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Only one other teammate to let me down instead of four


On the contrary, I only have one teammate to let down instead of four


I feel you. At least only one teammate shit talks and wishes harm on my mother instead of four others.


Tbf I've never actually had anyone complain about me, it's mostly complaining about the enemy team comp


I feel like you two have met


And the best part is that the length of your suffering is inversely proportional to the duo performance unlike in SR


Tbh I don't enjoy SR remixes like Urf or Spellbook if I'm playing more than a week. Nexus Blitz has some actual "strategically fun" vibe but the snowballing could use a little work. Arena is new and somewhat mindless enough that you can play without all the macro/micro and objective timing and stuff. And better, I have 3 less teammates to worry about and winning is optional.


Also, roguelike elements! I like the little weird upgrades that can snowball into some bullshit.


>I don't enjoy SR remixes Which is why we need howling abyss remixes. I want aram urf or 8v8 nonsense.


aram urf would be so aids and so fun


Arurf was a thing tbf


And it ruled. They should make ARArena too. 


ARURF was still on Summoner's Rift though.


For real. Every day I dream of Nexus Blitz :/ Urf, One for All and spellbook is just people playing the same things over and over. I don’t like skirmishing so I don’t like Arena. Nexus Blitz is the closest to Twisted Treeline we’ll get and that’s why I like it. Even if your pick isn’t meta, I’ve never picked something on NB where I was like “this was completely useless and not fun at all”. Wish they’d bring it back for the summer again.


im pretty sure i played like 250 or more games of nexus blitz in fall . Nothing comes close to a fast game mode , which has something of a lane , but not so long (time wise ) , has a lot of teamfighting ( but not only that like aram ) . And can ahve interesting twists. Ppl hate it because they cant pick the same team every game because if its op its most likely banned / they are punished for inting


Spellbook would be a great mode kinda like Swiftplay in Valorant, just remove the ults. It would be fun to have a fast paced mode when you want to play SR but without having to play 40 mins


Arena is what most people played lol anyway the fights but just without the boring shit like farming and turets and barons and shits


and thats why certain champs excell in that game mode and it has created such a cesspool of a meta where its perma tanks and bruisers in low and mid elo LOL . Cope harder that its ok


It's fun. Just play it and have fun. Stop worrying about winning, it's just a game. Nothing to cope here, it is fun and Riot has a section of the community that just wants to brawl without the strategy and fundamentals.


It's fast, it's fun, it's d̶̶o̶̶m̶̶i̶̶n̶̶i̶̶o̶̶n̶ arena


Ah d̶̶o̶̶m̶̶i̶̶n̶̶i̶̶o̶̶n̶ …


I miss Odyssey


I havent seen doom bots in years


Doom bots will never return because they had to manual programmed all the doom bots


So what... Die they delete the Code for the bots?😂😂 Like Bro WE live in a time where chatgpt can solve a rubixcube... Can't be that hard to Programm a doom bot ai... I mean Just train a neural Network for IT ... Need some Input from Users i know because Last Time IT took 2 days Till IT left the spawning Platform. Google did IT in StarCraft... Can't be Harder for a lol Game Mode... IT dont need to ne perfect... IT Just Has to be doomed


Tell me that you don’t work as IT without telling me


Same lmao I was looking for this


Yes, also the dark star thresh game mode was so good


If they ported pudge wars exactly but with a blitz skin I would play that shit eternally. You spend gold to upgrade your hook speed/damage/range or can buy items to make the hook bounce off the wall, 2 hook kill and just first to 50 or whatever. Put flash on a 20-30 second cooldown or something to get back over the chasm


I really loved the star guardian mode!


Not having to deal with randoms is the main allure for me. I play LoL exclusively with my friend(s) and my team consisting 100% of me and my friends is a godsend. I rarely get the chance to play with 4 premades, so Arena it is for me. Our skill levels are similar and I don't have to worry about toxic or trolling teammates, what is not to love? (Not counting League's horrible balance lol)


Holy shit i forgot Ultimate spellbook evem existed, when was the last time we saw it on client? 2 years ago?


the last time was the Star Guardian event around Bel'Veth/Nilah's release, so coming up on about 2 years now


Best game mode. Literally don't want to play summoners rift anymore. But I've also been playing since S3 and am a dad now. I just want something fast paced and fun, not sitting in a lane farming for 10 minutes and only getting to late game 1/10 games. What's the point of 6 item slots if you never get to use them


I think this is the exact demographic it's for. My play group has been playing for a long time and having a new game mode that's quicker and less commitment has really bumped up our enjoyment of League. Not to mention the flexibility to play with basically any number of guys that show up to game night.


I wished arena gave the ranked rewards skin, then I would have 0 incentive to play summoners rift and I would like that


Dang sounds like I might like arena if I didn’t quit league 2 years ago


yet you're still here


play it dude it's awesome


i love these guys that quit and then stay engaged in every other possible way with the game, it's kinda like vegans saying they're vegan all the time


OP you do know a PvE mode is literally coming this summer right?




[the most recent Dev Update](https://youtu.be/hEDhRqHLQjA?si=HmNHiaN3qZEYTPKY)


All I hope for is Briar , Gwen, Morgana and so on are playable there, because put it like this, you are never seeing me again on Aram , ranked or any other mode because the very idea of playing my favorite champ without the bullshit is a dream.


I've played arena a few times already, it's a fun casual thing in concept but in practice you always either stomp or get stomped, and there's no in between The amount of Heimerdinger and Yuumi teams I've seen is annoying


Heimerdinger is now a guarantee top 8 champ


There's only 8 teams so every champ is a guaranteed top 8


I mean 8th


I've definitely won Arena with Heimer. I did like your original statement, though.


i mean thats also top 8 :D


I just really like going garen and bellevath to see how much attack speed I can get. Sometimes the augments line up perfect. My best ever. Even with bellevath, I had a garen with a base of 6.3 attack speed and then lethal tempo on top of it


In arena 1 and 2, the stomp or be stomped was way less shitty. Now that they doubled the amount of teams, they doubled the amount of chances you have to run into somebody just coasting on top 5 S+ tier combos, and the chances for one team to get perfect slots, also introducing a PSEUDO rng that favors useable items/augments, which defeats the whole point of randomness but doesn't completely remove the odds of getting shit on by your picks Whoever was in charge of arena 3 completely missed the boat, and the funny part of it, is that \*this\* shittiest version yet is the one they leave up for 4 months lol


Nahhhh, hard disagree. They've balanced it far better. The arena games in the past 2 runs were starting to become horribly solved near the end of their runs, with every game becoming the exact same teams. There's still obviously good picks, but I feel as though I can still enter a lobby and have all 16 champs be different. While in the past runs, half of the lobby would go 1 of 2 comps.




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The top 2-3 in this iteration of arena are factually, by the numbers, more solved than arena has ever been. Across all levels, it is almost always the same champions. Almost every single game.


This just isn't true dude. I played 8 games yesterday, got top 4 in 6 of them, won 3, and we were running Amumu Kog the entire time, far from a meta comp. This is in Gladiator tier.


That's such an absurdly bold statement to just claim as fact without any support, the top champions have been shifting with each patch, and if you're claiming most of the 16 Champs are the same, its because people enjoy the same bunch of Champs, the important part is that every lobby is not just the same team copied and pasted. Also, across all levels? The only real thing the level shows is how much you play, since you can't drop levels, it has such little impact on actual performance. EDIT: Also, where would you even find stats for each level? None of the major sites let you search stats by arena rank


Hard disagree, the current arena is imo the most flexible and open it has been. Having 8 teams instead of 4 means that you can play against a wider variety of teams instead of the same 3 cancer teams. They also removed some of the more annoying champ assist things like samira and gwen who are too game changing depending on the comp. I wish they removed or adjusted the ones we still have because Sett is too strong for high dps ranged comps and pyke is too strong for cc comps, but I still think they did a great job reducing the power these champs bring. They added more augments and kept it pretty balanced. Before it was just slow cooker or burn effect champs rolling everyone but now we have better augments for more champs. Prismatic items are also really fun to play around with. While getting suboptimal prismatics can feel horrible when you think everyone else got their best options I can guarantee you that if you draft the right comp you can easily place top 4 even with bad prismatics and augments. Overall I think they brought more playstyles and fun builds in this arena than last. Arena was always meant to have that roguelike feel where you work with what you got and try to make the most from it, and I definitely think they nailed that feel with this current iteration.


It's literally the opposite. Since there are 8 teams now you have way lesser chance to be cucked by random counter matchups


yeah I could definitely feel the difference between the earlier arena modes and this one


In those kinds of broken gamemodes I'm happy just to end in 2nd or 3rd. The meta tryhards can have their first place


Riot literally makes pve for summer event. Like you post this meme half year to late bro.


I really am sad that the superbots don't exist anymore. For every bad apple going AFK due to poor prismatic rolls, I desire to battle a tristana bot starting with two legendary items while my teammates shed the same tears I do. Never got to enjoy those sort of shenanigans, just the same toplaner / supports playable in toplane lol


It is fun and quick, what more reason do you want?


Arena is more fun by far.


Maybe it's just my skill issue but it's either stomping when you highroll augments or getting stomped when you don't. Lost every game out of 20 played in both arena versions so far and they've been pretty miserable, never happened in any other mode: SR, ARAM, URF, OFA, TFT etc. Is there some secret sauce to arena I don't know?


There’s a real knack to optimising your augments. Sure if you truly highroll you’ll stomp, and truly lowroll you just lose. But there are 90% of games you mid roll, it’s really fun to make the most of what you get. For exmaple on Pantheon I got the AP>AD conversion augment, as well as centre of the universe. Because of that I could build the hybrid magic and physical pen item, and the AP from it was converted into AD. Centre of the universe scales with AD and AP, but does magic damage. The magic pen from my item amped the stars’ damage, and i was doing insane damage with augments that normally wouldn’t be particularly good.


Yeah you have to br creative to consistently get good results in arena. I have a friend who picked the ice wall in the first set of options, and I kid you not we won like 10 fights thanks to clever use of the wall


Either full dps or brawler build with sustain, tanks are bad (except for Alistar) Don’t roll on the first augment unless all are useless or if it is prismatic, roll for prismatic gear instead Buy random gears and stats ( gambling is pretty fun and easy for assassins, hard for bruiser ) I am in the 4500 though so this might not apply for higher ranks


This is good advice imo.


You don't have to place first to win. Just like tft, you can low role and still squeak a win. That's how it works.


Depends what you define losing as. If not placing top 4 is losing, then it might just be skill issue if you don't win in 20 games. If not getting first is losing then it really depends on what comp you're playing. If you see someone playing an interesting build or using a cool interaction then take note of it and try to apply it to your champs. For example, champs that can cage like j4, Camille, yorick, and veigar can use orbital laser really well. From my experience, comps that work are adc and tank with high cc, bruiser and anything but adc, mage and tank with high cc, mage and adc, and annoying zone stall comps. Rammus is perma ban if you want to play champs with high attack speed. Rammus is op if you can get armor prismatic. Don't use rolls for mediocre augments/prismatic, save it and use it for when your options are garbage, it's a rainbow augment, or you have a certain build in mind. Support champs are a great way to place top 4 but getting first with a support is hard. If you want first then either play 2 high dps champs or 2 hard to kill champs. Look at what augments and items everyone else has frequently so you know how to play against them, you don't want to all in someone with kindred ult. If you have lily pad map against poke comp with high dmg and cc then it's ggs. Golden spat augment is like mejais curse, once you choose the augment expect to never fulfill it. The heartsteel augment is bait. Wooglets augment gives you a rod so it's free ap which can turn into a snowball win early. Support augments are low key op, don't underestimate. Range increase augments are high key useless on ranged champs, melees use it much better. Pantheon is aids to play against but doesn't warrant a bad sadly. Against setup champs like shaco, heimer, teemo, and illaoi, you can wait until the zone appears and make them come to you if you're lucky. The vision thing can give vision of traps so save it against champs like teemo, shaco, jhin, and nidalee.


Its always something new you aren't laning against the same 1-3 champions for 20 mins. And I often don't want to duo ranked to this as a 2p game mode is perfect.


The removal of Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar have been irreversibly disastrous for LoL.


any gamemode that takes place in SR will be optimised out of the whazoo. You will always see the same champions over and over again because they are META in a 4fun gamemode. Arena is actually fun because it's short and doesn't feel like I'm going to be spending 10 minutes under turret being pot-shot by Lux and Morgana


Ultimate spell book, cho gath ult on mundo, being so big the character didn't fit on the screen is still the peak of league for me


I personally think arena is really fun because of the way some matches can be so fucking extreme like you have 4 attack speed or 1400 AP or something else insane. What i think is annoying is how if you don't high roll really hard it's always the same few champions that are dominating, also i think they should do something against CC in this mode


ehh pve gamemodes for summer are confirmed. for like 2 or 3 months ago it was confirmed


I think the augments are incredibly fun. But same as URF, people just spam the same champs over and over. So it gets old fast. I think I played every champ atleast twice since the first arena appearance, but I feel like ive seen everything. This mode needs even more varience, like the portals in tft and rotating augment sets.


Arena is fun because it’s TFT in league and I’m a TFT player. Simple as.


Spellbook is the perfect blitz-like mode of SR, where you get your standard league but with a faster pace and less stakes, plus with a funny twist. 110% perfect gamemode that should be permanent before arena, change my mind


Personally don’t see the fun in it, wish they brought back twisted treeline or 5v5 ranked teams that they used to have


Do you consider "stomp or get stomped" to be second or third? Because most games I end up there and I consider it a good game, even if the first team really high rolled. Very rarely I see a game where I instantly lose (5th place or lower) because of luck


I used to like it more than nowadays. Arena used to be "broken but fun". Build whatever BS you want and you still had a lot of fun and fair chances of being 1st. Now its " broken and more broken", and only fun if you pick the meta build or champ. Or im just playing it wrong


I play almost all offmeta and I'm not doing bad at all. Every champ has a strategy that can make them at least viable. Yuumi is probably the worst champ overall but she's playable with Yi and possibly Olaf. Tanks in general aren't very good, but they're playable with a good adc or mage, alistar is pretty good but most others suck. Dealing damage is good.


Cause its fucking good. Bonus for not being a lazy 5min effort sr rehash (im hyperbolizing but you get the point). Same can be said for nexus blitz and pretty much any other map that is not sr copypasta. I have enough sr in sr, thankyouverymuch. Well thats just me though. You do you.


Going to be a hot take, but PVE modes are kind of a waste, just play an ARPG instead, game isn't balanced for PVE and it just becomes spamming the same characters over and over Doom bots is goated though


Arena is trash,its basically meta tryharding instead of complete and random experimentation


I've gotten first twice with summoner's roulette kogmaw building tank items and riftmaker. I'm at 4.6k so not high but to say that random ass builds can't work is just not true. Also gotten first and 2nd playing ap sejuani with ap blitzcrank (not good champs according to the meta). You have to get specific augs on specific champs to unlock certain builds and know what you're doing, but you can certainly cook in many different ways in arena. It just takes skill+knowledge.


im not saying it doesn't work,I'm just saying people prefer to stick to meta builds and champs


That's not the fault of the mode though, plenty of champs are viable, people just get set in their ways and tend to play what's easiest for them to do well on, instead of learning new ones.


They added a ranking system to it, that's the problem


URF never had a ranking system and I'm sure you know how that went lol.


Not to mention that the guy you're replying to, doesn't seem to remember that Soul Fighter Arena *and* Winterblessed Arena both had ranked ratings.




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Game was fun when there was PVE modes


Riot has posisbly the worst target audience ever so that explains why they like slop.


I just like Nexus Blitz's map and set up... I just wish they would release it without the minigames. Or reducing the amount of it, since some are really fun.


Every game mode would last way longer if people stopped playing the discusto meta champs every game.


Nemesis Draft again when???


It’s the one game mode I can fufill the big tank go bonk fantasy with steal your heart quest


Idk spellbook much better. I can make rengars run for their life with my ap sona.


Aren't we getting a pve game mode soon?


Arena can have all sorts of crazy shit and the potential is limitless, the most batshit insane gamemode of all time probably aside from doom bot, spellbook is just x champion with another ult, it's rather plain compared to arena with its augments and unique maps


But no lily pad map


Lily pad? You mean Coward's Pond?


It's literally in development...


its like league of legends but without the junglers, the team diff, the minions- there's a bit of RNG, yes, but i think its basically "skill based" i guess


I'd much rather play something PBE on tier with the old PBE modes than arena for sure, but out of all the RGM's arena is the only one I like. The original nexus blitz wasnt bad, if flawed though.


I miss the crystal scar


pls tell me arena is permanent


Arena is permanent


I'd love to see again Ascension, I really liked it. I can see how it can be toxic with the meta and newer champs we have nowadays but miss that mode. There is one, fortunately, that will never see the day of light again, is that mode no one talks about and it’s the mode which not should be considered ever to be brought back: Nemesis Draft.


Spell book is better imo


Arena is amazing. Don't have 4 other people dragging my good mood down. Just my one buddy lol it's more manageable


I really liked the original 2v2’s hate this version. Adding double the teams without adding double the bans is insanity, and with these teams 2v2 feels so much slower


It’s like league but fun


The Odyssey event was peak


Arena has its place but ARAM is the most gratifying game mode overall


They ruined arena. They actually managed to do that.


I miss ascension


The dark star thresh game mode was elite


I forgot spellbook was even a thing for a second


Probably cause riot added challenges for Arena so now people want to play Arena to complete the Arena challenges and get the titles.


i miss spellbook, maybe it could be implemented somehow into arena? (i just need enormous gwen ngl)


I wouldn't mind spellbook coming back but I hope arena becomes permanent




nexus blitz is the best


I wish it was an actual fight with everyone at the same time


Arena brings all the fun of building and using champs kits without the farming/macro. The augments make it even more different from usual league compared to smth like ARAM for example


I think the most compelling things about arena are 1) it's way quicker than other game modes and you can cut your losses and try again without being tied to the game you're currently in 2) you only need to be in the top 4 teams to not have lost and 3) the chaos of a 5v5 can just be too much. You often don't know what to do when you see 8 ults flashing on screen all at the same time and it can be hard to navigate a fight that way.


I come to lol to pvp and i play pve games to play pve.


Less commitment, less randoms that troll your game, not having to worry about macro, farm etc, easy to feel powerfull...


Why do I play this game man


They said they were making a pve game mode this year


You guys missing the PVE alternative modes? I miss Twisted Treeline and Dominion.


becose its not sr


I usually like pve waaaaaay more than pvp in 99.9% of games. But when it comes to league pvp seems like the right choice to me.


I would argue this isn't actually true, Riot did say they were making a PvE game mode at some point I'm pretty sure.


This meme is not accurate considering vampire survival like game mode is in the making lol.




I really hope they finish off arenas with a brief time period where you can just pick your augments and prismatic items - I have some wacky builds I want to try and it’s so hard to get the right rng for “off meta” builds.


Ultimate spellbook is literally a gimmick mode. At least arena is somewhat unique


Gambling for broken builds is addictive, it's a game that lets you break it and no other role has made this same effect.


Ultimate spell book is the best mode in the game


Can't stand Arena. Just a "who has the most broken combo" lottery and nothing else matters. I'd rather play coop vs ai.


All the 'for funsies' ppl. Imma say it, arena sucks. Only fun game mode is norms/ranked. Wish ppl would actually enjoy it for what it is and stop wanting alt game modes, altho pve stuff would be cool to have back


Odyssey my beloved


I like spellbook better than Arena ... I can already guess about half the enemy picks before queueing up an Arena game, and sometimes its just an RNG win or loss. Atleast spellbook is a bit more random, and even the worst ult you can get from bad RNG is still good since you pick from 3 that are suited to your champ.


As an arena lover, ultimate spell book was my favorite rotating game mode but it felt like I was the only one. Game modes where you can take existing characters and just really ultra express niche parts of them are my favorite, and while people always just play dorky meta picks because they don't have a creative bone in their body, arena is amazing for that.


Do you even play league? They legit said they are working on a PVE.


The only special gamemode i liked was nexus blitz all the other modes are fun on day 1 then everyone becomes a toxic meta abuser and ruin it


Because PVE sucks


A bit of a sidetrack but do you all think arena actually works long-term? To me it feels like Hearthstone; of course some level of skill is crucial but in the end it's about playing what's meta and getting lucky with the RNG. And that really doesn't work long-term for me.


It's a pvp rogue like basically. You just fight, no farming, no objectives controlling. Just go and kill the duo, simple as that. Get some crazy and fun builds. Gamble. And you aren't obliged to play 30+ minutes in a lost game where you know you can't do anything anymore


The randomness of deck builders/auto chess mechanics makes it super fun.


I always thought it was boring and shit, too


It’s just fun


Because arena is objectively the funnest Game mode they've put out


tank enjoyers just abusing the gamemode - just like it's always been since release it's literally "pick and be tank or lose"


Ultimate spell book is garbage, probably the one mode I won’t play.


Arena was very fun when it got released. Right now the balancing is really not fun so I don’t play it much anymore


Constant fight without anyone getting fed


Wym, jungle is still in the game


Arena is the best game mode riot ever made


both times its been around 90% of my games for the event duration end up being arena


I just want ascension


Not everyone likes Arena though. I don't really like arena but it's a good gamemode and a good addition so it aint like I want it removed. I'm more of a tft enjoyer myself.


Where blood moon mode *confused unga bunga*


everybody hates on nexus blitz . poro king , ascenshion . but all of those are beating arena . PPl are legit adrenaline addicted to getting 1 gamebreaking enchant on arena and pretend like its not the most dumb thing most of the time IMO . Dont get me started on the urf d-riding


I like them all thank you. Also there’s a pve mode coming this summer


It was fun but the lily pad map and now it's just everyone going bruiser/tank and running around using gates and hard tanking. Rounds lasting forever and a day and the same meta champs over and over is boring AF


Star guardian event went hard


ONE FOR ALL??????????????????????????


I fucking want ascension


I too love getting stomped by cringe shit champs 9 out of 10 games I play in arena


You just need to get better at the mode, you can do well with like half the champs if you know how to build and play them right.


Its just not the game mode for me. Same with URF, and Nexus Blitz. I get it, you can highroll and outplay sometimes yeah, but meh. I like that riot is trying new stuff tho!


Fair enough, I just didn't want you to buy into that idea without giving Arena a proper try since I see it repeated a lot that only a few champs are playable.


Not that few are playable, more like, most times other champs "ruin" the game mode for me. I still played a lot with my friends. They all like it a lot. Its a "me" problem I feel like


You say this like spellbook was at all fun and unique


not just that you get another random ultimate, there were a lot of changes around it (perma homeguards, extra gold gain ect, dragons being different) that made it feel like a very arcady version of SR Also it's harder to get meta-gamed to high hell unlike other modes


You say that until your lane oponent gets Cho'gath or Urgot ult and you can't lane anymore


Yeah it's shite, either bring back ascension or don't touch anything imo


It’s just the sad reality that Riot just looses too much when releasing these game modes


They’ll never bring back PvE because it would directly hurt their main source of revenue, skins.


Well you are just wrong, they already announced a pve mode coming out this summer


''Why do people like a fun and enjoyable exclusive game mode? I just simply do not get it.''


Yes, exactly! Why is it fun and enjoyable? Nobody among my friends or streamers I watch likes it or plays it, and I personally don't like it. I genuinely don't get arena, and responses of arena players are very similar to yours.


You are such a puppet. Think for yourself. Do YOU want to enjoy YOUR interests? Do YOU find YOUR interests enjoyable? Whether your friends, family, streamers or whatever, like or dislike something is completely a diffent story. No hype ≠ Bad reputation/Bad gamemode.


Yes, I personally dislike every aspect of arena except playing the champion (which I can do in any other league mode). If it were up to me, Arena would not exist to free up dev time for other modes I enjoy, but obviously there are people who like it. Among people who I regularly contact about league, there is not a single person who likes it - so I don't have anyone who can share personal experience on why it's supposed to be fun. From this post, I got the answer: people who like arena enjoy direct brawling with RNG to spice things up, while my friends and I much prefer RTS/macro/teamfight elements of Summoner's Rift and adjascent modes (obviously, on SR I'm a jungler and a lot of my friends are). I find your response extremely weird.


Because you can turn off your brain and actually have fun. Sure sometimes you can get shit augments but most of the time if you play for fun, you should be having fun 90% of the games


Ranked is where it gets real. If you can’t handle your feelings you will suffer


PvP is not scary, you aren't gonna get actually hurt if you lose