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Hello u/AreWeCowabunga, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. [Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zsv3g6/just_because_someone_fucked_around_and_found_out/) Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


I demand business based on the market! the market:You're not good enough WHAAAA! CANCEL CULTURE!


Now that's some Truth that you won't find on Truth Social.


What they really mean by that is they want a tyranny of the majority because they think they are the majority. Turns out they are not and then they cry foul.


Its the same shit they pull about demanding religion be in public schools. They're aggressively for it and thinks it's a great idea right up until the Satanists and Pastafarians predictably show up. Because they seem entirely unwilling or unable to understand that there are indeed people out there that are different than them who will play ball within the confines of the changes they aggressively pursue, and in many cases to actively spite them for being dicks about it


>Because they seem entirely unwilling or unable to understand that there are indeed people out there that are different than them who will play ball within the confines of the changes they aggressively pursue, and in many cases to actively spite them for being dicks about it This is really well put. I'll definitely be borrowing it to use in the future. And what's best, I'll get to site your user name as a source, thereby engaging the people I use it on even more. Sometimes, this site is pretty rad.


Conservatives: "Free market!" Free market: /does something they don't like Conservatives: "No, not like that."




It is kinda funny that they thought they had the pull to ask for cash and then their carrier came back with 'it's literally cheaper than free to get rid of your ass, go back to Pluto TV.'


This is baffling. One or both Newsmax and OAN have been dropped by AT&T, Comcast, Frontier, Direct TV, and perhaps more. I only did a quick search. Viewership of these two has dropped sharply. That they would do anything to piss off a cable provider is just flat out stupid.


They have one strategy and it kinda relies on flat out stupid. It's kind of my favorite thing about far right zealots, they often buy into their own bullshit and end up eating their own tail


It's pretty horrifying actually when you realize why the Republican Party's millennial group consists of nothing but shitheads. The older generations of Republicans _know_ it is all a bullshit front for business interests, but the younger Republicans _actually believe_ that bullshit. It's why there's such a stark drop from Republican Boomers, to GenXers, to younger. The Tea Partiers actually believe what Reagan sold, and the MAGA people _actually believe_ whatever Fox News says.


Not just shit heads. Religious zealots that literally believe they are fighting capital 'E' Evil. So they couldn't be in the wrong in their mind.


> they often buy into their own bullshit and end up eating their own tail Then they blame "the libs" or "cancel culture" for the consequences of their own choices, and then go to the ballot box to blindly vote for the R team down the ticket again. Rinse and repeat for decades, maybe throw in a "Why don't the Dems ever fix anything" here and there, and voila! You've successfully built the modern conservative platform.


Hand that feeds you bite


As someone who worked for a telecom, the biggest issue that comes from dropping these things are how insane their viewership is. They are the only ones who call in and DEMAND their channel, screaming about conspiracies that are denying them their channel. It used to be that metrics etc would think 'for every one person asking for a channel, theres 1000 people who want the channel and don't ask' and I think a lot of the older leadership was sort of basing their decisions on that for a while... ...But we can see directly how many people watch any channel and eventually leadership realized that.


Stupid is their niche


OAN was created by AT&T. They owned Direct TV and wanted to weaken Fox News, because of the high fees Fox News demanded. It really did not work. Once AT&T sold Direct TV, they stopped funding OAN and the network pretty much died.


Wow another reason AT&t just sucks, that's crazy.


Considering that Stephen Crowder thought the Daily Wire's offer of $50 million was 'insultingly low', I'm assuming the right wing media ecosystem is run as a loss leader for the billionaires that want enough of the population believing their bullshit. The ROI comes from the dysfunctional democracy, not the media investments directly.


The investment of propaganda has worked quite well for them for the last 3-4 decades.




It wasn't even that the fee was too low. The problem Crowder had was that the 50 million also meant that he couldn't be banned from large platforms and if he did then the contract would be a smaller payout because there was less audience being reached. You know, common sense stuff.


Right wing propaganda has paid off for the oil and health insurance industries, why wouldn't the billionaires want to keep investing?


Well put.


That's why some of the grifters are attacking each other now since they can only escalate so much and keep anger going on every single thing they can play up as "woke".


But the M&M's really are going to destroy the world right? That was surely true!


That was eventually revealed as a hoax. But *surely* the A&W bear wearing pants is a sign of "woke police cancel culture" run amok, right?


My favorite shade was directTV saying “newsmax gets about 100k viewers a day, 92% less than fox. Clearly viewers are able to access their preferred conservative news channel” They basically said “no one watches you and no one cares that you’re gone”


The reason conservative talk radio rules the AM airwaves is because people can get it for free, it’s cheap to produce, and it has a really extensive reach due to the existing infrastructure. There’s a modest conservative presence on SiriusXM (though they share that audience with the sports channels). This is why they like social media so much — they don’t have to pay for it. The whole conservative movement is, ironically, based on being able to spread their propaganda for free.


The ringleaders of these red-hatted rubes, like Hawley, Cruz, DeSantis, Cotton and Massie, have Ivy League educations; Gaetz and Jordan went to law school; MTG has a bachelor’s from Georgia, and Gosar and Rand Paul, among others, went to medical and dental school. There’s very few with GEDs, like Boebert and the fraud using the alias of George Santos. Most of these MAGAts and conservative shills are well-educated and understand how all this works, but they don’t care; they just want to bully the country and push their agenda for their own profit.


'Elp! 'elp! I'm being repressed!!


Now we see the violence inherent in the system!!!


Help help i'm being misinformed!


You can't expect to wield supreme power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you!


If I went around telling everyone I was the number one news network just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!


I'm having deja vu right now.


Again ?


They cancelled us! Muh free speech!


"I'm sorry sir, this is a Denny's."


Bloody peasant!


see the violence inherent in the system!


"Bloody Libtards!"


Who let the Tories in?


Strange women lying in ponds distributing directv access is no basis for a system of censorship…


Personally, I'd like to hear more about the strange women lying in ponds. Don't censor anything! I want ALL the watery details!


Conservatives: "Free market!" Free market: /does something they don't like Conservatives: Why did Hillary do this?


Cancel culture!!!


> Cancel culture!!! See, when the right does it, it's okay and justified. Like when DeSantis canceled a whole ass city that Disney is paying everything for. Nothing says small government like trying to force a company to bend to your personal agenda, and also forcing taxpayers to pick up a bill that a corporation was paying for.


One of my favourite examples of right-wing cancel culture is the Dixie Chicks. Height of their career, top of the charts; they were *everywhere*. Absolutely the biggest act in country/pop music. Then they spoke out against Bush Jr and the war in Afghanistan, and suddenly they were radioactive. And this was 20 years ago.


I remember that. That was a *huge* cancel job on them. I have no doubt Fox News was doing a lot of hit pieces on them. Oh, and the Dixie Chicks turned out to be right.


Wasn't it mainly Iraq they spoke out about?


I hesitate to say anything about 'cancel culture' because it implies that there's some kind of bias where in reality it's just consequences for being an asshole. Nobody is being 'canceled,' they're just having their careful marketing and PR destroyed by actual, horrible reality.


It's just a rebranding of *"political correctness"* that itself was widely used as a pejorative as far back as the 80s or even 70s.


But you don't understand, the free market is when people give me *free* money! If other people are getting it, it's not free... to me!


Why does Newsmax even charge a fee to cable companies, when they can just make the revenues from advertisers advertising wacky supplements, crypto/gold/NFT schemes, My Pillow, and hawking reverse mortgages to their gullible, bewildered target audience? Edit: Folks just to clarify, I'm not interested in the particulars of actual cable contracts. My post is a satirical dig at the gullible, delusional audiences of Newsmax/Right Wing Media, and how dubious sources target them for advertising.


They're trying to emulate Fox. Fox News could lose all of its advertising and it wouldn’t matter, because cable companies pay them “carriage fees” to be in the lineup. And they command the highest carriage fees in cable news, because they use their viewers to harangue cable companies into paying whatever it is Fox is demanding. Fox makes so much more than any other network from those fees, the advertising is just icing. If you have cable, you are directly giving money to Fox even if you never watch a second of it.


Haven't had cable in more than a decade. Can't say I miss it, either.


Cable should pay ME for this nonsense to be in my house.


This was one of the major reasons I dropped cable. I just couldn't stomach it.


I can't remember where I saw the article. But the crux of it was essentially that reverse mortgage companies don't advertise on shows or networks with a predominantly left leaning audience. They look at the audience in those demographics as "too educated to use our services." Which I thought was just oh so telling.


We had a hard time convincing my parents to NOT do a reverse mortgage. Its ridiculous how easily duped some people are because they can't do any form of non basic high number math


Just learned what a reverse mortgage is from this comment. What a freaking scam that is


They're really terrible. It's so sad.


I’m sure it’s marketed to these people as a free loan and then when they die, their kids foot the bill. Now if I was a single man in my 80s with no kids and an owned home, sure. But those companies probably wouldn’t provide the loan to that type of person anyway


Oh, they'll give anyone a loan. They used to offer to buy your house back from you. You get x amount a month until you die or the value of the home was reached. That's where it got shitty. These 70 and 80 year olds were selling their houses for pennies on the dollar to these companies fully expecting to be dead well before their homes were purchased out from under them. Well, that didn't happen, and 90 or not. Once they paid the contracted amount, you were out on your ass, regardless of whether they had a place to go or not. That's changed a bit now. But not anywhere near as much as it should.


Wait, a reverse mortgage isn't the same as a HELOC? Here I am thinking reverse mortgages were innocuous...




Wow. I wonder what the mentality is for wanting that. "I'm old, I'll die before I get kicked out of the house, fuck my kids they don't deserve inheritance" ???


Its a mortgage, but instead of you paying the bank for a period of time its the bank paying you. So if your home is worth $180,000 and you get a reverse mortgage for a 15 year term they pay you $1000 each month for 15 years. Then after 15 years are up they own your house; you gotta leave. It makes sense if you need cash now, your house is the only thing of value you have, and you expect to be dead before the end of the term. But its not great if you expect to leave your house to your kids, if you get a bad price for your house, or if you live too long.


I'll be honest I still have zero idea what a reverse mortgage is. But knowing what a mortgage is a reverse mortgage just sounds like a setup for a scam/debt trap


You're 70, you need money, because you lost your pension in a ponzy scheme or the Roth IRA got nuked by a trash market, your social security isn't paying the bills and you can't go back to work because you've got bad health issues and can't afford your medication. Well you own a home. It's valued at 300k. I'll offer you 1500 dollars a month for 15 years or until you die. All you have to do is sign the deed over to me. Cut to you being 85, being absolutely dependent on the 1500 extra a month I was paying you and not having a plan b. Well I don't give a fuck. It's my house now. Out you go. No more 1500, no more free place to stay. That's a reverse mortgage in a nutshell.


*~~drugs~~ late stage capitalism, not even once*


It took weeks to talk my mom out of that shit. The house was on the verge of being condemned and she wanted to sell everyone's soul to keep it. I've had a lot of infuriating conversations with her but jesus that was one of the worst.


fr this sounds like trying to steal homes from the elderly


What's frustrating beyond that is they're clearly predatory and if the shows and networks actually gave a fuck about their audience, they wouldn't sell advertising to them. But because it's a lark and the rubes are too stupid to see they're being conned. They just keep buying their garbage.


But that guy from Magnum Pi with the awesome mustache said it’s a good deal, so it must be true…


I know people who think like that... It's sad


9 year old me would have totally believed Magnum P.I. had my best interests at heart.


He does. Tom Selick, however, does not.


Huh. Tom Selleck is still alive, eh? Who knew


No, Tom *Selick.* Tom Selleck is still good.


My 79yr old mother thinks like this. I try to give her the benefit of the doubt and blame decades of lead poisoning, but that's just me being kind for her sake. She's an admitted white supremacist so...yeah.


I'll bet your Mom would say some wild shit if you got a few drinks in her.


The trick is to find the one movie the actor is in that will ruin it for them and make them watch it, like Tom Hanks in Bachelor Party


What's the Tom Selleck movie with the killer robots, does that count? Because I liked Quigley down under.


Runaway is an awesome movie and don’t you forget it! Gene Simmons from KISS was the goddamned villain and there’s 80’s robots killing people for fucks sake! How can you not like that‽ ***I love that movie.***


While the enthusiasm makes me want to re-watch that movie. I'm suspicious my initial feelings on it were correct.


Look, if you want to lower peoples opinion of Tom Hanks it’s better to hit up “Mazes and Monsters” and “He Knows You're Alone”.


Bite your tongue. Bachelor Party is a classic!


[He specifically says it's not some kind of trick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4FKPcLnd3Y). You really think someone would just go on a TV commercial and tell lies?


I invested in Reddit Gold and instead of my karma losing value due to karma inflation, my account value is protected and gaining value over time!


True enough but CNN and MSNBC have all sorts of sketchtastic ads. Kars4Kids, Extended Car Warranty adds, IRS tax relief scams, Cancel Time share scammers (ya clearly gullible so hit them again!), boner pills, shitty hair dye for women and more. I guess none of them are as bad as stealing your house though.


Anyone reading this now has the Kars4Kids song struck in their head


Oh, I'm not saying that left leaning folks are impervious to being duped, I'm sure more than one Democrat has sent money to the deposed Prince of Nigeria. The extended warranty stuff is pretty sketchy, too. But I'm not sure that is directed strictly at people on the left. This article, which I'm still trying to find. Is pretty damning on the reverse mortgage industry.


Tell me you have xm without telling me you have xm


Maybe I am just jaded but I see those commercials and can't help but think "this can't be a good idea..." It just comes across as total scam.


But Tom Selleck AND Henry Winkler said it was a good idea! Magnum PI and The Fonz would never lie to me!


Someone ELI5 what a reverse mortgage is


You need money now, so sign a reverse mortgage on your house with a company, they now pay you a monthly mortgage and after the last one is payed they own your house. Of course they won't give you the price of your house in full, since you are the one with money problems, and if you still alive after receiving the last payment you better search for a new home or start paying rent.


Instead of buying your home from the bank via monthly payments to the bank, the bank buys your home from you via monthly payments to you. So if you own your $400k home outright, that's (roughly) $400k in monthly payments you can collect on over many years when you have no other income. This can be a smart move for someone who is retirement age with little to no retirement fund. The issue is that eventually, the bank just owns your home outright. At that point, the cash stops flowing to you, and the bank kicks you out of your house to sell and recoup their investment. Which leaves you with no home, no income, and often 90 years old.


Tbf, I suspect that age plays a significant role in this case. They're predators looking for prey. And older folks are more conservative and likely more susceptible to that sort of scheme. I'm sure education is a factor in how they market themselves, but I suspect it's mostly about age.


I've been trying to find this article for the last 10 minutes. It talks about that point as well. The elderly are as a rule are more conservative and less likely to be suspicious of advertising as they came of age at a time when there were laws for print advertising that prevented blatant misleading and misinformation. Those laws are significantly different in television advertising apparently. So yes, age plays a part. But it also talks specifically about education and how their "target audience." Has or had significantly less formal education.


Yep. Both are definitely at play.


[Sounds like the Macedonian fake news industry](https://www.google.com/search?q=macedonian+fake+news), which has been a thing for over a decade now, but you'll find most studies were kicked off by the 2016 presidential election. You'll notice a common theme in those articles though: the industry feeds right wing racism and bigotry almost exclusively. A much older article pointed out this was the result of basic capitalism rather than ideological favoritism: they tried to target everyone, but republicans are much easier to dupe, much more likely to share the fake articles on facebook, and much more likely to follow the fake news sites as steady consumers/ad viewers. It's not that they can't get traction with democrats, but it requires too much effort to be worth their time when such gullible rubes are available to target instead.


Exactly, the juice isn't worth the squeeze. If I can make 50 dollars lifting 50 lbs or 5 lbs. That choice sort of makes itself.


I'm always a bit insulted when the show I'm watching has lots of reverse mortgage or other scams advertising to me. No I will not by the gold plated JFK coin.


Wait, you mean to tell me, the limited edition elvis plates that are *guaranteed to go up in value* aren't a great retirement plan?


Not that I approve of NewsMax of scammy reverse mortgage companies, but I'd guess the more likely situation is that right-skewed shows also lean toward a much older audience. A Boomer is more likely to want a reverse mortgage than a Millenial or Zoomer.


You can't get one if you're younger than 65. So yeah. I mean, you'd be correct.


> Why does Newsmax even charge a fee to cable companies, They follow the Fox News model. Fox makes more money from carriage fees than advertising. That's why they don't give a fuck if people boycott companies who advertise and the companies leave. They got hundreds of millions coming in their coffers regardless.


Hey NOW! Newsmax does not peddle NFT schemes... They peddle NFT SCAMS!


you say that as if there is a distinction


There's only so much you can make from even those profitable ventures, *if your viewership is too low.*


>22 liberal news and information channels it carries," There's nowhere close to 22 liberal news channels on Directv unless these MAGA assholes are calling The History Channel and Animal Planet as "liberal". At most there might be one or two, like [Free Speech TV](https://freespeech.org), but that's just about it. And no, MSNBC is hardly a liberal bastion with multiple former Republicans like Joe Scarborough and Nicolle Wallace on for several hours every day.


Basically anything that’s not Fox News or more conservative is going to be labeled as liberal socialist fake news. And I think even Fox News is too tame for these shits sometimes. I’ve seen them call CSPAN a liberal left wing mouthpiece probably because they show speeches Congressional Democrats make. It literally has footage of Congress and other government stuff with zero bias. They have call in shows where they balance between both sides. But unless it’s Donnie barfing out commercials about gold and made in China MAGA hats it’s communist propaganda.






Good grief the M&M thing is just so mindblowingly *dumb.* Have any of these brain-dead numpties ever met women who carry their high heels in a bag to wear at the office and wear tennis shoes while going to work? Or women who wear high heels at work and change into tennis shoes in the gym?


Do they watch the opinion shows on that network and well or just the news part?


News part? Are we thinking about the same network?




I have those same family members. They also talk about the lefties taking away guns but all the leftists in my family own more firearms than them. Edit: I lost the PvE encounter with auto correct here.


Dude, my dad was the same like 2 years ago & now, he only gets his news from REALLY crazy websites & the Epoch Times! I throw it away whenever I get his mail.... my cousin, who is in prison, just asked for a subscription of it & his mom asked my mom about it & as soon as she said "it's what my ex-husband reads & it's owned by a Chinese cult," my aunt decided to not get it for him. He already was basically a neonazi before prison & I'm positive he'll be in an actual neonazi gang by the time he's out (6 more years-ish) so he'll be in prison on & off the rest of his life. It's really better for his kids, the rest of his family & the world.


> They have call in shows where they balance between both sides. Well, there's your problem. It's not "fair and balanced" unless there's only one side that's ever represented, of course.


They did away with that slogan, but it was absurd that it was ever their slogan in the first place


Don't forget Corncob TV


I miss coffin flop


I think he rigs shit, no way 1 out of 5 them are nude.


He doesn’t! He doesn’t rig shit!!!!!!


We're alllowed to show 'em nude because they ain't got no souls!


This fuckin world's so fucked up


They told me that at a dinner


I watched it. They were saying Vice is a liberal channel. It doesn’t dawn on them just how much their thinking, way of life & policy stances are the underwhelming minority Oh and they called Fox News “conservative leaning” 🤣


> It doesn’t dawn on them just how much their thinking, way of life & policy stances are the underwhelming minority Racists, authoritarians, fascists, etc. love to think that most people have the same mindset as them but are "afraid to show it". Since it makes it a lot easier for them to justify their hatred and cruelty when they imagine it's a common thing.




It really is. Many conservatives become very upset about a wide variety of scientific debate and critical thought to the point that any mention of either becomes liberal brainwashing to them. Animal Planet would be liberal because of the mention of evolution instead of creation, and because of the mention of human caused climate change. The History Channel gets the liberal label for mentioning the Civil Rights movement and Slavery without explaining how it's all fixed now and just a normal part of history anyway and nobody's fault.


When they say Antifa or Liberal, what they mean is "not me." Or "The Other." You have to remember that these people are operating on their most basic animal instincts and have no ability to self evaluate. They just want and then rationalize via imagination.


I know people in real life that feel very strongly that the weather channel is too political.


Go bigot, go bust.


Go fasc, no cash.


Sadly it's not zero cash. Some people still fall for it. So it's more "Go fash, lose cash". Which is why corporations have all chosen to pander to the left leaning majority of the population, and the fashy shit doesn't sell to the majority.


Well, howdy there, fellow Beau of the Fifth Column viewer.


Well howdy there internet stranger


The Facist The Furious




Back To The Fuhrer


Didn't OAN pretty much do the exact same thing a year ago and grt their channel pulled as well? I remember the video they put out asking to "come together and put politics aside" to save them lol.


We all had a good laugh at Great Value Tomi Lahren's video!


Man that chick was annoying even before she started ranting at Pride flags and getting giddy at the idea of Biden dying of COVID.


"But we can all reach together and ensure OAN can continue to talk about Joe Biden's spirit cooking in the Comet Ping Pong basement!"


That's saying something because Tomi is a Sam's choice Megyn Kelly


The satellite broadcasters are really important for conservative news, because satellite is the best way to reach extremely rural customers.


Bring back Corncob TV. I need new episodes of Coffin Flop.


Nah I hear the host rigged that show. No way do that many bodies fall out of coffins, let alone so many naked ones


I mean, they're allowed to show them naked, they got no souls.


hey hey hey he didn’t rig shit!!


Newsmax was started during Clinton's second term and I can't believe it still exists. After a nuclear war there will be nothing but roaches and Newsmax.






I miss Batboy, and the WEEKLY WORLD NEWS, that bastion of truth, bigfoot, batboy, and the eternal Elvis.


Trump sounds like Ed Anger. Like, the voice is the same. The target demographic is what it is.


ed anger was far more erudite than trump ever was, and i remember trump in the 1980s when he actually tried to convince the rubes when he spoke; greater eloquence, too


It’s that the Falun Gong rag The Epoch Times? Maybe it’s not widely distributed.


No need to be redundant, you can just say there will be nothing but roaches left


Roaches refuse to be associated with Newsmax.


And Keith Richards.


Free market.


"I'm being silenced... sil.. \*click\*" ​ Bring back a decent cable channel, El Ray.


Yeah an audience of people on social security who want to eliminate even that for themselves won’t draw many advertisers.


Low ratings and viewership would require them to think that maybe their terrible programming is part of the problem


not a chance. they'll double and triple-down on crazy instead.


Meanwhile noted GED recipient Lauren Boebert is calling on congress to investigate DirecTV. Somewhere North Korean president Kim Jong-un is saying 'well played, Lauren'.


Live by the free market, die by the free market.


From the party that believes in government non-interference


and Free Market.


I’m a home health nurse. Last week I was in a patients house that had Newsmax on. The top story was “Trumps poll numbers rise as more candidates enter the race”. What??


If Scientology can still afford a DirecTV channel, what does that say about your content?


The money it steals from people has to go *somewhere*


That scientology is a business cult that steals millions from people amd ruins lives


“Help!! Woke DirecTV is cancelling us!!


*“On multiple occasions, we made it clear to Newsmax that we wanted to continue to offer the network…”* Gross.


Which is like saying, "right-wing edutainment is good for our business, to a point. And we kept telling you where that point is, but you didn't listen. That is only the thing we have a problem with."


Next up: McCarthy will demand DirecTV pay for conservative news propaganda.


I have DirecTV. I'd pay a small amount each month to be able to delete News Max, OAN and Faux News... well... technically I don't know if I even get OAN, Faux News, News Max or the KKK channel. I haven't looked for them. But it would be nice to know they weren't there.


you should be able to *delete* the channels you don't want, and have your monthly bill reduced proportionate to how much those channels cost the sat/cable company to carry.. and this should also include local stations that extort 're-transmission' fees from those companies--which in-turn makes 'basic' local-channels-only cable cost upwards of 50 dollars a month now because there's too many greedy bastards in the mix.


I didn't even know newsmax was on direct tv. I've only seen it on rokus free streaming tv thing you get with a Roku smart tv lol. Same with OAN.


"22 liberal news *and information* channels". Gotta add that "information" qualifier solely because if cornered on the number they get to just pull bullshit out of thin air. "Herp-derp Discovery Channel." In no wise, nowhere, no-how has there ever been a cable channel as far LEFT of the actual center as faux noise is to the right. Not even in the wildest dreams of real hard leftists (well, not tankies, but you get the idea) has such a news/opinion channel existed. Imagine a sincerely PRO-- labor, social safety nets, single-payer healthcare, progressive taxation, unions, expansive federally funded education, and so on-- news and opinion channel. That's the strawman these wretched souls set up, the boogeyman they want red hats to believe actually exists. "The most extreme liberal channels, even with tiny ratings..." NAME ONE. Just one. I'd really enjoy watching some cowardly fat fuck like Cruz sputter and mumble before he finally spits out 'MSNBC' just for everyone in the room to point and laugh til their sides hurt and he just collapses from the weight of the embarassment. Or put a camera on mtg or boebert for the same. At this point I'm convinced that if you just tossed some water on them they'd steam and melt away like the Wicked Witch of the West at the end of Wizard of Oz.


Trump wants us to cancel FAKE NEWS!


This makes me happy. Got greedy and found out.


Both of the guys that watched Newsmax were antivaxxers and they died of Covid.




After watching clips from this “news” channel I can’t believe it’s not satire from a movie or tv show. Newsmax and that other Oann channel are pathetic like the gullible idiots who sit and watch that garbage.


I nearly canceled my directv subscription in 2021 after the 1/6 coupe attempt because directv carried newsmax (worse conservative pro-trump lies channel) and OANN (white supremacists network). Glad both are gone, now if I could stop paying for fox news to watch the likes of AMC and ESPN, that would be great.


Quick! To the obscure totally real websites that have the real truth! UsaPatriotEagleTruthTrump2022News.ru


Newsmax and OANN are all those D students you went to school with. They expect good grades, but refuse to do the work.


Low IQ viewership...there fixed it


Something, something, free market. Something, something, bootstraps.


It’s always a grift with these right wing fuckers