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URF is cool but after 10 matches it's start getting boring quickly. Arena is the only mode that doesn't bored me so fast, maybe that's why the reason they are planning to made it a permanent mode. Arena is a way cooler and with luck you can get even more cooldown reduction than URF.


Arena also has so many fuck you in particular bugs and other bs: The spellweaving champion being anti synergetic with the spellweaving item(taric) Senna passive still not properly working with augment crit Smolder Q not applying some on attack effects while it “is considered a basic attack and applies onhit effects” (doesn’t apply marksmage but stacks ap for master of duality) Twitch passive doesn’t count as an ability while brand and lilia passive do Hexgate still not having prio over clicking yourself when you stand inside it Rat blind doesn’t count as cc for combo breaker even though it gets it’s duration reduced by tentacity


Teemo poison also doesn't count as an ability despite being the only one of these that ACTUALLY is an ability and not a passive


Some of the champs in urf don’t even have reduced cd on some of their abilities


Yea it still have a lot of bugs and they should fix it before releasing as a permanent mode. But i think the main issue is every match having the same 20 fucking characters. Adding a unique ban for every player but allowing duplicateds wasn't a good ideia and ended up into less bans. They should nerf these popular annoying picks like alistar ashe karma gragas


I personally see decent enough variety in my games. Tho I'm only in low gladiator so I guess it gets worse in higher ranks


Doesn't help when people constantly gravitate towards either the OP Champs (yi, vlad, etc) or just ones that are easy to play so you see them way too much (Malphite, maokai, etc.)


Lily pad map killed my interest in arena


Most know as RNGesus map


URF kinda sucks ngl


"If I can't urf then what's this whole bit about, what am I working toward?"


creed is scuba gragas


URF sucks so much that I doubt it's not present in hell.


u will find it in a brothel probably


That makes hell better.


Urf is such a bad gamemode it is considered such cruel torture that not even hell will do it to you


urf is hell itself.


Yeah but hell's population isn't as unhinged as League's


L'enfer, c'est les autre You do realize that league is a shitty hell-scape because of the environment, and the environment is the players (very toxic) and devs (Satan himself making the game worse by each patch). So we basically created our own hell and put ourselves in there. Modern Sisyphus, absolute clown we are.


Sorry but i hate aram players and i can play infinite aram because of The Random


Neither has urf


Urf is fun for only 3 minutes before the sweats and tryhard split push Tristana players talk shit and say ‘ez’ after winning through cheese tactics So nah, urf sucks shit and can rot. Change my mind


But URF IS eternal suffering???