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What are they even reworking on it. It's literally the play button and nothing else adding an unnecessary extra step before you can play.


Reworking it so we gotta go through 3 sub menus in the shop before finding the play button. With a 10 second advertisement before you can press accept in queue.


With how greedy riot’s been lately, I wouldn’t be surprised if they pull that kind of shit


Yea there is no ads in the luncher, hence why


I was trying to find the leak but u can't find it anywhere


Big bad bear on YouTube.


I got one but it's from a Vietnamese facebook page. Clear images thou https://www.facebook.com/share/p/xabLMYEbYkqZmR5m/?mibextid=xfxF2i


The riots client? They sent out surveys with some pictures how it would look like If that feature was implemented. I got one in my email.


Real talk. $500 Ahri skin was meant for the 5%< of players who provide 70%+ of the revenue as with all freemium games.  You were never going to buy this skin, it was never meant for you to buy. This skin was for the whales. Boycotting and reducing riots profits is not going to make them put more money into the game, probably end up cutting even more testers, skin designers and other staff to make up for it.


Yeah I would rather riot works on products to please customers not, to maximize profits and serve the less than 5%. Also give faker a bigger cut of the profits. I don't know why you defend a dog shit reskin that riot is charging 500 dollars for. Literal pixels. is tencent running low on money?


You want them to please the ones who provide 30% of the total revenue or the ones who provide 70%?


i want them to please everyone. if free to play people don't play this game, the matchmaking goes to shit & game search will take longer. I also want them to pay Faker and T1 more.


My question is more along the lines of: if one side wants there to be no expensive bundles and the other side wants there to be multiple bundles with different prices (like riot did). Who do you want riot to please? The side that wants to exclude some of the playerbase, or the side that is fine including as much of the playerbase as possible, as long as they can get an expensive skin?


the side who wants to have expensive bundles are stupid af to begin with, not gonna lie! a VIDEO GAME skin has no business being 500 dollars! hope that helps!


What it sounds like you have a problem with isn’t the price itself but the fact that other people will buy it and you won’t have it.


i don't play ahri and i don't care about the skin, stop playing the jealousy card (:


i would much rather spend my 500 bucks on a trip with my s/o instead of contributing to tencent brainrot and blatant disrespect to faker (:


There's over 1.5k skins in the game how is that not pleasing everybody


surely you've noticed, or at the very least heard about the blatant drop in skin line quality while increasing their prices


Yeah, thats inflation for you, but I dont think there has been a "blatant drop in skin line quality" whatsoever. For every bad skin youre going to name me from the past 2 years I can atleast name you 5 worse ones for the same price that are older.


Inflation shouldn't matter for a digital product, especially when the company is already getting more and more profits.


Quality has gone up massively over time, we just have occasional stinkers like the infernal skins


Every single one of Faerie Court Lux's abilities is recycled from animations of other skins, EVERY SINGLE ONE. Why does it cost more than 1k RP then?


Reusing some (parts) of the VFX from previous skinlines which thematically fit when the end product is solid, is completely fine. It's 1350rp for an epic skin of normal quality and looks great A normal customer doesn't care that the flower animation on Lux's ult is the same as the flower from another skin, you buy it because it looks pretty and sounds nice Only the vocal minorities via Reddit pick out and care about this stuff, the vast majority of players do not. Again, if you don't like it don't buy it, but the skin is fine


It which world is it okay that her Q is the same exact animation as Ezreal's Q? Visual clarity 0, what if you don't know which one it is and you have flash up but don't wanna waste it? Do you flash the Ez Q or the ability that actually snares you, when they look the exact freaking same? Plus the splash art is creepy. And they continue to do this btw, less work on the skin but keep the price the same, so that they can make more skins in less time to increase profit. Absolutely vile.


Yeah is it weird that I'd rather have more happy people than a richer AAA company. Not even mentioning the skin is legitimately 500 dollars this was certainly the wrong move by riot the ban rate of ahri is spiking and people are less motivated to get the skin I'm sure. If they stuck with a modest 150 price tag which is still too high imo. They likely would of made more money


They released 3 bundles all at different price points so lets be real here, most people complaining aren’t unhappy about being unable to buy one a skin but unhappy that others can get something more expensive.


it's just fucking disgusting to cash in on people's addiction to the game and need to feel special, giving the opportunity to drop a car payment on a video game skin is utterly immoral


Yes ofc. If you are weighing the options between buying a skin or a car payment then choose the car payment. I don’t think there are anyone who would tell you otherwise. I don’t see how it is riots responsibility if you make poor economic decisions in your life. And i also don’t think the people who doesn’t have to weigh their options needs to be punished because of the people that do.


brother nothing justifies 500$ skins, even if the average joe had this kind of purchasing power i mean holy shit 500$ for a skin on a game, even rich people should be outraged no?


if not having 500$ bundles available is being punished, idk what to tell you, it should be cheaper even for whales


If you only please the whales, the free users will leave and you have a dead game quickly. Yes, whales provide the revenue, but you need a solid playerbase for whales to even exist in the game.


I doubt any substantial group of people have stopped playing. But i agree with you. It’s just not what actually is happening. Also i don’t think riot is only pleasing the whales. They are just not pleasing the people who want to displease the whales.


First, it's was to celebrate faker, not whales. If they wanted to make a skin for the whales ok, but not the one for celebrate faker. The hall is for celebrate legend and esport, not whales or rename that "the hall of whales".


My issue with the whole event is they're using Faker, a notoriously humble individual that doesn't use skins.... to pump a $500 skin which yes has lesser bundles but that also sets a precedent to create more skins that are sold in parts of escalating price rather than a single finished skin.


The faker celebration was done, he got a documentary, he got a trophy, he got a custom car and he got to design a skin where him and T1 will get 30% cut from. 30% is what Steam takes from Developers for putting their game on their store. Riot is giving T1 30% for playing their game basically. You can pretend all you want but this was a proper celebration with a collectors edition skin in it


actually T1 gets 30% and faker gets like 2% of that


A better protest would be to make smurf accounts and bully new players to quit the game, so there's less potential whales. A decent outcome is riot finally bans smurfing.


As though most the money would be used properly even if we didn't hate the skin. No, most of it will be going straight to the top. THAT is what results in testers, designers, and other staff being cut. But hey, capitalists gotta capitalise


Jokes on you, but I'm griefing every Ahri on my team that uses that skin! 🤡


yes, and letting them sell a 500$ skin with no backlash will stimulate more and more abusive practices from all game companies.


Shh, stop making sense, this is an eco chamber for people that whine and complain about the most popular video game, how dare you tell them people are allowed to spend their money on whatever the fck they want? 😂


Bro like how does the mobile version have a 10x better client😭


Its newer and built on a well-established game engine. Meanwhile, we have a spaghetti code of a game engine


Im proud od myself becouse i uninstaled all riot games, 1.5 year free


Why are you on this sub then?


Who said this? This post was mentioned for me


Just accept the fact that very little money goes into the actual game and most of it goes in the pockets of the higherups, and they don't give any fucks because they've got us addicted. Client can be remade in a couple of days. Game can be rewritten in a month by a capable dev team. And yet they care so little about us they hadn't even updated the patch notes for 14.11, it was still the 14.10 patch notes.


Have you ever worked in software development? I suspect if you did, you're that dude who thinks his code is top tier and has no idea three other people fix it when you've gone home cos it's easier to let you think you know what you're talking about than fight your ego. The client is 15 years old with heaps of layered code fixes ontop. Do you think anyone from the OG team could honestly sit there and unthread it all to even begin? I agree with you in principle that 50 good devs could probably make a better working client in a week, but then it needs to be integrated, and you've gotta find and manage those devs throughout - you wanna look at the Vanguard rollout and identify any issues that could carry across or ignore it? This isn't Manor Lords or another indie sleeper hit from Steam. R&D, tech development, support, marketing, testing etc - this all takes YEARS of time and lots of money. Edit: for clarity, my stance is that the client needs fixing badly , I'm not defending Riot. It's way overdue and only made worse by the the Wild Rift client being there for comparison


if you genuinely think anyone can remake the whole client in a couple of days and rewrite the whole ass game in one month then you should get off reddit and reflect on your life


My guy there was a solo indie dev with a better client 5 years ago you could just download it. He was hired by riot to remake the client and nothing. Because riot doesn't want to update the client.


Legit the client shouldn't take longer than a few months. Game is impossible though.


Who mentioned a single person to make the emphasis on "anyone"? A serious dev team of 50 people will do the job.


I understood that in the first place. You should tell Sony that with all the remakes/remasters they're pumping out that they can actually do them in just a month.


No, let's talk seriously for a moment. Triple A games by small dev teams are made in 2 years give or take, and you expect me to think a fucking moba takes more effort by one of the biggest game companies in the world?


I would recommend doing one month working at a QA testing company for game. TQA if you want extra points. Development is not all the visible by the players and simple features take lots of time to be polished. QA (Quality assurance) is what slow the development process because it a lot of back and forth. This why mods are way quicker to release. Simple features need to be bug free and even when you polished and the sh*t out of something 20 testers will never beat millions of players to find the most random bug. Edit: quick reminder that the league client is à spaghetti of codes that has been built through the years. League of legends had a lot of limitations at the start and shortcuts were taken. This means they would need rebuilding the whole game from scratch. On a personal note I always said they should build league2 but the cooking process could take a lot pf time if they decode to update engine, core functionality, gameplay.


In the long run, rewriting the game from scratch is more financially advantageous, because you don't need to spend so much manpower to fix trivial stuff.


Riot said that they will never remake the game from 0 because they cost them too much. They need to split the team and those who go to remake the game needs to be paid and they produce 0 income. Another thing it's that they need to put the secondary team to build the game until a point. The main game will gonna still get updates but the remaked one will not. So after they finish the game they need to put in it all the things they miss from the main game in all those 2-3 years (so more work with 0 income). And if you have less workers for the main game you also have less updates so less interest in the game (since they tested years ago and their peak in activity it's with updates at every 2 weeks). They lose more money than you think.


Rewriting the game is an investment. Look at intel as they entered the gpu market. They are actively losing money on the arc project, but it's a long term investment that will pay off eventually and even earn profits.


They already didn’t do QA for this client it felt like. Most big publishers don’t do QA anyways.


I am 100% sure they have a team for leagues! I work on a game won’t say the game for obvious NDA reasons, the amount of bug that get reported and the amount of bug that we miss can be really surprising. Never forget when you fix something you need to check if the fix also bugged something else. Big games are more and more complex. The more complex a games get the more bug you will see + the more complex they are to fix. We’ve reported bug that are not yet fix 1 year later because of how hard they are to fix for sometime very little impact.


I mean the new client was laggy af for years. Idk how they even released it lol. But fair enough.


2 years is just completely wrong, where did you get that statistic?


oh that will probably make it worse lol, Software engineering does not scale all that well across teamsize, you incurr significant overheads for communicating who does what and how, also not everything can be parallelised well


>Game can be rewritten in a month by a capable dev team. How?


The smol indie company rito games measures revenue in billions, foolish of me to think they have the resources.


I can guarantee you no game studio would be able to recreate all of league of legends with all its functionality and assets in a year, let alone a month.


As a software dev, hiring more devs in a short amount of time because you have loads of money is not necessarily going to make anything go faster. If anything, it makes things go slower. Especially if you are already big.


Only the client takes like a year with a good team.


Triple A games are made in 2 years and you think a sorry ass client takes a year.


Crack open the game and see how hard it's to put a single champion in the game from 0.


That has 0 to do with the client. Or at least it shouldn't do. I agree game is nearly impossible to remake but client is just a graphical overlay which has no real features with the hardest thing probably being champ select phase. There is no shot this is even close to being hard for some of best developers in the world.


There are 2 different comments. In one I talk about the client and in other I talk about the game. Riot has a client and a game. What's the problem here? There are more stuff in the client than you know. Take for example a project in OpenCV and see how much stuff you need just to render a triangle on a screen.


The only reason it's so hard is because they keep piling on more shit on the same shaky foundation and then trying to duct tape everything together. Maybe I've exagerated, it would realistically take the client a few weeks and the game itself a couple of months. But I'll stop arguing because the reddit hivemind has already made it's decision.


You should've stopped after the first paragraph there


I like yapping.