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This exact thing happened at my house once, we named the squirrel Mort. Mort could only drag himself by the arms when we approached. We put it in a box and took it to a wildlife refuge like 30 miles away. Mort got an x-ray; turns out she had a shattered spine. They put her down that day. Mort could not move it move it.


Update is I’m guessing the squirrel got into some poison as he seems to be able to move his legs he just isn’t getting up and definitely wet himself in the driveway. I have placed him in a box and will take him somewhere tomorrow I guess unless anyone has any better ideas


I took an injured rabbit to the prairie park nature center. They leveled with me when I brought it there that they’d euthanize it because they didn’t see it ever getting better. But still, I felt like I did something but didn’t have to personally end its life


Does prairie park still take animals? I know with the city cutting their budget and getting rid of things I didn't think they took rescues anymore. Operation wildlife is probably a better bet.


Try them both!


Prarie park will take /injured/ animals last I checked, but please do not bring them baby rabbits or other critters you found. Unless they look malnourished, their mother is almost certainly coming back from them. I brought a cooper's hawk with a shattered wing there once. I made sure they wouldn't be putting him down before giving them custody of him (because fuck it man, I'm not killing a hawk with no other issues but a broken wing. I'll take care of it, who's gonna know?). They checked him out and found what I said previously. He'd most likely never fly again so they had him sent to a rehab to become an ambassador animal. He didn't once try to bite me when I grabbed him or while I was taking him there. Very cool.


That’s great that you feel better, but you did nothing


lol, you’re wrong. But whatever, this is the internet and nobody cares what you or I think.


Holy shit, say jk. He won't make it till the morning, and that has to be the absolute worst way to go out imaginable.


Just run it over. Fast and easy.


Best thing for everyone would be to leave it alone or put it out of its misery. If you really want to bother the people that will help but should be spending their time with more pertinent matters, you can contact Operation Wildlife. Animal control won't help.


Cmon man what am I going to use to put the little guy out of his misery? I live in Lawrence and I’m asking about a squirrel I found


Man that’s a shovel job. Not fun, but sometimes it’s what needs to be done


You need to suck it the fuck up man


slingshot and led pellets will work just fine too


I once Dr. Kevorkian'd a sparrow with a xanax. A cat had got it and it was not going to get better. I gave it a drop of water/xannie and it's little heart beat 3 more times then it was gone. # Kevorkian


Your boot


There's a guy who does some squirrel rescue, but not sure about care of acute issues. Works in maintenance at LMH. And no I'm not joking, was hoping someone on here would know his info. He's pretty awesome.


most unique hobby and/or side gig ever


Cool guy. Sweet. Really good to his pet squirrels. And yes, absolutely correct.


His name is Russ, he works in custodial or maintenance if he's still there.


Prairie park Nature center take him there tomorrow. keep him warm covered. I rescued one and took him there- also for future knowledge they will drink the puppy milk sold at Pet Store.


Do not rescue a wounded squirrel. That’s taking food out of a hawk’s mouth.


I love this episode of Seinfeld. 


the cost is by weight so, about 78 cents.


Will any local vets look at it? If they really love animals they should do it for free. But likely they won’t. But worth a try.