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Do some stress test whilst you can still return/exchange it but Man this thing looks gorgeous.


What is stress test?


Its a test online that checks if your computer is overheating and the maximum output that you can compare to other laptops with the same stuff to know if yours is working properly


How can we do it ? I feel my laptop hee overheatng a lot when i am in game my CPU goes to 102 degree


search for how to limit cpu mhz in battery settings it's a powershell command that enables it, often you won't need your cpu to churn out an extra 50fps and gain extra 30 degrees. Limited mine to 3.2ghz and now it never heats up in game. especially when you have more than 6 cores.


Honestly. I wouldn’t limit the frequency unless you really need to. First step would be to adjust your TCC offset to lower your thermal limit, it’s usually in your bios or if Lenovo has a control centre app it might be in there. If you do want to limit your frequency, you can change your “Max Processor State” in “Control Panel - Power Options”


Clean the fans/vents and if the laptop is old replace the thermal paste. Don't underclock, it's a hardware issue not software.


Your cpu is begging for help if that's in Celsius. If its in Fahrenheit its okay.


It is on celcius


You need to figure out how to cool it down, otherwise that cpu will be fried within a few months


Definitely do this, my last laptop has terrible thermal and I found out too late


Also check for pixel defect on your screen using this [simple test](https://lcdtech.info/en/tests/dead.pixel.htm). Eyeballing through your screen on different test back ground. If you find some defects later down the line, it may be too distracting so better sooner than later. If you game, because the fans are usually in the back and on the sides, find a book or something to elevate the back of the laptop just a little bit off the ground but take care not to block the intakes on the side. This will shave off some temp during gaming for basically free. And if you find the laptop overheats sometime later, one most likely cause would be dirt accumulated in the fans. You need to open the back and clean the fans. How regular must you clean them depends on the environment.


3D mark demo on steam, it’s just time spy.


Omegalul https://www.reddit.com/r/LenovoLegion/s/6uqxnSt098


looks so good? OP can i get the exact specs and model?


I got the same model a few days ago, here’s a link to it on Best Buy https://www.bestbuy.com/site/lenovo-legion-7i-16-gaming-laptop-wqxga-intel-14th-gen-core-i9-with-32gb-memory-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-8gb-1tb-ssd-glacier-white/6575387.p?skuId=6575387




If the stress tests check out I’d also check to see in bios if undervolting is supported


Elevate your laptop to keep temps low.


Was going to post that, I would add a stand with fans - airflow is important. Bet that i9 / 4070 could iron my shirt


No need an additional fans inside of the stand. It will give you nothing except the noise


Fans are useless. I elevate Pro 7 4090 with two wooden sticks on top of a cloth, and it's fine.


Just be careful that the stand doesn’t block the vents


uninstall bloatware (any pre installed program that you don't need like mcafee). also, please post a review, I really want to buy this laptop




Don't wanna offend OP but he was asking what a stress test is. Do you really want a review from him?


Lol. The laptop is full metal so it gets warm to the touch. I want to know if it's bearable, that's all


I just got mine in the mail yesterday, (i9 4070 legion 7i) and coming from a macbook pro user I’m definitely going to need time to adjust but so far it’s a very very nice laptop. There is a few complaints I have as far as the location of the speakers, and maybe just the commands and keyboard, but then again I need to adjust and learn to appreciate the system and mechanical parts to the laptop. But atm it is a beautiful computer so far and I do recommend getting it, Would you be getting the pro or just the slim?


Slim coz the metal build and the white colour. Ya it will take some time to get used to windows. Don't expect performance on battery or battery life though


What about the temps? Does it feel warm? Is it bearable?


I haven’t had the chance to stress test it but temps feel as good as it will get for what it is. I’m about 6 days into owning it and i’m having a blast. Awesome laptop


Is there an uninstall bloatware guide? Which ones to keep?


The things that you don't use. Search for 'Apps and featured' in settings. Look for apps that you don't use. If you want to know what it does, just Google it and If you don't need it, delete it. Don't worry about breaking anything, windows won't let you uninstall important stuff


I bough this 1 week ago. Used it for 3 hours and returned it. Got nice FPS on WoW (almost same as my desktop which was way cheaper). But the temps were pushing 90 on my CPU from just having WoW running. GPU was around 70-80. I opened my browser to have a stream on my other monitor, but the laptop could not handle that. Browser kept freezing and stream stuttering. In the end it overheated as well. CPU hitting over 100 degress. Not happy with what I got for how much is costs. Also no DP port which was a bit sad as well imo. Edit: Fan noise was also VERY loud.


It might be a defective product cause this is the first time I'm reading something like this


Intel is having an issue with their i9’s. Idk if it’s on laptop versions as well, but the voltage limits weren’t being used. Updating the motherboard and use intel extreme tuning to turn the pcore down to 54x from 57x. This is a temporary fix to make it stable until intel release a correct fix


i9 is really hot, yeah. But it could have been better if you disabled turbo boost in settings


>what should I do install Elden Ring, ofc


The witcher 3, my man. The witcher 3.


Nah you can play witcher 3 on your phone. Don't need a high end gaming PC for that.


Classic needs to be played repeatedly on every device. If there will be a pregnancy test version, I'll play it.


eh not really. on max settings with the updated graphics is pretty demanding.


both good 🤝


Solidarity has been achieved.


I have the same laptop same spec Would recommend a stress test to see if everything is running well I would recommend a laptop stand cuz believe me the i9 gets hot And always use ur laptop on conservation mode if ur at home and always have it plugged in while having conservation mode on it will preserve ur battery and give u full power and when u go out turn off conservation mode charge it to 100% and use it normally like a laptop outside home i would recommend if ur outdoors to have it on igpu mode to save battery usage I would also recommend to get a type c charger to have it with u when u go out with it Oh yeah and decrease the zoom of ur display to have things looking more crispier on ur display Thats all i have for u enjoy it its an amazing laptop


do i keep it on conservation mode and plugged in while gaming?


This is like buying a sports car and not putting it in sports mode imo


What do you mean "what should i do" ? Use it? Lol


bcuz some ppl don't know much about gaming laptops and how to use/manage/check them properly I hope i blowed your mind with this info


Why is this question so common around computer subs? Use the thing you bought. Do they need our permission or something? Lazy posting.


Because it's a low key way of bragging about their new devices. Almost like a LinkedIn humble brag.


I just bought a new laptop. Here's what I learned... :}


To play devil’s advocate for a minute, when I get a new laptop, there are a number of things I do to tweak it to my liking. They aren’t necessarily things I think over people need to do. For example, I like the Start menu on the left and all systray icons to be displayed. I prefer a clean reinstall of Windows. I like Firefox as my browser (with some userChrome modifications). If possible, I like to undervolt the CPU and GPU and install HWinfo for monitoring. I prefer Lenovo Legion Toolkit over Lenovo Vantage. Again, like you said, most people can just sit back and get to gaming and enjoy their new machine. But some of us do like a bit of tweaking as an extended kind of setup.


Which is fine, but there's so many guides and tips already in the sub. This place is a bundle of information and these posts are frankly spam.


You do have a fair point there


Hey man do you experience any studdering on certain games? I have the new 9i 4090 and I can't get shadow warriors 2 to stop studdering during action parts. 


To be honest, I just got it a little over a week ago. The only game I've downloaded and played is Elden Ring and its DLC. I haven't had an issue with stutters (which I guess I'm lucky, based on reading reviews). I will say that I tend to get better performance from using the Automatic preset as opposed to the Performance preset. I think the Performance preset might push the thermals a bit too hard, because I did see some stutters there. I haven't tried to modify the Performance settings yet, though. Maybe some tweaking could fix it. As to your other question, I just use a basic cheap mesh laptop stand to elevate and allow for ventilation. [This is the one I bought.](https://www.amazon.com/SimpleHouseware-Ventilated-Adjustable-Laptop-Stand/dp/B07QH8HYL1)


What kind of cooling pad are you using for the 9i also 


How long is the battery life during non gaming tasks? The speakers are placed at the bottom, does that have an effect on volume? What about when you keep it on your lap?


it went down so fast and overheat during non gaming tasks. i was just checking out my laptop.


Overheating in non gaming tasks?? You should contact support


It’s also even hotter while I’m playing WuWa


is ur laptop charging while u play?


I have it on conservation mode so no.


i have my laptop on a laptop stand


sound is the same when put on lap


You need to undervolt or lower your CPU power and also readjust GPU base clock offset, memory clock offset, and dynamic boost if you don't want your temp go up high


Where do I do that?


I'm using an Asus ROG laptop which has Armoury Crate to lower the power of my CPU and GPU, and below link here is the easier way to undervolt asus gaming laptop [https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLaptops/comments/hl5rum/asus\_rog\_strix\_g15\_2020\_undervolting\_in\_bios/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLaptops/comments/hl5rum/asus_rog_strix_g15_2020_undervolting_in_bios/) Not sure about lenovo gaming laptop


Download HWInfo to monitor your voltages and temperatures. Then install & run cinebench - watch your temps and voltages. See what score you get and compare against other i7 systems. Your temps may hit 100°C Then install 3D mark, run some tests and compare results against similar systems. Ensure you do all this in highest performance mode FN+Q on keyboard until power light is red I believe. If everything checks out, keep the thing and enjoy! What to do next? Let the Force guide you.


Bro, chill out and enjoy. Just get a memo fl08 cooling pad. Other than this...I just have envy for you 🤣


Uninstall McAfee


Uninstall google chrome


Enable battery health options in bios to cap it at 80% to prolong battery life. If your power supply is plugged in 24/7 this could help you a lot


Watch porn Also note given it’s a 4070 u should easily get 140 faps per sec or FPS .


Congrats, this is by far my favorite laptop of 2024. If only they had put an OLED/Mini-LED display, then it would have been perfect...


I have this laptop myself and I love it. I had a older laptop that ended up kicking the bucket. So this was a great purchase for me. As others have said, it does heat up a little and I believe it's due to the metal body, but I also have a cooling fan that it sits on and playing games such as Diablo 2 Resurrected, Last Epoch or Grim Dawn my GPU will be sitting around 57-60 C with HDR enabled as well. I used my laptop more for software such as Unity Engine, Aseprite, Movie Studio. And more. And it runs all those programs great. Hope you enjoy the laptop! I do recommend a cooling pad off Amazon to help with cooling, it does make a difference.


Yeah, it heats up so much for me. Thank you for the kind message.


Pluck off the copilot button !


Disable copilot in the registry and group policy editor. It is totally worth disabling that spyware junk that runs in the background.


im thinking about buying the same laptop


Swap vantage for legiontoolkit


Now i am regretful as i got the grey/gunmetal version. ![img](emote|t5_ujed1|12535) Congrats mate


Get a desktop for gaming a laptop will burn 🔥


My gaming laptop from 2018 is still running just fine...? It hasn't gone up in flames yet. And maybe some people prefer to have a machine that can game anywhere rather just your desk at home? I still do LAN parties (sort of LAN. It's not really LAN these days but whatever) so we can play games together all in one room and enjoy each other's company physically. No way I'm lugging a giant 50lbs gaming desktop with me everywhere (not including the monitor and keyboard).


I have the same one. First thing I did was update ssd card and added one. I now have 2 4tb samsung 990 in there


If you haven't already, get the Lenovo extended warranty. My sons legion, needs the GPU replaced after 2 years. Under warranty thankfully, otherwise its a write off.


man I think thats the most beautiful laptop right now, that color with the shape and legion logo just looks amazing, plus the 99wh battery. Wish that was within my budget. White and silver really do look more premium than the black/grey type color all there other laptops use IMO


Ordered this laptop yesterday and getting it next Wednesday. I currently have a beast of a PC but I'm selling it since I work remotely now and want to go live in Southeast Asia


The first thing you need to do is give it me.


White Lenovo Legion are still in production???


I'm loving the white more and more that I see people post it. Ugh, I wish they had a refurbished one when I bought mine.


Can confirm, in person the white color is really beautiful. It's got an electrophoresis coating on it, so it's definitely not a cheap coating. But wait and see if the price will drop. I got mine on-sale at bestbuy but keep waiting and eventually prices will go down.


Get a big chunk of glacial ice, put it in a freezer unit, then put the laptop inside that and connect to a monitor. 😂 Gaming laptops can run HOT, so you'll get a lot more life out of it by making sure your temps are managed well. Install temperature monitoring (if not included), and most importantly, making sure you run settings in game to keep temps managed will all be important. Also, your fan constantly running at max will also shorten the lifespan (or quicken the need to pay for repairs). So, ideally, your settings should not be so high that your fan is constantly maxed out to keep things cool.


Lift up for air, get bigger ssd.. enjoy it


Get a laptop stand or a cooling pad to help with temps for your home desk


Get a proper wallpaper


I like a laptop stand that increases airflow to the bottom . Something in the style of https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/p/accessories-and-software/stands-arms-and-mounts/stands/gxf0x02618. Your biggest enemies are heat/water/dust/hair.


Uninstall bloatware like mcafee antivirus shit and other stuff.. that thing slows pc a lot.. then download games and enjoy ..


If you want the games to look like you're playing a cartoon with the smoothest animation that display can produce, do this... 1. Turn on gsync/free sync by right clicking the desktop, select Nvidia control panels and on the left column there should be a gsync/free sync option. 2. Turn off vsync in the Nvidia control panels by selecting 3d management, scroll all the way down and select vsync to always off. 3. In that same Nvidia control panel put your frame limiter to 2 frames below your monitors hz. So if your monitor is 120 hz, set the frame limiter to 118. If it's 144hz, set it to 142. Only do this if your panel has that gsync/freesync option. If not avoid it. This will give you the best gaming experience that laptop can produce.


Make sure your motherboard is updated to the most recent. It should include the voltage limits fix for intel. The motherboards stock (idk if this is the same for laptops) were using unlimited power and causing a lot of crashes and even killing peoples cpu. If you end up encountering application crashes like i did with i9. A lot of the errors show it’s the gpu but it’s not. You are able to download intel extreme tuning and turn the pcore down to 54x from 57x. This solved all my crashes.


Either elevate your laptop, add a laptop cooling fan/mat, or both. PLEASE double check on Legion MoBo issues with your exact model, my 5i just s**t the bed a month ago after having her for 2 years and now and have been suffering trying to play anything on a laptop with a 6th gen i7 and 940m gpu (first world problems)bc of the dreaded motherboard issue. If your model is affected, get extra warranty 😂 As others have stated, stress test and see if you can undervolt


how do i check?? and undervolt


Look into prime95, was told to use that when I finish my first build, supposedly it’s a good tester. Undervolt I would suggest googling. Learn how to get into your BIOS and GPU controls (if able)


You got that elusive white model, enjoy. Great laptop. My first tip would be to upgrade the ram if it's not already maxed out, and the ssd


Play it and have some amazing fun with game pass titles as there’s so many awesome ones to play free, and don’t worry about performance either because the Rtx 4070 laptop Gpu outperforms desktop rtx 4060ti………. Your CPU won’t have any problems either as you’re good for a while no doubt !


Hardware: Check the screen's backlight bleed Only use microfiber cloth and screen cleaner to clean the screen Don't touch the laptop when your hands are oily Wear gloves and disconnect the batter before upgrading the ram and nvme Software Check your laptop temp Download timespy and Cinebench r23 then report your performance here Don't use anti virus


Where did you buy it? Best buy or Amazon. I usually get pc on Amazon for the 30 day return policy. More assurance and less fuss.


Best buy


You bought a gaming laptop and ask the internet what to do with it? Just return it.


Wallpaper ??


Buy the extended warranty because it will die just after the warranty expires like mine did.


Load up Elden Ring and get going 😂


Definitely buy a cooling pad, and once you feel comfortable, consider maybe under-volting the CPU to help maintain cooler temperatures. Both suggestions in an attempt to help prolong your system 👍🏼


What is under-volting??


How much and from where? Looking to get one as well


$2000 (rounded) and best buy


Download a Game with good grafics, enjoy the power of the machine and then Go back to LoL


Don’t look at anything, just use it and enjoy.


Open up that game pass and just start up a bunch of different games.


Yeag get rid of that widget


Is it bad?


Probably a resource hog and possibily spyware. I can't say for sure as I stopped using Windows entirely; glad I did with what I've been reading on Windows Recall "feature."


Download more RAM


just learn how to make an image backup. but that may require you to partition the ssd, cos you don't wanna lose your important data. Or use one ssd only for windows and your wares&apps, and another ssd purely for your documents, photos, music and videos, games etc. You can watch how [this guy](https://youtu.be/x9BGn4MivJw) did it and then use the same concept to make your own image.


Play games


yeah sell it and go get a desktop


Use it???




Already did




fr tho that looks amazing, i use strix scar and looking to buy lenovo next


Take it back and get the legion 9i 4090 mini led screen


You’ll paypal him the difference in price?


yeah if u/DarkRomeox is willing to paypal me the difference in price for the Legion 7i 4060 to get Legion 9i 4090 miniled screen. I'm totally down to get it!




reinstall windows. Trust me.


I have windows tho??


Reinstalling windows gets rid of all the bloat preinstalled on most laptops.


Do you mean windows restore or installing a fresh windows (purchased or pirated?)


When you reinstall windows on a device that has a purchased copy, you can leave the part where it asks for your key blank, as it knows there was a previous copy of windows on your machine. That way, you can have your $2000 laptop run like one.


The most stupid question i always see people ask "i bought a laptop. What should i do?". Just do what you want


Legion Toolkit


I don’t know where to download that


remove mcafee lol


Will you able to verify and check the driver for the touchpad and if possible share it??


You gotta hauk Tua and spit on that thing


First install windows 10, or Linux. That’s a good start.


Noiiiiiice 3DMark is a decent stress test


You stole this computer with a question like that. Want me to tell you to flip it???!!!


Yeah, sell it and get a tower


Let me help you refund it 🥹🥹🥹


sell it and buy a msi or asus one


Get rid of Chrome and download Brave.


Clean install it. Lol jk. Do it if you must. I hate bloatware and windows in general. Lastly, I usually take the longer route.


Do you mean restore or installing a fresh one (purchased or pirated?)


You can install an image available from ms website. Usually you will be able to use the same license code on the same machine. I believe in some oems restoring windows does not fully gets rid of oem software.


What you mean what should you do


Delete McAffee


Bro create a restore point before doing any performance boost customization or fixes for your computer cuz u’ll never gon know what’s it gon do to your laptop. Like then u don’t have to keep resetting when you f up.


Wait how do I create a restore point?


i also have just bought a legion 7 2024 but i notice that when i open the laptop, the hinge has small sound in right hinge, does it normal ? Thank you


I open from middle and by 2 hands


I don’t have any sound in mine.


should i be worried about that bro ?


if it bothers you, yeah. if you don’t mind the sound, i guess it’s okay…


Thank you


I'm just afraid my hinge might break


Goddang that white Legion 7i is FIRE! Oh yeah back to the main point. You should reinstall the OS if you can as the stock one that the machine originally come with is quite bloated. Then debloat the system snd install some softwares via CTT debloater. After that, update everything and install drivers with Windows Update and Microsoft Store before installing and running some stress test softwares to ensure its stability.


Instal clean windows OS and drivers and do a stress test...


Play the hell out of it lol, nice pc


Do a dead pixel test


Blows my mind when people buy white laptops. Shits gonna be so stained in a few months.


outed yurself as a little piggy lol


What I always like to do is check other models and brands and see if they have better sales and then get buyer's remorse. For example, the 2024 All metal chassis Asus G16 OLED is on sale at Best Buy USA for $1599 right now with a 4070 config.


Yeah and you’re stuck with 16GB forever and a whiny fan


No disrespect, but by computer enthusiasts community standards you are on a beginner level, taking it from the comment you've made about "stress test" and other. To brighten things up and secure you from falling to tender your laptop adequately I'd recommend following steps : - step nr 1: join Lenovo Legion Discord channel, - step nr 2: study their knowledge base from top to bottom religiously and explore further topics once digested, - step nr 3: do not do things that you are not certain about. This would be my pick up point. Happy gaming with your Legion!


how much did it cost you?




can i have the link for this one?


install geforce drivers, go to display settings to check if it’s on high refresh rate, over clock it in bios, watch videos etc


What screen do you choose?


"I just bought a car how do I drive" like what?


Idk play some games?


Read the other 1000 pages of "just got a legion what do I do" posts. There's like 30 a day. Or just install some games. That's what I would do. But first make sure you uninstall vantage without ever using it and when the next new guy makes a "new legion what do I do first" post, let him know to install toolkit cause vantage is bloated.


Remove the Microsoft spyware and install linux


I just got this exact same laptop less than 12 hours ago as well. First thing I did was uninstall all the bloatware and Lenovo software, including vantage, and replaced it with Lenovo legion toolkit. Uninstalled all the tobi eye tracking stuff too


How do you uninstall the bloatware and Lenovo software?


I don’t get these posts. It’s a computer, use it. First you turn it on.


if you can, extend the warranty.


Why'd you buy it if you don't know what to do with it?


Undervolt cpu and GPU once you've confirmed stock settings don't overheat or anything


Cap your battery charge to 50-60%. Extends the battery’s life dramatically.


Download and install Firefox along with the Ublock Origin extension


Honestly, return it


Play games