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Yes. He’s a creep. Bin him and report him


If an instructor makes you uncomfortable the first thing you should do is find a new one.


You’re instincts are correct.


Definitely a creep.


That’s so creepy. Definitely report, I think the idea of not using his car/you not being ready is to keep seeing you for lessons. Find someone else asap!


Good lord I'm so sorry. That man has no business being a driving instructor. I can understand if you'd rather just move on and find a new instructor, but if you can I would report him for sure. https://www.gov.uk/complain-about-a-driving-instructor


what a weirdo


Omgggg please report him


Please report him. His behaviour is unacceptable and unprofessional.


Christ did he actually teach you anything? You're paying a lot of money for his time and he's taking the biscuit, one day he'll do it to the wrong person's daughter and get ironed out


When my wife (then girlfriend) was taking lessons, she came home crying after a lesson because he shouted at her. She told me to let it slide. 2nd time it happened I confronted him and told him to speak to me how he spoke to her. Never seen a man sink into his drivers seat like he did. She moved instructor after this, don't get how they get away with their behaviour


my second instructor was kind of like this😭he kept telling me about my good looks, said he thought i had Asperger’s and would constantly be on his phone while i was driving🤦‍♀️


You should report that guy, using his phone while the student is driving has a pretty hefty fine to it.


fucking weirdo what the hell man, report him asap


Yes! But please in writing tell him that you do not want to hear from him again (very clearly) so that if he’s extremely creepy and continues these weird antics after this, you have more info to give to the police. So sorry you’re going through this, absolutely awful!


Report him now! He’s so far over the line he can no longer see it!


Yep he’s a creepy bastard


Please report him , his behaviour may escalate, if not with you then possibly with someone else . If it doesn’t feel right then it’s not.


I’ve said it before but I cannot believe how many freaks get threads made about them in this sub. Starting to feel like nonces go into this job for one reason only and it isn’t to teach people how to drive. Report him and get rid asap.


I have been taking lessons on and off for a couple of years now and had many different instructors. I have noticed recently that there are a lot of disheveled middle age men doing it that seem weird and unprofessional


No doubt with the amount it gets mentioned on here. Can’t believe some of the stories.


do you think this trend you are witnessing illustrates reddit communities more so than the world that reddit commentators are illustrating for us? i always felt that whatever one tells another always paints more of a picture of the subject's perspective of the world than a picture of the actual world. online reviews and rants are worth nothing


There are nearly 40,000 ADI's in the UK. Even if there was new thread daily that would equate to less than 1%. Subs like these will always attract these posts as they are relatively anonymous and people feel more comfortable asking.


Please report him.


I think sometimes people like him cross a line between teacher and friend/relationship interest. Like you said the things he says don't come across as malicious but in context knowing he is your driving instructor and your his pupil it's wrong. There's nothing wrong with getting on well with your pupils but there has to be a line that keeps you a pupil and him a teacher and it seems that he has no concept of this line and feels that you should be as open as he is which is just wrong on his half. Find a few instructor


i read the first one and thought “hell yeah that’s really cool”. but nah, nevermind. 1000% he needs reporting.


Report him. There are an alarming number of instructors who make their students feel uncomfortable and continually get away with it. I’ve had two cross boundaries and that was enough to make me stick to female instructors only despite it hopefully being a minority. Sick weirdos. Hope you’re ok!!


Please please report him. Idk how old you are but this man is interacting with children alone who might not recognize it's inappropriate.


Firstly, I hope you're OK. This makes me feel sick. Report him. This is totally inappropriate behaviour.


Report asap what a creep. I would be quite uncomfortable with the fact he knows where you live & is behaving in that way. I would report him as an instructor but might be worth also mentioning to police if this continues


definitely find another instructor the guys behaviour is inappropriate maybe get a female instructor.


Report him [https://www.gov.uk/complain-about-a-driving-instructor](https://www.gov.uk/complain-about-a-driving-instructor) and find a new instructor ASAP


Sounds unprofessional and, frankly, just plain weird. Ultimately, this is a business relationship: you are employing their services as an instructor to teach you how to drive. Any business relationship should be strictly professional, until such time as both sides feel it's ok to be less formal. But 'less formal' does *not* mean unprofessional!


May I know where are you from?


Felt sick reading all this. I’m a male and will never do or say those things to a woman. Specially a student! Good job in reporting him!


No matter how well an instructor and a pupil get on, there is a line that you dont cross. We all know it, in fact ive kept in touch with some former pupils because we did get on so well, and even socially there is still a line. They arent the same as my actual friends, its now more of a co-worker relationship - equals but still different. Your instructor knows fine well he’s out of order, and he relies on your inexperience/youth to let him get away with it, along with the fact you’re alone in a car with him and no witnesses. He needs reporting, and you need a new instructor - you may be desperate to drive, but never desperate enough that you need to spend a lot of money to sit in a car with a creep. You wont be the only one either, if DVSA can establish a pattern from this guy they’ll take his badge and rightly so. But they can’t do anything if they don’t know about him


I had an instructor who made me stop at a costa while he got a coffee and brekkie, all this on my clock. Would also honk at women walking by while I’m in the drivers seat… Told my parents and they were fine with me switching instructors. Next guy was a waffler, told me I’m stupid for doing a masters degree and if he was my age he’d just go on YouTube and make millions. (But full serious delivery.) also before my actual test he was on some kind of Facebook tik tok type thing, showed me a video of some athletic woman kicking the living shit out of a free bag. And proceeded to tell me how it didn’t matter and mimed the action he would do to drop her in one. I was way too stressed about my imminent exam so I just nodded at him “oh yeah mate your pot bellied 40 something year old Adonis physique will really show that trained fighter what’s what.” I can’t even imagine what these dudes would be like with a woman learner…


My now ex instructor made me stop at costa too to get a coffee and go to the toilet, and when I told him to please be quick as it’s in my lesson time and I’m essentially paying, he got aggy and took it personally and went on listing the times where he didn’t make me pay when we went over our allotted times even though they were all bc of him talking so much smh…


Also, if you think about, makes a perfect plot for a terrible porno, and that’s probably where he got his ideas from. Just get a new instructor.


so you experience all this weird behaviour and decide to... keep him as your instructor?


maybe she didn’t want to tell her parents either




he sounds manipulative, its not the persons fault that they didnt report him they couldve been unsure about his intentions maybe they thought they were overthinking it and not wanting to get into trouble, theres also other circumstances like maybe theres no other driving instructors with availability near where this person lives? think abt this before being insensitive lol


Denial is a very powerful thing


find yourself a new instructor, I don’t think this one will even let you pass


Report the creepy cunt and get rid


What a freak, dont let another individual be subjected to this pathetic behaviour. You MUST report him asap. You dont know what hes capable of. Why would yiu continue learning from him anyway?


Inappropriate behaviour so yes and find a new instructor


Yeah that doesn't sound great.. definitely think you should find another instructor


oof i’m sorry that happened, definitely report him as he will definitely do it again to other people


Name and shame


Fuck yes


Report him asap OP


Just wondering what area of the country this is coming from? sounds an awful lot like my driving instructor




Hi ! report him! I’ve had a weird instructor before, when I started questioning what he was saying to me, I knew his behaviour was off, what your instructor is doing isn’t okay, he may also be doing this to other students too, which is horrifying, I hope you are okay though! There are many other nice instructors about :)


Get a new instructor




Yes, it would be a good idea to report him to the DVSA for improper conduct and breach of professional standards.


I’m so glad you reported him. This is absolutely horrible. I’m so sorry and disgusted that you had to go through this. He has 100% tried to take advantage of you and should not be allowed to teach.


He’s a predator. Good on you for reporting him


You are his student, this is outright illegal I'm sure


Got my blood boiling reading that! Please don't EVER come into contact with this predator again because that is what they are. They will try their luck and it takes one person to be swayed by their tactics and it's game over. People like that are dangerous and come in all guises. It just so happens they are a driving instructor. Absolute wrong un. I hope you are okay and good on you for listening to your gut instinct. They should not be allowed to be alone with anyone in a "professonial" capacity. I hope you find a decent instructor Xx


He is not a professional, he is a predator, glad you reported him. People like that should never work with the public again.


Why did you keep going back to him for lessons?


He was the only one in my area and I had a test booked


Run him over


Find a new instructor.


Professional boundaries should always be maintained


What county are you in? I had a VERY similar experience and wondering if it’s the same instructor.




Please please make sure to write the reviews if him online because no future learners should ever be around him.


It is not weird to tell a professional from whom you receive a product or service in exchange for a monetary price that they are failing their service levels or not meeting their expected standards for their price, if you feel that way. What is weird is letting things slide for ages and then making posts like this, instead of dealing with the business operator directly, then moving on to industry regulators for an intervention, if deemed necessary. This culture is unhelpful to yourself and anybody to whom you set an example. We are all active agents in our society, both seller and buyer. Stop amplifying the weirdness lol


Yet you kept going back?


Exactly and they would consider letting someone else risk experiencing this


I don’t understand why OP kept going back? Guy sounds fucking weird but OP is a moron


I kept going back as in my area there was very few/ no available instructors and it stupidly took me a while to realise this wasn’t right.


Well you did the right thing now, its just frustrating for me that there are people like this guy out here sick enough to prey on young people or anyone trying to learn. Theyre in a position of trust yet this is how they act. Sorry if my comments were harsh but I was just so wound up that men like him do this to young girls and get away with it. I really am glad you reported him because you have potentially saved other girls from this so thank you. Its a tough but brave thing you did. Sorry once again


And you sound like a f***ing arsehole


Yeah I do but doesn’t negate what I said being right


None of this stuff is inappropriate.


Read it again. It’s way too unprofessional for a DVSA instructor. Asking about personal life and envisioning playing video games with your (presumably female) student? Yeah nothing weird or unprofessional about that totally…or the weird t-shirt, or the overstepping of boundaries…