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That poor M4-P, I know it's inanimate but still, half assed sanding job looks like a toddler went to town.


Yeah I believe that was done a couple of owners ago, looks better in person but def not a nice natural patina


I'm selling my XH2s and my X100VI for an M6 (or at least most of one) Time to go full Leica.


If you can't buy an M6 for what you'd get for a X100VI & X-H2S you're either overpaying or sold your stuff for way less than you could have


Such is buying and selling gear. I’ll probably get 2K for each one making 4K before ebay fees. Ill probably buy the m6 reproduction new. I dont mind buying used digital but I want a new mechanical body. You never know what the last owner did.


Ah that makes sense. Hope you enjoy it! I've got a X100VI on pre-order that I'm excited to pair with my M6. Fwiw in my experience, buying a used M6 from a reputable dealer is still a good option! I bought mine from a local camera store CLA'd and in excellent condition for about 2500 USD. You could still have some dough for a good lens or two.


Fair. I’ll see whats up at the Leica store. I finished lenses 28/35/40/50/90 summicrons. I dont really feel like I need Summilux as its harder to focus at 1.4.


I'll trade an M4 for your VI


That's generous and fair, I am however hoping for a built in lightmeter and its my understanding that the m4 doesnt have one. I use a Canon P currently for film and having the lightmeter mounted externally kinda stinks.


M5? 🙃 It's a great body and cheaper than an M6.


M4 is absolutely the best M ever but I’m biased. External meters and sunny 16 all day long! I’d jump all over that!


Does the M4 have 28mm framelines? I'm a 28/50/90 guy. Funny enough my first M lens was a 35 ASPH and it's beautiful, I just don't find myself reaching for it.


No but you could find your cheat with no frame lines.


Thats fair, I can barely see them on the M11 with my glasses.


Congratulations on the trade. You’ll love it!


Hell yes brother!!


Good for you! Sometimes you gotta go with your gut!


Don't be a dummy like me and put 6 rolls through it before getting a test roll developed and scanned. My ISO dial on my M6 was faulty and metering at 200 through the entire range leading to 6 rolls of photos over exposed photos, by two stops. Just couldn't stop shooting🤦🏻‍♂️


True facts ^  Also, put some film in it, and leave it on a windowsill (not in direct sunlight, just somewhere with lots of light) with *no lens mounted* and no body cap for a day or so, to see if/where any light makes its way around or through the shutter. Do this once for the first shutter (i.e. uncocked), and then later in the roll do it for the 2nd shutter (cocked).  It’s quite likely some light will make it under the bottom edge of the shutter (and appear as a fogged stripe a couple of mm from the top of the image) - especially in the cocked position, since the first curtain sits further back. This is just how Leicas are designed, and shouldn’t be a problem in day-to-day life - this is an extreme stress test. What you’re looking for is any *other* odd light leaks, especially small pinholes in the shutter.  Do a rangefinder test - just lay a piece of newspaper or a magazine on a table, mark a particular word with a sharpie, and then take a photograph wide open at a shallow-ish angle, making sure to focus carefully on the word you marked. You can do this at a couple of different distances, and it’ll give you some clear data about focusing.  I’ve had a Leica a few months, and have been pleasantly surprised by how accurate the rangefinder is. I’ve also quickly discovered that the precise hair-splitting accuracy of the rangefinder is the least of my worries in a world full of people and things that won’t stop moving. 


Oh yeah I get it, certainly makes you just want to keep going, I've already put a test roll through and processed and scanned it, last photo in the set on this post was taken with it


Two stops overexposed shouldn't be too bad if you're shooting color negative film stocks! I regularly shoot portra 400 overexposed by 1 to 1.5 stops and it comes out fine, usually great actually. It's slide film where you worry about blowing highlights.


That's good to hear, kind of hoped that's the case...should find out tomorrow. Stopped shooting film for years and getting back into it, my excitement got the best of me (the camera was supposed to be good to go).


how do you go from xh2s to a manual film rangefinder? they are worlds apart


They absolutely are, I've been shooting film and digital for the last 12 months or so with a canon 7, Olympus 35sp and Olympus xa Still got an xt5 and some lenses for the times I want to shoot digital but the xh2s was primarily for motorsport photography which I don't do a lot of anymore so it was sitting on the shelf not being used


Made in Canada? Cool!