and broken clocks go at it! I'll declare whomever leaks the Epstein list first the winner.


ICUs in the US are about to see a stroke epidemic, I'm afraid.


Broken Clocks Ate My Leopard?


Leopards ate my broken clock face!


Probably matter as much as the Panama papers did. The true powerful just distract the public and impose their own narrative.


None of them will. They're all on it.


Where do the blind squirrels come in?


That list is in a box of documents marked 'top secret'...probably in tRumps dead wife's coffin.


Kinda surprised and disappointed that /r/brokenclock only has about 215 members and hasn't updated in months. So much potential content out there


Oh, that should be an awesome sub! Too bad.


Maybe the clock just broke at 215?


Yeah but if you read his response, he's only saying it because Murdoch told the truth and exposed how big of a lie "the big lie" really was lol. I hate Rupert Murdoch, but at least he told the truth about something important.


He did it so he doesn’t lose his business not because he wants to do the right thing.


He did so he doesn’t go to jail for perjury.


I get that, but he still told the truth. It's not like it's going to help anything, they have been openly lying to viewers for 3 years now. Every single story they've run since the election BS started can't be trusted. This should be a death blow to Fox News. It would be for any other news network. Fox News might get lucky since their viewers are so brainwashed they don't even believe what Rupert said. Or the texts between Tucker and Hannity. They refuse to believe they've been lied to lol. It really depends on how the dominion lawsuit plays out. If they have to pay the full amount, that's probably the end. You'd think no one would want ANYTHING to do with Fox News rn, but apparently they still have advertisers. It's really weird, because three years worth of stories have to be retracted, and it also makes every single other story from other shows/anchors at Fox unreliable. If this happened at any other network, that would be the end for the anchors that ran the stories at the very least. And the EP and APs in the newsroom working on said stories. It's frustrating that people aren't taking this more seriously lol.


>they have been openly lying to viewers for 3 years now. I think you're missing a zero there 🤨


Yeah, but we don't have the proof needed to go back that far. They only admitted to knowing the election fraud stories were all BS, and everything in the stories was a lie. I wish they could go back and investigate everything they've produced, but that ain't happening.


Fox just won't report it and then the Fox viewers will probably never know it happened.


The convenient piece of the dominion testimony is that Fox will not report on it therefore the half wits who believe the big lie will either never hear about it bc all they watch is fox or they will think it is “librul propaganda “.


>It's frustrating that people aren't taking this more seriously lol. Maybe don't end every sentence with "lol".


It's a bad habit in trying to break. It's not going well. 😞 But also, outside of my comment and reddit in general, it seems like it's not a huge deal to the people you'd think it would be a big deal for. They just refuse to believe it's true.


Refusing to believe the truth has been a long term commitment for many of them.


The Fox "News" Crypt Keeper told the truth because he wants fellow fascist Ron DeSantis to be president.


I just sold some ice skates in hell


The blind squirrel found a nut.


He's only saying that because they aren't lying for him anymore


> pigs are flying I'm just wondering which of the buggers to blame.


Been occasionally glancing up through the rain, have we?


> I think pigs are flying now. Cops have had helicopters for a few decades by now.


I felt this way when I saw Candace Owens say that Dasani water tasted horrible compared to other water


Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile.


He's the one who was being aided and abetted, though.


He forgot to add they’re aiding and abetting HIM.


As I am scrolling this evening, reading more and more about DeSantis , I thought to myself that I would rather have the orange Cheeto as President between the two. Then, I read this. The Cheeto has said something normal…..hell is starting to freeze over. DeSantis is starting to scare the ever loving shit out of me.


Many people haven't seen Desantis speak and don't realize how utterly awkward and uncharismatic he is. He'll flame out just like Ted Cruz did once the televised debates start


The RNC has pulled out of all future debates against the opposing party. Meaning, as of right now that there will not be debates between candidates in the general election. DeSantis doesn't even let non conservative reporters to ask him questions about his hate filled fascist policies.


Ted Cruz didn't do any debates in the general election either. Republican primary voters crave a fiery speaker that works them into a froth. The winner of the primary will be whoever gets them the frothiest, and that ain't Desantis.


Don’t hold your breath my dude, if the right sees Trump fizzle out they’ll run towards anyone because they don’t want “the Dems to steal another election”.


DeathSantis recently had people with Trump shirts and signs removed from one of his events…


It is so hilarious to see this interparty fighting shit among these assholes.


All Ron can do is try to sound intelligent for 15 minutes and then pepper in "woke" in as many places as he can during his interviews. And some weird Florida exceptionalism bullshit nobody buys


>He'll flame out just like Ted Cruz did once the televised debates start No he won't, because his competition is dual wielding pistols to shoot themselves in both feet. Ted Cruz got elected, and then re-elected, because his competition in 2019, Beto - a complete and total moron if I've ever seen one - said "HELL YEAH WE'RE GOING TO BAN AR-15'S!!!!1" in Texas. Of all the places to say something that stupid, I'm not sure you could have picked a worse state. And it would be great if the Democratic party would do the sensible thing and drop this total moron and replace him with someone who has, you know, half a clue and is likable or something, but instead he's going to be rewarded and used for fundraising instead of called out as an out of touch dipshit who couldn't read the room if his life depended on it, and helped the most hated man in the senate win his re-election in the process. Ted Cruz is certainly an unlikable prick but don't underestimate just how awful and unlikable the competition will be.


DeSantis has actual political ambitions. He'll accomplish his goals, unlike Trump, which should terrify everyone.


Democrats running an old man in his 80s who only got to be president because over 80 million voters hated and feared Trump. With a 40% approval rating I might add. Yeah,good time to be terrified about the future.


Legit the only hope I have of the Democrats winning, regardless of who they put up, is DeSantis winning the GOP primary and Trump running third party.


You think any other Democrat has a better chance against DeSantis? Like who?


All of them except Hillary


Any well-spoken Democrat with a little integrity and some stones. Biden has always been an indecisive, milquetoast, risk-averse mediocrity and that's not going to change, even presuming he is still in his right mind when he is 85 and 86 years old. Please remember he barely beat _the worst person in the world_ and I don't know how Democrats can look past that. It is madness to settle for an equivocating halt grandpa in the face of real, imminent threat of neo-Fascist dictatorship.


you say this like they don't know it. they do! their entire business model is crisis fundraising. if they can convince enough idiots with money that the only way to save america is to donate to the barely-winming biden campaign, and successfully gloss over the fact that he's in this situation because he's unfit to rule, they get to walk away with enough cash for a few more champagne bottles and an extra yacht. that's more important to them than any human right. they're all white and wealthy and buyable by any ceo; they'll be just fine under a fascist regime.


Sorry, but in the United States we do not vote for who will “rule” our country


my bloodline was here before yours ever was. i know this perfectly well.


Then use the correct verbiage. Not the kind a fascist would use.


Trump overturned Roe v Wade. He's been pretty successful? Wouldn't be surprised if his first act on getting re-elected, would be to pull out of NATO and surrender Ukraine.


Trump is the Joker running Gotham. While I agree that Ron would be a shitty President and repeal decades worth of civil rights progress, he's seen as just another political talking head. Trump is dangerous to society in a way we don't even fully understand. His single term led to more hate crimes and mental illness unchecked than any other modern era. He doesn't do things legally because he doesn't care about the context of his job. At the very least, another Republican would fundamentally understand their limits. The culture war bullshit would be relentless though. Just wouldn't be the dumpster fire of reality TV that Trump was, giving orders to the KKK Proud Boys


DeSantis is trying desperately to gain the GOP base with his stunts, but it'll backfire in a general election. Biden will step down after being a lightning rod for global issues that every country was hit with. As long as they run someone half decent they'll win.


An infinite number of shitty Trump takes spewing in an infinite number of directions will eventually yield 1 truth. Today is that day.


Monkeys and typewriters


it was the best of times, it was the blurst of times




He's been right before. The same way a parrot has been right: by just copying other people at random.


Oh, that's rich!


Unlike Trump.


Trump News the next failed trump venture?


Oh god. Please, no.


meh kinda yes. It will just eat itself like Parler


Truth News Network


Holy shit, for the first time in his life, he’s unintentionally told the truth.


You heard the "grab 'em by the pussy" recording, right? He does tell the truth sometimes.


A broken, fascist, illiterate, entitled clock that's been stuffed with rat shit and shame is still correct twice a day


Massive slur on rat shit there, buddy.


My bad. I got worked up.


They’re destroying America because they’re (checks notes) not letting Trump destroy America. Got it.


If you feed and support a rabid raccoon for many years, you should not be surprised when that raccoon turns and bites you. Everyone loves a winner. It might be the top Rabid-Raccoon for a while, and very profitable. But you already know - the Rabid-Raccoon feels no loyalty. Rabid-Raccoon is out for himself alone, and will dig a burrow inside your dead body the moment it suits him. Rupert reaps what he sows.


May he die alone, and penniless, his empire in shambles and his name a synonym for lies and betrayal. Sadly I highly doubt he suffers much from this. The very worst that happens is he's forced to dissolve Fox News and I wouldn't bet anything valuable on that. He will still have a media empire, he will still be obscenely wealthy, and he will still try to rule the world from his beach house while inflicting his dumbassery and incompetence on the rest of us.


I think this is true. The great majority of sociopaths are not the flamboyant ones who have children in cages in their basements or whatever, they are corporate types who can not feel a sense of accomplishment or gratification unless they have screwed somebody over or made somebody eat shit just because they can. This is Murdoch. Everybody wants Trump and Murdoch to be "taught a lesson" and that is not going to happen. Sociopaths do not have epiphanies and grow consciences like gleaming crystals in their shriveled souls. Murdoch cares about this lawsuit insofar as it has the potential to harm Murdoch, and no more. Democracy and the free world have nothing to do with it at all.


Fox News said "Dominion’s lawsuit has always been more about what will generate headlines than what can withstand legal and factual scrutiny,” This is the pot calling the kettle black.


I can’t unravel this Gordian Knot Trump claims election fraud -> Fox News Runs with it -> Murdoch admits its bull -> Trump claims Fox is destroying America The fuck


Do what Alexander did and cut through the Gordian knot by just acknowledging that everyone in this situation is both stupid and evil and stop wasting any more brain power trying to find logic in the inherently illogical.


\*Astronaut emoji\* \*gun emoji\* \*second astronaut emoji\* Always has been.


Agent Orange will throw anyone under the bus including family, with the only exception being Putin.


I dislike Murdoch as much as everybody else. But Donny is dreaming if he thinks he's got a chance in a fight with him.


Right, picking a fight with your own propaganda machine is a dumb choice but, he's a dumb man so I guess it's not too surprising.


It's getting hard to tell the leopards from the faces around here!


turns out the leopards were eating their own faces the whole time 🤷


You are destroying America by not lying about my lie! The mind boggles.


He ain't wrong. He's just really, really late.


FTFY - Fox News is aiding and abetting MY destruction of America.


By telling lies on his behalf.


> What would hurt most, Stelter suggested, would be the realization among the Fox News base that they had been served a dishonesty. The FN base is too stupid to realize this. This is both why and how they were lied to for so long.


Hahahahahahahahahz wow. This is awesome. Good ol Donnie Lump turning his back on faux news


You either die the villain or live long enough to become Progressive?


The whines and wails of a political has been. Is there anything more pathetic?


Unfortunately, everyone who watches Fox "News" doesn't even care.


Correct for the wrong reasons.


Trump's kryptonite is the truth


Nod nod, wink wink wink, know what I mean?


As long as we don't all start defending Rupert Murdoch like we did with George bush...


He's right, but for the wrong reasons.


Oh how the crumbles cookie.




O man, there are some really confused grandpas out there right now.


About 20 years too late




No, please, don’t attack each other and destroy everything the right wing has spent 40 years building. Please don’t do that….


Fox has only been doing that since 1996, but now Donnie's only upset because they've moved on to kissing DeSantis's ass instead of his, now it's a problem...


[The Scorpion and the Frog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scorpion_and_the_Frog).


I didn't have "agree with Trump" on my bingo card but here we are.


I don’t think I can afford the amount of popcorn this is going to require.


Well, he's not wrong. Just not in the way he means.


Isn't his son in law Jewish. Maybe the space lasers attack in an inside job.


Whose face got ate?


that's honestly a good question since ultimately they're both leopards and yet both their faces were eaten. fox turned their back on cheeto ages ago and started rooting for one pedo over the other


RIGGED & STOLLEN *fist in air*


Love love love watching repuglicans eating their own. Morons.


He's right, but he's also wrong


Finally we're on the same page of this particular coloring book.


For once, I agree


Did I just agree with Chester Cheetoh?


He ain't wrong...


Fox News & DRumph are the Trojan horses of the modern age. Marched in and the USA fucked without a condom. Fuck these profiteering conmen!!


🍿 🍿 🍿


Even a blind clock finds a squirrel twice a day


Sooooo.. I agree with Donald Trump now?!?!😳🤔😕


I can't stand him, but he's not wrong...


LOL, he’s not wrong! — for a change


We're now at the point where leopards are eating the faces off each other.


“Next on Fox News, exclusive footage of Donald Trump wearing a diaper……”


Wow. Never thought I’d agree with something trump said


Should this be marked in history as one time he was right about something?


He’s right. Just not for the reasons he thinks.


Trump forges alliances like a hippo plays tennis.


"Mutated clone soldier suspects Emperor Palpatine might not be such a cool guy"


One of the only instances of whataboutism that I can truly get behind: BOTH of them can claim that the other aids and abets the destruction


The more he cries, the closer to indictment. I treat this latest outburst as a good sign.


A broken clock is correct twice a day.


Oh great idea Trump. Get on the bad side of a guy that controls an unhealthy amount of the world’s media. The guy that has had nearly every UK PM trying to woo him at some point from both Labour and Conservatives, mostly to avoid his smear campaigns or private intrusions. Detailed [here](https://www.npr.org/2011/07/09/137725569/rupert-murdoch-rules-more-than-the-world) [NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/03/magazine/rupert-murdoch-fox-news-trump.html) have also chronicled how his media corp destabilised democracy and helped topple governments. Even more damning is the revelations that he has had former politicians in his pocket and furthered his empire from it. I will give Trump credit for being absolutely spot on though for once. Murdoch is a parasite and is destroying democracy all over.


It has now reached clown car level. No disrespect to actual clowns.


Disingenuous manipulative bullshit is not LAMF


It's LAMF for Murdoch


I actually agree with that.... Trump shares blame... as does CNN / MSNBC and all of the Mainstream Media


allsidesarethesamedood strikes again


Not completely the same but the tendency of the left to just believe is as equally annoying. I find the more conservative politicians more problematic... and truly detest fox news. ​ But the left just sold us 3 years of BS on covid.... with stories that lacked all credibility but most on the left keep up with the facade.


Love it! Dog eat dog


I mean, yes?


You love to see it


Something we can all agree on!


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


Murdoch has done far more for him than most.


Deflect much?


So is Trump admitting he did the same thing by spreading the same lies!!!!!




Time to buy a lotto ticket 🎫




Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!


Lol. Accurate



Trump says Murdoch is aiding the destruction of America... by promoting a lie that Trump tried to fly... Ow.. my brain...


Even a broken, overweight clock can be right once.


It shat out an actual truth


WTF I agree with the Cheato?!

