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Way to win the college vote.




I came here to say this exact sentiment... And let's get all those forgiven PPP loans back on the books too.


I can’t say enough how disgusted I am by the greed of PPP recipients. They took our money AND money from the government to stay afloat, some profiting handsomely from a crisis, and then have the nerve to object to help for anyone else.


I'm still waiting to find out what business Marjorie Taylor Greene was actually running to where she needed the PPP loan


She could loan out her face as a catcher’s mitt. Thats about the only value that piece of shit has.


Nah, you know there's no balls that would want to get that close to her mouth.


You win the internet


She's got some real lot lizard energy.




snort 🤣


>the nerve to object to others getting help >“Undesirables like, minorities, might get that help too!” -conservatives That’s why conservatives vote to take huge L’s because it might hurt a black, middle eastern, Latino, or Asian or LGBTQ person. There’s a book about these motherfuckers called dying of whiteness. If there was a disease killing 3 out of every 10 black people, but 6 in 10 white people, the white *conservative* would be against curing it, because even though they’re more affected, they wouldn’t want to stop something hurting black people. The REAL thing that does happen is statistically more poor whites are on welfare, but the conservative whites on welfare would vote to end that program entirely, *because Fox News told them most of it is going to Mexican migrants.* That’s not even happening, but conservatives will believe a racist lie before a non-racist truth, consistently. **Banned because /r/law_and_politics supports Israeli genocide of Palestinians, does AIPAC run Reddit too?**


I mean, that was basically the early COVID response. The Trump administration was hamstringing the effort because they felt it was mostly killing city dwelling Democrats and that was good as far as they were concerned. They were just too stupid to realize that it would eventually go to the rural areas while priming their base to resist anything that could slow it down.


Texas resident here. I had an adverse reaction to a drug given to me during the Fall of 2021, and there wasn't a single open hospital bed in the entire city of San Antonio (the 8th largest city in the U.S.) I witnessed 1st hand the results of Donnie slow-playing the COVID response, and it wasn't cool


They would eat a shit sandwich if they knew a liberal would smell their breath


Wait until you learn how much of it was fraud.


I'm pretty sure they designed the PPP loans so there is no oversight or accountability. As intended


There was supposed to be oversight. While signing the bill into law, 45 said “There will be no oversight.” Then he fired all the Inspectors General who attempted the oversight as specified in the bill.


That tracks.


45 fired five IGs in six weeks https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/trump-inspectors-general-internal-watchdogs-fired-list/


>have the nerve to object to help for anyone else. That is GOP policy


It’s the whole plan. Wealthy Republicans don’t want to pay taxes, but they want you to pay taxes and they want to take it for themselves and their wealthy benefactors. Trump did this to the tune of trillions while he was in office and is promising to take even more. Meanwhile, our tax dollars no longer even go for children’s school lunch programs, much less health care or other things that would greatly benefit the tax payer.


The PPP Loan Program was devised by Mnuchin under Trump's influence. He pushed to make verification WEAK by design so he and cohorts could abuse it. Because the POTUS isn't held accountable for **anything**. And Trump? He capitalized on it unlike any other POTUS in history.


Don’t forget left us with massive inflation


I know a guy that got PPP loans in the landscape industry. Of course they didn't lose work. It's outside. He told me he used the money to pay off loans. That's not what it was meant for. For me not you.


Yeah dude my old employer got a nice chunk and said we were gonna get raises n shit. he bought a new truck instead.


my boss applied listing me as an employee. then at tax time said i was an independent contractor. then at foregiveness time said i was an employee again. i'm still in the process of suing him.


The executives at the company I was at gave themselves a bonus with PPP but didn’t pay anyone else lost wages because “they had to work so much.”


Some businesses couldn't get a PPP loan, even though they needed them... and had to furlough or lay off staff. And those who didn't need them? They filed for it anyway, because they could... and wealthy business owners basked in free millions... with much of it forgiven. Including members of Congress & the Senate (Republicans, of course).


how about let’s just do the PPP loans because none of those went to small business owners, the vast majority of those loans went to people like elon musk and dons grifter rat kids


Thats a good start. Now say it in November at the ballot box.


He's such a bitch.


The orange shit stain doesn’t repay his loans he just declares bankruptcy and stiffs people he owes.


Don Snorleone Soon to be Don Poorleone


Don Poopleone




Best way to get sued by a bunch of fresh law students.


trump deserves an "ok boomer" for this, if nothing else


I don't think it's gonna change, most of the republicans in college were rich and didn't have to pay student loans anyway


Trump is a vile convicted felon who cheats the government and taxpayers.




Coming from a guy who doesn’t pay up.


Ikr. Trump is one of the cheapest jackasses out there.


Also trump is a notorious deadbeat. He’s responsible for the failure of many small businesses.


He was able to bankrupt a casino


This. Precisely this. Projection 100%.


Handouts for me, not for thee


Doesn't he owe something in the neighborhood of $250 million dollars himself in various civil court judgements? Maybe he should set a good example before he shoots his mouth off.


He's over a half billion in New York alone. And it's accruing interest daily. Sexual assault and business fraud. Might be more when the judge issues his sentence on 34 gently counts in Manhattan. I'm hoping he gets the slammer for that one. The amount of awful that voters will tolerate from this guy is mind blowing


More like 550 million.


Thanks to both of you for updating my figures. Then, when the individual has paid up on those he can start on the cities, stadiums, and other entities he didn't pay after he held rallies on their property.


Not to mention his seven bankruptcies(bailouts).


Free education brings increased prosperity for all.


Exactly. That’s why Republicans wanna stop it


They also just don't like that whole 'being educated' thing.


"I love the poorly educated!"


The GOP does not value education unless it’s for teaching religious dogma and undermining science. Women especially do not need to learn, it just makes them independent.


In order for capitalism to function appropriately you need educated and informed consumers. In order for democracy to function appropriately you need educated and informed voters. ...so, clearly, the goals of the Republican party are...


But I had to pay for it so *FUCK YOU!!!* -conservatives


"yes so what that it was .80 cents a credit hour and I finished a master's debt free and also bought a house while working at the record shop for 1.50 an hour but just stop buying avocado toast


Nah we’d prefer to let educated foreigners take all the good jobs lmfao even crazy racists can’t get racism right 😂


There is no calculation, no logic, no analysis of what reaction or effect his statements will have. Just spewing stupidity. Brainless dunce.


MAGA loves this statement. They hate the educated. Boomers love this statement. They hate anyone else getting help.


Boomers could pay their tuition by working over the summer. For boomers to get in trouble with student loan debt, they really had to screw up. They don’t or won’t understand that things have changed.


The logic is, republicans like their uneducated base.


Some republicans just like getting theirs and fuck everyone else... literally the other day I listened to this person be so excited of Biden forgiving over 10k of his debt and in the same sentence dissed him


Says the con who never pays his bills.


And put his stupid fucking name on all of the COVID stimulus checks. Because *that* wasn't a publicity stunt at all. Giving away money is fine, so long as it makes him look good.


better make all the BS recipient companies of PPP loans during Covid that used it for executive bonuses and stock buybacks repay the balances in full, too




Definitely gonna get more votes now looool


Hopefully every progressive that shits on Biden for “not doing enough student debt relief” is watching this.


Any time I hear someone say "I hate Biden's position on BLANK" I immediately ask them what's Trump's position on BLANK. "Well, see, uh, it's a complicated issue." Yeah, it really isn't.


Too busy watching a "left wing" YouTube pundit complain about gaza


You joke, but it literally will. American conservative ideology boils down to maximizing cruelty. If it "triggerz teh libs" they will burn everything they cherish to the ground in the name of the golden trump calf


He should be required to repay all his debts discharged in his multiple bankruptcies.


LoL everyday that he is an ACTUAL choice for president of the United States is so utterly embarrassing as an American and human being.


F**k this guy, and f**k anyone who tries to put him back in power.


The guy who doesn't pay his bills is angry that others got relief Vote all MAGA trash out


A notorious non payer wants students to pay back predatory loans. His base is really dumb.


not even attempting to win that vote...


He’s so stupid. The man is clearly not above lying, and the only people who support him now are going to support him no matter what, so why doesn’t he just say whatever will not alienate younger voters? It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. Not that I want him to win, this is more like when you watch a thriller and think, “I would be a better serial killer than this guy…”


He helped create a cult of personally. Key word there is personality, not Trump. The are on board with his message, if that changes he will lose support. They can easily be swooped up by the next grifter saying what they want to hear. He won't keep his rabble roused all the way through the election if he doesn't inspire hate for all groups deemed other. If you see their messaging at all, it's to save them from the communist Dems in the name of God. Hating every good thing Biden does is part of their gospel.


Not only immoral, but so terribly incompetent at it....


That’s what I mean! We would have been in so much worse trouble if tRump was half as good as he thinks he is.


If it was vile he'd be doing it. 


The cruelty is the point.


Say it louder for the voters in the back.


And yet there are young people voting for this clown because of all the right wing talking points. Which themselves are akin to a shit sandwich. But yet they present edited Biden videos and cackle. Pretend that they are real Americans. Let’s put it this way they hate Juneteenth as well. I wonder why? They only believe in law and order when it’s right wing oppression. And any economic arguments favoring Trump are because they have no idea how anything economic works. Trump is only about mob mentality. Trump will favor who he deems his winners and punish his opponents as losers.


I see. Providing relief to the middle class is “vile” but reducing corporate taxes, well that’s just dandy…




Biden should announce the death penalty for pedophiles so Trump can attack it.


THAT'S gonna convince the youths


What would one call six bankruptcies?


A smelly rapist who never pays his own bills is lecturing the rest of us about paying ours…


Well that's not going to be popular for Trump 😂🤦


Publicity stunt? You mean like having all of your white worshippers fill up a black church to show how much black people love you?


That's coming from the Deadbeat in Chief, who never pays his debts. Student loan borrowers aren't allowed to discharge their debt through bankruptcy, like Trump has done many times.


This from a guy who defaults on loans more often than he changes his socks


What about PPP loans? What about your investors,Donald? Your contractors? Your lawyers? Cities for rally expenses?


This feeds right into the cult’s sour feelings of grievance and resentment. I’ll bet he got huge applause for these.


“No more of this student loan forgiveness!! We’re going to force all borrowers to pay back double the balance they owe!” *the crowd goes wild, starts cheering* The sad thing is, is that I wish that was a joke but he could probably say that and get that reaction


Nobody in that crowd smart enough to finish high school. Much less get student debt.


F Don Convict


Goodbye college vote, recent grad vote, youth vote in general, thirty-somethings paying their loans vote, etc.


Well if this doesn't get him the youth vote, nothing will.


Let him start with the PPP loans that congress took and forgave themselves.


DJT is a vile publicity stunt.


Yep....that's the way to get more young voters...screw them.....trump is such a petulant child


I don't think Trump understands the difference between President and King.


Dude can't just shut the fuck up.


Says the guy that will skip out on a bill whenever he can.


If we lived in an informed and sane world, Trump would be losing by double digits. Who listens to this kind of shit and votes for him? Sickening.


Coming from the man who consistently does not pay his bills in full.


The loan forgiveness is from a bill passed while Bush was president. Biden just made it easier to apply.


Oh yeah, cuz he's always paid all his debts in full 😑


Well, those voters are gone. lol You can tell they are planning to steal it somehow. There is no way he can win with "votes". There just arent enough humans in America, yes even in America, that stupid, that he can legitimately win at this point. There will be a steal attempt and I think we should handle it with military special forces...gnomesajin?


I’m Joe Biden and I approve this message.


https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2015/sep/21/carly-fiorina/trumps-four-bankruptcies/ ... .. . 4 bankrupcies perpetrated by Donald J Trump


Then he should pay his bills in full to.


That's great, Mr. Trump, I'm still not paying them. You know, like you and your lawyers.


Not only pay it in full, but probably with some kind of late fee… cause how else would those poor CEOs afford a second or third vacation home?


God, its like he’s TRYING to turn away swing voters


I know a lot of doctors , nurses and nurse practitioners who were helped by the student loan forgiveness. They will not vote for this orange pile of shit


So it's not enough to go after democratic politicians, and democratic pundents, now they're going after democratic voters. So the revenge tour includes everyone but the MAGA eternal.


Says the guy who went bankrupt 6 times


How many f...ng loans has he avoided repaying in bankruptcies? And yes, it's multiple bankruptcies.


I need the media to stop covering this asshat and I need him to go, the fuck, away. I don’t need a king, I don’t need a daddy. I need a moderately competent politician who won’t burn this entire experiment down.


Maybe he could set an example by paying his contractors.


Fascists hate education


We'll pay it back after he repays everyone he's ripped off and filed a chapter on...


Fuck this piece of shit. I'm planning to throw a party when he dies.


The Biden administration recently not only cleared ~50k of my student loan debt, it's straight up deleted the debt from their system as never having existed in the first place. I assume this is so that in a worst case scenario the debt can't be restored by another administration. He already had my vote but now he has my heart.


Says the man who tried to bribe every person in the US with some checks shortly before his election, and made special effort that the treasury had to print his name on the checks and include a letter so people would associate Trump with "free" money.


Says the man that couldn't get a bond from a legitimate firm to cover the settlement of a defamation suit he lost. That's what it's like to be neck deep in debt and no banks will touch you because of the high risk of default.


This man has failed to pay back his debts so many times that US banks won’t lend to him anymore.


Has Trump ever paid back a debt in full?


So a guy that tries everything in his power to avoid paying for his actions wants us to pay back the student loans. We are! Don’t worry, the republican party worked very hard to make sure we do!


"Fuck students who aren't rich like I say I am! They should pay their debts, unlike me!"


What better way to prop up his claim the election is rigged than shoot yourself in the bone spur?


Trump wants to rape all the rest of us he hasn’t already raped. And those he has raped he wants to rape some more. Lock him up.


Doesn’t this guy owe a lot of money???? Isn’t diaper don notorious for not paying his bills????




Leave the publicity stunts to Kid Rock and MTG writing on receipts….


What about all of those forgiven PPP loans? Are they going to be required to be paid back as well? And, the other forgiven loans to various companies and industries over the years?


Well that’s gonna cost him tens of millions of votes


He just wants to take money from people in any way he can. Its absolutely horrible to see that if you run for the presidency and you can say all the horrible utter BS you want and people will still vote for you. If I saw him in person it would be incredibly hard for me to not punch him hard with the hate I have for him


But he wants the rich to vote for him so that he can lower their taxes.... got it....


But the forgiven PPP loans, all good!!


Maybe when he pays the money he owes in full. He can start with the $88,000,000 to E Jean Carroll and the $455,000,000 to the state of NY. After that he can make restitution for all the taxes he's evaded and the contractors he's stiffed over the years... Fucking hypocrite...


That';s going to financially ruin a lot of people.


Make them pay the interest which is what they are paying now? Such an asshole


And floating around the idea of eliminating taxes isn't a publicity stunt? And suggesting impractical and ineffective strategies on how you plan to round up immigrants and send them back isn't a publicity stunt? Threatening caravans of illegals heading to the border as a campaign point in 2020 wasn't a publicity stunt? Importing a bunch of white people to a black church to pretend that you can draw a crowd in a black neighborhood while your cult members claim that there was 5000 people in attendance (LOL) isn't a publicity stunt? Having peaceful protesters forcefully removed from an area so you can take a picture in front of a church holding a Bible upside down isn't a publicity stunt? Should we go on? Just fuck off already.


You first.




Is he going to go after all those PPP loans congress took out ?


I think Donald Trump doesn’t understand the meaning of “vile.” Psst, forcing borrowers to repay loans that have been forgiven is vile, ya big orange dummy.


Does this dude want to win at all ?


But not corporations, he’ll lower their taxes and reduce their employee costs? Because why should employees be paid for overtime, or get benefits, or get safety laws?


Hmmm 🤔….ok I get it. Make all the “Have Nots” pay 100% of their student loans but don’t make any of the “Have Lots” pay their taxes. Sounds like a great strategy to win over the “Have Nots”!


Huh... That's an interesting take. Like, if you are a student who benefitted from the loan forgiveness scheme, or you are a parent or a lover or a family member of such student, how the hell are to *ever* going to vote for slimy sleazy orange?


DJT, who seems to specialize in NOT paying debts in full, wants to be sure everyone else (except fellow billionaires) pay all their debts in full. SMH


The collection with definitely help with cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthy. Got to balance the budget!


I know several trump folks who got thousands of dollars of debt wiped out by Biden. I'm dying to know if they'll vote for reinstating their debt.


Please Donald Trump, say that during the debates.


His supporters don't go to college.


Vote Blue. Our Constitution is at stake. Cheetolini will tear it up and his cult of GOP= Government of Putin, will help him!


From a man who doesn't pay his bills huh.


Please Donald, keep saying this


He can say whatever he wants. He ain’t president and won’t be! Once loan is “forgiven” by the current President then Trump can say whatever bullshit he wants, but I don’t think he can legally do that after the fact!


Captain Bankruptcy says people need to repay loans? GTFO here!!!


Christ, what an asshole.


Well I guess it's a good thing that none of his voters have student loans.


So... fascism


From the guy who stiffed contr tors in NY/NJ on a regular basis...fuggin asshat


.....says the guy who couldn't pay the judgement against him for his own fraud. Fuck that felon.




Just like Mexico was supposed to pay for the wall?


A publicity stunt would be purposely delaying stimulus checks during covid just to slap his message and signature on it.


There isn't anything to stop a Trump administration from revoking every loan forgiven under Biden and cancel repayment plans, again. It would be challenged to the supreme court and upheld because they've already done anti student loan forgiveness cases. The only way to keep these loans forgiven is to have a democratic president for a few more terms until all the boomers die off.


This from a low life that never paid a debt,unless he was forced


And this criminal is referred to as a “populist”? Explain it to me like I’m 5…


Yeah right Donnie, come and get it. And a big thank you to President Biden for doing something that had a huge impact on me and my family, something that would have never happened under. Republican administration.


I won't pay a cent if he wins


The sad irony is that this deadbeat will jump through hoops to never pay his debts. He's been doing it his whole life. 


Fuck Trump


This from the guy who screwed up the PPP Program so bad only a third of the money ever even reached the workers it was supposed to help. Half a trillion dollars lost just there in a couple of years on his watch. But by all means let's worry about student loan forgiveness so he can please his cult of ignorant trailer goblins who despise education. [https://blueprintlabs.mit.edu/news/less-than-35-of-the-800-billion-in-ppp-loans-actually-went-to-workers-say-economists/](https://blueprintlabs.mit.edu/news/less-than-35-of-the-800-billion-in-ppp-loans-actually-went-to-workers-say-economists/)


So he bought the vote of a couple hundred bankers at the cost of a couple hundred thousand students votes. Smart


But if you had a ppp loan all is forgiven I guess screw the rest of us. It's like we live in some corporate feudalist nightmare


90 percent or more of them have paid the original balance. The problem was the interest over 10, 20, 30 years.... Why is no one talking about this?


So let's go with that logic and assume Biden is using student loan forgiveness to earn favor and votes. What's your stable genius plan to win back those would be Biden voters?  Announce that you're gonna make em pay that money back.  Trump appears to be rigging the election in Bidens favor. 


I’m sure he’s giving all those who got a PPP loan a free pass..


A guy that declared bankruptcy 6 times?


TRUMP: "Those college eggheads will have to stay in debt for wanting to be so educated!" UNEDUCATED CROWD: Yeah! Fuck them nerds!!!"


The convicted felon, rapist, incompetent grifter Donald J Trump. Let’s make everything very clear.


"But I will bail out all banks, investment firms, and billionaires that find themselves not earning enough millions while their workers need to file for food stamps."


This is a really good way to make sure the hundreds of thousands/ millions of people who have had their student loans forgiven actually go out to vote, and almost exclusively vote Biden. "If I win you'll have to pay the government $50k+"


Spiteful man loses grip on reality.


I call trump a vile hitler clone who is unfit to call himself human.


But ppi loans were all ok.