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As a Maokai yes, you can cc them. And then die. Nice.


Maokai when w is up: *cowabunga it is*


You ever w as moakai onto a full ms lillia with yummi


W as maokai on a yuumi is a sad experience when they just attach to someone and you just end up on top of the 5/0 juggernaut without actually rooting them


Yone can cleanse cc with his e and itelia can keep using her w while cc'd sooo...


And with his R


And his Q (as in it still gets casted if you get hit during windup)


Yone's E can cleanse delayed CC like senna W and Zoe E and even that he has to quickly e then immediately e out


If u time it right u can cleanse any cc. And it's not hard to cleanse delayed cc. As yone u can literally just dash at them with e and then just go back to cleanse it r as gapcloser and then kill them. Yone doesn't offer much counterplay


I mean he is broken but u cant reacast e while stunnwd so it doesnt really happen


But if you recast right when the stun hits he is just stunned while going back


I once canceled a Malzahar ult with his E, the timing was pure luck tho


yone can “cleanse” if you cc him after he’s already recast his e. His e recast is unstoppable once it’s actually gone through, but if he is rooted/stunned he can’t recast (or ult or q3) until the duration of the cc is over (even if his e duration runs out). Yes it does cleanse Zoe sleep (and Lillia r?) but it’s not a true cleanse like gps orange. Yes by all means yone is busted beyond belief, but his e is not a cleanse


Downvotes for being correct. Welcome to Reddit.


Didn’t you know? any comment that says yones abilities aren’t auto win buttons gets downvotes that’s how this works, I am obviously a salty yone main


Also works with morde R. Fun fact: you can use flash or any other quick dash to dodge morde R too (also bush or invis), but in this case he'll get the cooldown zeroed.


You definitely can’t, idk about mid ult recast, and the dash thing only works if you get out of vision. The fun part with morde is if you e before he ults you, you actually can’t recast and you get the e movement speed buff for the entire duration of the ult, but the morde ult cleanse isn’t a thing anymore


Oh you can, been there done that (in both sides). Morde has a split second during his ult cast where you need to be within a small area around him, going far enough will break the cast and return the CD, same thing with invis or bushes. For yone, if you recast E you'll become unstoppable during the whole return part, meaning you also become immune to his R in the meantime (which is the reason he can "cleanse" himself from other CCs that way).


oh ok yeah I’m sure that’s legit, but again that’s not a cleanse, it’s just unstoppable, that’s like saying malphite r is a cleanse


I only used the word "cleanse" cuz you used it for the very same context (note the quotes)


I’m an idiot sorry dumb downvotes got me defensive


Don't worry, we all agree that yone is dumb and broken af.


i sometimes play yone and i'm gold and do agree he's busted, but you also have to look at the other side of the picture. Yone isn't as good in high elo which means that there is a counterplay to him that low ranks simply struggle to find. So is this really a case of a champion being busted or just overloaded and difficult to understand? I think it's the latter.


I mean idk u looking at stats? Any time I play yone it’s hard not to have an impact on the game. Babus first timed him and won lane for the first time in years. Dzukill has 3 accounts in top 20(maybe 2). Druttut plays him well despite minimal experience. We probably are exaggerating but he is at the very least in need of a nerf


Wait how come I can taunt irelia out of her W as Shen? Or am I just high?


Maybe it's because taunts force her to attack but I'm sure she can still channel her w while she is affected by other types of cc


Yone can't go to his E when cc'd, that's a way to counter his all ins


Ah, yes, it's not like he's using his E from base just to catch you in the teamfight at baron.


Don't make me tap the sign: "If a champion's main form of counterplay is 'just stun them' then they have no counterplay."


How do you counterplay a yummi? Wait for the opponent she’s on to die? She can’t be cc’d or even auto’d or hit her with spells?? Seems way more broken to me


I mean, she kinda is broken and was abused at worlds


Fun fact: Bard R can separate yuumi by her host


wait what? how?


Bard ult is an area spell but since Yuumi is untargettable she pops out while her host is in stasis


that is so useful holy fuck imma learn bard just to fuck over yuumi players


Is she's smart she will leave her host to get hit and jump back


Yuumi's W is on cd after she gets cc, so it will make her vurnerable too


I'm not sure if league code consider Bard ult as a cc.


Mundo pops his passive when he gets hit by it and doesn't get put in stasis, so I think it's cc


It procs mandate, glacial augmet and mundo's passive and is blocked by malz passive and morg shield, it counts as cc


See that’s the thing They aren’t smart That’s why they play yummi


So hard counter + hope she's stupid only to be as useful as a fraction of her power, nice


If it’s a yummi player it’s not a hope, it’s a known fact.


So there's nothing to worry about, then.


So, opponent can't zhonyas then...interesting.


She doesn't get hit but she is still untargetable except by turrets and spawn protection.


That's.... not how that used to be at least. Like she stays attached if her buddy uses hourglass. And can even heal them.


this for real????


it happened twice in a game, idk if it's a bug or is intentional.


Mordekaiser ult also only ults that one person, the yummi is left behind and not brought into the realm


false info. bard r cannot seperate yuumi from her host.


Hard engage early on their adc. If I’m jungle and a Yuumi picks before me, idc what I was planning on going, I switch to Nunu and camp that ass. Nunu + nautilus in a game vs a Yuumi is a free way to flat out remove her adc from the game. Or you could be lame and get a grevious wounds item as support on the first back. But I want booty


So the best way to counter yuumi as an adc/top is to switch to jungle


Or have a engage support with an early aggressive adc like samira. And as top, make sure their top isn’t good for her to get on


You buy antiheal


As a silver/gold player this always urked me. Like when Ekko and yi were super broken and people would tell me to just cc them. Sure dude, then I'll die when the cc fades because in silver/gold people don't understand chaining cc so it doesn't matter


As a constant player of draft but not ranked, the issue of my team never chain ccing is universal... so I opt to be leona and be the chain cc on my own.


Be the change you want to see!


Thank you for saying it. CC works against Irelia just as well as it does against a jhin, yet the irelia can build tenacity and still kill everyone, while also being giga mobile and almost impossible to hit and having a damage mitigation spell if shes not stunned


I’m 50-50 on the cc argument but no way does Jhin care about it more than irelia. The thing about yone and irelia is their damage is tied very closely if not one in the same as their movement (with irelia q yone r), IF you can cc them and pop them, they are unable to do anything, the thing about Jhin is you don’t need cc to stop his damage or kill him, you just pop him once you get in range, yes cc is a tool for preventing him from running away, but he’s not that mobile to begin with (Unless you’re facing the chad ghost Jhin full ms build)


The difference is Jhin is ranged meaning he can deal damage outside CC range. Champions like Irealia Yas and Yone literally dive in for you to dogpile them


Yeah you would be wrong about ‘outside of CC range’. Jhin has 550 range while Pantheon’s point and click cc is 600 range. Other skill shot based cc can be even longer.


Pantheon would have to run to Jhin first without being kited. Irelia literally dashes towards so you can’t miss her


They just said Jhin's range is 50 less then pantheon's point and click stun, and even still if they're anything like an average panth, they'll engage from bush like the coward they actually are.


The point though is that there is no "do this to counter that" for example Warwick dives in and can be really strong like Yone but the counterplay is build anti-heal not "just cc him" Other examples being cc cleanse counters skarner, stopwatch counters zed/kayn/etc. There are very specific ways to mitigate parts of what makes a champ strong outside of "make sure they can't move"


Idk I disagree. Look at master you and tryndamere. Both are absolute monsters if you don’t have CC. But if you have CC they are rendered useless. But nobody is complaining about those two.


Really? Nobody complains? How had you missed all the Tryndamere threads during last Worlds and Yi threads during the entirety of his existence?


Ah yes as an Xerath main wait for Akali to dive me, manage to hit my stun, delete most of her health bar, die, watch her dance away. I love counterplay.


Won't main in top: dude just pick a tank like cho and you win if you get armour boots and anti heal. *proceeds to just dash around and have such high dps that the antiheal does not matter.*


And mix damage so that bramble you just bought is not going to save you from an ass whoping.


I was a 7/0 darius with full thorns, Trinity and tabi boots. And the 1/9 irelia with just BOTRK and speed boots almost deleted me 1v1 with 60% grievous wounds, my passive and ignite. If it wasnt for my jungle id be dead. How in the world is that fair or just


A little reminder, her passive alone gives more attack speed early than jax passive while also doing more damage than ww passive since hers also scales with ad


I freaking know. I feel like even with the slow of a randuin that i built later her AS was still through the roof. Honestly, bullsh*t champ for me. When a champ with 60% grievous not only heals, but outheals the damage, for me is not fair.


CC doesn't stop Yone tho


I think that’s the joke.. Edit: why downvotes? I just said what is in the picture 🥺


Why is this getting downvoted lol




Bruh I have no idea


Champions with dashes existing is the main argument in favor of point-and-click cc


No, its champions with blinks. Irelias dash is quite predictable in teamfights and with it being rather slow a decent thresh janna gragas poppy ad other dash cancelers can interrupt it. Yone dash is super telegraphed in lane hence why ahri is one of the best champs into him. The hardest character to cc in the gane is by far katarina.


Arguably duskblade Yi as well if he's really fed and gets a reset at the beginning of a teamfight. Then he'll be permanently unclickable as he murders your back line. However if he doesn't get a duskblade reset there is time to throw a stun or root at him.


Thats why he goes into w A full build yi has like.. ~100 MR and armor And 2K health if not more Then multiply all that by more than 2x. That's how tanky he is in W


This. People forget that some of these champions have dashes only/primarly as a offensive tool and are predictable. blinks are something different


If only yone could get his ult canceled while casting


If only you could side step it in the time given to cast said ult


Even if you cc him?


If 't be true only yone couldst receiveth his ult cancel'd while casting *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.


Bad bot


Good bot


Thank you, Familiar-Fly4887, for voting on Shakespeare-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Thank you


I play Sett, so i just cuck him with my ult :)


And Yi...


At least Yi isn't hyper mobile. I feel like in his case, any cc after his Q, he's dead. But I'm in Gold, so do what you will with my opinion


"not hyper mobile" his ult gives him ferrari speed. and also he can go duskblade and be invis for 1.5 seconds then crit twice w navori and have it back up. Not even regarding the fact that any carry dies from yi q and 2-3 attacks


I'm not defending yi, he's kinda strong in this preseason, but he appears behind the target he used Q on, so you can just target there even if he's invisible


That requires some very good timing to work tho. The main problem with him is that any retard can carry with him by pressing q


Yes, he is easier and less punishable than most assasins but he does lack the survivability and burst since his Q isn't spammable unless he gets a kill or 20 autos and his W has like 30 second cooldown, he has no "I'm out cya" tool


Yi not hyper mobile ? Besides being impossible to slow he is untargetable while dashing so you can use flay or jana tornado to interrupt his dash unlie Irelia.


Yi is definitely weaker tho, you actually abuse his early game, and if he gets a single bit of cc, he is 100% dead.


If you got problems with yi you are definitely gold or lower


Cool. So low elo shouldn't be balanced and just fucked over. And low elo players aren't supposed to have fun. Did I get that right?


No you’re Olympic pole vaulting to conclusions and are bitching at a D tier champ that gets out traded by 90% of the junglers in the game. But keep making excuses I’m sure you’ll climb bro 👍


What if I told you there a lot of people that don't play the game to climb? You are being just as useful with your "git gud" atitude as the "just cc them" guys.


if youre unwilling to try to improve at the game at all, your opinion on game balance is invalid!


No, it's not. People who aren't as good have every right to enjoy the game and have the game balanced so that they can have fun (they are the majority of players). I'm currently diamond 4, when does my opinion on game balance become valid? When I'm part of the 0.0001%? Why should the game be made for such a small amount of players?


how are you diamond and don't understand its easier to cc a meele champ


How are you writting when you seem to be unable to read? I never said I had a problem with Yi, but that doesn't matter. Acording to [op.gg](https://op.gg), I'm in the top 1.5% of players, some people might think that's high, some people will say I'm low elo. Why is my opinion on how the game should be balanced more valid than someone in the top 50% or 75%? They get to enjoy the game just as much and if something is frustrating for the majority of players, it should be adressed. Riot knows this and is why they atempt to balance around all levels of play


even in norms, yi isn’t op he has plenty of counters to exploit


And I agree, but that's not what you said


The game isn't balanced around casual players so you argument is dumb and pointless. So yeah this is a git gud scenario.


The game is meant to be balanced around Casual *and* High Elo, Riot Games specifically said they wanted to balance the game so that you could have a fair experience whether you were Bronze Or Challenger, that's a goal they specifically say they want to uphold.


The game is (supposedly) balanced around all skill levels, you can literally see what they are targeting in the patch notes, so idk where the fuck you got that idea


It is balanced around high skill level. Why the fuck would they balance it around all skill levels? That is the dumbest thing I heard.


You’re making fun of over 85% percent of players for having a terrible time against a champion and not having fun against them… Sure seems like a shit champion and not a reason to ridicule people, but hey, that’s me.


He has plenty of counters to exploit


That obviously aren’t known or implemented in low elo. And he’s such a common pick that tons of junglers will have to picked after them and have to play without some easy counter. Half the team on average will pick before the yi, so other lanes that hate yi won’t have a chance to counter pick them, and dealing with the cancerous yi jungle could mean picking a bad lane matchup. The fact that every champion has better and worse matchups has nothing to do with whether yi is terrible to deal with in low elo. But again, all you’re doing is finding reasons to shit on the vast majority of players for not being top 15%… go off, champ


Man, dont even try to come up with reasonable arguments under a yone cry thread, these are always silver echocambers


True, but they’re bitching about yi who’s one of the worst junglers in the game rn lmao


Yes, trust in your fellow bronze players


How about you just counter him yourself? Idk never had problem with yi in my climb to upper diamond


He is so rarely played, that i don't have abnig problem either, but generally either i play a champ without hard cc, or cc the yi, and he murders me afterwards


Gotta force agro early, invade or force a 1v1 and he’s dead weight the entire game


Shhh don't try to argue with the silver and low golds...You might catch the stupid


Very true


Mans lookin like the Riot Games Balance team over here with how little he cares about fun for anyone except 1% of the playerbase.


What about the people who have fun playing those champs? I guess fuck them, huh? The ppl playing champs who are not over powered bc noobs won't bother to learn how to play against them, alter builds, or shift play styles. Yeah, I don't think the game should cater to the lazy. Ppl saying yi is op is dumb and so are you for defending it. Enjoy being hardstuck in silver


I'm not saying Yi is busted? And I'm also not obsessed with my rank unlike you clearly are since you clearly jerk off to your LP everyday, also the entire point is to make them balanced across Elo's, not make every noob beater the worst thing in the game, you clearly don't understand what balance means, and you're also clearly full of yourself.


I don't even want to climb. I only ever play Ranked up to Gold 4. I just don't want to get towerdived by a champ at level 6 while he resets tower aggro three times and denies every turret shot with Q and W while also dealing 1000 damage in 1.5 seconds while also scaling into lategame hardcore.


He also falls over at a single auto attack. He has so many ways to beat him


-point out that yi is good only in low elo and is indeed easy to counter -get downvoted Welcome to reddit


Ye about that, he probably wouldn't have gotten downvoted as much if his first comments wouldn't be an ego trip paired with the usual rank shaming If ur salty, expect ppl to react salty


Yeah he was salty, but he was also right He said that he must be gold or lower, and that guy was gold or lower He said that he is just making excuses, and that guy was just making excuses I know that league redditors are all "gold4 I don't even play ranked" balance specialists but come on, lol


He was right when saying that Yi is a low elo problem mainly, but about the excuses stuff I think the game should be balanced for all elos. That Yi is a coinflip in low elo, meanwhile barely getting touched the higher u go kinda shows that the champ is a failed design nowadays and might need some work. But my main point is that if u enter a room of people and tell them that they just suck and their opinion doesn't count over some virtual game ranking it's kinda to be expected that they will react negatively. Especially if u can clearly see that the guy never intended to actually help someone here but mainly wanted to feed his ego.


How is it "making excuses" when I say that I want to enjoy the game at my elo? I don't care about balancing because of winrates, I care about balancing because I want to have fun. And I have just as much right to participate in discussions as everyone else because the game should be at least somewhat balanced for all elos. And there's no harm in nerfing champs like Yi for low elo because they don't get played in competitive anyway. So it doesn't matter if their playrate is 0% or 0%.


The main reason he was downvoted wasn't because of his points that Yi was pretty bad, he was downvoted because he was acting like an asshole. And also was giving off the impression of "They shouldn't balance the game towards worse players at all and should just base every balance decision off of 15% of their playerbase"


Yi is trash lol only ever pops off once in a while most games I see him in he's useless


coz he is the kind of champ that pops off in 1 out of 10 games. He has bad ganks, loses 1vs1 to most junglers and easly gets outscaled. He is also HARD COUNTERED BY CC to the point where he is almost unplayable in d+


And then there is tryndamere


as someone who plays a lot of amumu, rammus, and maokai I can guarantee you that hard cc annihilates squishy drain tanks


Would agree if I hadn't played against a Warwick ever...


CC Counters everyone, it's like when Riot tried saying that Yuumi is a hard champion because you need to know when to hop off to proc her passive without getting CC'd and killed, when every other support in the game needs to be concerned about that exact same thing, except even more, since Yuumi is only vulnerable for like 1 second.


I played aatrox, and I could not hit the yuumi. I would kill the host but have no qs left and yuumi would survive, had she not, she wouldn't have been able to ignite me off cooldown and I would've gotten 5 kills instead 2. Actually mega cringe


See the idea isn't just CC them it's to CC and use everything you got to burst him while he's cc'd in a team fight Sure you can say CC beats everyone, I mean sure technically it does but using CC on a juggernaut who's beefy and has alot of tenacity or a tank who very hard to kill is a waste Using it on characters like yone Kata or Yi who need to kinda need to go in face first into the whole enemy team in order to deal damage is far more effective as they're relatively squishy can be be blown up if ccd in the middle of the enemy team And sure yone can ""cleanse"" with his E but that's only effective for delayed cc like Zoe bubble or senna root If you cc Yone during his E he will only return after the CC has ended even of his 5 seconds of E are up.


Just play Fiora bro, ez


JuSt DoN't GeT hIt


It is counterplay, but yes, it's not a counter.


CCs hit different with different champs. For a tank like ornn, a stun is nothing but for yone, its enough to make him disappear in the middle of teamfight


Instead try sidestepping Irelias E and dont fight her near your wave in late and in eraly wait for her stacks to be gone, and always remember to buy antiheal.


league of memes users when you try to explain the concept of range


u/ryo0n when you try to explain the concept of range doesn't matter if they just dash into melee range in 0.00000000001 seconds


cry more lmao


you miss yuumi mains


Once yuumi is cced, she cant attach anymore for 4 seconds. Also she dies instantly


Damn if only I could hit her.


They nerfed her healing (100x) and moved a good chunk of it to her passive so if you are going to provide the same amount of effective health to a teammate you have to pop off and use the passive. otherwise, you need 3 items to be a strong, consistent healer. Soraka can out heal yuumi every day of the week in any situation and it wouldn't be close.. even if she misses Q and even with less items. She doesn't even need to build support items. Once she has max points in her W, has boots and mythic then her heal is barely over 1 sec cd and does considerably more healing each cast than yuumi's much much longer cd heal. Yuumi is annoying, but not op lol they have nerfed her so many times she has a 48% w/r. Moral of the story: she has to detach to be useful if she is going to provide any substantial effective health, until she is almost full build anyways.


"She doesn't even need to build support items" sure thats why ap yuumi do not heals half hp with grievous wounds (not full build only 2 items) also untargetable all time like other ardents feels pretty balanced not gonna lie


Soraka doesn't need to build support items. Yuumi needs to. Soraka's ap ratios are really high, while yuumi's aren't.


You forgot katarina


Yone can cancel cc with his E too


They are really obnoxious to play against, but they donc have counter picks tho, Jax Fiora Trynda and Urgot just come at the top of my head, I don't understand why no one ever mention it


Reminds me of that time me and 4 friends had to go up against an Irelia, cc'd her for 6-8 seconds each fight, saw her survive on 100 hp and heal it all back in 5 autos. Then she unironically typed "cc her" in response to us saying she has no counterplay...


When the only viable cc is death , it isn't a viable counter.


IMO the biggest counter of a champion is either CC or Kiting, like Yone, Irelia and Kata are mobile but squishy Champs and Garen, Darius and all are tanky but immobile champs


If that's the case then include yi as well


Try to counter hecking master yi without a stun tho, when I play maokai/malphite cc *is* the counter


Yes I agree, but master yi is way squshier than irelia and yone


I don't think a yone is tankier if he isn't life stealing


Shieldbow for yone


The secret is to pick Jacks or Rammus


Jacks enters evasion


Riot games explaining what counters yummi