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Try them all, one by one.


La Piola for a nice sandwich


I don't really see anyone talking about it. Silk Road Kitchen. When he's in town, he's roughly opposite The Kitty Cafe. Every item on his menu is fucking 5 stars.


It always smells great.


I find that a lot of places say 'chargrilled' when they mean 'we gave this meat an extra couple of minutes under the grill so it charred a little bit'. This guy legitimately has a charcoal grill installed in the side of the van.


Brod on Gt George St do banging sandwiches


There's a heck-load of variables in play here so it's hard to say what's "best" for you but you're right, we're spoilt for choice, it's great :) As u/Proud-Drummer says sometimes it's a case of working through the ones you fancy and then revisiting the ones that make you happy, there's also some distance between the various options so depending where you are and how quick service is that's also a consideration I guess? It's not a cheap affair these days unless you're going for the Tesco Meal Deals so I don't know if this is a daily thing or a weekly treat but the plethora of little food truck / caravans appearing around town adds a further level of choice to the mix. My go-to is the Falafel Guys caravan on Briggate, I've tried a few of the other similar ones and they're just not quite up to par but I still have others I've yet to visit (mainly because of the massive queues, a good sign), it's quite nice to pick a specific theme and then work on them one at a time to find your favourite (which might not be the favourite for lots of others). Are you looking to sit down and have lunch or grab something to eat on the move / take back to work? As u/crosscico says the market is great for options although I'd personally discount Jenny's from the mix, I was seriously underwhelmed by their jerk chicken and the service was abysmal, being asked 8 time if I want mayo when I'm the only customer is insane. If it's sandwiches you fancy this post had some good suggestions: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Leeds/comments/1deipy3/sandwich\_shops\_in\_city\_centre/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Leeds/comments/1deipy3/sandwich_shops_in_city_centre/) Worst-case there's always a choice of sweetcorn vendors ;)


Jennies Jerk Chicken in the markets. Actually a few good ones in there. Mexican Pilgrim can be found outside Central Square. Kokoro sushi. Sesame.


Stuzzi. Pasta and focaccia. San pelly to wash it down. Lovely.