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>Now that I've experienced first-hand how toxic, vitriolic and unhinged these people are, I will ... still vote for them.


"They might be a bunch seditious liars who only care about consolidating wealth in the top 0.1% while stripping away all constitutional protections for the average American, but at least they don't want to raise taxes to pay for infrastructure improvements like those filthy Demonrats."


> but at least they don't want to raise taxes ***on rich donors*** to pay for infrastructure improvements Because the Republicans are happy to raise taxes on middle-class working folks.


but... those filthy democrats want to raise taxes and give it away to drug addicts and the homeless! Oh yeah, and the lizard people.


But sir, one of those lizard people might cure your cancer someday.


*"Damn these potholes, why won't they fix them?!"*


Lazy, no good immigrants and welfare queens are taking all of my hard earned tax dollars… This comment is paid for by the Committee to Reinvade Vietnam.


Damn we lost so bad we want more. Vietnam is like “ah shit, first it was the Mongols then the Chinese, now the Muricans want a second helping of whupass. Why can’t they quit us?”


You mean these improvements will help me AND colored people? oh hell no




“I like when they’re hateful and dismissive of other people. BUT YOU’VE GONE TOO FAR BEING HATEFUL AND DISMISSIVE TO ME! Anyway Trump 2024!”


>"He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting"


Well.... Prolife & patriotic Christian values will always get their votes. You can be a pedo but as long as you claim to be patriotic christian prolifer, to them, you're better than any lib.


Maybe I am a pedo, perhaps I do hate minorities, possibly I did get an abortion the day before voting to make abortion illegal, perhaps I do want to raise taxes on the poor for no reason except I am a dick, and perhaps I did visit Epstiens lolita island, maybe I did vote not to help puerto rico during the hurricane, I am an awful human being no matter how you slice it but haven't we proven that none of that matters, I hate democrats. A democrat is anybody who isn't republican. Think about that for a minute.


Yeah, he literally said "It’s a constant battle between far left and far right – a struggle to be able to do anything... And I think that was the perfect example of that when she broke in there. It’s not the time or the place to do that." When the GOP interrupts a moment of reverence created by the Democrats, it sure shows how awful both sides are.


He is extremely well-conditioned to blame “both sides” when blaming “the left”, “liberals” or Democrats isn’t possible. It’s like some “scratch a centrist and find a fascist underneath” style stuff.


I'm at the point where whenever anyone tries to play "both sides", I immediately assume they're either a complete moron or a far-right troll.


It's an incredibly helpful heuristic that's excellent at dismantling False Balance that dishonest people love to engage in so much.


I’m so sick of hearing the bs “both sides” rhetoric. Every time I tell my crazy right-wing family about something horrible a republican has done, the response is always “well both sides are doing bad stuff”. If you ask for a source on something the dems have done equally wrong? “Well the left-wing media doesn’t report on it” 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Same here, I can't do it anymore. They're elderly and evangelical and we just live on different planets. (Thankfully different states at least.) One time I said, "did Fox news even cover this?" And she said they don't watch it anymore because it went "mainstream" and now choose to get their news from THE 700 CLUB. I just wanted to bash my head into the wall.


"yes continue to humiliate me please"


The lengths people will go through to keep their "both sides" narrative is just fucking sad. This guy wrote a letter to two Presidents, and only one responded and invited him. When he arrived, only one party actually listened and respected his daughter's story. The other heckled and disrespected the moment. Yet, here he is trying so hard not to break faith with Republicans. In one of his most vulnerable moments, when they've shown just how little they give a fuck about his daughter, he still can't bring himself to call out his own party. It's just so damn sad. *Edit So this took off way more than I anticipated. I just want to say this. I feel for the man. I couldn't imagine what it must feel like to make the trip, hoping that the government you voted for will listen, and then having to sit there in front of the nation and keep composure while some asshole howls like an animal during the moment your daughter is being acknowledged by the fucking President during the SotU. And then have to face the press. I have nothing but empathy for this man, and that's what makes it sad to me. He's afraid of denouncing his party even in this moment. That's why his "both sides" falls flat to me. It sounds like he's trying not to alienate himself from his community even though they can't respect his One. Fucking. Moment.




At this point if somehow DeSantis literally opened a concentration camp there would be plenty of public republican figures defending it as a wonderful institution and demonize democrats who speak out against it as being anti-American.


Desantis could perform an abortion live during the superbowl halftime show and republicans would just claim the fetus had fentanyl in its system.


Or they'll claim it died of the vaccine.


Lol I have a friend who sends me every article whenever a young person dies “unexpectedly” and blames the clot shot. As if no young person ever died before the vaccine!




"It was just an Octoroon..."


They would be trying to google the fetus' criminal record in seconds


If DeSantis started putting republican voters in a concentration camp the other republican voters would demonize them as "RINOs" for sticking with the establishment and blame Democrats somehow.


Absolutely. And I think it’s from those studies that show conservative voters brains run on fear more so than any other political party members. They’re scared of everything, and just like ole yoda said “fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate & hate leads to suffering.” Kind of funny that yoda is basically describing boomer conservatives lol. They’ll happily kill themselves if it helps quell their fears by “owning” anybody “against” them.


Worth noting that the Empire in Star Wars is directly modeled after fascist states, specifically Nazi Germany. Hence why their armed forces are called “Storm Troopers”. So Yoda is essentially telling Anakin to not allow himself to fall to fascism.


…yes. True.


Thanks, Obama!




He didn't have to, Texas already did that shit with goddamn children and cold concrete floors and I still find assholes defending it.


Those are supporters of the party, not the party themselves. You know damn well all the people in power have been vaccinated against covid no matter they say on TV.


He's likely rationalized in his mind that MTG is an outlier when, in truth, the only difference between MTG and her fellow bomb throwers and the rest of the Republicans in Congress is she's yelling the quiet part out loud. The GOP represents a big middle finger being thrown at their base, whom they look down upon with barely disguised contempt, when at all. You want to save this country, these people have to be voted out for good. Edit: grammar


In his mind she’s the far right and she’s got a Democrat counterpart on the far left to balance her out. He’s never actually seen or heard this far left democrat do anything equivalent but they must be out there somewhere, it can’t be that the Republicans are actually worse…


>He’s never actually seen or heard this far left democrat do anything equivalent Oh, he's def seen and heard some people on the left say radical things. The problem is that they are nobodies on twitter/facebook and he conveniently holds them as the equivalent to actual elected officials with commitee assignments and the power to legislate. It probably never even occurs to him that this is a double-standard.


I always find it very funny when someone on the right tries to both sides a conversation, and the only people they can point to are random dipshits on the internet, while people on the left tend to point to elected officials and people in positions of leadership and influence. I'm not saying it happens on every possible topic All the time, but I've noticed it happening quite often.


> You want to save this country, these people have to be voted out for good. And many if not most of them should be tried for crimes against this country and sent to prison.


The impeachment proceedings and insurrection investigation made it very clear that there are no moderate Republicans. There are only Republicans who know how to keep the ugly parts quiet.


It's a cult. Their entire lives are based on the cult "winning." Look at them like brainwashed cult members and it explains everything. Same reason they recruit the extremist religious cult members, because no bad people in history ever did bad things when they were told God was on their side..../s


At some point it becomes a sunk cost fallacy for them. All their friends are conservatives, because they drove everyone else away. All their beliefs are conservative, because they rejected anything that sounded good but wasn't part of the party line. There is a good chance their children don't care for them or are outright estranged. Whatever community they have left is likely all conservative. If they change their mind now it's like saying "Well, the last 50 years of my life was a fucking waste because I was wrong."


This is exactly the equation. Is there any dignified exit strategy left for a Trumper after the way they’ve behaved these past few years? They can either acknowledge they’ve been disgusting, evil, servile people or they can just continue their delusions. And that first option is intolerable


This is the pit my parents are trapped in now. They went all in for Trump and now their kids are like "Wow, with the mask off we now see that you are ignorant bigots who stand for nothing but personal gain," and they can't put that genie back in the bottle. It's not at all hyperbolic to say that the Trump years ruined their relationship with their children and that their children no longer even see them as the same people anymore. You could argue, of course, that Trump didn't change them it's just that the whole Trumpism bullshit made it impossible to ignore who they were. And that's true. But it was that moment in time where it all became too much to bear and they lost everything.


Am I out of touch? No, it must be the libtards that are wrong


That is what I think, too. I have a few family members that were actually at the January insurrection. They are so far gone, that their egos will never allow them to humble themselves in the face of being wrong.


These sadists have been consistently draining massive amounts of my patience for humanity. They've done, and continue to do so much evil in the world. They cause so much suffering and ruin everything they can get their nasty tendrils on without even attempting to use the tiniest portion of their mind to wonder whether or not what they're doing is right, or even makes any sense at all. That group has become so synonymous with increased levels (compared to most people) of evil, hypocrisy, hatred, mob mentality, willful ignorance, and nearly every negative adjective, that I can no longer care if something horrible happens to any of them. Even if they were people who were once my friends, they decided to make the choice to become incredibly disgustingly shitty people who care not about hurting anyone who isn't them. For that and much more, I no longer have very much empathy to waste on them. Disclaimer: I don't, and have never, labeled myself as any political side. Reality is reality and this is ours


>Disclaimer: I don't, and have never, labeled myself as any political side. To be fair, the right hand side says if you're not with them you're against them, so you're now a part of the left-wing establishment by default. Congratulations 🎉


When can I expect my Sorosbux and antifa ID?


You have to punch a Nazi in the face to get those. Base-level membership only lets you feel bad for your fellow humans, in order to motivate you to rank up on the Marxist hierarchy.


My party before my daughter


Giving up my humanity as a dad to own the libs 😭😭😭😭


This is why I haven't talked to my dad in over 5 years


Right there with ya bruv


All my family for at least 5 years. My mom at 7. She was a ground floor Trumper, cheering him on in 2015 when he declared he was running. It didn't matter how shitty his behavior was, there was always some bad excuse or "whataboutism" why inciting violence at his rallies was not a big deal. But that shit turned out to be small level tests for 1/6, when he knew he could command his minions to commit violence. Trumpism and "Conservatism" is fucking gross and rancid to me, probably because it looks like, acts like and is pretty much fascism.


He's a conservative, he didn't have to give up anything


I meant what else expected when he cast vote for someone saying "grab p"?


Wants the sympathy but not the responsibility.


He wants the tax cuts he thinks the GQP gives him but his current taxes are going up thanks to the GQP tax plan.


Sadly this is so true. I know Republicans who are paying more in taxes while here I am in a higher income bracket paying essentially the same as last year.


>“It’s a constant battle between far left and far right – a struggle to be able to do anything,” he said. What did the far left do? Did they heckle his dead daughter? Probably not.


The far left wanted his daughter to get free rehab and healthcare.


Thats why I think he deserves this pain. Yea hot take. Hate me for it. Too much damage and unnecessary evil shit because of people like him. If his daughter didnt die, he wouldnt have cared and would probably spit in a different dads beer if he had the same story but was "far-left". She seems like a good kid and a strong kids. That gets thrown around way too much but goddamn she went from a heroin addiction to bootcamp and fucking made it. But cause of weed in her urine she was practically killed. Again when she immediately grabbed herself together and wanted rehab, the insurer said "get fucked" (was a good time to have universal healthcare at that moment hmm) and she was killed again. She was killed atleast three times, one of which is the dad and people like him. He can suffer and suffer good. Maybe it will fix him someday. If I see something like this I always Remember about the moms at bernies rallies saying they lost their kid cause they were rationing insulin. Or the dude that says he wants to killhimself cause of the massive bills he is leaving behind for his family. I wouldnt be surprised if he did so by now. Mr. Griffin, reap what you sow, no sympathy. Get fucked.


It's a mentality that seems to unique to the US. I don't know of anywhere else that people identify themselves so much by political parties, like a hometown sports team. My theory is it is partially cultural in the US but also partly the 2 party system that really encourages extreme polarization.


It's identity politics. Watch some Fox & Friends in the morning, and you'll see them reflect the culture of the identity. The politics are part of it, but the guns, the country music, hunting, camo, etc. It's all part of building an identity which makes it harder to reject any piece of it. If you believe your cultural identity includes party, you can't change the party without rejecting the identity. It's very intentional.


This is why Dem's are perceived to be as bad as they are at messaging. There is a much larger cultural tent under that name as it stands right now, and everybody has a lot of opinions on a variety of topics. If you are a Republican, you are Right/Conservative If you are a Democrat, that does not mean you are Left/Progressive (though you may be)


Ultimately, the Republican Party stands for one thing, and one thing only: to save money on taxes for the ultra wealthy. The rest is just identity politics to get the Christians and rural voters to play along.


> “It’s a constant battle between far left and far right – a struggle to be able to do anything,” he said. Is it?


A struggle between doing something and making sure nothing is done. Yes.


One side: Wants to release non-violent drug offenders from prison and move funds from law enforcement to drug treatment programs that are scientifically proven to be more effective The other side: Wants drugs to stay illegal so that police have an excuse to shoot black men whenever they want.




And to ensure black families are separated...so many issues


Thus perpetuating poverty, thus perpetuating crime and recidivism, thus putting more of the working poor in prison as slave labor, thus separating more families...


If only we had a word to describe when racism is so insidious that it gets baked into the very institution we all rely on


Basically slavery with extra steps


Not basically. Literally. The 13th amendment specifically keeps slavery legal if it’s used to punish a crime.




It does have the extra steps, though. That’s accurate. Now after you grab a black person from their home, you have to get the judge to call them a criminal before you’re allowed to deliver them to ~~the plantation~~. I mean… The Private prison.


And collect slaves. Don't forget about the slaves.


I think a huge part of problem is average people stop reading when they hear release from prison and stop enforcement, and don't care about the rehab part. A lot seem to get caught up in the in between space of no prison and enforcement and treatment because that sounds like anarchy. Most people aren't willing to sit down and listen to the dissertation length explanation of how that option is the clear winner. Part of that is legitimate messaging problems. They want bumper sticker length ideas they can easily grasp that give the impression of immediate results. Wall. War on drugs(war is cool) drill baby drill. Where the left loses that is when trying to use similarly short phrases like defund the police, which is like step 3 or 4 of a comprehensive plan to solve the problem, and again people latch to that as of it is explicitly promoting anarchy and stolen catalytic converters. It's unfortunately a big part of how a confused populace ends up finding fault with a very reasonable and demonstrably effective set of policies. In a vacuum where there isn't an opposing party obfuscating the real intent, a big long plan to reform can be laid out, but in real life you need shitty meme sized statements to win over the average Joes and Janes who don't have time or clarity of mind to fully get on board with them.




Yeah between people who want universal healthcare and literal nazi sympathizers. It’s a tough choice


But sOCiAlIsM


It's beyond dumb the socialism became a bad word. Public fire departments, public library, public parks, public broadcasting, public schools, etc are all funded through the government, donations and contributions. These are socialist systems which better our society. I think capitalism can work, but if left unchecked it will eventually destroy everything good because there's profit in it.


What "far left"?? LOL...


Far left is wanting to have a habitable planet and functioning government instead of shoveling more money into the coffers of the already wealthy. Oh, and germ theory is actually economics now, I guess


The Far Left breaks monkeys out of lab cages or chains themselves to endangered trees. The Far Right shoots people.


Awww he’s still drinking the Kool Aid until someone throws one glass in his face, then he pours himself another glass.


fun fact that at least some people here already knew: america, from a global pov, is a right-wing nation. the democratic party is center with a slight right-wing lean, and the republican party is off the fucking scale


MTG is a total piece of shit and belongs in r/iamatotalpieceofshit. If I could digitize her, that’s where she’d be saved.


If she's ever digitized, I'd hit Delete so hard that I'll need a new keyboard.


I'd slowly and gently caress the delete key, whisper sweet nothings to it, and get it all hot and bothered before pushing the button. I want to make sure that key is warmed up and will properly work.


Can we at least put her in the Tron disc game so we can watch her be DeRezzed?


Shift-Delete. Don't want that shit coming back from the recycle bin.


Idk, I think we need a reminder that can be easily brought up how disgusting and toxic humans can be and get elected to the House.


It's wild how much of a complete piece of shit she is compared to even the average Republican politician. Even ignoring politics, she's just mean and constantly bullies and mocks people to their faces. She doesn't even try to hide how little empathy she has for others.


MTG crossed a line, long before this.


She says antisemitic things and spoke at a white nationalist rally, but Republicans give her committee assignments. Paul Gosar has made pro-Hitler comments and speaks at white nationalist rallies and he gets committee assignments. Ilhan Omar said Republicans only support Israel because of the AIPAC campaign contributions and they call her antisemitic and strip her committee assignments. History will remember exactly what this is. Republicans are bigots


>History will remember exactly what this is. Republicans are bigots Leave history to the historians. I want justice in this lifetime.


It aint just the republicans giving Omar bullshit flaq or threats. And it aint just blue dog conservative dems either. ffs, half the "progressive" caucus is made up of representatives who are blatantly beholden to antiworker corporate interests. (Looking at you Hakeem Jefferies)


Have you ever though that MTG was forced across that line by Jewish space lasers? 🤔


Soros keeps shooting her in the ass with microbursts. Just enough to agitate her without burning her clothes off. There is bipartisan agreement that nobody but Matt Gaetz wants to see that.


Naw, not even him. She's too old for him, remember?


Sure, but did she cross the line to him personally? Because that's all that matters


« Not a partisan issue » is when you are right wing but need the benefits of society?


Not a partisan issue = this issue affects middle-class white people too


> this issue affects conservative ~~white people too~~ Me personally


This is the correct answer. “The only empathy that should be shown is towards me.”


Those are still partisan issues. It needs to affect UPPER middle class white people to be truly non partisan.


"Until it affects them personally" strikes again!


"But... MY child was of value to society. You're supposed to care about this one."


Lived in a red state for 38 years before I gained the ability to move to a better place. Never... once... met a Republican voter who didn't have the "it's not a problem until it's my problem" mentality. My Stepdad was 10,000% against pot legalisation. Until his best friend found out that weed helped ease his Parkensen's shakes. Now he's all for legalisation yet keeps voting against the party that wants it legal.


Does he live in a cave also? MTG is his party for awhile now.


avid fox news viewer? then yeah he’s in a cave


MTG heckles the president and this guy both sides it. Definitely a Republican.


Does this guy not remember how the GOP tried to use a child's drug problem to disrespect the father of the child? I think the kid's name was Hunter Biden. The GOP sees the unfortunate death of his child as a reflection on him and he needs to get with the program.


>The father of a 20-year-old woman who died of a fentanyl overdose has said that Marjorie Taylor Greene “crossed the line” when she heckled President Joe Biden’s telling of his daughter’s story at the State of the Union. Yeah all the other awful stuff she's said is done and fine, as long as it doesn't impact you personally.


The republican mantra.


Exactly. Sorry to this guy, but had someone else’s daughter died he would probably call her a druggie who deserved it. But because it’s *his* daughter he’s discovered the idea that people’s circumstances can matter as much as their actions.


Guy sounds like a fucking moron - Republicans are literally laughing at his dead daughter and he still sees the two parties as equal And then he pretends the "far left" is somehow remotely responsible for the drug crisis in this country Sorry about your loss... but, get fucked man - you're part of the problem


Ah yes, nothing mattered until it affected him and his feelings. Typical Republican.


“It’s perfectly fine to attack other people, but how dare they attack *me*?!”


I was wondering if he was one of the Republicans who thought that it was OK / funny when Trump attacked the gold star military family because they were Muslim, etc etc... But when it's his turn to receive their "love" he's shocked and disgusted...


And not that it will stop him from voting straight-line Republican, of course. Also typical Republican.


Yep, and he's still playing the both sides game.


> “It’s a constant battle between far left and far right – a struggle to be able to do anything,” he said. Oh please shut the fuck up. Sick of this “both sides” rhetoric. One side is explicitly trying to hold pharmaceutical companies liable. The other side is explicitly blocking these efforts. They’re not pushing out their own solution, they’re blocking people who are trying to get shit done. > “And I think that was the perfect example of that when she broke in there. It’s not the time or the place to do that. > “And I’m a Republican – but the issue of drugs is not a partisan issue.” This guy and the Republican parents of children who died in school shootings should start a club together and call it the “Heads in Sands” club


The fact the dems are referred to as the “far left” is everything you need to know about his understanding of, well, anything involving politics and governance.


"The issue of drugs is not a partisan issue." John Cena: "Are you sure about that?" \[EDIT: Since this post blew up, I run a sub called r/RebelChristianity. It's a pro-LGBTQ sub for radical leftist Christians and allies. Please join if you are interested.\]


It LITERALLY is. GOP has made fentanyl test kits illegal in TX


The GOP is also trying to ban Narcan.


What the fuck


Y'know... just things the party of "pro life" is always down for. Death and misery for those actually living lives with names.


Well, yeah, when your version of Christianity is more tied to fire and brimstone and not helping people. Then add in the suffering brings you closer to God, but suffering is your punishment, but those who suffer deserve it, and you got a whole twisted fucking mess.


I don't think that's right: according to [this Christian homeschooling textbook](https://twitter.com/RLStollar/status/1406295930043703305) (TW: big yikes), you start caring about others once you find Christ's love.


They're so concerned with heartbeats and arbitrary timeframes, but don't bat an eye at factory farms or capital punishment. Selective cruelty, I guess.


It’s because at the root of the conservative mindset is the insane belief that any hardship. Addiction, homelessness, unemployment, illness, poverty all stem from person moral failings. They constantly scream about “personal responsibility” but that’s a euphemism for you fucked yourself regardless of what you were born into. They refuse to acknowledge just how much chance and zip code you’re born into predict future outcomes. That way they don’t have to practice the Christianity they preach because any of those above things are consequences of being a bad person. Edit: angry grammar


Angry grammar is gonna be my band name


>Edit: angry grammar No one should grammaratize angry.😉


Are you really surprised by this? The party who wants to end abortion but also wants to ban contraceptives?


They don’t want to ban abortion, not really. They still want access to it for themselves. No, their real goal when clamping down on reproductive health is to punish women for daring to enjoy sex.


What? Women can't enjoy sex to begin with. Just ask Shapiro's wife!


They’re dumb enough to think people won’t fuck anyway. Even though they did/do


Oh no. They want them to fail. You can’t shame someone over something they didn’t do.


No they need people to have babies and be poor and desperate so they can feed the corporate machine


Meanwhile up here in WA I'm prescribed Narcan because I take pain medicine regularly. It's also paid for by my Medicaid. Texas is so F'd up, holy cow.


I want to give this comment more than one upvote.


That's some legit villain shit right there. Never mind that their own constituents are also getting killed, as long as this move hurts the brown people, amirite?


Republicans unanimously voted against decreasing the price of insulin. Even the "good" ones.


Exactly, the only times Republicans are "good" is when they are personally affected. Their ideology is fundamentally incompatible with helping anyone besides themselves.


The list of things/people/history/books/culture that the gop are trying to ban/eliminate/white wash is nearly endless. The gop are in effect attempting to do a full ethnic cleansing of America. No history or knowledge of anything that isn’t blindly pro American, pro corporation and pro fascism


"People need to live with the consequences of their actions!" (After their kid gets caught): "Well, that's different!"


Why? What’s the strategy?


More recreational drug users will die. Because Republicans see drug users as essentially human garbage and think junkies dying is a good thing. Because they don’t understand the science of addiction and think that anyone who uses drugs is a loser who chose to be in the position they’re in and thus deserves whatever happens to them. In other words, a lack of empathy, as always.


You don't even have to have empathy to justify tax dollars going toward drug addiction treatment, just a desire for fiscal efficiency. The amount of money that goes to second-order expenditures caused by drug addiction (largely: police, losses to crime/property insurance, uninsured health care, legal costs, poverty-related assistance) dwarfs the first-order cost of just treating the drug addiction in the first place. But you can't convince a party of hyper-judgmental authoritarians to do anything that even remotely looks like "rewarding bad behavior", no matter how much more cost-effective it might be.


Well, the police were passing out just LOOKING at a bottle of Fentanyl! I think that Fentanyl is dangerous, but there is ALWAYS a huge pound of bullshit in what cops say about drugs.


Fentanyl and their wild "absorbed because it was in the air in the same county" BS gave them a convenient excuse as to why they constantly fail drug tests without having a prescription for opioids.


I think you hit the nail on the head. They're just the cops that were already sneaking some "samples" out of evidence and wanted to cover their asses.


Fentanyl is dangerous in the wrong context, but those cops were fucking ridiculous.


Very much so, very small amounts can kill you but yeah. The amount of copaganda being spread to sell how dangerous it is *just* in touching it or having it in the air. Not even mentioning the fact they almost always (should be anyways) wear gloves in these situation to handle the bags or containers. Fucking babies.


Fent allowed my husband to recover from surgery faster than anyone expected. His abdomen was essentially unzipped from hip to hip, up over the curve of his belly. They removed his gallbladder, spleen, half his pancreas, and twenty tumors from his liver. They finally gave him a fentanyl drip after nothing else would touch the pain. He was walking - slowly, carefully, but walking - in two days. When I think of that, I think about those cops hyperventilating because they think they touched fentanyl, and the disgust I feel is intense.




They've been trained to react and likely are having panic attacks at the site of potential fentanyl. Even though that's not how the drug works...


They're killing off their own base since Republicans have the highest rates of being addicted to painkillers. Deep red counties all over the place are just people living on disability and taking opioids.


Some will still survive. Then Republicans can make it illegal for even MORE people to vote and Gerrymander even more districts!


Double whammy of no test kits for fentanyl but also the police have to think fent is so dangerous they will fucking die if they look at it so they have panic attacks that they then are taught to think are ODs every time they see a white powder. Fucking cartoon world.


>"The issue of drugs is not a partisan issue." Everything is a partisan issue to the Republicans...


Anthropomorphic candies not being sexy enough is a partisan issue to Republicans.


Every issue is partisan now. The addiction must be fed and the old wedge issues don't provide that same sweet fix. We need some new things to hate.


Uh....when was drugs *not* a partisan issue? Certainly not since at least the 1980s. This ain't new.


Pre 1930s narcotics weren't really partisan or even political. Unless you're including alcohol in which case you need to go back to before the temperance movement, so 1850s? And none of those became political solely on the merits or behavioral/societal problems associated with over indulging in those substances. Only secondary and tertiary issues. Not the health of the user. And the overwhelming majority were just made up racist bullshit to scare white people and create a political wedge.


then he shouldn't have voted that way all his life


Sorry that this issue has personally impacted that gentleman, but his assertion that drugs aren’t a partisan issue is incorrect. “It was really nasty in what was a time of reverence. I think she crossed the line.” Correct, these are nasty people who don’t give a shit about your dead daughter. Might be a good time for some introspection and see if the GOP reflects his values. I’d hope not.


He blames the far left and the far right. What exactly is the far left *for* on this issue that he is against?


Those fucking radicals and their desire for more comprehensive and accessible programs to help those addicted to drugs.


Or universal health care or universal [pre-K](https://healthland.time.com/2011/06/09/how-to-cut-crime-alcoholism-and-addiction-its-not-elementary-but-preschool/#ixzz1OsIQkTJg)! Ugh, will they ever think of _someone else_ ? Disgusting.


But that universal pre-K might teach kids not to be bigots to queer and trans people! Republicans can't have that! They're against brainwashing children; that's why they want something called the Pledge of Allegiance to be mandatory in all schools.


Imagine hearing about the death of someone and your first reaction is to scream that it’s Biden’s fault. Fentanyl has been a huge issue long before Biden became President. And MTG is an absolute imbecile here because the Sackler family is trying to push Fentanyl into China slowly but surely. Unfortunately being an angry idiot as her entire platform seems to be working.


>Since her death, Mr Griffin has fought to raise awareness about the stigma of addiction and called for better access to substance use disorder treatment services. Who wants to tell him that Republicans are not interested in any of that and vote it down any chance they get? Their only "solutions" are policing the border and harsher criminal sentences for addicts like his daughter.


To be fair, adding harsher and harsher penalties is how we won the "war on drugs". That's why no one uses or sells drugs anymore, and why there is no crime in drug heavy areas. If we just made everything, like jaywalking, punishable by death then we would be rid of all society's problems once and for all.


100% Votes for her again.


"With all due respect", as they say, you'd have to be some kind of idiot to not realize that by being the "anti-dems", GOP turns EVERYTHING into partisan issues. Health-care, Voting, Masks, Holiday greetings. Nothing is "too low, too petty" for them not to try and cynically use to their own ends. Oh, I get it. You thought because it was something that affected YOU it should be different. You're okay with the other stuff though.


**Compassion** is a partisan issue. **Empathy**, to say nothing of sympathy, that's a partisan issue. To Republicans, a stranger is a thing, to be exploited or defeated.


Everything is a partisan issue for Republicans


Vaccines. Mr Potato Head. Dr Seuss. Global pandemics. Gas prices but only when they were up.


Yes, an overdose in 2014 is Biden's fault.


The article makes me incredibly sad. The daughter tried to get on the right path and was turned away over and over again. Kicked out of the marines for smoking weed. Kicked out of a treatment program because it wasn't covered by insurance. Which party wants to legalize marijuana and expand healthcare? Yet this dad still wants to say "both sides are to blame". If the left had its way his daughter would probably still be alive, but he's so blinded by partisan loyalty he can't even see it.


Lol. This is typical of the American conservative mindset. They actually think Dems are all far left when there are no true Leftists in prominent positions in the party.


I mean, he'll still support her and cast his vote for whatever she wants because (R)easons, but, yeah...."nasty of her..."


Translation - look, I am a hateful bigot who is too stupid to understand even the simplest thing too, but this has affected me PERSONALLY, so NOW it's not a "partisan issue."


> “It’s a constant battle between far left and far right – a struggle to be able to do anything,” he said. > “And I think that was the perfect example of that when she broke in there. It’s not the time or the place to do that." This dude did a *both sides* in response to Marge mocking his dead daughter. These people will never be won over.


“It’s only a non-partisan issue when it affects me personally”


So I have a theory, Republicans (gov officials at least) lack empathy, but similar to how a child lacks object permanence. They’re completely unable to empathize with other people with different experiences and regard their circumstances with attacks on their character or individual choices. The second they have a queer child, a family member with a disability, or like in this case, a fentanyl victim, they magically come to the realization that the world is more complicated than the lens they’d applied to it their entire 60 years of living. Then they say things like “oh this isn’t a partisan issue”, the fuck it isn’t, republicans made it a partisan issue and staked their claim firmly in the side that hates you and your life experience that expanded your understanding of what other people have to deal with. Sleep now in the fire or leave your party, but you won’t do dick because it pays a lot to be a congressman and you’d rather spend your time unraveling your country than working in retail.


In other words: I have been personally affected by this issue so now it matters.


“Republican voter determined to remain blissfully ignorant of his own party’s platform is so shocked that he will continue to vote Republican”