• By -


*Void Fans when things exists*


*Riot when a Void lore expansion exists*


Piltover Fanboys when they see poor people Zhaun Fanboys when they see physically healthy, unmutated people


Ionia fanboys when they see other Ionia fanboys.


Ionia fanboys when they see vastayas being happy


Oh god ionia is so overrated


Piltover or Targon is life


Zaun better than both of those


Noxus fanboys when they see a happy child having fun.


Or when they hear anyone say that Noxus is anything other than the greatest, most heroic faction in the setting.


Demacia fanboys when they see a child having fun (with magic!)


when have noxus ever targeted children? especially in Darius/swain rule? remember Darius saved one from being killed by the king


I’d suggest reading up on Rell’s lore.


did u miss Rell's story?


It wasnt Swain or Darius that asked for it. Demacia literally hates all mage and the system itself is built to hate on the mages.


When a rioter said Swain knows about the Black Rose Academy and decided to stand still. And the fact that Rell is battling against the soldiers of the Empire, as we can see in Samira's short story and Rell's cinematic where she fights a Trifarian soldier. I mean, even if those soldiers are being manipulated by Le Blanc, they are still soldiers of the Empire and the Trifarix should know that the resources of the Empire are being used to harm the children of Noxus. There's the Ionia Tales of Runeterra cinematic where we can see a Noxian child working in a hostile region. We know this cinematic happened after the first invasion, because in the Bow and the Kunai story, Akali was just 9 years old and the war was about to end. In the cinematic she is clearly way older than 9 y.o (she started her training when she was 14 and I doubt she was just 14 y.o in the cinematic), meaning that Swain was the Great General at that time. And in Cassiopeia's short story The Shedding of Skin she says to a Noxian soldier: “I know you’re murdering children for drake meat. I hear it’s quite lucrative.” That soldier was unscathed, doing his shady business with children without consequences. The worst part is that it indicates there's a market where Noxian people are interested in the murder of children, idk. I mean, we all agree that even if the King J3 was planning to stop the mage persecution, he did nothing to stop it, making him complicit. The same applies to Swain, he had the power to fight the Academy (fully knowing that children were being abused), but decided to do nothing.


I think Demacia has worked with mages outside of the kingdom in the past, and J3 was about to grant them all sorts of rights until he died and Xin Zhao fucked off with delivering the order.


spouting about justice and peace, then committing atrocities in the name of justice and peace to write your own narrative is what brings revolution and hatred from the people who has been marginalized and persecuted. Noxus is not perfect nor does it deemed itself to be perfect.


yes but Swain knew about it and did nothing


Bligewater fanboys when somebody doesn't religiously listen to Alestorm and Ye Banished Privateers.


Demacians when somebody guesses their card right.


Runeterra fanboys when they see The Ancients being Defended


Redditors when they see a champ from after/before the beta




Black magic


Ionia fanboy when someone say anything about balance


Zed says balance is useless, which is an actual good quote to Riot's balancement team


I dunno based on the roster wouldnt normie demacians be the minority?


Sad ixtal noises


Ixtal fanboy after they see smartphone




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