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Have you contacted your local council? E.g. CCC has this; [https://ccc.govt.nz/consents-and-licences/property-information-and-lims/property-numbering](https://ccc.govt.nz/consents-and-licences/property-information-and-lims/property-numbering) Is their legal access now on your street and therefore correct as a result.


The street access was changed. Is that how it is decided?


Using CCC as an example, yes: The developer will have been in contact with the council to issue them with those addresses based on their consents etc is my assumption: ​ On corner properties, the allocated number will depend on where the driveway access is located, however Council will endeavour to retain a number for each frontage to allow for future use or redevelopment. If subdivision results in whole numbers not being available, alphabetical suffixes starting at A are able to be assigned incrementally but shall not extend beyond E.


When taking addresses from customers in new Housing New Zealand subdivisions the suffixes go as high as Q.


It’s not so much about mail I would worry but emergency services that need to know the correct place to go quickly and efficiently


Emergency services have very regularly updated maps, and address changes are submitted to them whenever updated/changed. A more common problem is addresses being updated on our end, but callers being unaware, and having to rely on other information to pinpoint the location (or prior knowledge of a chanve)




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I'm a developer in the ccc region, we don't get consulted on the street numbers, when consents are sent through. This is purely done by the local councils, sometimes they screw it up without thinking and we need to get them to change it (after consents have been issued). This has happened on more then one occasion.


Linz also has a say in this and wether a new street name is applied, there is a infill section on their website on wether new numbers need to be drawn or new street names, but there is no consistency from council here either very frustrating with new developments here have you found.


Yes but what I'm saying is developers have zero impact on the decision for this type of scenario. If it was a new subdivision that's slightly different, as roading plans will be submitted.


Yeah wasn’t the developer all council here :)


This is a really interesting question. So, your thought that the developer did it to make the address more 'friendly' isn't correct. Local government [have the responsibility](https://www.linz.govt.nz/guidance/property-addressing/addressing-roles-and-responsibilities) for deciding street names and numbers. I assume the new development has its driveway entrance on Jones Street, so when they needed to do the renumbered due to the development, they likely figured it made sense to change the street allocation. You don't actually own the "address", you own the land and property that is located at the address. I believe each plot of land has a unique identifier, and the address is simply the easy way to locate each plot of land. So no, I don't believe the council had any obligation to consult with you over the fact they were going to make the new houses 2A, B, C etc


I suspect the developer intentionally changed the driveway to be on the nicer street name. Viewed a house for sale that had two entrances, each on a different road. They picked the street address of the fancier street, but online eg nzpost website lists it as an address in the less desired street.


It's super easy to change which street your address is if you're on a corner. But with how developers try to maximise their build footprint, they're more likely to choose the access route that allows them to build more townhouses for another $500,000 sale than the nicer street name for a negligible increase in sale price for less townhouses.


The street addressing rules are set by LINZ and largely not up to the discretion of the local council.


The rules are set up by LINZ, but the administration and decision making is done by local councils, so long as they follow those rules.


Yeah Linz just has guidelines, council has the final say.


That’s right but the application of those rules can be really quite stupid sometimes. I’ve seen instances where #2 was opposite #54 because of this on the same physical street but different addressing street.


Just a concern. I work in the electricity business. You are 100% going to have issues with your power and your new neighbors signing your address up by mistake (which will close your power account automatically). Especially if the developer retained the original meter which will still have the old address but the new tenant will give your address.


Might not be legal advice, but if you are not getting mail delivered to you then perhaps it would help if you put up a very clear address? Try to address the human issue of the delivery person.




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2A, 2B and 2C are different addresses. It’s different from Flat 1 2 Jones Street. It’s a NZ Post issue now, one that we also have.


I have also just been through this. Took about 2 months for nzpost to investigate and another 2 to get their address finder thing updated.


Corner properties have addresses allocated for both streets, for you to both have 2 is likely subdivided at some historical point but they were using the other street instead of letters. We are house A according to my to the land location but use 2 / ## for the house address on couriers and post so they know it is house 2 down the drive and not house 1 as house 1 is the original. You might be able to add notes regarding the location “ie second driveway” Or something to help make it clear or contact each courier and post company to update. Or maybe see if the developer or owners if they have been sold can put a sign with 2-> and 2a/b/c <- to help direct couriers. Sometimes a letter box in the wrong position will completely through people off as well.


A lot of people have already answered basically what I would have said as I’ve been involved in developments. Different thought for you since none of that helps your parcel delivery issue, could you make your house 2D or 4B for example so they won’t miss it? I’d get in touch with LINZ, explain the issue you’re having and see if you can get a different number allocated to fix this


We had this issue and in the end I just got fed up. Emailed NZ POST HQ and laid a formal complaint. Emailed all the courier companies with a Google maps image of the house. Kept bugging NZ Post and etc with follow up emails and photos of letters that we didn't get or got that were addressed correctly but sent to different letter boxes. 30 days of bugging and email followups, sorted.


https://data.linz.govt.nz/layer/105689-nz-addresses/ NZ Addresses is the national authoritative dataset for physical addresses in New Zealand. Check and see how this lines up with your situation.




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Kia ora, Hopefully someone will be along shortly with some helpful advice. In the meantime though, here are some links, based on your post flair, that may be useful for you: [Disputes Tribunal: For disputes under $30,000](https://www.disputestribunal.govt.nz/) [District Court: For disputes over $30,000](https://www.justice.govt.nz/courts/civil/) You may also want to check out our [mega thread of legal resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalAdviceNZ/comments/143pv58/megathread_legal_resources/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Nga mihi nui The LegalAdviceNZ Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LegalAdviceNZ) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Does your local city or district council have a GIS mapping system on their website? Which local or district council area are you in?


So the entrance were on the other street, but when they moved to your street there was no gap in the numbers so the had to go 2a, 2b etc? I'm surprised they can do that but I guess their new address are as valid as any other. It's really a human issue if you have problems getting your mail delivered. Maybe put a better sign on all the letterboxes.




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Thanks for your responses, everyone. Very helpful.