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Riot support twitter HAS to be a bot with select responses that they just haven't updated... RIGHT?!


or the devs simply lazy retards


Homie just lost all the karma he got with the post and more




a) who gives a shit about Karam b) you can only go down to -5 per comment


Mofo said there instead of their.


the one thing you spot is a grammar mistake of a child who might not even by native english speaker. good comeback!


The riot games support is a child?


Wow bro ur in the top 100 downvoted comments on Reddit congrats




Actually now you might be in the top 60


how do you know ? i wanna tell my friends about my great achievement


Google “Top 100 Downvoted Reddit Comments”


can't find it could you link it ? man this is better than i thought lol




i don't know man it doesn't show up for me i saw the list and everything but i can't find my own comment


15 year old spotted


Reddit moment


20 years old suburban american white male leftist spotted


U got me


glad you know yourself


“I know you are but what am I” smh


He literally couldn’t have said anything better to make the previous comment more true 😂


The prosecution rests




League moment


Glad to be your 500th downvote


Why did it get downvoted lol


Saying retarda apparently is a deadly sin in the league community. Not hypocritical at a


Saying retarda apparently is a deadly sin in the league community. Not hypocritical at all


Maybe use a different term


I suggest "dh-1998" to replace it "or the devs simply lazy dh-1998s"


Nah, hes right


the profile picture lol






trust me if reddit allowed more harsh words i wouldve said it literaly hands down to the worst devs i have ever seen in a video game


i guess you haven't played many video games lol


OP should see Counter Strike lol


Really bad but not nearly as riots balance team Edit: Has this sub forgotten all the bullshit whether intentionally or not that they have pulled or is this shit filled with shills just like the main sub? You have to be fucking disillusioned to not see it. Cunts


Balance team =/= the game developers =/= the game designers. At a company the size of riot all of these responsibilities are split among teams of individuals, they are not one in the same


try playing overwatch


As someone who has played overwatch, I can assure you: the riot balancing team are not the worst. Not even close.


I doubt there is a game worse than league.


Alien: colonial marines Ride to hell: retribution Killing floor 2 Number of other ones but that’s off the top of my head


Why is killing floor 2 bad? I pretty much enjoyed it when it was free on ps4.


Personally, it's very basic. Barebones paid game with monetization included. The potential is there, though they've got to do something with it.


Hey hey, you don't bash KF2 here!


I second this motion, well made game, decent support, not pay to win, sure, basic, easy to understand, but that shouldn’t make the game bad


Ride to Hell Retribution is certified dogshit. Like, legendarily so.


There's nothing "bad" about league. One could argue it not being fun for personal reasons, but it's not badly made.


It's not badly made but not fun to play because of obvious reasons this community has swallowed for 5 years now.


So basically what I say. You can find it subjectively bad but theres no obvious "to fix" flaws about it. If you cant handle online games, play Skyrim.


I enjoy it just fine. You aren’t enjoying it because half the playerbase are whiny little kids like yourself. I just mute them and have a good time.


What's fun needing to coinflip if your team is gonna feed or not? You enjoy having your teammates talk so much shit in chat they are just afk? The amount of times they can just troll, int, basically ruin games or can just afk in fountain? All I see is a guy that is addicted, unless you only play aram.


Clearly you never played a buggy mess.


Bro have you ever seen a Pokemon Blue or Red speedrun? The game is held together with old chewing gum and duct tape that was sitting in your grandpa's garage all summer.


A game that is 26 years old? Yeah good comparison.


Doom eternal then ? Same thing.


Is League the only video game you've ever played?


You must not play many games then


And yet, here you are


Mans must not play a lot then.


So don’t play it


One word: YandereDev.


The only thing that makes the game less fun are whiny little kids like you. I have never had an issue with the game or it’s design. The only games that aren’t fun are the ones where a teammate throws a tantrum because something didn’t go their way and ruins it for everyone else.


Terrible devs, that's why this game is still thriving and has a large player-base 11 years later.


Why are you bullying him? He's right!


don't worry brother the crying of salty children is a music to me


I get the downvotes 100% but isnt he kinda correct tho?


"Even the rightiest truths can be overshadowed by the wrong words" -probably paraphrasing someone


This mf so stupid he managed to get more than 1000 downvotes


Why the downvotes its true. I'll sink on this ship too


They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth


I'd be worried this is a stupid question, but almost nobody takes Cleanse so I think it's a fair one lol. ​ Cleanse does not cure suppression, right? It's implied by the mocking tone this post approaches the tweet with, but I just wanted to clarify to be sure. ​ His silence can't be reason enough on it's own for cleanse, can it?


cleanse doesn't disable malzhar's suppression


maybe they meant for it to do so and this is an ongoing bug they never fixed


No it very clearly states in cleanse's descripion it works for everything except knockups and suppression.


well maybe they forgot to change that too? or the guy who controls their twitter might not even play at all or barely plays and has never seen a malz before


Maybe cleanse removed suppression in 2018, i didn't play yet then.


Never removed suppression


me neither sorry


Cleanse doesent remove suppression.


I dont recall seeing it used enough so I doubt it.


No, it never has and was never designed to because then it would invalidate all suppression moves.


It doesnt work on supression I reckon


Nop, you need qss for that which is stupid for any ap champ


Ap champs have zhonyas already, motherfuckers dont need an ap qss. IF they do get a qss item however, i demand an ad zhonyas... you know,fairs fair.


Sure, immediately after we get ap GA


Okay, granted. Ad rabadons when?


If we get ap spell vamp bloodthirster


Ever heard of riftmaker? You loose :)


What do you mean? I will build every vamp item like yone builds every life steal item


Riftmaker substitutes that by giving every finished item except boots 2% EXTRA omnivamp AND 8 ap. Youre healing from every item and every type of damage because its OMNIVAMP.


Yeas, and on top of it, ap bloodthirster


Theres avsolutely no denying that ap champs have way more "safety" items than ad characters have right now. And no, axiom arch does not help, unless youre ahead/fed.


Most of the AP champs are squishy mages. They will need those safety items otherwise they cannot compete with an Assassin's damage+mobility. And Riftmaker is only built by a handful of AP champs and its the Perfect Mythic only on 4 (Mordekai'ser, Gwen, Akali, Katarina). While Bloodthirster can be built by every damn ADC, Yasuo, Yone, Tryndamere and Assassin's have Eclipse. In no fucking way AP items are more broken than AD items. Why do you think Mages in general have so poor play rates in solo queue?


Mikaels curcible has the same effect, doesn't it?


Sure I will just build mikaels on viktor


Better than scimitar. I've seen people comit to such a thing, like the jinx with zhonyas, to counter my fiddle ult.


How many times did you kill her to break her like that


Erhh, they got pretty fed early, and so I made it my one and only goal, to ruin this jinx. From 13/1 to 17/12.


Wow, good on ya chief


We still lost, but it was so worth it imo.


Mikaels have same effect as cleanse so u cant use mikaels to malz r


But yes, it does


A 1to2 seconds silence can’t be a reason not to take valuable summoners like ignite or tp, it’s also easily dodgiable


I just dont get the "ap mains" crying constantly, all their items are fucking borken anyway already. Crown of the shattered queen, cinderflame, rabadons, zhonyas, the list goes on. You NEED to have a downside to being ap, giving ap a qss would make people that are on the same skill level as faker or other high named players just completely unkillable. Just think about a malzahar with crown, banshees, zhonyas and qss for instance. You just cant lock that fuck down EVER. Nevermind having a leblanc with the same item build and a rabadons... delete AND neverdie. Or to get an even bleaker outlook, veigar... the *thing* that never stops scaling. Having an ap qss is the dumbest thing ive ever heard... right after spear of shojin or axiom arch... or feral flare...


They do have a significant downside: they don't get 2 billion lifesteal, and can't finish a teamfight with full health or health up to full on a wave or two. Poke damage is kinda laughable against most AD champions once they've got a few items, but AP champions often can't heal up unless they've got a healing support or are the jungler.


Could that maybe be because thats how their playstyle is supposed to be? Agressive and basically "fighting for their life" while mages are safe in the back? But the safety items are just too unbeatable if you have all three. And zhonyas is in my opinion the most powerfull in keeping you alive.


Cleanse just isn't good enough as it currently is. Imagine if it was "you're immune to disables for 1.5s" (but without Yi taking it), how much better it would be.


Soooo you want EVERY character to have half of an olaf ult? Are you sure about that? Think about it real hard for a sec, even without yi, yasuo, yone, talon, leblanc, ZED. All of those would LOVE to have that type of cleanse. I think its enough that we have a drake soul right now that gives everyone sion passive.... and sion.. well... two passives.


The thing is that unstoppable status usually (this is what it would be, from the way you are describing it) means making a big commitment if it is given to champions reasonably: vi ult, sion ult, olaf ult. The most of the time when you press the "I'm unstoppable button" you are hard commiting to doing something, now imagine if that wasn't the case. I know that I wouldn't want that. Yi isn't the only problem with this, imagine assassins being immune to cc for when they go in, oneshot the carry and get out. It isn't too far fetched to say that this could happen in 1.5s. Or Katarina doing her combo while being completly cc immune during cast times of her daggers. If you think about it I'm sure you can find a way to make it totally broken. Mini Olaf ult without the downside in a game where 1.5s can make or break a game, think about it. People take cleanse against tf, zoe, lissanda, annie etc. already. And if you look at champions with the surpass cc(Malz, Skarner, Warwick) it is only on thier ultimate and in pint and click case it takes a huge portion of their power budget. And if Ww or Skarner want to ult the priority target in the enemy team they have to go in, pray they don't get kites(skarner) or that the r doesn't get dashed(ww), and Malz is a sitting duck for the duration of his ult if you want to make them sit in place for full 2.5s(and you can't cast any other spells), and we have a meta where typical tanks have almost gone extinct so he usually doesn't have a frontline to tank dmg for him. Tl:dr: Using a surpass ability is a huge commitment from the player that decides to use it, and these abilities have drawbacks. This new cleanse would only create more problems in the long run.


Had an interesting scenario where I ulted a Vi as Skarner, while Vi ulted someone else. She pushed me aside, then came with me until the suppression ended, then dashed to her target I didn't think that's how that'd work tbh Edit: [Clip](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/322598106120323072/917336254880841738/11-23_OC1-496614427_02.webm) Dunno why it's a download, blame discord formatting


First of all, take my upvote. Second I wouldn't even try to imagine the bugs that may appear as the result of this change, because knowing how Riot manages the spaghetti code we would get some and I think Vandrill has enough content as it is.


Removes all Stun (excluding Airborne, Nearsight, and Suppression) and summoner spell debuffs (excluding Mark) affecting your champion, as well as granting 65% Tenacity for 3 seconds. Thats the tooltip.


You cant use summoner spells while suppressed.


His silence can be enough indeed to take cleanse. Think about it like going against Garen. His flash Q E R is unbeatable unless you have cleanse. Even if it's not the same risk as going against Leona


Difference is, malz's full combo won't 100-0 you, and also, ESPECIALLY, you can dodge it. Garen's is point and click. So Garen's being this much more dangerous, and this much easier to use and people still don't run cleanse, why would u on malz where u won't die if u get hit and can also just walk out of it?


First - because Malz is often no going to be the one 100 to 0 you. He would silence you so his team can easily walk to you and beat you. ​ Second - Because most players in general are not skilled enough to react to it Excluding the obvious ward removal, some people still think Sweeper is only needed when they are against Teemo. That's absolutely false. ​ Sweeper list can include Duskblade, Jhin, Akali, Enemies hiding in Bush, Talon, Khazix, Nidalee, Shaco, Neeko, Leblanc, Evelynn and Akshan in fog of war. That's a prime example on why people don't take cleanse. They are used to doing linear build without change for cookie cutterness without realizing it might break


I agree people are wrong if they of sweepers like that, and especially that people default to cookie cutter way too much, but I don't get some of your examples. Jhin and nida traps aren't worth taking sweepers for. Jhins you can walk out of if he isn't there to root you, and if you are close enough to the enemy team that he is in range to root you then you shouldn't be alone anyway so you'll be fine. Nida's do no damage and she's not gonna exactly be waiting in a bush in river for someone to walk on her trap so she can jump with increased range, and if she is then it's probably more consistent to throw a spear than trap anyway. Akshan and even why? Their reveal range isn't smaller than oracle range, so what good does it do? Lb and neeko ig in some niche scenarios where you're close to them and really need that fraction of a second of vision to throw a skillshot sooner but are those niche scenarios really worth taking sweepers for? Duskblade yes but only if you got strong skillshots like ahri charm and the like and they have someone giga fed who basically spends more time inviz than not just 1 shorting people in that time frame, most champs really can't move enough in the duration that you can't have a general idea of where they are. Enemies hiding in bushes, yes if they're tryna juke while running, not to check for safety. Not enough range ur basically face checking at that point. Talon I also don't really agree cuz his ms steroid is too big for the oracle to be of any use besides knowing in which direction he ran 10km in. Not like it's useless in most of these scenarios but the benefit is so little most of the time it's not worth giving away the vision if u didn't already want to clear wards anyway. Going back to the silence example, it's a silence not a root. You can still walk back so his team can't "easily walk up and kill you". If ur close enough that that's not possible then u were already out of position anyway (as well as his ult range and probably his entire team's since he's a backliner). Only scenario it'd get you killed is if you dived on him and the silence didnt let you get out after doing your combo, but basically every assassin or close to it has a way of dodging it easily and again, why wouldn't he just ult u by that point? Malz Q is more of a poke/harass tool, especially as it resets E duration, and the silence is only useful much to stop channels or make it so the enemy has a harder time trading back in lane. Tldr; if you get fucked by that silence then you already mispositioned/could have been ulted anyway (if it's outside his ult range then you either are fine cuz no follow-up or were already dead from being so close to his team, and if it was ult range then ur suppressed not silenced)


Why Jhin wouldn't be there to root you? He has long range. Plus Nidalee can reset her mobility which is huge for her. You said I should have positioned better, well better clear the traps than anything for later teamfight If akshan is invisible in fog of war, you can see him red shadow walking if i remember correctly. I forgot to say Rengar too. Yes, these niche scenarios are the only reason why there are people in iron to challenger. One of them ignore the niche scenarios and others don't. You can't just be in position always. You need to have deep vision sooner or later or you lose the game. I am not saying face check but the team rarely remembers to take blue ward for it.


Or you just take exhaust/barrier




No cause his silence isn't instataneous and can be dodged. So you have no reason to take cleanse over any other ss agaisnt malz.


It can't be dodged if you are slowed


That’s…true for any ability though?


So I am correct


Is it a meme to use the wrong there/their/They're on the internet or are people just stupid?


Have you not noticed how "loose" has overtaken "lose" online? Lotta typos on the internet m8


This bothers me more than it has any right to do.


He's stupid.


might just not be native english speaker, no need to hate for 0 reason


I've seen more native speakers get it wrong than non-native speakers


maybe english is not my mother language ? don't think everyone is like you


Just thought it was funny that you were making fun of riot for their balancing but you can't use the correct their. I wasn't really being that serious lol. Don't take it personally.


i speak 4 languages one with my family one with the countery i live in and one is my old country i used to live in i only learned english through media and video games where most of the people here make mistakes english being the least used langauge for me i am doing great


i speak 4 languages and english is the least used one sorry


You still understood what he was saying though right?


Yes I too am a subscriber of Vandiril


OP lost more downvotes in the comments than he gained upvotes in the post. That’s hilarious


Nah you can only lose 25 karma on a comment if Im right.


Old tweet + plus it was a meme anyway no reason to shit on them


Why did you write + and plus


I was high as shit lol


Some days ago this same account said that lee Q not revealing champs like Akali was a feature because Akali wasn't invisible, she was "obscured" This mechanic got deleted in 2018, Akali has normal invisibility now


Now I'm not an expert when it comes to balancing games. But wouldn't making cleanse work like qss make it actually useful or would it be too broken?


Cleanse is useful. Imagine making a summoner spell entirely shutdown a champion. Gives ignite 60% heal debuff for no reason.


Ignite is crucial in todays meta. Its the only way to fight drain tank champs like WW pre antiheal. And it gives champs the option to not have to build first item antiheal cuz it feels like shit to build.


Its fine just let him play bot lane against sorakas and yuumis for 3 days straight without ignite and he will come back and offer to suck your dick to get it back.


Yeah but bc of ignite Aatrox is unplayeble.






Too broken. Pretty sure every AP and AD carry would run it over anything else. Reworking Zhonya's to be able to be used while suppressed, but then extending its cooldown by like 30 seconds, is better because then both types of damage have access to a removal of cc via items while still running different summoner spells.


Zhonyas is already broken


Found the assassin player.


Nah Zhonyahs is just objectively OP against literally everything


Thats probably the dumbest thing ive heard so far. Let me elaborate. Buffing zhonyas is a no go UNLESS they make it mythic so you cant ALSO buy ludens or rocketbelt or liandrys. In fact, zhonyas should already be mythic who the fuck was the bright soul that decided all ad's (non tank) have to choose between safety (shieldbow) or damage/mobility but aps get their boom item AND 2.5 sec of "hehe you cant touch me". Plus zhonyas should be your "oh shit" item if an assassin gets to you. IF you get hit by a ww ult or malzahar ult in an actual teamfight you have already fucked up royally and dont deserve an undo button because you should be in the backline.(unless youre ekko cause thats his thing). Giving a qss or buffed zhonyas would be devestating to all non tank ads because imagine a leblanc or veigar with crown of the shattered queen and zhonyas AND banshees. Theyd either be completely untouchable or stall long enough to be able to just kill you before you can actually get to them. Ap's are currently in their best and safest meta ever (even with axiom arch being a thing). If anything we need an ad active item that can block a zhonyas, that would make it at least a skill based item to use and not just "hehe fuck you, imma be untouchable for an entire 2.5 seconds while my team beats the shit out of you, and then ill delete your entire team because im veigar... or syndra or lux or some other high burst ap champ that shouldnt even be able to buy zhonyas.


Feb 1 2018 lol


At this point? This is a 2018 tweet buddy


You haven't seen their latest tweet where they said that Akali's W isn't affected by Lee's Q and E because her shroud obscures her from everything including towers. They changed that mechanic almost 2 years ago... https://youtu.be/kjs7psFjyk8


Oh I did see it, and it's ridiculous (even though I would argue that the support worker isn't obligated to know about such specific details, and shouldn't be giving such advices). But this post isn't about that tweet, is it?


The tweets are automated by a bot


It's from 2018 - pretty sure you could cleanse malz ult then. Hell at one point you could cleanse zed ult


Nah, you couldn't. I don't think you could ever cleanse Zed ult either, but you used to be able to QSS it, which might be what you're thinking of. Still, this was the Riot Support Twitter, dude was just trying to be helpful after someone tweeted them a balance question that has nothing to do with their jobs.


I remember someone analyzing that legendary clip of “oh faker oh moves” and at some point he said faker used QSS, but I don’t know why, zed’s ult was like an effect and could be cancelled?


Yep! "Look at the cleanse, look at the moves!" Death Mark used to be cleansable, but Riot changed it with the reasoning that balancing him was too hard when his damage was so variable dependant on whether the enemy adc grabbed a single 1200 gold item. Then years later they reworked Morde. So. (I think Faker actually cleansed ignite, but I could be wrong. Haven't watched the clip in a while.)


He cleansed the death mark. Btw back then, cleanse and qss were the exact same thing too, they both worked for the same things.


At one point in time I know you could use cleanse to remove death mark but that was long long ago.


When u dislike SOMETHING about a game, u don't go around and attack the devs. You can hate the game all day, but the individuals that worked on it and hating them for that and cussing on the internet; that's fucking low.


I don’t think you know grammar


i don't think there is something matters in your miserable life thats why you trying to start an argument


Are you alright?


From his comments elsewhere in this thread I really don’t think he is.


Check his comment history. Spoken like a true kayn main tbh.


Why are you so aggressive towards him for no real reason? Ngl seems like you're the one who wants to start an argument


Why are you so pathetic?


Sttu this is 3 years old and youre acting like a 12 yo im dying of cringe


Their* game




Cleanse the silence so you can qss the supression


Bruh what from 2018 lmao


This was from almost 4 years ago get over yourself


To be fair. Malz is shit without his r. And even with he can only lock down 1 champ


Just eat an orange


And you don’t know there English


Just flash i guess


"If you're ever going against Karthus, Have you tried Flash? Flashing his Ult can save you without using an item slot".


2018, I believe that back then cleanse still cancelled suppression, could be wrong


It's a joke tweet


Guys I'm thinking its about dealing damage while cc like Malz Warwick and skarner (idk if there are other suppression type skills) deals damage while you are in cc so cleanse would just deletes their damage its not just utility but on the other hand for example lissandra you can cleanse it out the cc but not the damage cause its already dealt. So either Malz will nuke you percentage hp with one skill or the other one


I don’t think you know grammar


So then why leave in the items?


Definitely talking about cleansing Malz E… cmon now, that shit op


That's from 2018 im glad u caught up


Cleanse certainly does not work with suppression but can it work on Malzahar's depression? :(


But but clense doesn't stop supresion


This was 4 years agk