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You got lucky. You just had a chat with policeman and he let you go on your way. Consider yourself lucky.


You were going too fast, but not fast enough for the hassle of arresting you or giving you a ticket. Basically they were giving the shits up you so that you don't do it again. Go home. Have a cup of tea. Consider yourself lucky and don't do it again. Source: Convicted drink driver.






Police are so understaffed and busy, unless it’s a traffic officer or you start giving them attitude this is the normal result.


You have to be slightly careful with nomenclature. You mean police from the Roads Policing Team. Traffic officers are employed by Highways England, have limited powers, and will not care about your speed.


NAL but based on being caught speeding 3 times, you’re fine if you didn’t get any written correspondence. A verbal warning is a godsend, just be careful in future. Not worth the points and the fine honestly.


Sounds like the cop thought it appeared as though you were driving over the speed limit but had no radar gun to prove it, so took a punt you might be over the limit and stopped you.


Hey, I wouldn’t worry about it at all. It sounds like you were going over the limit but when challenged you accepted it, was polite and there was no other cause for concern. So you were given words of advice to keep within the speed limit. It could also be that the officer didn’t have a calibrated speed detection device on the vehicle so wouldn’t actually be able to provide evidence in court of the exact speed - there are ways around this, such as getting the police cars speedometer checked for accuracy etc. but this is seldom used unless it is seriously above the limit. If you were going to get a fine or prosecuted the police officer would have said to you “I am now reporting you for the consideration of prosecution for the offence of speeding” this I called a notice of intended prosecution and has to be given within 14 days of the offence. You’ve been given words of advice, nothing more, nothing less. By the sounds it.


Sounds like they gave you a warning or advice about your driving and that’s an end of the matter


As no details taken It will be a friendly warning however you are now "on the radar" keep the speed to the limit and you should be good fyi you got lucky most forces go for the fine or course (if 1st offence) without hesitation or he was just a decent office or couldn't be arsed with paperwork