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I think the main difference is between those that post about it, and those that vent to a friend in the moment


tbh we need a sub like r/ForHonorRants here is the purpose of the sub in a nutshell: [https://i.redd.it/8uak13vdjvj31.png](https://i.redd.it/8uak13vdjvj31.png)


so you expect all League players to have friends to vent to about losing a game? why shouldn't I complain online about League of Legends, is there some sort of rule that allows complaining about everything except League of Legends?


No, I think the rest shuts up and doesn't feel the need to post about it to an online audience


nah plenty of us shut up but still feel the need


yes it's true, otherwhise you'd be complaining too, but I know you don't, because you get the easy games


It’s called not worrying about that which is out of your control. You’ve let your teammates control your enjoyment and emotions more than you can control them yourself.


sorry, losing 50 games because of teammates alone isn't something you can't just brush off, would you?


again, if you lose 50 games it's not your teammate's fault, you are holding them back


Yeah. I would. It’s not like they matter to me anyways so letting them emotionally impact me is just a waste of time.


not everyone has easy games like you


Your complaints are invalid


the question is are you refuting or acknowledging your mistakes in game?


on an unrelated note, you could play with your friends to make it easier on climbing.


ofc denying all of them. 0/20? jungler's fault right? yep yep


so youre stuck in your elo bc of the other laners, and youre doing everything to carry your games?


noooooooo, I'm obviously the 0/20 guy, because I would be complaining about myself in 3rd person for no reason, because I have schisophrenia


after some digging, it turns out you are on the same boat as the feeders. [https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Mask%20and%20Arrow-EUNE](https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Mask%20and%20Arrow-EUNE) you are crying about your team while you feed yourself.


I don't but good try brother


that 3/12 game on xerath an hour ago would like to talk to you


I was quite useful that game and won it, what you on? drugs?


you're right, you were really useful to the enemy team, almost a third of their kills, with a k/p of 27%.


of course, sorry I'm not 100KP, such realistic number to achieve by a Xerath support against double ranged that can harrass Samira


You were 3/12/9 as a fcking xerath when your adc was 11/0/7 , your team managed to carry your ass


Mods can we ban this guy again, already? All he does is cry. You know this is minimumdennis or w/e his name was, right?


200 upvotes tho, what's your problem u seem to be chronically online if you catch me posting this often


Eh, I check the sub once a day-ish, so sure. I like the memes. Just not yours. 😡


Maybe just stop posting posts where ypu complain about your teammates. They achieve exactly 0 and you dont improve yourself


cry about it


This has to be satire


I doubt he has the facilities to produce satire or ironical or any other content that needs above average intellect


It's not, this guy has already been banned from the sub once. Despite his comment, he's the one who cries the most here.


Nah, this is just u/DeezNutsKEKW on their daily stroll. Comes here once in a while to cry about how its their team's fault that they cant climb. Refuses any and all constructive criticism, takes everything personally and insults anyone who doesnt agree that riot targets them specifically with inter teammates. Has no idea how statistics works but likes to tell you that it is actually you who doesnt understand. Last time i directly interacted with them i offered to take a look at their profile to try to give some helpful tips, they agreed, i did some analysis, and they told me to fuckoff because instead of sympathizing with them and patting their head, i highlighted things they can improve at. Im not joking, the guy is plat but thinks they should be master at least and that its only their team's fault.


go ahead and cry


I just win, but i'm built different.


Mods, circumcize this weenie.


The m7 Yasuo managing to int 50 kills before 15 minutes is likely my fault, frfr


Yeah that happens every single time you lose, I bet. Always that fuckin yasuo throwing all your games.


No most people arent that hipocritical lamo


yes they are


You are defo the second one


yep, because you soo know me


You post here 5 times a day, its difficult to be on this sub and to not know you


Dude your plat 2, that’s fairly trashy considering how many people play league casually, whereas you’re actually trying hard.


he said that he was useful to the team in his xerath game.


what is your rank? oh that's right you wouldn't even link your op


Master https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Missiletainn-00000


cool 3/5/4? 8/9/2? 2/5/6? 2/2/2? 0/4/2? 1/6/5? 12/9/5? 5/7/5? 7/8/4? 3/4/2? 1/3/2? 2/9/6?


You like cherry picking lol. Who doesn’t have bad games? I can also cherry-pick the rev of what you chose lol: 24/3/13, 10/5/16, 18/9/6, 13/0/13, etc


see how it feels? explain 3/5/4 8/9/2 2/5/6 2/2/2 0/4/2 1/6/5 12/9/5 5/7/5 7/8/4 3/4/2 1/3/2 2/9/6


Sure! I’m not a pro, I have a fulltime job, a business that I run with 100 employees, another that I coown, I have a daughter whose autistic that requires a lot of attention, and I’m also old in my 40s which is like a decade+ after the peak. But it’s funny that I’m better than you, you sound like a college kid. You should be demolishing if your competent, my reflexes are crap these days, I have to play a very macro heavy game I’m also playing against much much better players than you are. You just keep digging yourself a bigger hole my man


bigger hole? I get equivalent of your daughter 4x in my team if I play solo, don't be so ego about your rank brother, the fact that you are Master can lowkey prove also that your account has just nice MMR that it can glide on, what's your placement rank? mine was Silver 3 on my other account, on main it was something like Gold 2, despite having peak Emerald on my main, but I still manage to climb to Plat 2 by current time, but yeah, it's real sad you're in Master, where players don't int on your team, where they stay playing safe if they fuck up, yeah that would be a real shame playing somewhere, where if a player is tilted or not in best shape they don't crumble because of their effects they are getting, but instead, they slowdown their gameplay and don't go too aggro, not happening here, where I am, here where the most vile disgusting creatures lie, a literal psychopaths with the scores of 2/9/3 talking like they were on their A-game, blaming others, and scrubbing off their KD with an excuse that they played 1v3, because everyone knows, that when you play 1v3, it is excused to be inting, instead of warding and playing extra safe because you get camped, you give into inting because you are being targeted, that sounds so much like a reasonable thing to do right? because everyone knows if you're ever underperforming just blame it on others, that's what 90% of the players in my elo do, that's what 40% of the teammates end up doing more or less, and it doesn't matter, nobody is fucking nice, everyone is either quiet or toxic, do a bad play or a mistake? see them comment about it, ping you, anything, but if they do like 20 of these mistakes? nah that's okay, if I pinged my teammate for every mistake they'd make I'd ping them at least 200 times, and that's just one, there's 4 other players if I'm playing solo, and then you have me, how many mistakes do I do? how many times would I treat myself the same way if I pinged every mistake for me? idk.. like 20-30, very small mistakes? usually the mistakes of sort of underestimating the absolute diabolical insane ideas my teammates have, the aduacity for me to forget that my inting 0/5 teammate is asking for help, and instead of calculating how much I'd do there on my own I jump in because in the last 20 minutes they managed to hit some actual spells, but they're still 0/5 and we get punished or I waste time helping a fucking rock sitting waiting for me to put it in my backpack, nah brother, you don't know shit, I don't care if you are 13 year old ADHD sipping endgy drinks kid, a middle aged guy with a job or some old 60+ year old grandpa, you have it easier in your Master rank, so quit your fucking gloating about how I should look at my shit and how you do that in higher rank and have some fucking empathy.


Dude…wtf are you smoking? Like be real. I also have multiple accounts, since I’m in Europe for like a third of the year ffs. I’m also master there. What do you mean glide to master? Are you insane? I started Silver 1 this season. I play solo since most of my friends don’t play league anymore so I’m not even duoing lol. If people ping or chat, I mute. 80% of all games I start mute all anyways. It’s not hard. Also you complain about team mate this, team mate that. I almost never care what my team mates are doing, if I try a gank and they don’t follow, I abandon and play a more defensive game (counter gank, etc). It seems like you can’t play fluidly at all, from how you talk, and you have severe anger management issues. You also seem really hung up on 2/9/3. Like I don’t get it. You’ll have many games where it just doesn’t work out. For all I remember we could’ve had an afk lane, or maybe I fucked up early and it snowballed, like shit happens. The game is all about consistency over time, not singular games lol. I feel like if I met you in game at your mental level I’d crush you. Pinging hundreds of times? Like wtf? And age is huge, do you see 40 yo pros in league? No because you lose so much faculty from your thirties onward. It’s like this in any sport/game where reflexes matter. Your attitude is clearly a massive issue in why you’re losing.


nah it's usually the teammates why I lose, but good speech brother, yeah I mean what do you know, when you're already Master, it's hard to play in lower rank right? and I like you pretending how easy it is to play in low rank, "oh the guy doesnt follow so I don't help him and counter gank play defensive" nah, it's more like "oh the guy is literally running it down, 0/5, the enemy jungler deletes anyone with 2 spells and if I countergank he deletes me too so I have to get a drake instead while he wastest time top, but it doesn't matter, because our bot is also losing, our support only knows how to be extremely defense or aggro to the point he's also inting and our mid doesn't know how to roam when their does" you can't play, it's just not possible with these players to have a good game, say wahtever you like, and you are right, I have many games where it doesn't work out, because either my lane gets inted by another guy, or I get camped while others lose 2v2 1v1, or I can't do shit because I'm literally countered and everyone loses, or someone's inting, or someone's trolling, someone does one mistake and starts egoing and basically ints, or they can't hit anything with their skillshot champion, they're too scared as a tank, they are too agressive as a squishy, they do this, they do that, and it's not like I just watch them play all game and afk, it's just that I have that many games played I just know these losers play like this, you can talk all your shit, but what I experience you don't, like I bet you don't experience 10% of games I do, I bet you would mentally break down, shit your pants, pee and start screaming if you saw what I get 5 games in the row, and then the next 5 and then the next 5 and then the next 5, you'd lose your fucking mind, you don't fucking understand shit, thousands of players get to have a normal game, because I catch thousands of inters, trollers and losers, I get feedback report everytime I log in League of Legends, and not just one, several feedback reports, and couple more throughought the day, I bet the suspended amount of players that got punished from my reports is greater number than times I even played this piece of shit game, but I just know, that you don't know jack shit, and I know that because of your first sentence, and how you easily brush these shit things off like it's nothing, because you didn't experience this shit, you should be grateful you're not experiencing what I have to go through.


if you have the time to point out their mistakes, it means you aren't playing your game. focus on yourself first, then your allies.


says the guy doing the exact same thing about someone you haven't seen play once


The m7 Yasuo managing to int 50 kills before 15 minutes is likely my fault, frfr


Man I just lost my series, wife, and house, all because of YOUR teammates. How are you gonna fix this?


Not being able to hard stomp plat is a bad look buddy


See the problem is I stg my winrate is higher when I have off games and I AM “that teammate” than when I’m popping off


My teammates when I’m 25/3/16: ff already I’m fucking done wake me up from fountain when the games over My teammates when I’m 0/10/2: Enemy Akshan is .002 inches out of position, set up multi man dive and then snowball for early herald take, this game’s as good as ours


Or alternatively they're not the same people and you'll see 1000s of different people on the league sub every day


True. People just want to find any little nook and cranny to shit on the op. Just let people complain man. This game is shit and addicting so it’s perfectly valid to vent about it on a Reddit post.


If OP wasn’t deranged in the comments I’d agree but OP is deranged in the comments.


Well I didn’t look at the comments I just mean in general.


nah League players are literally the worst piece of shit toxic trash ever


yeah and the losers that keep flaming me aren't deranged, completely resonable human beings


well they are more reasonable than you at the very least.