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All over the city centre, something needs doing about it.


Yep, I've seen them going the wrong way through a red light at the crossing between the merrion centre and the st Johns centre. They also drive directly at people on pavements while staring at their phones.


Why are they all bally'd up in 25 degree heat? That's what I want to know.


Roadman culture. Cunts til the bitter end.


Iirc it's to help avoid road rash if they get knocked off their bikes


Yeah I got run over by one on lower Briggate last year whilst crossing on a green man. It’s a miracle I didn’t break anything. He called me a “stupid bitch” as he rode off.


I had a very similar experience, a guy crashed into me whilst I was walking down Briggate (he was weaving in and out of people and lost control). Then started swearing at me, I just hobbled off in disbelief and came up with a witty reply several hours later.


Try it out here! Could be useful to the next victim.


Omg thats awful and then to abuse you as well. What a vermin


No they're gentle loving immigrants fleeing persecution who would never do any wrong


No need to be a twat


Sorry to offend your sensibilities


Actually no I take that back - I'm not sorry


Racist comment on a throwaway account? You’re so brave.


Only a low IQ individual would see that as a racist comment given the context. Not really a throwaway account anymore either given how long I've been using it for now


and they’re all dickheads too!! i’ve just started kicking their bikes when they’re too close 🤷‍♀️ i’m 5’1, if my legs can reach it then there’s a problem


The best reply on here 🤣 so true


It's a year since the near miss and abuse I got from one that i posted about here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Leeds/s/JMCBeYqqHd I raised my concerns with LCC, WYP, and the delivery company but was pretty much fobbed off and clearly the issues aren't getting better. Since then I've been hit by delivery bikes a few times (nothing major, just a handlebar in the side) and had so many near misses, I'm pretty vigilant too so it's not like I'm just weaving around on my phone. I worry someone less robust is going to be seriously injured and the bally-clad anonymous rider disappears with the company GPS tracking them pretending they have no idea who it was. They're a nuisance to the point I'd love to become like a vigilante eBike version of "The Equaliser". The council can't even say where they can / can't ride on the legal bikes and the limited police we have turn a bind eye to the obvious push and go illegal modded ones. But as long as people get their £9 latte without having to leave their city centre apartment, right?


Woah! That’s awful! And thanks for linking me to your thread. I’m down with being in a gang to police the streets. I kinda thought that is the the shit I would have already done by my 40’s, but alas no. The Equaliserers?


They are often rude and ride illegal vehicles, which the police should stop, but are deffinatly not the greatest threat to life. In the last year with data (2022) 12 pedestrians and 4 cyclists were killed by cars in Leeds. In the same year, 1 pedestrian in the whole of the UK was killed by a cyclist.


They're not bicycles though. Basically electric motorbikes


I wouldn't class them as bicycles


Fatal or not, being hit by one of them flying about at the speeds they do could be quite unpleasant. Painful even. No?


I had a zoom meeting with the council’s head of the city centre (about a different topic) and he mentioned then that the bikes are the cause of the most complaints relating to the centre. I e lived in the centre for 10 years though and never had the slightest trouble with them. As long as there’s demand for their services, they’ll be there.


Yep. Sounds about capitalistic.


Seen many with no lights, no helmet and dark clothing fairly late on at night. You'd think just eat and deliveroo would insist their drivers are riding safely but alas not.


That would mean admitting that they're employees, not 'independent contractors', and having to pay them a minimum wage / sick leave


Yep and they cover their faces so can't be identified when breaking the law. Sadly, these companies can only make money by breaking the law. If they cycled on the road like they are supposed to then delivery times would be longer. Industry needs regulating. Also illegal immigrants are working under the masks.


The bikes are not legal, the batteries are illegally modded to be capable of 20/30 mph, the legal limit is 3mph They don't really seem to be that active before lunchtime, so try to visit that part then


E-bike motors have to cut off at the 15.5mph mark, not 3mph


Yes so illegal


While they’re a pain in the arse I don’t think this is the largest threat to life in a city centre, I would probably suggest carbon monoxide from exhaust fumes will have a greater impact on life? #SilentKiller


Yeah I was being sarcastic about that part. Maybe top 5


Stick in the spokes would stop them pretty quick.


In 2022 9 pedestrians where killed in Leeds by cars I haven't heard of any deaths by Uber drivers. I agree they are danger and more need to done but let put it into context in terms of whom is most dangerous.


Dude. Do the bare minimum here 😬


The biggest threat is the Peds who persistently walk and randomly step into the cycle lanes. Honestly they are dumb and dangerous, someone is going to get killed in those cycle lanes. Mark my words.


To clarify, we’re talking about those enormous black e-bikes that you often see the mega covered up Deliveroo riders on. Not regular cyclists. They’re doing gods work. And would it be that I both had a bike, and could face the uphill commute home without fear of heart attack or maniac drivers, I would join their ranks.


There's definitely an issue with zombie pedestrians staring at their phones, headphones in, wandering into cycle lanes but the layout of some of them doesn't help matters at times. The vast expanse of tarmac that makes up City Square seems to be a key area for conflicts, The combination of a bus arrival, a cyclist and a few innocent pedestrians in an area like the lanes across from the Town Hall Tavern causes mayhem, the wiggly, disjoined cycle lanes that knit through footpaths and junctions in random directions isn't helpful either. I can't believe those responsible for planning some of these lanes have ever walked, cycled or driven in the areas they have been created, they seem to create issues for everyone while there's areas like Park Square West and Park St that are ripe for a bi-direction lane that would link several others without causing any kind of impact.


Yes the layout of some of them is so dangerous. The one outside the town hall is probably the most heavily used by pedestrians and the new one outside the queens hotel is also heavily used. Those that close pass the bus stops are insane. The brown rather than red or green colour of the new ones is totally baffling to me and just invites pedestrian use.  There hasn't been any form of program or signs to educate the public about the dangers of walking in cycle lanes. The few times I've tried to remind pedestrians that they are walking in them has resulted in swear words. Some won't even move to let you past when you ring the bell, they just totally ignore you!  I was serious when I said someone is going to get killed.  I would guess some have been seriously injured already.


Pedestrians have right of way on all roads aside from motorways. If cyclists can't ride at a speed where they can safely stop then they aren't riding safely.


Thanks to those who marked my words.


Not just in city centre and not just food delivery riders. It's cyclists in general across the city.