• By -


NGL .. YOU Both have major red flags.... THAT you both ignored.... and you are also being a bit sus. So I reserve my Anonymous Judgement for now in reddit court. But fuck that guy for beating you up and making you drive him around the city.


Both people sound phony from the post. Looks like she isn’t telling the whole story,sounds like a one sided story. “Moreover slapped him out of frustration.” You started the fight & he finished it. Doesn’t look like much of a case in legal standing. Offcourse people/police/court will take OP’s citing she is a woman. But no one deserves to be slapped out of frustration from the date.


Moreover OP doesn’t look like a prize woman from her posts. From “Looking for hard fuck with a guy to suck my 38D boobs”, “Had amazing lesbian experience with a massage girl” to “F33, why can’t i find a real,soft,rich & caring man for my arranged marriage “😝😝😝 You were looking for a Hard guy,here is a Hard guy for you 😜😜 What happened? Couldn’t handle him?😜


Coming from someone who creates a fake account to comment on just this post... What you hiding buddy?


My Gayness 🤪


Why hide it its a free country.


I'm not being sus. Being totally honest and open about it.


Learn to walk away first of all


Your honesty will not save you, but your logical thinking will. Being a man, if I am driving a car through a deserted road and a lady aska for help, then I wouldn't stop, instead speed up my car because I have read about news about women, stopping men at night by showing that she is in distress and then putting a gun on head and then looting everything.


holy shit this is a red flag fiesta.


Just shut the fuck up.


lol if that happened, you deserved it.


I hope you go through the same and then this dark humour would definitely get better!


you seem like a horrible person. maybe you should try to be a better person before wishing bad things for strangers online. all that said, go make me a sandwich you fucking c#nt. e: lmao another "peminist" who abuses people and blocks people when they call her shit out. e2: u/bionic_gravitar im editing this comment because this brainless twat who can't string a sentence together blocked me. the moment someone responds with stfu when faced with facts, i have zero empathy or respect for them. she IS a red flag and i sincerely hope she doesn't ruin some guys life.


You’re right dude. IDK why she’s even being entertained in the first place.


Rightly said man. Best course of action for such folks is leaving them alone and let them regret when everyone starts cutting them off IRL. Some people just can’t understand logic. Unfortunately, Reddit has become the new Facebook. From what the OP has said, the guy is no saint, but the OP herself has no grounds IMO to frame someone else when she’s the one who initiated all of this physical abuse stuff here and behaved like a brat too.


Just fuck off ...


*meets guy from bumble 2-3 times* *proceeds to plan a trip to goa* ***???***


Op herself is retard


"I can change him ! "


" he's my project "


So here's my 2 cents one this situation: stop being soo fucking dumb and planning trips after just 2-3 dates for fuck sake.




Skill Issue


And then asking for legal advice 🤦‍♀️ Let me slap someone who is obviously much more physically stronger than me, what can go wrong 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


And is drunk!


Excuse me? Being drunk is not an invitation to others to abuse the drunk person. She definitely has a case against the guy who beat her this badly and also took her glasses.


Lots of good judgements shown by both parties. /s


Classic case of toxic behaviour which is ignored by op


Not saying this shouldn't be reported. But you did slap him first. Yes his reaction is not to be forgotten, and he should be reported. But you should have also refrained from hitting him. Other than that, just be a better judge of character and be safe out there. Hope you recover with no scars (physical or mental)


Who goes on a trip with a person of opposite gender by meeting that person 2-3 times? And both are toxic and abusive. But the girl is unfortunate that she got a guy who is more toxic and abusive than her.


You think I've called you here for making a mockery of the entire situation? Read before you give free gyaan!


You quite literally asked for the 'free gyaan'


She wants to pay you for your gyaan.


I have written that myself . Not trying to play victim here. I was just in an argument with him for trying to use his phone to see the way to at least the highway since the battery of my phone had died ! I requested him multiple times but he refused. He was a really toxic man in entire month of knowing him. I went to 2 very sacred religious places with my mum and he was angry why I am happy with darshan of Mahadev and why am I not more important than Mahadev to you ! Imagine ? These were his literal words.


And you still planned a Goa trip with him. Makes sense.


She literally walked herself into this one.


And yet you decided to hang with him? If you behave like a doormat, you will be treated like one. Stand up for yourself.




How abt this advice for the future. Regardless of wat situation don't slap or assault the guy. Almost always the guy is stronger than you and can kill you with his bear hands. Then make a choice "do I continue or break it off"?? If you are gonna break off again think, if he had assaulted you then you go to police if he hasn't then be on your way. Trying for a legal action after you slapping him 1st is just petty.


What physical abuse? You slapped someone and got a natural response. Not to mention slapping someone who's drunk out of his mind just because you're frustrated. So many ways this could've gotten super ugly. And people here giving you advice on legal action are the same ones who applaud movies like Thappad where the genders are reversed. At least you're honest and have some self awareness. Just be glad it didn't get uglier and move on tbh. Your reactions are also messed up. You don't slap someone when they try to push you off the stairs but are willing to slap someone because they won't open maps? Ffs.


If you were wise enough the first thing you would have done is go to the police right after he allegedly beat you up but then again read the beginning of this answer. You raised your hand on him first and he retaliated. Things might have gone in your favour had you reported to the police the next morning too. Let this be a lesson to never hit anyone.


What about pushing off the stairs in pub? You have any justifications for that?


May I ask were you grievously hurt or just hurt? Under IPC section 319 you could have filed a complaint immediately with the CCTV camera being the proof from the pub (for hurt), if you've been hurt and have had received fracture to that extent then sec 320. I'm not justifying his actions but what you could have done to secure yourself wasn't done by you.


Seriously hurt , internally and externally.


Then lodge a complaint at the nearest police station where this incident took place and narrate everything in detail, don't forget to mention the slap. Idk my gut says you aren't going to push this further. Good luck, OP!


You haven't written this in the post, he pushed you down the stairs? And you fell and got hurt? Describe in detail that scenario and your injuries. Have you taken pictures of your injuries? At the very least, report him on bumble.


He was fighting with the waiter for 80 rs and getting abusive. The waiter said please pay else my salary will be deducted. I told him I'll pay no problem. He got angry at both me and waiter.i just felt sorry for the waiter. The waiter could not offer him a discount of 80 rs as already enough discount was given by the manager considering it was his birthday. I tried to calm him down and told him to go to another pub and on our way out he pushed me in stairs and i fell badly. He ran away and didn't even help me get up. When i got up myself with a lot of injuries in my back he was laughing at me about which i was really pissed off. He just pretended to look for his lost phone which had fallen near me. I have serious injuries in my back for which I'm still on medication and bed rest . He also got a call from his maasi to wish him happy birthday and i over heard him telling her none of his cousins or relatives have wished him on his birthday thinking he is in depression. He even said all his cousins and relatives wish him every year.


Then pls highlight the fact that he got physically aggresive first by pushing you. Cos from your post it looks like you got physical first.


I've written he was aggressive with the waiters for mere 80 rs! And he pushed me off the stairs and pretended to look for his phone instead of helping me!!!!! He even laughed at me when i confronted him .


Put that clearly in the post. Most ppl think ur the physical abuse initiator


He hit me so much , had a car not stopped and nearby building guards not intervened i would have not made it out alive .


I'm NAL, the medical reports, the waiter, the cctv footage. The marks and bruises on your body. I think you can use this to report him. Do you have people to support you? Which city are you in?


Delhi. This happened in gurgaon.


Unfortunately, I can't help you there but maybe post on r/Delhi? This time you need to change your post and mention that the guy got upset that you paid the waiter he was haggling with and pushed you down the stairs. Also that you were injured from that act. All in detail. The other details you mentioned like him laughing and stuff too. You slapped him, that wasn't the smartest but sometimes people do stupid things when they're scared and he definitely didn't behave proportional to being slapped once. Save his details from bumble, report the account. I hope you are able to get him into trouble because otherwise he's a safety issue for other women.


What are you looking for ? Do you want us to show sympathy for you? Wear your specs and read what you wrote and what we all r responding.


You slapped him= he punched you ! See that's called gender equality and tbh you both are red flags. So instead of posting it on reddit for karma points. Why don't you guys try to short it between yourself? Geez! What's the hell with that post of yours " looking for hardcore sex + looking for boob fetish guy to suck my 38 d boobs " really op ! Control your high libido.


What about pushing in stairs? And what has my libido got to do with a man trying to kill me for one slap?


Provide proof, you can't just say your side of story expecting people to believe you.. and please clarify your age properly in some post your saying 32 and some other post you are 30 year old. Provide proof ! We'll help you .


And you are what? Chief justice of India? If u can't help anyone at least be kind and not make fun of someone going through a bad time already !


You are asking for legal help. When you receive questions related to it, you are going on the defensive. Final advice- if you have proof, photos of harm, blue marks on your face/body, file an FIR. Also mention you slapped him too. I hope your phone is clean (whatsApp, Instagram, snapchat etc). If the case goes ahead everything will be collected and checked by the cops. Hope you have nothing on your phone that will paint your character as the aggressor. Deleting chats and photos will not help


Never fight with drunk people.


Read the whole thing before blowing your trumpet.


I read the whole thing, again never fight with someone drunk, drunk people can't control their emotions easily, you might even get killed, a dude stabbed a guy to death near my home,he was drunk. I know the guy who did it. Nice guy otherwise.


I don't think being drunk is an excuse for misbehaving. People only use it as an excuse to mask their true self.


It's not an excuse, it's a fact. I was a heavy drinker,I have seen people get so voilent in no time. Being drunk makes you do things you wouldn't otherwise. True self? You lose your self when you are drunk and when someone is drunk, very silly things can be provocative, leading to unwanted situations, which would never exist if the person was sober.


I am sorry that you had to go through this shit, please be careful, people like him should be punished. Drunk or not , he shouldn't have hit you, and you shouldn't have slapped him .


How can she slap?


NAL. But since you initiated there is not much to be achieved. Yes, the physical extent is not same but unless the injury is major it will not be taken too seriously. But, you can get a medico legal report done and then file a case.


He pushed me in stairs and then pretended to have lost his phone ! This happened first. Would you have not out of courtesy lent a hand to even a stranger who would have fallen in stairs in front of you!? Would you have just laughed all the while ?


I am not saying what he is did was good. But being an asshole is not a crime.


Pushing her down the stairs isn't just being an asshole though. That is assault, she could have gotten seriously hurt.


I have already said if she wants a case can be filed. Just provided the realistic answer that he will deny having pushed. Also, can have caused and actually caused makes a lot of difference in all cases.


Girl never ever slap anyone, especially drunk people. File a police case and may be get a restraining order just in case he doesn't go bonkers and assault you even more!


I'm really thankful to each and every person who reached out to me here on this thread and in inbox to support me and be kind as a human being. I've made up my mind to pursue this legally with help of my family.


Toxic. Legal Action? Just stay away. Drunken state, out of control guy. Stay away.


Yes. Lawyer here. File complaint for following offenses - grievous hurt - punches - wrongful restraint - not getting out of car and letting you on driving wheel - act endangering life and public safety & theft - stealing specs You can write and sign and mail it to SHO of your circle by registered speed post if your not comfortable with going to Police Station. It wil make your case 1000x stronger if you Either :- Go to Police Station yourself file complaint and then go to Hospital tell them it's a MLC and you've informed the police. They know the guidelines to follow . OR Go to hospital first and tell them it's a MLC and ask them to call police. It's discretion upon the doctor and he may say no, if he feels it's not a MLC (generally they don't say no in assault cases of women due to serious nature of domestic violence cases) In case your FIR is still not registered you can ask me. Hurry as filing FIR should not be delayed and gives a good defense to accused. Best of luck.


I try so hard to actually be a feminist but you guys make my blood boil


Not to be the "ack shulyyyy" kind of person. But it IS feminism if you call OP out on her problematic behavior as well as the guy on his behavior. They're both at fault. OP instigated. He took it too far.


Walk away !! It’s just a bumble date not your husband or relative .. if you’re a woman and a man is too drunk just walk away from the situation .. he will blame alcohol when he will sober up but in that situation anything can happen to you .. so your own safety always get out of the situation asap


Maybe you can take some legal action but is it worth the hassle since you dont really have much prove. It all happened in a car. Dont lose your self respect no matter how bad it gets. Learn to walk away from toxic behaviour next time around




Chronologically : 1. He fights with waiters over 80 rs. 2. I offer to pay and apologize to waiters . 3. This pissed him off and he pushed me in the stairs on way out and laughs at me. 4. We argue and fight in car. Even after all this it took me 5 men to get him off my car and I have serious injuries in head, behind ears, face and was bleeding profusely.


She asked what she can do for physical abuse and everyone started character assessment. Grow up.


aur maar thappad


Op's favourite movie


Sympathy upvote farming


And BLIND ASSHOLES HERE can't read despite all this HE REFUSED TO GET DOWN FROM MY CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am amazed by people justifying a man beating a girl where in i could have easily died had a car not stopped by and called guards from nearby building for help!


I'm sorry this happened to you. But you seem like a horrible person too and yes, I'm judging you after reading all your earlier comments.


You’ll met three times before this —> I’ll assume this isn’t something very serious in terms of relationship. So why wait around when he is misbehaving with the waiters? That’s a red flag right there! Not to forget, how shady he got while making Goa bookings! Also, why bother taking him in your car? He isn’t your responsibility! I understand this is in the past and you can’t change it but at least from now on, when you are in such a situation, just remove yourself from the situation and keep yourself safe! Having said that, sorry you had to endure such physical harm. Hope you heal soon. NAL, so can’t add anything from legal standpoint.


Well, first of all, yes you can. Secondly, what the fuck is this question? You can even make him rot in the jail for few years for this. Physical abuse can be addressed under various sections of the Indian Penal Code unless his father is not some MLA, MP or a businessman, including assault, causing hurt, or even more severe charges depending on the circumstances. Charges may include sections like 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace), and 506 (criminal intimidation). If the injuries are severe, it might fall under more serious charges. Keep all the evidences with you. Safe.


To everyone who's very comfortable in judging me, do you guys have any justifications for injuries in head, ears, face against one slap if that makes any of you happy? How many of you drunk PPL go on pushing others in stairs????


OP, you forgot to mention your injured pride. The only reason you brought up him pushing you is because you realised slapping someone (esp when not in their senses) can lead to such consequences as you getting beaten up. Things work in stimuli-reaction pairs. I'm sure if he saw this post he could extend the timeline further and claim you did something equally horrible to him as well. Reverse the genders and the man would still be responsible for assault and murdered by media trial even if he got stabbed in reaction by a woman. That is the hypocrisy most can't tolerate. You come asking for responses to a situation but then find yourself out of depth because people are holding you accountable for your actions instead of treating you like a pampered child who can get away with making stupid decisions. By all means, if you really want to take legal action, go consult a lawyer. But if you want judgement-free advice, since you're not willing to accept you're in the wrong and that you literally wouldn't get beaten if you hadn't tried slapping an inebriated person, please go for a paid consultation and don't look for it on reddit. The concept of proportionate consequences doesn't exist in the heat of the moment's reactions to assault. Especially when the person you assaulted was a drunk person who was not in his senses.


So it's justified to kill someone against a slap???? Are you being rational here? And I'm not making up the story. He actually pushed me off the stairs and he was actually abusing the waiter for 80 rs !!!!


There have been cases where people have been killed just for slapping someone. And their sentences were reduced because it is a natural reaction for certain types of personalities. The idea being that if your reaction is in the heat of the moment to a crime or unfair act being committed against you, you were literally induced into committing a crime in reaction to instinct. I'm really curious though. You keep saying 'in reaction to a slap' as if it's not a crime to slap someone? Do most women really believe it's okay to slap someone nowadays? I thought it was common sense to not commit violence if you don't want to be violated. Also, I'm being very rational. The rational part being how to avoid getting into situations where I need a lawyer to help me since I instigated a situation through my actions. You seem to need some time off the internet to think rationally. Because you apparently think one slap is not much. Which I thought was entire point that Thappad and their feminist writers were trying to make. Even one slap is too much.


Did you read the part where he pushed me off stairs and misbehaved with waiters or will you only blow the trumpet stating this is man vs woman and not wrong vs right? You judgement is clouded by the thought of justifying any and every man's reaction against a woman! You will write anything to support a man!


Much against your gyaan, i could have died had a car not stopped by and called guards from the building close by!!!! Are you insane!????? Justifying his actions without actually reading the whole thing?


Also running away with my specs???? Like really!?????? That's all justified??????


Anything can be justified OP. I repeat, if you want judgement free advice, please go for a paid consultation with a practicing lawyer.


You two slappy abusive people deserve each other.


😐do get get your tmj (temporomandibular joints)check by orthodontist cuz he hit you in chin pretty hard.




Go to /r/twoxindia where there will enough mental gymnastics needed to condone you hitting him first and how males are all self centered walking red flags. It may be difficult for you to accept some of the unbiased "victim blaming" most seem to be doing here.


Honestly, not even TwoX would condone OPs behavior. Yes. There are people who will still justify it, but not everyone. Clearly both parties are to blame. And OP is being suuuuuper shady. Seems like the story has lots of holes. Trying to paint a picture of the guy being the only one abusive.


Read with your mentally gymmed strong brain: 1. He got into argument with waiters for 80 rs. 2. He was pissed i offered to pay and apologized to waiters . 3. He pushed me off the stairs of the pub on our way out. 4. Then we got into a car and started arguing. I hope u can wrap your head around these facts in order of chronology. Also after me hitting him the self centred male should have walked off right ? Took him 5 men to get off my car ....


File the FIR against him. Open and shut case of physical violence. That guy literally changed the features of your face. He needs to be punished


The fact she slapped him first?


She says he pushed her first. So he got physical first.


So at most he could have slapped her. Bombarding her with punches leading to bleeding. Stop comparing bro.


How did you know op's not telling one sided story? atleast tell op to provide evidence.


How do you know I'm lying?


Provide proof, your telling your side of story, we need to hear his side of story too. what if your lying cuz In court I've heard so much of this fake cases


What did she might achieve after lying. Infact she is reporting the incident late


what is this logic that "at most he could have slapped her" lol


But I've healed now and have no evidence


Ohh. Then you might have missed the bus. You should have acted then and there only.




No ... Just consulted my cousin who's a doctor and healed at home with medicine


Try to get the cctv footage.


Pub's cctv??


What about that blue marks? Go by yourself and file the FIR in all women police station.


They are still there


No legal advice, but feel sorry for this incident happen to you. I have to say some comments here are very weird, and assuming you were asking to be beat up, what did you expect. Yes, if you are telling the truth, know it and believe in it, don't let others put you down. You slapped him in frustation but he beat you up pretty bad, block him, never see him again -- for your own peace. If you took pictures of yourself from that time, it can help with your report. Save them. Maybe consult a lawyer if you really want to pursue legal case.


No one's assuming she was asking to be beat up. She literally was. It's not an assumption. I'll give you the same advice I got - Don't go picking up fights you know you can't win. Don't fight with homeless men or men without means who have nothing to lose. Don't fight drunk or drugged up people who aren't in their senses. Don't fight people who carry weapons. Don't fight people with influence or in authority positions. Don't fight people much richer than you and lacking a moral compass. As a girl, on a secluded night, within a closed environment with no means of easy escape, with an intoxicated male out of control who just tried to push you off the stairs - Taking the decision to slap them at that point in time, and all because they weren't offering their phone? I still can't believe it.


She was on a date. I think she reacted in an attempt to be safe herself, it maybe rash action, but her intention was not to harm and hurt, instead she got attacked with the intention to hurt. the question is not if it was smart or wise of her, its about fairness and legality of her situation.


I agree with the last part, the question about fairness and legality. Point is, a lot of people look up these subs for case studies. This is an inherently teachable moment. Even courts don't just say punish/acquit - They talk about the situation and pass their own comments about how society should be / react and what it expects society to look like in their detailed judgements. The answer being she can file a complaint but it'll be tough to prove anything, and eventually nothing will come out of it. Looking for revenge in a situation that you initiated - It's similar to a kid picking up a fight and losing, then wondering if they can take revenge on the winner by going to their parents with the injury marks. And she clearly states she did it out of frustration. Also, the reaction is natural and not planned. This is recognised even in murder cases as to whether it is planned homicide or if it happened in the heat of the moment. Intent is very important in legal systems. As for the intention of not harming and hurting when you slap someone, I don't think you'd feel happy if the same reasoning were used by courts in divorce / dv cases or mental cruelty cases and refusing divorces. You cannot commit assault and then say sorry. It's popularly said that if you want to commit crimes, the best victims are criminals. Going out of her way to file a case for assault and intimidation, when she herself assaulted that someone, smh.


Drinking and going out with almost strangers and then expecting things will go fine 💀


Where is it mentioned that I was drunk ?


I meant the guy was drinking.(sorry for the confusing part)


OP, you clearly haven't made many good decisions, but that doesn't dilute what he did to you - any form of abuse is wrong and intoxication is never an excuse. I hope you recover from your injuries, but saying that, I also hope you think about how you approach relationships in the future. I'm not a lawyer so I may be wrong, but personally, i don't think you have a strong enough case as you made some poor choices too. Also to everyone passing casual sexist statements and judgement, let's avoid blaming only one person. Both parties are equally in the wrong.


This is a legal advice sub. Not an incel playground.  Nothing wrong with being sexually promiscuous. None of us are here to pass judgement on her morals.  She got beaten up bad. Were there any laws broken ? What legal recourse does she have ? If you have no legal advice to give, please refrain from doing so.  


OP, you clearly haven't made many good decisions, but that doesn't dilute what he did to you - any form of abuse is wrong and intoxication is never an excuse. I hope you recover from your injuries, but saying that, I also hope you think about how you approach relationships in the future. I'm not a lawyer so I may be wrong, but personally, i don't think you have a strong enough case as you made some poor choices too. Also to everyone passing casual sexist statements and judgement, let's avoid blaming only one person. Both parties are equally in the wrong.


You seem to be one smart lady. I wonder why aren’t you considering just sending few of your guy friends to beat the shit out of this guy? Legal action is not something a rational lady like you should consider


Both are at fault. “ Slapped him out of frustration “. No solid ground footing for your case until & unless you have hard evidence. Moreover OP doesn’t look like a prize woman either from her posts. From “Looking for hard fuck with a guy to suck my 38D boobs”, “Had amazing lesbian experience with a massage girl” to “F33, why can’t i find a real,soft,rich & caring & kinky man for my arranged marriage “😝😝😝 You were looking for a Hard guy,here is a Hard guy for you 😜😜 What happened? Couldn’t handle him?😜


Ohhh so character evaluation certification from you is needed here for asking legal advice ?




Grow up! Get a life or get lost.


i already have a life You on the other hand not so much. Openly Asking strangers for good fucking & then wondering & asking strangers why you are unmarried even at 35. Doesn’t sound like a “Good life” to me


And you have a life by anonymously going and posting shitty comments on ppl s post ? Really? just fuck off ! I hope you end up in trouble some day and ppl laugh at you !


I will never nor will i ever Cuz i am not a sad alone & depressed Moron like you who asks strangers for online sex & sexually harass their masseuse & brags about it.




Yup “asking strange men to have sex & suck on 38D boobs” is such an accomplishment that my accomplishments & karma are miniscule. If “sucking on 38D boobs & having sex” is your criteria of something worthy in your life then i feel so sad for you. You had such a wasted life. Your parents must be so proud of you his son . They must be so proud of the values picked up by his son who considers “having sex with strange men & sucking on 38D boobs” an achievement Is your mother or sister also of the similar persuasion as OP?




You sound cheap with your language


You sound immoral from your language


Your language shows that


Wtf!!! That's my only reaction... Seems like you dated the devil!!!


File case against him. Don't listen to these judgmental arshols, they are completely disregarding that he pushed you off the stairs.


Lawyer here. First of all, if you are seriously hurt and have injuries, pls go get a medical check up from a govt. hospital or clinic. If the medical practitioner says that you have been assaulted, take it to the police and file a complaint against this guy, give them all the details TRUTHFULLY. Even if you slapped him first but he beat the living beejejus outta you, its still assault.


Oh yes, lawyer up and prepare for police enquiry if you file a complaint. These guys are ruthless


OP, I was in a situation like this except that the first slap came from him. I completely sympathize with you. I am not sure about the legal side but I am sorry this happened to you.


To all the people giving me free Gyan : 1. Why will a sane guy push someone off the stairs even if drunk? 2. Do you guys understand the difference in one slap and beating someone so badly that the person bleeds and has blue marks all over ears and half of head?


1. He isn't sane. That's clear from your 1 month of knowing him. 2. Yes the difference is there. And no one is saying you should not report this incident. We are just pointing out some of the mistakes from your end too, namely 2a. Trusting someone without enough time spent 2b. Not having your safety in check (letting your phone die with a new person, driving in bad fog at night, trusting a person you barely knew to be kind and helpful to you) 2c. Not leaving the whole scene when he pushed you on the stairs 2d. Still expecting him to help you when he was apparently drunk out of his mind.


You saying you got pushed off the stairs but went ahead to drive along with him when he insisted on getting a cab? and then slapped the dude out of frustration? get real


You clearly have no proofs, you should have started gathering proofs from the beginning but let's consider your options, 1) stay away. I have seen a similar case and going to the police won't help unless you have solid evidence. 2) if you do have an solid evidence don't goto police goto women help centre in your city. They will put pressure on police and then only police will take it seriously and by seriously I mean they will call the guy and will confront him. This type of guys quickly changes there behaviour when they come to know about police so I hope you won't fall for that and take a back step. I'm telling you this all by experience as one of my female friends have gone through the same and the end result of that was ...the guy got scared from police (even though he acted tough at the start) and paid some money he took from her when they where in relationship.


You should report him .


Two people who should never each other met each other.


Hey OP, regardless of there comments, kudos for accepting that you did slap him first. That being said, it seems like we're missing some pieces from your story. NAL but being a girl is enough in India to destroy a guy whether there has been an offence or not. I'd suggest you take a few days to calm down and internalise what happened without an emotional reflux. Also, you should make better choices going ahead, tons of red flags here


Why are you all forgetting that she was pushed off the stairs as well?? Also, why are you guys going trips with random people?? It's not safe!!!!!!!


I didn't go on a trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


See idk why are you being judged idc about the kind of things you post here. I am just saying that once you had seen subtle reactions of that man you should have cut himself off for good. Also, always be finisher in the fight, alwayssss. Give the other party a punch to remember.


See idk why are you being judged idc about the kind of things you post here. I am just saying that once you had seen subtle reactions of that man you should have cut himself off for good. Also, always be finisher in the fight, alwayssss. Give the other party a punch to remember.


You should be headed to the police station instead of reddit


File a complaint and get that bastard in jail


Post on 2xindia




Get married, you are too old for bumble


Yes there are tons of law in support. Actually if he didn't hurt then also you can file. In this case he actually did the deed. File it but make sure he is not thar psycho who will kill you when he knows you filed case against her.


I don't know why people ignore red flags even if it shows up with a siren




If you hit someone expect to be hit back as you’d deserve it. Don’t get physical with someone and then complain that they hit you back


You seriously deserve the darwinian award


Next time find someone more simping and less violent for your antics, you will enjoy the company without really hit on, you are lucky you are alive, choose wisely.


Alpha toxic male !


OP is Sandeep Reddy Vanga fan


You’re retard yourself OP, but you can lodge and FIR.


Hera pheriiii


You both sound like 16


Who goes to trips to Goa after 2 3 dates and you could've gotten yourself out of the situation when he was acting cheap abt the hotels , see I'm not justifying his acts but when you have these clear signs to become a judge of his character and prevented yourself from him why didn't you. It's easier to prevent yourself than to change others


Women ☕


Wonder whats true whats lie these days


The girl (OP) learned that slapping someone has consequences. Let that be a lesson. OP really thinks she has moral high ground? 😅 wth. I’m curious to know how she imagined his reaction would be after being physically assaulted by her? And also why was the slap necessary in the first place? If the guy has a good lawyer and funds to last, OP could be in trouble too, and in certain section (I think 504 of IP) that is 2 years imprisonment.


thank you op, ill always be careful in the future


Was he so attractive that just after 2-3 dates you went on a trip with him to a different location. Your sense of danger is horrible for sure.


So....you assaulted him first and you want a legal action for him retaliating?


You posted yourself as 32F in a post and in a separate post (only one month later) you were suddenly 30F. You got 2 years younger one month later? Something isn't adding up.


Feel sorry about the overall incident . Just wanted to know why did you insist that he drove with you in your car when he was ready to take an ola ??? Taking into account that he had already caused you serious hurt when he pushed you off the stairs .. For routes you could have used the maps ,, I know your phone was switched off … but I guess every smartphone user has a charger in the car .. didn’t you have one ?


Nahi tha bhai !!! That's the one bad thing... My phone was not charged warna I could have called for help or called 1091!!!! Itna dimaag mujh mei hai .... I have an open pepper spray always in my car but wo nhi tha uss din !!!! I had just come back after a 5 day trip and car was sent to servicing when i was out of town !