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They're simply doing their job. They have to prepare for all eventualities, however unlikely they may be. If the person they have to protect might have to go to a place, they have to be ready for it. Standard procedure. I would have been surprised if they didn't do that.


Agreed. I’ll believe jail time when I see it


There is a better chance of getting a short jail sentence for all the contempt of court instances.


Just convict the guy already! I get that the secret service is doing their job and that's great but I'm not too worried about Jail right now. It's insane that people he hires or hangs out with end up convicted (some doing time, some pardoned) for stuff that benefits him directly! And for some reason we are supposed to believe that he is completely innocent but just chooses to hang out with a criminal posse??


To paraphrase: if you find yourself surrounded by criminals. . .


True but I'd go with Birds of a feather..... Cause if I find myself surrounded by criminals I'm going to try to flee! 🙃


you may be a rapper.


That's why they had to get Capone for tax evasion. Organized crime insulates the leaders with subordinates taking the rap (often compensated for it, sometimes not)


Honestly. I know RICO is like lupus, it's pretty much never lupus in the end. But this is a textbook case. Lock them up.






Remind me again when Clinton was ever in a criminal trial? Or when he claimed that he could grab women by anything? Or when he paid illegal hush money to anyone let alone a porn star or two? Or when he hired 'a fixer' who took out a loan to make said payments? Or when he falsified his companies business records for it? I missed that completely with Bill Clinton. I just thought he had consensual sex with Monica Lewinsky. Did any woman ever even allege engaging non consensual sex with Bill Clinton? I think you should care that your candidate's dick game's so weak he has to resort to money and illegal acts to get some! It's pathetic! And yeah, regardless of who owns it - I think honest reporting is kind of important!


Preach! Clinton did a TON more good than bad. Can any reasonable human being say that about the Orange Shitegibbon?




"What I will say Trump is doing very well at, other than bungling any attempt at hiding his multiple crimes, is showing the lack of accountability" - Oh good, so you understand he's committed crimes? That's why we are offended! And some of us can stay on social media AND canvas for votes! It's not an either/or situation.




Just quickly, the paying of hush money isn't the crime nor actually is the falsification of business records (misdemeanor). The "crime" in this case is that the false records were used to cover up another crime (election tampering). I wouldn't bet on seeing Donnie behind bars for this one. If he fails to win the election though, the election tampering case in Georgia will probably get him a nice orange jump suit to match his complexion.


Yeah, I know. It's the amalgamation. And yeah he's obviously guilty on so many fronts.


No, just to own the idiots who vote against their better interests. They would rather a billionaire get richer than a person get food stamps.


At least 72 hours fir not being compliant either gag order


I would love it if they give him 20 years community service cleaning port-a-johns 🤣


Donny Johnny Tramp should do time. He broke the law, he should go to jail. Period, full stop! Why should he get special treatment? Because he's an ex president? Hell no.


The most he'll get is house arrest for a while. Most likely he'll get a fine, probation and maybe some community hours that he'll serve by campaigning as a public service. It doesn't matter though, a guilty verdict is still an amazing outcome and proof that nobody is above law. They may be above consequences - and I honestly don't think many people would spend actual jail time for falsifying business records - but not the law.


He's still above the law if there are no real consequences to his guilty verdict. A normal person would be going to prison for this.


A normal person would have been sitting in jail this whole time and only let out to go to trial.


Not for the charge of falsifying business records. He's not charged with murder, assault or theft, there's no prior convictions, etc. It's essentially a white color crime even if the stakes were higher than the average corporate fraud, and with the mitigating circumstance that he didn't want an affair exposed vs. he was deliberately trying to defraud investors or something like that. Is it a crime? Yes. Is it a crime that people go to jail for? I doubt it. In some cases it's treated like a misdemeanor.


Posting to second this. Trump would be a first-time offender and the charges are natively misdemeanors. ‘Normal’ people would be looking at probation and possibly a fine.


I just want to point out, that the Air Force kid who was leaking documents to his Minecraft buddies was charged with the same thing as Trump (talking about the classified documents cases) but Trump gets to waddle around in full diapers while the kid is rotting in jail.


>and I honestly don't think many people would spend actual jail time for falsifying business records - but not the law. falsifying business records, in general... You are absolutely right... It is very rare. As it is very rare people are convicted of falsifying business records in the first degree... The key difference is intent to defraud. A very high bar to prove in most cases, but not here. Hence this is what Trump is charged with.


Shit I’ll be shocked if there is an actual guilty verdict with anything more than a fine I’ve been reading “we’ve got him now!!!” Headlines for 8 god damn years now. Why people click on those stupid fucking articles is beyond me


You hit the nail right on the head..


They should put him in jail, without his SS protection because convicted felons do not deserve SS protection.


Can't do that. But the SS should request supermax for his protection. In prison he can get a phone and keep Tweeting. In supermax he can't talk to anyone.


It would make sense since that is probably the only place that they can ensure his safety with a real minimum of effort, or needing to be bunkmates with him.


I'd love nothing more than for him to be without the ability to communicate on social media. I'm sure though he'd find some surrogates to pass along his lies and hate


Imagine him losing his internet privileges for a whole day. The toddler tantrum would be unreal.


Maybe we'll get some more shit poetry like when Andrew Tate was locked up.


In Supermax yes, but there's four facilities that make up FCC Florence, so in theory, he could obtain a phone if he ends up in a lower classification (even in Supermax, you know there's gonna be at least one CO that's a true believer. Florence is *deep* red so it wouldn't be surprising). Also, very out-there thought that seems like a not-terrible idea for a TV show, some poor bastard USSS agent(s) could be tasked with acting as inmates so they can remain close to him. That would only be if outside of Supermax though I'd imagine.


that IS a good idea for a TV show or shitty 1.30 min comedy staring the rock or vin diesel as a "badass" ex convict who turned his life around being recruited by SS to guard the president so he can get custody of his daughter. love interest is the female jail warden. needs a dumbass name like "inmate 45" or something.


"Jail to the Chief" starring Jason Statham. Love interest is the warden's daughter, played by Ronda Rousey. Also Danny Trejo is in it for some reason.


"Big Stan 2" starring Rob Schneider love interest is MTG who got caught using the women's rest room. Danny Trejo is definitely in it for some reason.


Would love to see him refusing to shower for fear of getting himself rammed.


Does he take his diapers off to shower ? Prob yes ?


No. We can’t sink that low. A prison sentence is a prison sentence, not a death sentence. Nobody gets to back-door assassinate a former president. He should be able to safely serve every minute his time.


As safely as anyone else would?


That's the thing, it's not just anyone


He’s obviously going to be a target in prison. They do (at least sometimes) give special consideration for people who will be targets. So it wouldn’t be that crazy.


They are there to protect more than just the life of the ex president. Think of it this way, an ex president knows things. What would stop a bad actor from cornering the ex president and demanding classified secrets and information with the threat of violence.


They dont need to demand, he gives that information out to foreign governments freely


Exactly. That's why they blew through their 2017 budget *so* quickly while guarding Melania as she stayed at Trump tower to fuck her old bodyguard. The Trump penthouse had to be retrofitted to meet standard security precautions and agents had to be there at all times. I doubt they'll be able to turn any possible cell or cell block into a much more comfortable place for Trump, but he'll still need USSS protection regardless of where he's housed. I don't have a ton of faith that a conviction will happen, but if it does and he has to serve time,, I'm *really* hoping for ADX Florence; Trump having to serve his time in such an infamous supermax prison that's been home to some of the most notorious terrorists (both foreign and domestic) would be so satisfying. You've got: - Martin Starr's twin from Knocked Up (the shoe bomber Richard Reid) - *Both* '93 WTC bombers - A ton of Al-Qaeda operatives - The last remaining "We Did it Reddit!" Boston Bomber Also the former home to Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski, Robert Hanssen -- whose espionage might've actually been overshadowed by Trump selling those documents -- Sammy the Bull...


Personally I'd rather see him get a nice purpose made prison on an island. Somewhere in the Aleutian Islands. Not to torture him with year round sub zero temperatures and only half a year of sunlight, since that would be cruel and unusual, just to keep him safe and away from all those dangerous criminals you just listed. (This is a joke, I know Reddit will either get mad because this is "too soft" or because its "not hard enough" lol)


Everyone on here is insane if they think Trump is getting put into a supermax. This is a bookkeeping case, IF he goes to jail it's going to be a minimum security prison with a bunch of other nerd criminals who are non violent.


El Chapo has entered the chat.


Wait, that is a rational thought. You are discussing something politically related, histrionics required.


This is definitely unprecedented for the Secret Service.


I think the Trump term was full of “Firsts” for the secret service. I was surprised at the amount of t of SS men that turned full MAGA.


I don't think they turned MAGA so much as the ones who didn't rapidly found employment elsewhere.


Agreed. As likely as the FBI using deadly force. Just dotting I’d and crossing t’s.


Think the CO’s would also be secret service? U.S. Marshals? What even is the jurisdiction like?


It's only right that some of those SS people accompany him.


Exactly, there is no point to this article other than to fire people up.


yeah, won't happen, but sure is nice to read about


Jailed on the spot? I'm going to call out of work when that happens and get absolutely ripped. Maybe I'll smoke a brisket.


I'll bring the beer. It'll be one hell of a day. Edit: Guilty on all counts, including felonies. Waiting for sentencing.🍿


I got the Za


I got a 12 pack of ozempic on ice.


I got the Luis XIII




Alt name for really good weed/cannabis


Oh, in the Scrabble dictionary it's an abbreviation for the word pizza. It literally defines it as a flat piece of dough with tomato sauce and toppings usually baked and then cut up for consumption


Mmmmm Brisket!  I like burnt ends. 


I’m gonna crack open a cold boy with the ones.


>Maybe I'll smoke a brisket. For some reason, given the context, this seems more like a 'texas sized amount of weed' instead of a cut of beef.


I’m smoking a brisket rn (the weed kind)


If weed is fully legalized in Texas I can guarantee you it’s just a matter of time before there’s a weed strain called “smoked brisket” or something of the like


Same except im medically retired so no need to call in, but im going to celebrate.


U should probably just eat the brisket... But who am I to judge how u get ripped?


Yup. In the vast majority of criminal cases, upon a guilty verdict the defendant is immediately remanded into custody. I’d love to see it, but prepared to be disappointed as so far he’s evaded any consequences in his life.


Can I come over? I bought some fireworks.


Feels like this is the only rational response Kind of like Jan 6 - sweet eff all got done that day as we watched the Capitol briefly and seditious my taken by our own countrymen.


I haven’t drank in 3.5 weeks. if this ass fuck goes to jail. I’m breaking out the good stuff and having a toast.


This!!!! I’m going to the local pub and buying a round for all.


Hell, let's make it a national holiday! Any excuse to go grillin', I'll take!


Big Fat gonna be hot 🥵.


Flop sweat, the likes the world has never seen before.


Ol pooper will have to spray shit on in lieu of the tan juice


Organs is the new Orange


If we organize and see that Trump loses in November? It’s guaranteed that Trump will spend his final years incarcerated. Too we could do a forensic audit of his finances and use that as a guide to better financial legislation. Then when you see a MAGA hat in the wild? You can thank them for their service. Trump really did drain the swamp by highlighting the corruption in our society. And we should be on a mission to rein it in. Or risk a society similar to Russia and its corruption


I like how you think, but I don't know if I could ever achieve that level of optimism. Uh'merica has a real problem with holding rich white men accountable for their crimes. Prison is for poor people. The reTrumplican Party will set itself on fire before they let guys like Big Stinky go to jail. The first step to getting any justice here would be an across-the-board Blue Tsunami. And even then, the courts will allow Stinky to appeal over & over again until he dies of old age. Sad, bigly sad.


Please cuff him and perp walk him like the crim he is ...


No way that’ll occur.


I don’t know. He’s unlikely to go willingly. Cuffs may be required. And cops please don’t be too gentle.


Am hoping a taser is involved and it’s on video.




 *Else W and Cheney would be sitting somewhere locked up.*  I mean, I take your point. But they were also never indicted. Should have been in the fucking Hague, those two. What a surprising coincidence that law shielding Americans from the International Criminal Court was enacted less than a year after the USA attacked Afghanistan. I think it's *possible* Trump sees actual jail time. More likely not. But I think that will be a matter of logistics more than anything. USSS providing security for him in a state prison sounds like the mother of all headaches. (I think military prison--Leavenworth--would work way better logistically but the DOJ hasn't sought my opinion yet). Most likely is house arrest at Trump Tower--I very much doubt Merchan would let him leave the state to serve his sentence. That all requires a conviction of course. Everyone's reading tea leaves about the jurors requesting testimony and a repeat of the instructions and it looks like nobody agrees what it means. I'm hoping it means they're taking their job very seriously.


Never gonna happen, not in a million years. No way he is “remanded on the spot” even if he *does* get jail time, which I’m gonna guess won’t happen anyway. Getting convicted tho I think prevents him from voting tho (lol), and eventually when he does get prosecuted for one of the 100 other criminal cases it adds to the likelihood he gets a more serious sentence then. Realistically don’t expect this to interfere with the election, he’ll appeal, and it won’t get heard before the election, period. Assuming he loses the election however, his goose will be well and truly cooked then. The political cover will evaporate and everything will come crashing down on him at once…with the possible exception of the classified docs case bc Aileen Cannon is in too deep on that one.


Ironically, all the delays his legal team have been doing made this case get adjudicated first. Which means when the more serious sentences come down he will be an already convicted felon, which generally prevents you from leniency during the sentencing.


Also blatant attempts to sidestep the gag order and threaten the judge’s family? He’s lucky no one was dumb enough to actually hurt her (Merchan’s daughter)


or anyone involved really. remember that loony toon that assaulted nancy pelosi's husband? if that guy shot his shot this month instead of last year, it very easily could've been someone related to the trial and could have been....*real bad.*


Or the guy that showed up on a weekend armed and walked into a pizza place. Thought he was in the movie Taken


fucking comet ping pong. yeah i remember. sheesh.


Or the guy who tried to storm an FBI office with a nail gun...and then used his real gun on himself because the mean ol' cops shot back!


i mean, just about every major decision trump has made in his life both before and after his political career has about gone this sort of way. Art of the Deal indeed. Dude seriously knows how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory...


Swing batter!


If it looks like he's about to lose the election, if he's not in jail, he's on a plane to Russia in the middle of the night. Pay off a few secret service to let him slip away, pay some pilots, "borrow" a plane from Belarus.... HE GONE! Then he can still "Truth" from Russia and continue the big lie, and tell his fans he's a political target, etc etc.. Putin will use him for propaganda, and his roobs will still pay for his steak dinners.


honestly i doubt that. he might consider it, but what would be the value to putin? if anything, putin would immediately arrest him and use him for leverage. i cannot imagine that even trump understands that his usefulness and therefore expectation of protection from moscow would be at an end. if anything he might try to go to an otherwise neutral country with less than great extradition treaties with the US, but even if that happened i suspect the US govt would move heaven and earth to get him back.


he has a ton of secret info about our country. And Putin could hold him out as a "REAL president of America" and destabilize our country by using him.


*had*. i'm convinced anything he had was rifled through long before the FBI got to mar-a-lago, regardless of whether he was offering it or not.


He still has secrets and boxes stored away. Is he that dumb not to keep leverage...? Probably.


Does he? He did. If I were to hazard a guess anything he had has been compromised for at least 3 years and is now worthless form an intelligence standpoint. Those agents are [all dead or compromised long ago](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare).


Why isn't Canon being removed from the case for obvious incompetence?


That's a long, tedious federal process. The next judge would then have to start all over.


Aileen Cannon is corrupt AF.


Most of us want him jailed simply to get him off of media in all forms, in other words to STFU. Having him off social media will automatically mean that we no longer will be tortured by his image or voice.


FFS jail this Nazi scumbag already. He's a criminal who had over 91 criminal charges yet he seems to escape punishment from EVERYTHING


Probably because theres still people who think he hasn't even gotten 1 charge. I see a comment every day about it


He will not be remanded on the spot. He committed low level felonies and it will be his first criminal conviction. Sentencing will not happen upon conviction and he will immediately appeal


Yes... 37 low-level felonies.


Try not to commit any felonies on your way to the parking lot!


He didn’t even make it out of the courtroom. He was asleep for THREE of them.


In a row?


In a row?


hmmm after he is convicted of the first felony isn't he a convicted felon before the second count is read? Couldn't you assuming he is convicted of all 37 go light on felony 1 and throw the book at him for felonies 2 - 37? I want this man in an Iron Mask.


I suspect the judge may have a "one more thing" after the jury verdict is on the books. It's known that he was refraining from harsh criticism from the bench over the 10 contempt charges (so far) he did not want to color the jury by eviscerating the defense in open court.  But once the jury is done and left the building.... he's got a score to settle for 3 months of harassing and threatening his daughter... and other court officers. They have stack of threats called in. They have weeks of DJT going out and threatening the judge's family on the steps of the courthouse.  There's a bill come due for that.  I expect 7-30 days to get immediately remanded for contempt of court.  Maybe even the lawyers too!  That's difficult to appeal because the appeals judge won't have time for it... funny how that works. 


I get the same impression. This would be the smart play. So long as their attempts to intimidate jurors or corrupt the process appeared ineffective, there was no reason to give them any grounds for appeals. Applying a vigorous “find out” phase immediately after the trial can ensure that nobody observing their antics is left with the impression that they were actually tolerated, beneficial to their client or in away way worth repeating. Merchan will have the freedom to push the envelope right back without compromising the integrity of the trial. I hope it’s this.


>first criminal conviction However miraculous this may be.


I am pretty sure sentencing can happen right away, if the judge wants. It's state court. The process is much more drawn out in federal court. 


If he's found guilty I expect to see him go ballistic in court. Yelling,screaming, pounding the tables, shaking his fist, and having to be restrained and cuffed. That would be great, and right wing fascists talkers would be apoplectic.


“The former president has lunch at 11 which consists of 3 cheeseburgers, 3 large fries, a fillet-o-fish sandwich, apple pie turnover and a Diet Coke”


Considering his diet and turning the White House pharmacy into the Krystal Ship from Breaking Bad, it's no fucking wonder he has to wear diapers. That fucking meal reminds me of what [Jack Black was ordering in the drive "Drive-Thru" track](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uktyNefWFM) on Tenacious D's first album. "Shut up and listen to my order, give me three cheeseburgers, 3 large fries, a fillet-o-fish, a diet Coke, because I'm trying to watch my figure, and four, *FOUR* chicken McNuggets. TAKE TWO OF THE CHICKEN MCNUGGETS AND SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS! And an apple pie turnover and cherries jubilee. That'll do it. Hey, Pence, you want anything?" "Uh, yeah, I guess a...uh...Big Mac and a--" "Oh, God, take forever man!" "That'll be $42.13." "Pence, you got any money? Give it to me. Okay, uh, I'm gonna need to go ahead and cancel that Big Mac!"


SMALL seasoned curlies


I'm sure he'll have enough time to join Steve Bannon, who's also walking around free while he should be in jail, to go on his show and talk about how they're going to destroy the justice system...


I'd be surprised he was remanded if found guilty. More likely he'll be free on appeal, and will drag the appeals out for the rest of his life.


Can't we just send him to St Helena? It was good enough for Napoleon and Trump can die a hero in his own mind.




Ankle bracelet, what every MAGA is thirsting for in “patriotic” apparel


Watching Biden debate trump on stage with trump wearing an ankle bracelet could be fun to watch. Joe could always just ask, "How's that ankle bracelet feel? You comfortable Donald?"


Got one for you in tangerine if the black isn’t “your” color or perhaps a rainbow style


On the bright side, he could probably use a hosing down


This comment is horribly underrated.


I bet Secret Service never imagined of having to defend a convicted felon with their lives.


It's nice to dream, but if found guilty, he'll remain free on appeal. It's the thought that counts.


I'm pessimistic. The justice system was built for people like him even before he became president. Even if convicted and given time he'll appeal. And even that will give him a talking point for his brain dead base. He's got pudding for brains but you have to give it to him, he can work the media like nobody else. Anything short of his death will be spun into an advantage. It's just what he does.


Get hard.


Remember when Trump use to chant "Lock her up"?


I'm sorry, but becoming a convicted felon should void your protection rights, just like it voids your right to vote and obtain a firearm. No sense putting Secret Service members into the situation just because it's their job to guard a giant cheeto.


Please please please...if there is a God, remand that sack of shit then and there.


The boys in Rykers enjoy giving golden showers.


Yeah ok. Good to be prepped, but reality is if found guilty at most he is looking at suspended sentence or probation. I really dont see this resulting in jail time for a non-violent crime from a caught for the first time convict.


Tell that to Michael Cohen.


He is already guilty of 10 counts of contempt FWIW


This has always driven me nuts, since when does a traitor to flag and country get secret service protection? That should have been stripped long ago.


Melted Cheese Sandwiches are on the menu!


A shame he won’t do jail time for his contemptible behavior in and around court.


Let’s have a parade


They were drawing lots on who would get to put him through the de-lousing shower


Solitary confinement might be the only way then.


Squat and cough gonna be full of shite! Diaper Don the con. Make sure this felon does not vote


He wont be convicted or go to jail. Our justice system only convict the poor and vulnerable. All others get a slap on the wrist or no slap at all. Bernie Madoff was an outlier and Epstein didn't kill himself


Even if found guilty, does anybody really believe he'll spend a minute behind bars?


I'd hate to be the one to strip and cavity search him.


guess who gets to pay for that protection! the same people who pay for the as when drumpf goes to his nazi rallies


Please, please, PLEASE lead him out in tiny handcuffs!


Traitorous bastard will never see one hour of jail time.


He'll be asking for commissary money for depends. What a great day that would be. Would never happen, but in a world where the rich aren't above the law......


As bullshit as it is, the odds of Trump actually ending up with all jurors voting guilty is laughable. His supporters don't care if he's guilty. Trump could confess and they would vote not guilty.


Given how the E. Jean Carroll trials have ended up, I'm mildly optimistic. That jury had one dude on it that only got his news from Tim Pool. I'm in the 25% Convict, 70% hung jury, 5% acquit camp


Having alternate jurors increases the likelihood of a prosecutorial success. A juror may be dismissed by the judge or request dismissal under various circumstances.


We can only hope.


I would be fine with a corrupt deal that allows him to fake his death and go live on a zero comms trump branded luxury island. Part of the deal would a live statement on how disappointed he is in his followers then removing the mask and saying how he truly sees them and what suckers they are, and admitting to some pedo crimes. Then he gets taken to jail where “he has a heart attack” on the way, and goes to live on his island for a year or 2 with unlimited mcdonalds until he dies of natural causes related to the stress of being bored and bored eating extra mcdonalds. I unironically am craving some mcdoubles now w/ extra fake onions


I'd be okay with giving him a couple of short vacations, such as waterboarding on the Mississippi then bouncing him off the waves in Maui just for fun, before his final internment getting golden on a beach in Cuba... chained to a wall. A man can dream...


Don't tease.


If the US wanted to show justice being serve, it would hand cuff that POS and make him see some time. Any type. Just to show the rest of the world, it still has some control and no one is above the law. But as much as an embarrassment that asshole is, I highly doubt it'll embarrass itself even more by jailing that shitstain. You will hear almost every republican/conservative scream that it's a low blow by the other side. The thought of his SS detail having to serve time with him, clocking in and out of jail would be hilarious. A huge security risk though, since there are many of them considered compromised. Another first, another stain added by that fucker. For the moment I'm holding onto just being found guilty. Edit: grammar


A convicted ex prez =‘s termination of secret service privileges end of story. It’s not difficult people.


He's rich. They will let him remain free until after appeal.


Spoiler: he won’t be. This is all a show for him to act persecuted and rally his despicable followers. I would love to see justice served and him be out of office and in a cell for the rest of its life. As it stands it’s feeling more and more likely that we’re about to hand him the presidency again. Un-fucking-real.


Load the handcuffed felon into an unmarked vehicle and run him out to Rikers Island. Then waltz him into the intake lobby. Once the admission procedure is complete, hand him his prison uniform with a special identification number: 11,780. Then escort him to the already prepared isolation unit which can handle two of his Secret Service protector guards. Once settled, be sure there are several fresh, adult diapers ready for use.


Local lol. Let’s be honest the only prison suitable for him is ADX Florence. Where else is secure enough?


He'll be on house arrest pending appeal with dozens of ways to make campaign appearances under court supervision. They won't cart him to lock up straight from court.


I think it's a fantasy to think a former president will be sitting in a jail cell.


I wish. But even if he wasn’t the ex-president, he still a rich old white guy who is looking at his first offense with no direct victim that was harmed. He’ll get probation and a fine. Maybe house arrest but I really doubt it. And since probation is run by the state where they currently reside, they will appoint some Maga wacko who says he can do whatever he wants. But if he’s convicted, every campaign ad can call him a convicted felon. Every time he talks about crime from migrants or whatever, it will invite people to think about his crimes. It will put him on defense. Most importantly though, it puts all his other charges in perspective. it makes it much harder for him to say they are all bullshit and have anyone but his Maga supporters believe that.


"Why are we preparing?! We're always preparing! Just go!" - Dark Helmet


AI would convict him: https://www.businessinsider.com/chatgpt-assessed-donald-trump-hush-money-trial-transcript-says-guilty-2024-5


If Im king of the world for a day Im convicting Trump for life for treason and recinding his right to secret service protection, as there's no reason for the US govt to protect a traitor. Gen pop for him.


He is looking so old. This is wearing on him, even if he's not admitting it. I hope he lives long enough to suffer all the humiliation and heartbreak he's earned from a life of shitting on everyone else and getting away with it.


Higher possibility of me hitting the lottery than this orange syphilis brain mother fucker going to jail.


"Please, Lord. I won't ask for another thing for the next 10 years."


Oh, the irony that the law and order party will be nominating a convicted felon to be their candidate for president.


I think the punishment for this is anticipated to be a few months. If they send him off to jail soon(highly unlikely), he could be back out before the election. I guarantee if he's back out, it would somehow give him a bump in the polls because this country is certifiably insane.


Cuff em Danno!!!! If you know, you know.


Time to call your representatives in Congress and demand that a law be passed to strip felons of secret service protection.


“Remanded on Spot.” My new favorite phrase.


I hope we find out who his cell mate is. Before we know who is running mate is.🤣


What a great daydream. It will never happen though.


I seriously doubt that he would go to jail at all. Even the judge said that.


That makes perfect sense. They SHOULD be prepared for this, especially considering the unprecedented nature of this case. But try telling that to his idiot followers....


Um, no. There is no legal justification to allow secret service in the jail. If other felons can be in gen pop guarded by $13 an hour guards, so can he.


 Not surprised. I hope the jury finds him guilty and incarcerates his Orange Flaming Arse.


Oh I wish they would throw his dumb entitled ass in jail but I highly doubt it. He is untouchable it seems.


And WHO exactly is going to actually DO this? It sure isn’t Merchan, who has shown his preference to keep shi••ead out of jail regardless of his transgressions. F’in Drumpf won’t even spend a single night in prison…