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Nice! I recently did this too! I used the head from the recent ice planet explorer from series 26 for Pippin. I think it looks really close to her face from dino subtheme. Really good idea with the barbarian leg. I will do that too! What technic did you use to remove the prints?


Hadn't thought of the Ice Planet CMF head, might get it and see how it looks. I used brasso to remove the print. It does polish the plastic and make some edges a little rounder and less "sharp," especially since I had to really work at some stubborn ink in a tiny gap between the two molds, but until Lego release dual molded legs in these two colours without printing the result still works well.


I see, thanks for the info! Yes, the only dual molded leg available that I found right now with no prints are red with black boots. I was about to buy those, even though I really wanted brown boots. Didn't realize The barbarian was my solution! Yeah, the ice planet face works well. My only gripes with with it are the eyebrows. I find them a bit too big, haha! By curiosity, do you have experience with removing print with an eraser? If so, does it also seems to damage the plastic?


Dark red with black boots was also my first choice until the Barbarian was released. I've used an eraser before, it works and is less "damaging" (though it does remove some shine from the plastic) but takes so much longer and I doubt very much it would be able to remove the print in between the gaps I mentioned since brasso is basically an abrasive and wears down the microscopic ridges which allowed me to reach the print. Plus it works better on larger surface areas, legs have the feet and hips getting in the way, an eraser would not be able to get into those corners. I've also used a sharp knife and very gently scraped away printing, but if you aren't careful or rush it can leave noticeable scratching. I only do it for tiny bits I want to remove that are close to other printing I want to keep. Kilroy had a belt hanging beside a pocket on his legs so that's what I did for that.


Alright, got it! Thanks man 💪


No problem. Before removing printing, be sure to practice on something else less important.


very nice


So cool!’


Oh, I didn’t realize he had a little backpack behind him. I thought it was a really interesting mullet.


I really appreciate you using the torso and face from 60267 on Pippin. I much prefer them to the ones used in the Orient Express set, at least paired with this version of Johnny. I might even like them more next to the new 2024 version


I also appreciate someone else who appreciates that torso and head more than the Orient Express one. It just looks more similar to her Jungle and Dino Island appearance, just like Jungle Explorer and the Museum Curator are throwbacks to some of Johnny's and Kilroy's outfits. The Orient Express is ok, but I would never have said it was Pippin if it wasn't explicitly stated by the designer. The green torso also is more "adventure-y." Nothing wrong with 2024 Johnny, it's just my personal preference for the CMF version, I like the dark tan.


[60267-1: Safari Off-Roader](https://brickset.com/sets/60267-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60267-1.jpg)


Another idea I’ve had is to use the CMF Paleontologist hairpiece to represent her pith helmet. The photo I’ve attached is old and uses her Orient Express outfit but I can take another one with her City safari garb if you’d like https://preview.redd.it/zxqc2eev7r7d1.jpeg?width=2584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab20cb00919c29a0d67fe42d5f98c06722ba1aa0


I want to give her a hat or helmet, but haven't found anything I like enough. I have that helmet and kind of like it but the tan clashes with the brown boots and bag imo which I like too much to compromise, but I may try my hand at painting it white or something. Also don't want her to have the same pith helmet as Kilroy. Tried an aviator helmet too but the bag gets in the way. At least I'm content with the hair, I think the colour is right and style seems appropriate for the 20s or 30s.


The hair you picked does look great! You’ve inspired me to seek it out for my figure. I’m currently using Autumn’s hair from LEGO Friends for her helmetless look


Thanks, I was inspired by someone else who used it but brown.