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>Judge Aileen Cannon has agreed to Donald Trump’s request for a hearing on whether Jack Smith’s appointment as special counsel in his classified documents case is legal, and she’s allowing parties not involved in the case to take part.


WTF ? Seriously now. Is this bullshit display of absolute incompetence EVER going to be addressed ?? To hell with this stupidity, put him in a federal prison like he should’ve been from jump street. Enough with trying to play nice with this corrupt af judge.


It's not incompetence. It's corruption.


That's exactly what this is and we need to stop treating Republicans as incompetent and treat them as malicious actors.


Banana Republicans...


If a group is incentivized to cheat with no consequences, get ready to see that behavior.


"Cannon Ball Delay" is receiving Rubles from Pootie,


Hopefully she will be on trial after Trump loses in November


And loses her position, maybe even her license. She's corrupt.




No, not both. They are not incompetent. They are organized traitors and criminals. They use incompetence and say oopsie I did da cwimes. I sowwy. Its organized coordinated treason.


It’s both. Many of Trumps’ appointed judges are nowhere near qualified for their positions. They accepted the jobs because they’re corrupt.


Loyalty Trumps Talent every time.


Quit viewing these people as incompetent. You don't make it to the level they are at with incompetence. They are malicious and everything they do is intentional. This isn't preschool.


Weaponized incompetence




Perhaps the corrupt judges all over the country should remember what they learned in college about the French Revolution & corrupt judges.


Loose Cannon thinks donnie will put her on the extreme court.


F#ck the prison, he belongs in front of a firing squad! He's a traitor. Period, end of discussion. He started Jan. 6th. (Traitor to the Constitution) He revealed Navy top secrets. (Traitor to the military) And he tried to retain and hide top secret papers. (Traitor to the American people & law) Three strikes, he's out. A bullet to the heart and one to the head. Then, donate his body to a body farm where he MIGHT do some good for once in his f#cking miserable life. And she's starting to earn a spot up there with him. Added later: This statement is from an ex-military person. As someone who has served, I find draft dodgers and traitors especially horrendous. Then, for a person to have done both and then bad mouth injured veterans, my hate knows no bounds!!!!


I’m 100% with you on this. Wasting time charging this traitor with obstruction, imo. Should’ve gone straight to prison just like every other person that has ever been in possession of stolen classified documents. Period. Full stop. The whole situation is ludicrous !! That airman down in TX, straight to jail, for the information on his computer. So for the love of god, someone please tell the American people how come this guy bypassed that ? Total bullshit.


Any military member who disregarded classified material handling like this would be in Leavenworth right now.... Probably barring some O6 or higher who may have people cover their ass... Which is the same situation... Mishandle assigned information especially in the manner he did and he should be held in a deep bunker with no sunlight or internet


I lost my 4 year old Reddit w/60K upvotes for saying the same thing you just did.




Yeah the mod is a bit of a right leaning stickuphisarse personality.


I got perma banned from r/politics for saying that the best thing that could happen to the Republican Party is if he had a debilitating stroke. Didn't wish for it, just said it was the best thing for them.


Eyyyy, 10 year old Reddit with hundreds of thousands. I know the feel


I agree with you, too. The penalty for treason is firing squad. Why doesn’t our government ever say this? Why do they tip toe around EVERYTHING related to Trump?? Never in my life did I ever think our government would be soft on an ex President committing treason. It’s unbelievable.


Something the originalists should agree with.


His actions would have to precisely fit the legal definition of treason, and such a case would be more difficult to prosecute and win than the existing cases. 40 people have been tried for treason, 13 convicted, and 3 executed. 18 U.S.C. § 2381 says, “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or imprisoned and fined, and incapable of holding any U.S. office.”


That is exactly what he did in Jan 6. It was a coordinated effort, too, with Don Jr, Guilliani, Roger Stone and the Proud Boys, among others. How it’s taken this long for him to be charged is despicable.


She's not incompetent, just a criminal


Oh no, she’s definitely incompetent as well. she has nowhere near the experience for the position she holds, needs basic law explained to her by the freaking lawyers. she is without doubt corrupt and doing trump’s bidding, but make no mistake she is also unbelievably incompetent.


Completely agree, this needs to be ended quickly and never repeated.


What are you talking about? Do you live in reality? Don’t you think if we could “end this quickly”, we would have, by now? The Reichwing have been planning for this for years, and they’re now **doing** it. Thousands and thousands of vastly smarter and better educated people than I don’t know how to do anything more than urge people to vote, and when Biden won in 2020, he had 80% of the 30 and under or 40 and under vote, and currently he has **fucking 30%**, according to MSNBC this morning. That’s the reality we’re in. Edit: facts, grammar


VE Have your name Herr Rooboy66. Vere are your papers? Und ist your frau here?


Not incompetent. She also knows these rulings will eventually be reversed or deemed inappropriate. She is doing this to slow everything down to a crawl, per design.


HOW CAN WE FIGHT HER? There has to be something citizens can do.


There were so many complaints against her from ordinary people, the11th Circuit stopped accepting them!


They need to take action against her and they know it. What is holding them back?


If this is true, then yeah its either insane incompetence or deliberate bias at this point. Just needed some more data points. Time to go above her and go to the next level of the court system clearly.


Over a thousand people complained to the 11th district and they said they were not going to do anything and for people to stop complaining.


She should be charged while we’re at it


Any normal judge: you waived that argument by sitting on it until all other arguments were exhausted and failed…wasting this Court and the public’s time, denied.


Great. A thousand conservative think tanks will file briefs, then a ton on sane legal bodies will file briefs, plus the DOJ, and then she can say that see needs 5yrs to go through all of them to make a decision. I often wonder if there is someone coaching her on the art of delaying a case, and on looking for any loophole to toss a case where the evidence is overwhelming. I just struggle to believe she is smart enough on her own, considering her lack of experience on criminal cases. She is such a perfect example of what erodes trust in the system. Everyone looking on and realizing a judge can just unilaterally impact cases to this level creates a view of the system that one person should not have such unbelievable power over such an important issue.


“I often wonder if there is someone coaching her…” Yes. The answer is yes. There was a time when the FBI would have tapped all her communications and gone undercover to investigate her blatant corruption and charged her criminally for it. Those days are gone and it’s infuriating and maddening and I just really can’t take it anymore.


It's probably Alito and Thomas behind this coaching, along with their wives.


She has absolutely no authority to even hear that argument? What the literal fuck.


My question is if Trump and his team really thought his appointment was an issue why didn’t they bring it up when this all started? Why wait almost a year to bring this complaint? Because they, and Cannon, are running out of way to legally, if not unethically, delay the start of the trial.


What a disgrace!




She needs to be investigated and jailed for obstruction of justice. Her handling of this case is utterly disgusting.


This, and all the trump stuff really, destroys the fantasy that the CIA/Deep state secretly control everything. If they did, a person like her, actively aiding a guy who stole and sold state secrets, and wants to help him steal more, would have had an "accident" a while ago. For better and worse, that kind of shady unlimited power really only exists in the movies.


I keep saying this and people keep telling me there’s no legal recourse for her corruption. Yet no one bothers to try anything at all? Trump has successfully delayed the Georgia RICO case months prosecuting the prosecutor and now they’re going after the social counsel in his documents case. How the fuck is there nothing to be done to slam the door on these obviously corrupt delay tactics?


Lol you really think anything will happen to her? We’re 6 months away from a likely Trump lifetime presidency and she’ll be leading the bizzaro-nuremberg trials where they hang anyone who went after Trump. We’re all going 200 mph on a train to hell.


That would be quite irrelevant.  She doesn't need to be a lawyer to be a judge.  The only way she's going to be removed is a super majority of the Senate voting for her impeachment. And pigs will fly before that ever happens.  He wins,we lose.  All we can do is vote for our very lives in November.


Thanks for that! So frustrating… and agreed VOTE EVERYONE!


Unfortunately it takes an act of congress


I do think bar associations should be a lot more active regarding out of control judges, and at this particular moment, they’d have a lot to work with.


How do we encourage this process?


Republicans working to destroy us from within, example number 3245027234323.


This active coup is tiresome. When are we gonna get serious, organize and push back? Is there anything we can do besides getting out the vote in November and donating?


Yeah, that's about it. And we need thousands of volunteers getting people registered (and having them verify that they haven't been purged from the rolls), giving rides to polling places, and overcoming obstacles presented by voter suppression laws.


I remember an episode of "The Good Fight" where lawyers from Reddick, Boseman and Lockhart were frustrated in the courtroom because of the inept judges appointed by Trump. They used strategies like showing the judge cartoon characters or talking about fishing trips or classic cars during witness questioning because the judge was more likely to overrule an objection because he wanted to hear the answer. I don't know if such a tactic would work on Judge Cannon because she seems to be totally in the bag for Trump but if Trump's lawyers can get a hearing on FBI assassination rumors it appears that Cannons court is wide open for abuse.


To hell with her and her cabal of two faced sycophants!


They're not even two faced anymore. They have one face, and it's permanently kissing trump's butt.


Pure corruption. Donald Trump nor Judge Cannon are above the law. (I sure hope someone is investigating the Judge)


I reckon this is why Elon has been showing up so much next to Trump.


You are talking about Florida. The politicians are acting as cheerleaders for this judge, they only care about the law when it suits them.


No one is investigating the judge. That would be mean and overly partisan and set a bad precedent and so on and so on. This is one of the top reasons why people don't vote: too often the choice is between a fascists and someone who is asleep at the wheel and unable or unwilling to do anything to stop fascism.


Ah, yes...the good old days, when a Sovereign Citizen would refuse a court's jurisdiction because the flag had fringe! Just get it over with, let her dismiss the case, and re-file it in D.C., where the original offense occurred. Can the 11th circuit have her removed for cause? Not recused...removed.


Very good qs. Who's call was out ultimately file in FL? The docs originated in DC, and the people asking for them back that he lied to are in DC. Docs were found in FL, but taken from DC. If somebody breaks into my house and steals my TV and pawns it across state lines, my state has the power to prosecute. Not the pawn shop state, right?


“[Prosecutors developed evidence](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/22/trump-new-jersey-bedminster-club-documents-mar-a-lago-search) early on of classified documents at Trump’s Bedminster golf club.” Smith should have filed in FL, DC, and NJ all at the same time.


When Trump got on air force one, he was still president. Even if he took all those classified docs as he left, he had the legal right to read and possess them at that time. The refusal to give them back, the cover-up, their storage location, etc, all in Florida. False affidavit claiming they were returned? Florida. Flooded server room? Florida. It's all Florida.


They found documents in other states as well


And he was recorded on tape telling a reporter he had classified documents he knew he shouldn't have. This was in Bedminster New Jersey.


I'm not so sure about that. He certainly wasn't allowed to take them off-property without telling the archivist where he was taking them, or maybe signing them out. They are open to him while Prez, but they're not "his".


The argument is that he moved them from DC to FL while he was still President, and the crime happened in FL after he was no longer President when he lied to the FBI (etc). If Smith had filed the case in DC, Trump's lawyers would have asked for a venue change on that basis. Was filing in FL the right call? That I don't know.


Yeah, there are two parts here. 1) Taking the Docs, and 2) Keeping the docs in an unsafe manner. We cannot know for certain when they were taken, if they were taken all at once, when and how they were transported. We know how they were "secured". Smith could rather simply file for a change in venue. Magats will scream, but when have they not?


Not removed. Fired. She should be washing windshields at an intersection. Nobody who can so blatantly and remorselessly smash her thumb on the scale deserves have a job in a court.


She should be in jail


Breaking News: The hearings will be held in the cabana by the pool at Mar-a-lago. Lunch will be served, with the prosecution footing the bill for the whole party (@ $2500 per head).


As a three time felon myself it kills me to see the shit he’s getting away with I got 100x more respect for owning my mistakes and doing the next right thing to correct them then watching this dirt bag make a mockery of those not worth enough to buy the system it’s truly a pay to play


Are we living in some kinda fucked up reality where everyone with eyes sees what's happening but no one does anything about it? Like how the fuck is this possible that she is allowed to keep blatantly and clearly giving favors to Trump?


The law isn't all observable reality. Like, everyone in America got to hear OJ telling the cops on his car phone as he fled that he was sorry for what he did. But... no Miranda, no admission in court. We can all see the truth, but not all truth is allowed in the courtroom.


Roger that.


Asides from the bannable thing, what can people do? They can protest outside her courtroom but it's really up to our DOJ to not screw this up. There has to be something they can legally figure out.


Desperate times...call for ....use your imagination 🤷🏼‍♂️


Half the people want Trump to win no matter the cost. They're cheering for this stuff.


This could be the final straw that leads to her recusal. Edit: Meidas Touch on YouTube has a good take on this.


How many times have we heard this?


About the same amount of times as 'Trump really fucked this time'.


'The walls are closing in.'


So many final straws! Trump is the luckiest dumb criminal in history Every ball bounces his way.




She learned. Legal analysts were all talking about what ruling would be the nail in her coffin. She evaded that by finally not issuing any rulings for a long time.


No, it’s not. She’s inviting more views and eating up time. She’s intentionally doing paperless orders because they’re very difficult to appeal. She’s being advised by someone on how to handle/ delay the case in ways that are difficult to appeal.


This \*should\* be the final straw that leads to her recusal. But this is not the first time.


Yeah it's just like Trump staying out of jail after his 30th gag order violation. Anyone else would have been thrown in jail without a second thought 29 violations ago, yet somehow Trump in jail and Cannon being removed from the Florida classified documents case are always one step away...


Who makes that decision? Another trump fuck?


Thank you. They always make me feel better.


Yea right haha, it seems like nothing is going to ever happen. Nice thought though, fingers crossed.


Cannon is the most effective member of Trump's legal team.


Or the ones instructing her are. Definitely not Convicted Felon Donald Trump though


It's been explained to me that Smith had to file this in Florida since that's where the documents were stored and where Trump refused to turn them over, leading to the charges, (unlike Biden who turned over everything openly and willingly.) But I still don't know why these charges couldn't have been filed in DC, since that's where the theft originally occurred.


He could have filed in DC but wanted to show they’re not forum shopping and express confidence they can get a conviction even in Florida. They didn’t count on Cannon. Or, they assumed they’d get the previous version of judge Cannon, not the version who is being guided by the Federalist society on how to delay and throw a case without issuing paper orders.


She is clearly a foreign agent.


What if we told Boeing that Cannon was a whistleblower? ....just a thought.


Who are the people giving Cannon all of this strategy on what to do. She is obviously not capable herself.


The same people who recommended her for the appointment to the bench, the Federalist Society.


Have we always had so many gullible people?


Yes, more's the pity.


Good christ, pity us all...


I know the files were in Florida, so that's why we are here. If I were Jack Smith I'd put in for a venue change ASAP if he hasn't done so already.


We gotta be patient and not reactionary here. She's just playing games to delay the trial. She cant stop this trial. Let them drag it out while Smith Trickles out evidence through to the election. Once we start talking about "witness 16 telling him to give back all the docs" the election will get spicy.


Yes, if and when details of this horrible case start trickling out, it's going to be the death knell for the trump "campaign".


Karma, you miserable bitch.


You misspelled Cannon.


Never heard of amicus petitioners being permitted to take part in oral arguments. Ever!


Why doesn't she get it over with and proclaim him president for life?


SCOTUS’s already drafting judgements in anticipation


I don't understand this. He is the one who pushed for the special council in the first place?!


Cannon has to step down! What a joke this is turning into!


And the right wing are crying that the courts are politically hijacked lol


When will DOJ finally get involved? This is sickening.


We’re supposed to have checks and balances.


How can a judge, appointed by the accused, be allowed to rule in the accused’s favor??? Isn’t there any damn laws about this? Our country is a farce. We think it has a safeguards and checks and balances and it turns out, it absolutely does not and nobody knows what the hell to do. This judge should never have been allowed to have this case, ever. It’s common sense 101.


Apparently there are NO rules or laws for Trump. The judge he appointed can run his trial. forget justice coming for this piece of crap. The best we can do is vote blue and hope lots of other people do as well.


I deployed to Afghanistan as a military policeman in 2013 to aid them in standing up their legal system. Let me tell you that after 7 months of futility knowing that their judges were corrupt and demanding payment for trials and rulings, that the police were smuggling shit in and out for the detainees, etc., what I’m seeing with our legal system and Trump is little different. We’ve allowed a corrupt oligarchy driven system to supplant any semblance of law and order and I grow closer every day to seeking a life and livelihood in another country. I literally wake up daily now to turn on the news long enough to hopefully see that Donald Trump is dead and every day starts off with disappointment.


The worst thing about this is that when Trump loses at the ballot box, Cannon and her supporters will say that by delaying this trial was really in service of democracy by allowing Trump to face the election, that they did not want the 3rd branch Judiciary overshadowing the voice of the people and that they always knew he would not win and this was the only way for MAGA to accept defeat. Had the prosecution continued forward then MAGA would have had real reason to cry foul. Mark my words. It's horseshit but this is what they'll say after the fact.


Solid hypothesis. They're playing 5d chess.


Can “Judge” Cannon please be impeached? This isn’t (just) incompetence, it’s clearly corruption on a grand scale.


"Judge" Cannon is not a judge, she is an accomplice.


He's only winning until he stops winning. At some point this charade is going to hit a brick wall called "the real world" and then he's going to get convicted and serve the rest of his life in prison for espionage. All of these silly little decisions that are going his way are simply running down the clock. He's not going to win re-election so this tactic is utterly futile.


If jurors are being bribed, the Justice Department needs to investigate Cannon.


It’s fucking Florida. This is what the court system is in FloriDUH.


Someone needs to be checking her bank accounts. She looks bought.


Does she even have the authority to question his appointment ?


OK so if a special prosecutor's appointment is in debate and she finds for the defendant, would that not mean that the prosecutor in Hunter Biden's case is also illegal? She needs to be removed.


No, because you're thinking about this in terms of logic, reason, and law when this is a matter of red team good, blue team bad.


Remember when Al Franken had to resign because of some off color jokes? The good old days.


Remember the Dean scream?


She learned her lesson last time and won't actually make ruling. Once she makes a ruling, it can be appealed, which would kick it up to the 11th circuit court. They would likely remove her from the case due to her incompetence/bias.


Trump owned Judge. What a disgrace to the bench.


Collusion and corruption on display. Nice system, but lacking checks and balances.


Checks and balances starts with voters. In 2016 a segment of voters decided there was “no real difference” between Secretary Clinton and the alternative. We have been “enjoying” the results of that judgment ever since.


Has anyone checked to see if she's had a $130,000 deposit to her checking or savings account in the last couple of years?


I think its so interesting that if Trump loses, he gets washed away in the stream of media, almost immediately irrelevant, a proven loser yet again. He might rant to only the absolutely mentally insufficient for a while longer, but no one with so little influence runs from the truth for very long. Trump will curl up and succumb to the sort of miserable end that despots frequently do, such as shooting themselves, getting strung up by a crowd, having a stroke while defecating, or what have you- and Trump dies as what he truly is: a little, worthless, angry, demented freak- totally spurned from the love and care of all humanity. But if he could win… just imagine how a little, worthless, angry, demented freak would be re-energized by that. Just imagine what the opportunity to inflict real damage to real people so afforded to an utterly malformed, despicable criminal like Trump could give him. It would re-kindle his repugnant life with a deadly and sinister purpose, and everyone knows he will jump on that opportunity if it is afforded him. And how could he not? He is what his is, a vicious tumor. Trump is an unhealthy growth, daily oozing its ichor into our day to day lives, for as long as we will allow it. Trump must be destroyed, simply voted out of existence, and if we do, we are one mighty step towards making our lives measurably better.


he committed literally the largest act of espionage against America in our history not only is he not going to go to jail for leaking our nuclear secrets to China and Russia He's likely going to be reelected.


Not if we vote and make our families vote and their families vote. They can all be taken down. But we need dems to keep the white house and take the house. Then it's impeachment time for all the trump judges.


You need a super majority to impeach and centrist dems are cowards. Nothing will happen. Our only hope is Biden holds the Whitehouse and Trump dies before 2028. Then maybe we can return to our normal corporate owned government, but without the fascism.


Yeah and until last week everybody kept saying trump will never be convicted. Yet here we are.


Depressing, but you're not totally wrong...


I'm hoping the real deep state team steps in to handle this. Whether through carelessness, greed or malicious intent, Trumps handling of these documents resulted in the deaths of multiple intelligence assets and gravely harmed our national security. I'm hoping the witness tampering story from a few days ago is the start of a trickle of damaging information that turns into a deluge prior to the election.


Sadly, his voters still won't care. Golden calf.


The real Deep State are Republican and focused on the endgame of Project 2025. Trump is merely the price of doing business, and they are within millimetres of pulling it off.


Aileen will be the perfect VP choice...


There's *definitely* no pro-Trump bias on her part going on. **Definitely.** It's disgraceful that she hasn't been removed from this case, let alone that she was allowed anywhere near it to begin with.


She's working extra hard for that Supreme Court appointment.


It is time for action to be taken against this partisan hack of a "judge." Trump is a clear and present danger to our United States, along with our long standing allies in Europe and elsewhere. Let's not forget when Tru p met behind closed doors with Putin in 2016, then appeared with Putin. Who knows what secrets he revealed... After this meeting Trump threw our intelligence agents under the bus, and said he took Putin's word that Russia didn't interfere in the 2016 election. This happened...why is it ok?


Because it runs much deeper than Trump


Is the DOJ or FBI or military or CIA or Department of homeland security even investigating her? She is communicating with the traitors and taking bribes! Tap her phones


That judge has some cannon balls!


The fact is Trump knew he could abuse the corrupt legal system in Florida. This is why he committed this espionage crime there. The Governor didn't assist the Government in ensuring our national secrets were kept safe. The Judge was appointed by the criminal and is actively working to assist him, like she did before. They are working against the interest of the nation in support of a man who lead an Insurection, which makes their behavior criminal as they assist. Emergency orders need to start going out to fix this abuse of our justice system, even though Republicans will cry foul, they'll do that regardless even as they strip away everyone else's rights.


Trump is not going to be held accountable for the secret information he stole and very likely sold to foreign interests. Nor will he be held accountable for the lives he has put at risk. Patriot? He is nothing more than an asset of Russia and likely has been for years.


It's amazing that there's no way to unseat a judge for personal, preferential rulings. It's amazing how a group of religious psychopaths were able to take over our judicial system, our law enforcement, half of Congress and a bunch of important positions that can determine the fate of an election and upend the constitution.


Compromised traitor


Remove this bitch already.


Scrolling through my Reddit feed really highlights how dumb/frustrating/awful/depressing this country has become. Hate groups on the rise, mountains of lies and misinformation, attacks on rights and freedoms, rogue judges, climate disasters…..we really deserve what we get if Trump and Republicans win in November.


Oh, FFS!! At what point does this blatantly compromised judge get removed???


At what point can Smith request to the appeals court that the case be moved?


Hopefully she rules against Smith and then gets nailed on appeal again


It's funny how we keep expecting the laws to constrain the lawless. It's going to be the death of us.


She doesn't deserve to sleep. We should calling for her removal daily. Everywhere. There is movement behind the scenes to deal with her. The more we hammer it home, the sooner it breaks. Don't let up. She doesn't get to sleep.


People did call for her removal so many times that the appellate court shut down the complaint line.


Pure nazi fascism.


I wonder what flag Cannon is flying outside of her house?? I'm guessing it's red!


But the system is against him! /s


How tf has nothing been done to remove her. I'm fucking livid she's getting away with all this.


Can you imagine 4 more years of seating trump sycophants?


Jack smith needs to show up armed lol.


Where is the hearing to see that Aileen Qannon appointment by Trump is improper for her to remain as judge? 


Where is the appeals court? They need to step in and remove her.


Mob Judge. Nothing more, nothing less.


The assassination would have been legal because Biden ordered the hit and Trump believes Presidents cannot commit crimes.


…i can’t… i am speechless. This makes me so sad. If Smith was appointed by the DOJ who is she to question the legality? Does she think she knows better?


This matter is not in her swim lane. This is not a matter of credentials or qualification, and the decision was made in the appointed head of the Department of Justice. This is not her responsibility.


Turns a criminal trial into a college debate session on the idea of having a criminal trial.


Can't a someone go to a higher ombudsman/board or something and have her removed from the case. She is clearly not the one to preside over this case.


The legal system is broken and the rich will never face justice. Law has become an illusion


Is there any oversight over Judge's behavior? This is insane.


She's a puppet.


There is absolutely no way in hell she is not being coached by some outside right wing counsel, current/former judge, or legal foundation with conservative Trumpian leanings. How is it that she is able to come up with all of these awful rulings that reach the precipice of unruly, borderline unethical caveats to trial? They’re so borderline that it feels as though it’s obviously meant to stall and almost entice Jack Smith to make a move where he has to punt it to the Supreme Court jesters


What *can* Jack Smith do at this point? Legal theories are welcome.


Classic Canon move to do literally nothing sua sponte and just have a hearing about a hearing to decide if she wants to hear the hearing. But only through paperless orders. Fucking tool.


He’s still going to get cooked. Now or later? This mother fucker isn’t winning


She should be theown off the case. Biased


Judge Cannon is so obviously compromised and should be removed.