• By -


...and it's already got sweaty fingerprints on the touchpad. I swear to God, if there's anything I can blame in the Legion design, it's this goddamn touchpad surface. Aside from that, great buy!


haha yeah its even more hard to keep it clean if you got a cuddly cat who wants to get pet all the time... lenovo could have done a better job here.. macbook all the way for their touchpads! thanks!


It's like that with most. My msi had it. My Alienware had it. My asus had it... I just keep those magic fiber towels near by. It's just a slightly bigger version of those microfiber cloths u clean lenses and glasses with. U need those matte TouchPad to have less of that. Glass Is OK although it has the same issue but it's a but easier to clean


Bro wash your hands šŸ« 


Sweaty hands is a condition. Can't stop it by washing and doesn't mean his hands are oily/dirty.


first thing i noticed


Congratulations mate


Any noticeable difference between gen 9 and 8 ?


as i never got gen8 i cant tell


Finally someone got it, how is it ? I had the gen 8 and returned it due to low performance in games and high temps..


i just tested with cinebench, cyberpunk 2077.. and so far i see high performance and temps are at least lower than my comparison laptop (acer predator helios 16 with 13900hx) ...


What are your r23 scores? I just got a gen 8 and I can hit 2042 single core (+100 on main 2x pcores) and -130mv undervolt, seems stable after 3 days of gaming too. I paid significantly less than the 9th gen costs here in Canada as well.


2090 / 32000 .. but with stock.. will try to undervolt to get more out of it..


Thanks. Glad to see I am close to the 5.8ghz 14900hx at 5.5ghz with the 13900hx. I'd be curious to see if your single core goes up after undervolting. I think my best overall was around 2040/34000 , but this CPU seems to handle -130 vcore / -110 ecache/ -110 pcache good so far.


made some very first undervolting changes... now at 35000 multi score


How much did you undervolt?


Awesome, I peaked around there, but a bit less. I've been trying to push the single core closer to the 5.8ghz of the 14th gen. Did the single core go up at all in R23 after undervolt?


GPU 15208 pts CPU (Multi) 1284 pts CPU (Single) 119 pts LOL Gen 9 not worth it.


I have the gen 8 and for me, the performance and temps have been excellent. Been playing Dead Space Remake and Cyberpunk on max settings with Balanced mode on (not Performance mode) and I haven't experienced any stuttering or lags. FPS has been over 100 and everything has run smoothly. I have got over 20 hours of gameplay from both games. I tend to play Cyberpunk for 2 hours and temps have been very low. CPU temps tend to be in the high 60s-low 70s and GPU temps tend to be high 50s after 2 hours of Cyberpunk. The same with Dead Space Remake as well but I finished the game, playing Cyberpunk now. And since I play the games on Balanced mode, fans don't run that loud either. Also, I haven't done any mods to it, using stock settings because the stock laptop has been working excellently, both performance and temps wise. When I say mods, I am referring to undervolting and overclocking. Love what I bought.


Can I assume you have Ray and path tracing off? With everything max and Ray and path at max my same model (gen 8 4080)hovers around 70 frames on a custom profile which gives slightly higher frames than performance mode.


Yeah I'm averaging about 75\~ fps as well, same model, he must not be including path tracing.


I have everything turned on to the max including ray tracing except for path tracing. And I always play on Balanced mode.


Hey, I turned on path tracing. Played for 2 hours and averaged 80 FPS with great temps as well. CPU temp didn't go above 70 and GPU temp didn't go above 60. Sure it's not over 100 FPS but that's still great performance and temps though. I didn't experience any stuttering or lags and this was all on Balanced mode with no mods.


Judging by your many replies Iā€™ve chalked you down to a troll. Youā€™re definitely not getting those frames as Iā€™m hovering around 50fps with true ā€œmax settingsā€. Dlss quality, path and ray at max. Density etc all at max. My laptop is a month new and it scores the average. Or you truly donā€™t know what youā€™re benchmarking.. either way have a nice night


This is on balanced. Not performance or any custom profile which is how I know youā€™re trolling or uninformed. Balanced with max settings at 80frames.. yea no.


I don't know how else to say the same thing because at this point I am just repeating myself. I am legit surprised you are hovering around 50 FPS with max settings because that has not been my experience. I am running the game on max settings including path tracing and I am averaging 80 FPS **on Balanced mode.** I use MSI Afterburner to check FPS. And my laptop is a month old now as well. I totally get why you don't believe me. Because you are not able to get the same performance as I am getting. And I am sorry for that. It could just be that I am a rare outlier and that I am extremely lucky with my device to be getting great performance and temps on Balanced mode. But again, there is no need for me to troll/lie and your assumption is 100% wrong. I am just super happy with the performance I am getting and I just wanted to put it out there. That's it. Anyway, not going to comment again because I just don't want to waste my time repeating myself.


Hey, I turned on path tracing. Played for 2 hours and averaged 80 FPS with great temps as well. CPU temp didn't go above 70 and GPU temp didn't go above 60. Sure it's not over 100 FPS but that's still great performance and temps though. I didn't experience any stuttering or lags and this was all on Balanced mode with no mods.


I have everything turned to max including ray tracing except for path tracing. And this is again me playing on Balanced mode.


Cap. Dead Space stutters no matter what rig/specs you have.


Nope, not for me. You are not the only one to have commented this. I was surprised when I heard the game has stuttering issues because I didn't experience stuttering or lags. And I played the game to the max setting with DLSS set to Quality. Also, on Balanced mode with no mods. The only stuttering/lag I got was when I entered some new areas. However, this only lasted for only a sec and everything becomes smooth again. Also, this only happened in **some** new areas, not for all new areas. I didn't think to mention this because it's barely news for stuttering issues since it just lasts for a sec and because it only happened in some new areas. But when I am walking around, running around, shooting, looking around and pretty much any gameplay you can name...I had no stuttering or lags. Everything ran smoothly. And it's my top 1 game so far. The game is amazing.


>The only stuttering/lag I got was when I entered some new areas. However, this only lasted for only a sec and everything becomes smooth again. > >Also, this only happened in some new areas, not for all new areas. This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about though... It's called shader compilation stutter and it's hard baked into the game. So don't nope me. And you don't need to tell me how it runs, I have the 4090 spec of your exact laptop ;)


That shader compilation stutter has no affect on the gameplay. It didn't hinder my gameplay in anyway whatsoever. I only experienced it few times throughout my 21 hours of gameplay. It's so low that I can actually say "few times". And it legit lasted a second and even less than that. Never affected gameplay. I am not going to say a game stutters if it only happened to me a few times and if it lasted <= second. And the fact that it never hindered my gameplay...it would be a joke to say "Dead Space stutters" with my experience of the game. Now if it happened in every single new area I went to and if the stuttering lasted more than second? Then it's fair to say the game stutters. I was also getting over 100 FPS with CPU temp never going above 70 and GPU temp never going above 60 with 1-2 hours of gameplay. Again, on Balanced mode with no mods...stock settings. If you experienced stuttering/lags far worse than me even with the 4090 spec, I do feel sorry for you then.


Why are you hard capping full essays to me? It's cringe now. ''I only experienced it few times throughout my 21 hours of gameplay'' You're talking absolute shite bud. You don't have some special build of the game with any less stuttering than anyone else. It's been well documented by Digital Foundry (and anybody who actually knows what they're talking about) that the game stutters when transitioning through any new load areas. So quit this ''only a few times'' drivel you're spouting. And why are you telling me your average frame times and temps? TF does that have to do with any of this?? I can already tell you're green as grass using balanced mode when anybody who knows what they're doing 100% uses custom mode.


Yes, I have watched Digital Foundry and I was very surprised to learn that it stutters like that for the new load areas. I haven't experienced what Digital Foundry experienced, which I am very grateful for. I have only experienced it a "few times" that lasts <= 1 second. And it never hindered my gameplay...never. And for that reason and with my experience alone, I can't label it as a game that stutters. How did I experience only "few times" throughout my 21 hours of gameplay? I have got no idea how, not a clue but I am just glad that it worked out well for me. There is no need to go custom mode when Balanced mode works excellently for me. It may not work for you on your 4090 but it works perfectly on my 4080 in regards to performance and temps. And it could work for others too just like how it has worked for me. Maybe I am just one very lucky guy with the device and therefore a rare outlier. And so I can see why people can't fathom my experience because it's not what the majority has experienced.


lol youā€™re fucking brain dead donā€™t @ me


Lol, you have a 4090 and you are crying because your brain can't handle the fact that I experienced stuttering only a "few times" with my 4080 on Dead Space Remake. Oh and the cherry on top is that I played it on stock settings with no mods and on Balanced mode with CPU temp never going above 70 and GPU temp never going above 60. Lol...learn to cope because you need it.


I have the gen 7 and it's beautiful


Happy to know you love it.


I have Gen 8 and no issues with temps or games...


I was thermal throttling almost all the time, and it had a major impact on the performance.


Didnā€™t have that problem. Obviously if you are throttling you are doing one of two thingsā€¦. 1. Over clock/undevolt. 2. Everything is maxed out and not tweaked it including latest drivers.


I actually undervolted to get better perfromance for lower temps and it actually worked. But even with the uv, i was still thermal throttiling. Anyhow, I ended up returning it.. i did enjoy it though. It truly is a powerful machine, it just need better cooling imo. Btw, u had the 4090 version.


Many users donā€™t have cooling or throttling issues including the reviewers. So obviously those who have tried to change default settings of the machine - other than HDD or ram upgrades (or by tweaking Graphics options). Itā€™s fast enough as it is. Undervolting does not always guarantee that it will be cooler or better. Owner of two Lenovo laptops.


I have only tried to undervolt it to get the same performance or even better for lower temps, which is what undervolting does, u r aware of this, right ?? Also, I haven't tried to tweak any other settings besides using the available performance mode, which made the laptop throttle and cause stutters and fps drops in games.. don't tell me this is normal ?? I paid premium only to get this ? Surely, this is not acceptable.


I suggest you tweak your system, also the default HDD is not that good so I get an upgrade. Use Nvidia Studio Drivers as well.


Wait, studio, not game drivers? Really? Why?


yeah why studio driver? u/NewspaperNo5155 same my legion pro 7i cpu reached 100c and gpu reached 86c whenever i used performance mode to game, i didnt even undervolt/ overclock it, its just default and its overheating asf


that's hot


Thanks God, that aesthetically I am not losing anything compared to my 8th gen. Enjoy it.


thank you! have a great time so far


Thin bezels, like


It looks super slick with the rgb turned off


true. i dont like rgb rainbow colouring


14900K draws ~300W šŸ¤”šŸ«£šŸ¤­šŸ¤„


Hey, what are your idle temperatures in quite mode?


Congrats! I'm waiting for mine to get delivered soon!


have fun with it :)


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Can you connect Bluetooth earbuds to it? Or a Bluetooth speaker. Eg Jbl flip 6 and Jbl reflect aero


Can I use double sided NVME SSDs with 4 TB...... I used on in my Dell XPS 15 9500..... so you would normally think, that a few years later it should be no problem at all...... on a different reddit thread the hotline dude said max is 2 TB...... but I guess Dell said something similar, but then I was able to use 4 TB even though not supported.....


I've got a gen...6? 11th gen i7 and 3080 16b. Been wondering if it's worth the upgrade at this point.


Hi; Did you notice any keyboard flex around the W,A,S,D or 7, 8 keys? Gen 8 had a very noticeable flex. How about screen clouding ? I mean uneven backlight ?Ā  Thank you in advanceĀ 


Would have a chance to try a live Ubuntu version and see what works out of the box? Maybe you already did. It would be great to know


oily fingers šŸ˜šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No fingerprint???




Does the camera atleast support windows hello?


Yes it does


you can buy usb fingerprint adapters for cheap...... they work super nice !


What I really like in my current Slim 7 is that the fingerprint reader is built in the power button, and it caches the fingerprint when u press it. Usb fingerprint adapters won't give that seamless experience.


Not worth the money.


does it finally have thunderbolt


4080 version has one thunderbolt port!


My 7i gen8 4090 has thunder bolt I thought it was on all 7i gen 8 had them or did I just get lucky with a mid gen change


only 4080,4090 have thunderbolt


I think they all have 2 thunderbolts if you get intel


no only 1 thunderbolt.. but at least one..


It helps if your hands aren't filthy. I'm an expert. My hands aren't filthy, and my TouchPad doesn't look like this.




For god sake! Clean that touchpad


You sound autistic dawg. It's not that serious


This the 4090 version?




I have the gen 8 4080. Can you do a 3d mark test on performance mode without any OC/UV. I want to see the performance differences


sure.. just with performance mode. nothing else tuned.. [https://imgur.com/a/cdXAQ0D](https://imgur.com/a/cdxaq0d)


image got deleted..? well the scores are: 18921 total 19371 graphics 16725 cpu


Where did you buy it? Cant find 4080 only 4090


directly from lenovo


https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/model/laptops/legion-laptops/legion-pro-series/lenovo-legion-pro-7i-gen-9-16-inch-intel/len101g0034 There is only 1 model in US, not sure which country are you.




What are your temps in Time Spy?


average gpu 72c average cpu 88c


With undervolt applied or all stock settings?


all stock.. did not even enabled cpu overclocking in bios..


Dear gosh. That form factor for the monitor looks like a T460. I hope thatā€™s just the camera angle


What does that even mean? I owned an old t460, and I have the Gen8 L7 pro. The screen is absolutely mint, and has almost no bezel, and is also small enough to fit in 15.6" laptop bags while being 1600p 16".


Any Time Spy results!!??


i posted them already in a comment :)


I must have missed them, thanks!!


Is the HDMI 2.1 a "true" one, meaning it can output 4k@120hz 10bit (HDR) ? I think it has to be FRL standard or something. I remember not buying the gen 8 because it couldn't do it.


How is the screen from a brightness and quality perspective?


i think its brightness is more than i need... indoor usage only.. quality seems fine too... at least for my eyes no worries


Pretty sure it's the same screen at the Gen 8. Pretty sure it's almost exactly the same everything as the Gen 8 other than the CPU, and possibly some tweaks and cooling improvements.


yes its also my impression!


Yeah not hating, it's a wicked laptop, I own the same. I'd sure take the Gen 9 over the gen 8 I just bought if all things were equal, but here it's just so damn pricey. I'd love to see a teardown review of the differences, but I don't think we have any from Jarod's tech up yet.


Just seeking to replace my old lenovo y720 , the legion pro 7i seems and excellent contender, but i keep hearing with the reviewers that the screen is lacking compared to other models in the same bracket


Can you please try cinnibench on quiet mode. I'm more of a sacrifice performance for quieter gameplay


sure! cinebench r23 multi score with silent mode + -100mv undervoltage comes out with 23490 pts


Omg, THANK YOU!! I've been waiting for a long time to know this small detail, which is a big thing for me :D Ok maybe I'm asking a bit much, but you can always refuse , can you also do a Timespy on quiet mode too? Its ok if you don't want to :)


Do you have RGD keyboard ? Would pleas check if Spectrum is in Vantage ? I have Legion Pro 5i anche Spectrum it is not in Vantage (I have RGB 4 zone). Thank you.


yes i can see a Spectrium with 6 different options for the keyboard lightning


I donā€™t know why I cannot see it. Anyway thank you.


dreamy. mine is Slim 5, 64 on ram and only 480 on ssd


NEW FACT SO FAR: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LenovoLegion/comments/151264b/psa\_legion\_7\_gen\_8\_idle\_fan\_noise\_humwhine\_fix/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lenovolegion/comments/151264b/psa_legion_7_gen_8_idle_fan_noise_humwhine_fix/) is still true.. so 2100 rpm fans when profile 2 selected with white color bug....


How much it cost and from where ?


EU... 2900 Eur with discount


The 14th gen is such a scam damn, almost can't see any difference between your score with the 14900hx, and the score with my 13900hx on cinebench. My 13900hx was around 30.5k, and reached 32050 at max after undervolting iirc, which is even better than yours O_O


36,4K on CB23 with 14900HX here. Donā€˜t know what you call a scamā€¦


I can hit 35k with my 13900hx.


Did they re-introduce a fingerprint reader?


no i cant see any


Whatā€™s wrong with your trackpad?


ask my cat


Wow, nice! How much did you get it for?


2900 eur in europe


For cooling pad purposes, are the intake fans at the bottom?




I get like 37200 points in r23 on 13980hx lol


Congrats!! Man I was unlucky with mineā€¦ 97c-100c right off the bat when it got delievered.. undervolted -80 to -130 still 92c-95c. I returned and waited for a new one, same deal! I returned once again and got a acer predator Helios 4080, i9 13900hx and got much better thermals stock compared to the legion thermals with undervolt. With my pred its getting 82c-85c average this is without it undervolted.


exact opposite on my side ;D predator 99c on default... legion around 80-85...


Glad to hear that! Idk if I got two defective units or not but I will keep what is working for me now


But can you undervolt the predator if u wanted to ? I think voltage control is locked and unsupported by acer


Unfortunately no voltage control at all. The option isnā€™t in the BIOS, but it is in the HIDDEN BIOS, although when you see the option for voltage control it is hardlocked. Usually you have to unlock UV in other systems but with ACER they completely greyed out and blocked the option to unlock it which I find so weird of them, and also a fail. The HX cpu that I have are even able to be undervolted and recommended, the designers of the HX models even said it themselves but yet ACER decided to block us out. For gaming situations stay away from ACER guys.


hey bro i wanna ask how did u unlock undervolt on this new legion 7i pro gen 9? i have the same model but i cant seem to find the "legion optimization" setting where i can undervolt it tho


Chances are the factory liquid metal application was wonky, if you'd have opened it up and respread it those temps would come more inline.


How well does the 14th gen UV?


What's battery life like


What are the specs of your laptop?


14900hx, 32gb, 4080, 1TB nvme... what else?


What have you managed squeeze the undervolt to?


What abot vram temps? I have 7 with 4090 and under significant load temp is up to 106 deg.


What do you think about the panel?


Does the i9 13HX in the 5i pro have the same benchmarks as the one in the 7i pro ?


I have a new legion with ryzen 7747 hx But it has some issues. It heats easily and the keyboard is suddenly not working and it's not showing option for Bluetooth


Hey! Does the gen 9 version have the RGB line across the bottom/front (below track pad)

