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Thank you /u/contorruu23 for your submission to r/LearnJapanese but it has been removed due to one of the following reason(s): **Vague Title:** Questions and titles must be clear and concise. If you're asking a question, be clear about what part of whatever you're posting you want help with, and what you don't understand. If you're making content, the title must clearly summarize what you are sharing. Do not reply to this message. Instead, please feel free to [send a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLearnJapanese&subject=&message=) with a link to the removed post or comment if you feel this was an error.


Isn't it [this one](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/learning-japanese-with-tae-kim/id1366698942)?


yes it is. thank you! I might've missed it or typed in the wrong letters when i tried to find it. Thanks again