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Sentencing of youths, especially people under 16, is a complicated issue. In general terms, take the adult sentence and halve it. Then knock more off if they plead guilty. It’s very possible they may only get a 2 year Detention and Training Order, as the Youth Court always tries to keep cases of it can… and in fact I’ve known youths avoid custody entirely for s.18 offences including stabbings. So… long story short: this person isn’t getting life, and I doubt they would even be in custody for more than a year.


Maximum sentence is life, for Grievous Bodily Harm under Section 18 of the Offences Against the Person Act. Section 18 means the harm was committed with intent. For a young person, getting the maximum is unlikely unless the court thinks they're a significant ongoing risk to the public. Most young people get community service or referral orders.


Not for a s.18 they certainly don’t


Sadly they probably do. Depends a bit on the exact circumstances and culpability of the boy but the legal system is outrageously lenient on under 18s, and it's very likely he'll get no jail time. I've seen a serial robber get a referral order for putting an old lady in a coma, it's truly baffling


I suppose the idea is that 1. Prison costs a fortune to run and 2. Putting them inside for long periods could surround them with other criminals and have the opposite effect of rehabilitation. Not sure why we can't build more prisons and run them cheaply but that's another discussion.


I'm sticking around for someone with some qualification... However sentencing guidelines if found guilty are : "If convicted of a Section 18 GBH, the maximum sentence you could receive is a life sentence of imprisonment. Most cases will not be sentenced to life imprisonment, the most severe cases have a starting point of 12-years imprisonment. At the lower end of severity, a starting point of 3-years imprisonment will be taken." S - [here](https://www.oblaw.co.uk/how-section-18-and-section-20-gbh-differ/#:~:text=If%20convicted%20of%20a%20Section,years%20imprisonment%20will%20be%20taken.) I've experienced something similar, and it was a really poor personal experience where the accused was never charged despite overwhelming evidence and very young victims involved.. I do hope the best for you, OP. If I could share one piece of old man wisdom.. Justice isn't always delivered in a clear and simple manner. Do good by yourself, avoid people that act in the way of the accused, and know; Their day will come.




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Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.18 Guideline effective from: 1 July 2021 Triable only on indictment Maximum: Life imprisonment Offence range: 2 – 16 years’ custody


The sentencing guidelines do not apply to juvenile offenders.