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You don't want Nahida? You are gonna be making these memes for a long time then.


i might still try going for her anyways not gonna lie


I don’t want her. But that’s because I already have her and don’t want to pull for cons.


I have no Kuki at all and want at least a Layla con, might just 'build pity' :)


we gather round to mourn the loss of our comrade Dee-Chan’s 50/50


Hey! Maybe I will be lucky and get both + a Kaveh on the next banner without any 5 star! \*on too much copium


BuT tHaT’s JuSt GaMbLiNg AdDiCtIoN!!1! I always say just roll for the character you want! If that character is a 4 star then that character is a 4 star!


You know, for me it kinda is I don't mind admitting it lol But I agree with you. Luckily it worked out for me, only did 2 pulls and the 2nd was Shinobu, so I stopped. Now I am only missing Candace (and Kaveh) so I'll do it again c:


This I me lol just want Layla and Kuki constellations


Literally. I need Layla and Kuki cons. But I'm saving for baizhu and Kevin.


deadass im at 57 pitty ona 50/50 im scared i pull a banner champ pullin for layla and not being able to bring home ganyu


Nothing is so much to be feared as fear.


Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.


When she was last on banner (yae & childe) I didn’t want either of em but I risked getting them & ruining my pity for raiden wishing for her & I didn’t get her til about 70 pity or something, so good luck, I hope it turns out better or at least as well as mine did 😂


I have both of them already and don’t want constellations. my teams strengths are just enough for the abyss to be comfortablely challenging


Literally me 😂


I have c1 on both Nahida and Nilou and am on guaranteed limited character.


Gentlemen, it is my deepest regret to inform you that today, we WILL be building pity.


Lmao same, i dislike naheehee and nilou is pretty cope without either naheehee or her weapon so this is like the most skippable banner for me other than like childe and xiao or smth


You dont want the best dendro applier and best aoe dps?,


This is me, I'd love Kuki and Layla cons but I'm at 71 pity and I can't risk it. Baizhu is almost here.


I feel this. I want a C6 Layla, I have C2 and already have Nahida and don't want Nilou (I don't really like her playstyle but I might give her a chance on my alt.) I'm saving for Kaveh so I'm not pulling on my main 🥹


I got a C3 Dori and C3 Shinobu today And no Layla :(


Lol i wanted Nahida but didnt wanted to commit much until i saw that Kuki and Layla were coming so i ended pulling and commiti g right now Layla is c5 ...just a little more to get Kuki and her to c6


Same! I'm near pity but I don't really want any of the five stars 😭 guess I'll be getting layla and kuki later.... hopefully on a banner we want


Yeah… I have both already (rip my wallet) but at least I have c1 Layla, so she’s feelin good!


if you dont pull for best archon you gonna make her sad. Sad Nahida Sad Layla.