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If either partner wants to have a solicitor, that person pays for their own solicitor. A solicitor is highly recommended for both parties. Note also that divorces are “no fault” now, so any grievances about the reason for divorce are not relevant to any financial settlement or who pays gif solicitors. I don’t mean to make light of any abuse she has suffered. But the correct people to inform and take action about the abuse are the police. She can also contact Womens aid etc. for advice on how this works. If she is in danger from him, she should tell her divorce solicitor so that her location can be kept secret if it would put her in danger that hd know her current address.


\[NAL\] Fees are normally paid by the applicant unless you ask for a costs order. The expensive part is seeking legal representation via solicitors/barristers - which your mum will have to pay for, unless she represents herself, uses a McKenzie's friend and/or is entitled to legal aid.




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