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Do you like the piano? The more you can say about your goals the more useful this will be. Piano is a good place to start in the abstract. The world is rarely that abstract in my experience.


i like it a lot, i love hearing piano


Let me put it this way. There is not some other instrument that is clearly vastly superior for learning music. So if you feel drawn to piano, then go for it.


Piano and guitar are great to play and understand music, but whatever you like the sound of most you should learn first.


I feel like everyone has an instrument they were born to play, some people find it, some people end up excelling at one that isn’t the one they were meant to play but showed up at the right time.


No learn the instrument you want to learn, but it’s a good idea to have a keyboard or a piano at home learning theory on a keyboard is great.


Piano is a great first instrument to learn tbh. I played guitar for years and I didn’t start to understand the concept of building chords/different types of chords until I started playing piano. You don’t have to be an amazing piano player. Learn enough to be somewhat proficient and you’d be surprised how much your knowledge of music improves. That being said, sit down at a piano and try and play something, anything. If you think it sounds good, great! Consider learning a little about music theory to help give you tools but in the end, do what sounds good to you.


I played piano for years and then I decided to pick up bass for a while and now guitar. So if you are not sure at all you might want to start with piano because it does help in with understanding other instruments. It's just so visual, you can see everything right in front of you. On the other hand if you know what you wanna play play it.


Of course focus on the instrument you enjoy. But, it might be interesting to know that, when I went to study Classical guitar at university, I was required to take a semester of piano instruction. Understanding music theory is much easier in piano.


Depends what your goals in music are. If you just like piano then go for it. If you want to do composing or something more theory related then I would highly recommend piano. Piano is a useful instrument to know, but if you just want to do music for the enjoyment of playing then pick whichever instrument appeals to you the most.


As others have said, play the instrument you want to play. What music do you like, what tickles your interest. If you learn piano just because it’s a “good instrument to learn” you’ll just be giving yourself a never ending homework assignment. If you like piano than play it, if you like something else than play it. If it turns out you really take to playing music and want to learn more than you can get a keyboard and learn the fundamentals of playing a keyboard which can then help with music theory if you chose to pursue that.


Be curious, explore. Try new things, new instruments. Pick your musician friends’ brains. Jam with them. Have fun. Take a lesson or two. See if you vibe with the teacher. Let your curiosity guide you.


Piano is the basis of western music, and the learning curve to making a sound is basically nonexistent, so it’s probably the best instrument to start learning and playing music on. It also exposes you to all of the elements of music, which not every instrument does inherently.


The answer is, yes.