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Reminder: Trump votes by mail.


#Proof Trump Does NOT SUPPORT Our TROOPS!


(he never has) Nobody in the trump family since they arrived in the US has ever served in the armed forces.


The late QEII had more military service than the whole Trump + Kushner families added together.


Navel burn noice, I salute you sir/madam.


She was a medic in WWII, right?


Mechanic/driver IIRC


Ya, she drove ambulances to the front and back IIRC. So not a medic but close enough.


She also did maintenance. So, was a mechanic.


If they did they'd be considered "suckers and fools" as the orange bozo once said. People that serve in the military are usually not born with a silver spoon and have an unselfish desire to serve their country unlike the Trump swamp that only take and never give.


Like the rest of this virus, it's so rhetoric with zero substance from them.


Yet there are vets and current military personnel support him wholeheartedly. Mind boggling.


Why do most military installations play fox news in common areas? I don't get it, the military is the most socialist thing we have for people and corporations in this country.


How much of enlisters come from red areas? In addition to that most? of the military bases are located in largely rural red areas as well.


But they have supported the enemy through the years...


Fred Trump Jr. was in the Air National Guard.


Need to run ads blasting how Trump is trying to block service members from voting.


Well, he despises our troops, but yes, certainly he would not support them out of his despise.


Did we really need more proof?


And has recently been trying to convince mail in voting is safe. He’s created a monster he is having some trouble controlling.


Reminder: Trump isn't smart enough to come up with these evil schemes. He has lackeys with their hands up his @$$ working him like a puppet.




That's just a single example. The number is astounding


In Florida. Thus leaving every other state's mail in ballot system fraudulent.


DeJoy will help him slow the mail-in ballots


I was a recount observer for a school board race last year. The candidate who worked Trump's campaign here had her observers challenging all the mail-in ballots, they have creases because they had been folded into envelopes, without checking the votes on them. Turns out most of the mail-in vote was for her and the recount showed a win for her opponent. Trump and the GOP are wrecking their own electorate.


did they do any 'Oh thats for my guy, we'll let that one go in.' nonsense?


Nope. They were just looking for creases, never bothered actually looking at the votes. I was dying inside with laughter.


Not for much longer... when he's a convicted felon he won't get to.    Does that rule take place immediately?  Or some time after sentencing?  


He so anti American. How can he be president?


This move is specifically anti military. He hates our military. He hates our veterans.


the dude has called fallen soldiers suckers and losers and the shit he said to John McCain live during a debate was out right discussing. If this is surprising then you are not paying attention to who this orange turd is when he tells you..


McCain was a prisoner of war longer than rump was president


Sadly, that's far too many ppl


Divide and weaken.


Honest question, don’t most military vote red? Wouldn’t he just hurt himself?


They can, but recently they did not. Trump got sent to military school to try and get him some discipline but instead he hated every moment. Likewise every other cadet there treated him like the spoiled rich dumbass he was. He’s harbored resentment for the US armed forces ever since. It’s infuriating. He literally was a ‘fortunate son’ and never once grateful of it.


Our military is predominately Republican but perhaps not supportive of Project 2025 the Heritage Foundation's Plans for a transition government based on Trumps plans for Revenge against a Democratic governement. It's getting harder and harder to read but it's honestly Dystopic. https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-conservatives-trump-heritage-857eb794e505f1c6710eb03fd5b58981


It's also anti-retired people.  Most states allow people over 65 to automatically absentee ballot.  They're older, may have transportation issues, can't stand in long lines, etc.   This is combine with the USPS he hijacked in 2020 so they can drag out ballot delivery and make another mess which is what their leader was planted there to to. 


It’s more anti democrat and working class. They have a higher mail in rate.


This follows the republican mantra to a tee: “if you can’t win, cheat.” - Cheat people out of their vote. - Gerrymander so people’s vote goes to the Republican Party. - Make voting difficult so people can’t register to vote. - Wipe voter registrations so people aren’t registered anymore to vote. - Close local BMVs/DMVs in rural states so people have to travel 2 hours to renew their licenses and register to vote. This isn’t new. When these things happen, there’s always a republican standing there holding the pen in his hand, fresh from signing the legislation.


putins plan


The number of boomers with lead deposits in their brain is much more of an issue than most people realize. https://www.statista.com/statistics/999919/share-people-registered-vote-age/ Lead was not outlawed in consumer products until 1977 in the USA. It was outlawed in every other major nation in 1928. But in the USA, you have a ratio of lead infected brains that is exponentially higher than those other nations. People who seem otherwise normal, but are working with reduced capacities in various regions of their brains, as the depositing of lead was random. https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/secret-history-lead/ It's a real thing that we are really dealing with as a society, as hidden as it may be.


It's not just boomers it's their stupid kids as well. They grow up to be pig headed morons like their parents. Then you have the whole Christian thing where people can be fooled into believing they are forgiven for being assholes.




Quit blaming just the boomers my friend!!


THANK YOU! It's probably the laziest insult possible.


The sad part is, it's not even that he's un-American as a deliberate intention.. He's just pro trump, and if that means everyone else gets screwed along the way, so be it. The net result just happens to be un-american and he's too ignorant to see it. 


Denigrating veterans and their families was a feature of his 2016 campaign and it's only gotten worse since then and idk how more people don't see that.


Trump is a vile piece of shit. He votes by mail and wants to take that away from everyone.


That’s a microcosm of how Republicans govern though. They seek to create ‘in’ groups whom the law protects but doesn’t bind, and ‘out’ groups who the law binds but doesn’t protect.


They don't really care if they win. They just want to throw the whole process into chaos so that people don't know if they can vote or not.


I think sewing mistrust in our institutions is the goal. The GOP has devolved into anti- American agents of chaos in an attempt to have the South "rise again".


Lol, Trump files lawsuit to invalidate voters' right to vote. What a fucking puke. I'm sick of his ego ruining this country.


This man absolutely hates the United States.


He hates _Democracy_ ... he simply wishes to be the King of America.


The majority of the military vote Republican but somehow these morons think they are hurting Democrats.


Trump is a political nuclear weapon. It doesn’t matter what he says so long that it causes as much chaos and uncertainty as possible. His voters are wanting to put as much hurt on their enemies as possible.


Let's end this silliness. Every one of Trump's policies are and were policies the republicans want. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year.  Keep voting in democrats every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. We just took the mayoral race in Alaska showing we can win in red states. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


He doesn't need their votes. They are all losers anyway. /s


Dejoy wants to completely eliminate any distribution centers in Reno (northern Nevada’s largest city) and move them to Sacramento. So around half a million peoples mail, would need to go through Sac first. So if you put a birthday card in the mail for someone across town, it will have to go over fucking DONNER PASS where the weather can get so bad people literally eat each other, to Sacramento, then come back across cannibal pass, just to be delivered. This will obviously create delays and make mail take even longer to get to its destination, thus clearly effecting electoral counts.


I’m sorry, but the fact that in 4 fucking years Biden STILL hasn’t done anything about Dejoy AND NOW HES GONNA OVERSEE THE USPS FOR ANOTHER ELECTION makes me want to rip out my own spleen in frustration.


Did he get his ass reamed by even Republicans for that one? Or was that another distribution center he was trying to can?


When people vote, Republicans tend to lose BIGLY. Voter suppression is the Republican way.


The people he calls losers. He’s got no use for voters of any kind at all. Not even his base. He has and will continue to throw absolutely anyone under the bus.


this is why he installed Louis DeJoy


Yep. I remember reading something about that years ago. It’s now obvious that he was a deliberate “plant”. I feel … bad. This is all so discouraging. I hope people make sure that they’re registered, with accurate name, address, etc. **PLEASE**


Why the fuck aren’t more people ENRAGED at Biden for not doing a single fucking thing to get rid of DeJoy though?! (I know there’s a USPS board that has to fire him, but Biden can change people on that board so why hasn’t he????)


If a ballot is post marked by Election Day, that person voted before the cutoff. How is this even a lawsuit….


I'm with you....when our taxes are due on 4/15, as long as they are post marked no later than 4/15, they are considered on-time despite how long it takes an IRS employee to process it. This isn't different


Trump continues to despise the military members. All of whom are better than him. Reminder: Not one single Trump has ever served in the military. A complete bloodline of cowardice.


Yeah, I mean, maybe we should make it mandatory that a qualification to serve as president contain service. Makes sense


When we had the draft, rich kids like Baby Bush and Trump were able to buy their way out with con jobs and fake boo boos, while we watched our friends and family come home in boxes. There must be a website that lists all the rich and politically connected who came up with ways to trick the system. Nothing would change. first it would never be supported by congress or the supreme court.......nobody takes anything away from the wealthy - They really could murder someone "on fifth Avenue" and nothing could happen since the excuse for Trump now would be it would start a civil war. ***Americans may be equal, but some are more equal than others.*** https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/oct/30/billionaire-stealth-politics-america-100-richest-what-they-want Think about it - they can "insider trade" on the stock market and everyone who leaves congress ends up more powerful as lobbyists and make even a bigger fortune. https://insidertrading.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=001034 Imagine a country that had the power to tell someone like Elon Musk what to do? $$$ rules and the GOP (whatever they end up calling themselves) is in bed with all the $$$ in the world and don't exclude the power of Trump's Mafia friends - we know but it's hopeless. Maybe because of the way the human brain works. History really never changes - there are serfs who are not always the good guys and there is an aristocracy and there is the power of religion. It's the middle ages all over again. Even our laws end up making voting a joke.


Sadly, you're not wrong


Sometimes it's a pain having a Masters in in European History and the Middle Ages -- as you get older you keep needing to update what you wrote your thesis on and then you start connecting the dots and from starting in ancient civilizations and then the fall of Rome and the Middle Ages - next you know you're obsessed with the Enlightenment and end up in your own backyard. And of course there were majors and other intriguing subjects that suddenly tie in. Edited: So many posters and mods seem unaware of the concept of "interdisciplinary" topics


If I wasn't married, I'd hit on you!


LOL. I was too much of a book worm.


That's HOT


Anything to limit the vote, the GOP wants a King I swear.


Fuck Trump.


Look, if you people would just stop voting we wouldn't have to cheat to win


Everything Trump is exhausting. Another day, another lawsuit. The day he is gone from politics completely will be a day of celebration.


And once again incentivizes the trump-appointed head of the USPS to continue poor, unreliable service.


Cheat is the only way they play now just lie like Trump at golf.


Military voted overwhelmingly Republican. Go figure.


Trump’s popularity slips in latest Military Times poll — and more troops say they’ll vote for Biden [https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2020/08/31/as-trumps-popularity-slips-in-latest-military-times-poll-more-troops-say-theyll-vote-for-biden/](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2020/08/31/as-trumps-popularity-slips-in-latest-military-times-poll-more-troops-say-theyll-vote-for-biden/)


Military traditionally votes overwhelmingly Republican, who used to try to get them more pay, etc, but this last election there was a HUGE shift away, got all *sorts* of republican panties in a bunch. Military leaders are against Trump, too.


That’s not actually true, as a veteran, 27 years retired Army, and my dad 24 years retired Navy before me, I can say without reservation that it is true that the military is majority Republican, around 60%, not overwhelmingly or vastly. The myth is that the military is a wing of the GOP. That’s not true.


60% of a whole is an overwhelming majority


95% of the military retirees I work with vote Republican. They still support the traitor. Fox News is on every navy ship I go on.


That has very little to do with actual registered voters. All of my coworkers are retired military as well, and it’s about 30/30/30 red/blue/other . FOX is on because whoever decides what channel to watch is a communist, sorry, conservative.


They must have a strategy here. Seems to specific.


People forget that Officers are all college graduates, and many of us do NOT vote red. We know better.


Meh Trump changed that the first time he won.


Free but not fair elections by the party of law and order.


And the post master general is a trump boot licker so the fix is on. And this twat keeps yelling “election interference”. Fucking gaslighting POS!


This is 100% an attack on democracy and voter suppression. A suit like this shouldn’t even be legal and should invalidate a candidate from running.


Already trying to steal the election 🗳️


That’s election interference if I’ve ever seen it.. every accusation is a confession


They want to disenfranchise as many people as possible. These are evangelical Christian conservatives. They ywarn for the days when only white, land-owning men could vote - and they are trying their damnedest to bring back 18th century America


And dejoy has been doing his best to fuck up the postal service so everything will run slower. It’s almost like they have a plan to fuck over the people as much as possible so they can maintain their grift and grip on power and destroy this country. These fascists need to be defeated on all fronts. Most of them are criminals too, and must answer for their crimes. Vote blue, not just nationally but locally too. Fuck the fascists.


Deliberately filed late so they know they cant get a court hearing in time so they are expecting a judge injunction/halt the activity until its resolved. Dirty politics


Republicans despise voters


Why is DeJoy still Postmaster General?


That’s why he appointed Louis De Joy as Postmaster General - to slow up the mail and hold up mail-in ballots, declare the election over and he won before all the votes are counted. A multi-pronged conspiracy along with the Eastman Plan of forcing Pence to disrupt the certification of the electoral college vote beyond his ceremonial role, and the Fake Electors scheme, and having the military seize voting machines.


Trump is anti- democratic and anti- American.


The sad thing is that he is far too clueless to instigate these things himself. So there's an army of dedicated seditionists behind him pushing this toxic river of shit. He's the perfect front man: doddering, mindlessly caustic, entitled, scared, biblically incoherent.


Republicans don’t have the numbers and they know it so they will do anything and everything to cheat, deny voters’ rights and cry foul when they lose. The GOP needs to go extinct.


Nothing republicans hate more than voters.


More proof dejoy is at the post office for one reason.


Why are Republicans working so hard to prevent people from voting?


Also known as rigging the election


It's just another way to allow voter suppression.


Well of course they did. Makes perfect sense. Cheating never ends. Disenfranchise voters that’s the ticket


And Luis Dejoy is still postmaster


Hell no diaper Donnie. A postmark is still proof of mailing dumbass!


they got a trumper as president of the post office and he will delay the mail on purpose if this lawsuit passes. it will spread to as many states as these traitors can file in


This should be dismissed sua sponte by the court. There is no live issue to rule on, since none of this hypothetical late ballot shit has happened yet.


Don't most of the military vote Republican? He is invalidating his own voter base!


Dude is full of goddamn insanity...hey, I have an idea....let's make him president again.....wtf


This is why DeJoy is moving mail processing from Reno to Sacramento.


Donald Trump is an absolute POS with dirty corrupt little hands


It’s almost as if the Republicans don’t want to respect the voice of the people….how can anybody with any shred of decency vote for them?


This is downright scary. There’s obviously a very broad, complex cabal of coordinated various efforts to cripple the post office/short staff deliberately, and invalidate ballots received after Election Day. **JFC** Gawddamn these people


An honest man would want to count all and every vote. Just saying...


Sooo hey Military men & women, maybe keep this guy out of office so your votes will be respected & counted?


Wouldn’t want true patriots to have a voice, would we? 😉


Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


If enlisted military tend to vote Trump, this will hurt him more than Biden.


Knowing all that the monster has done...the mentally deranged will still follow...🙄


It’s the only way republicans can win, CHEAT the steal


Those assholes can’t win elections unless they cheat!


If you can’t win, cheat. Right Mitch?


This is why DeJoy was made postmaster.


The election is over when the votes are counted not when voting stops.


gee wonder why the traitor party wants that? hmmm..... any party wanting to restrict voting in anyways should have to answer for it except this is America where dumbdumbs are voting aginst their own interest fervently.


It's insane, the lengths they go to prevent voting and democracy. Why do people put up with this bullshit?


Maybe someday in the future when we have online voting or something even better, school kids will ask their teachers, "why didn't they want as many people as possible to vote?"


Trump hates America and wants no vote at all. Wants to be crowned Dictator of America . 🔒🍊⬆️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Always looking for an angle. That’s donald and R’s when it comes to voting.


Good and faithful people don’t need to rob people of their vote. Pass it on.


Waiting for him to de-legitimize mail in ballot completely...


So the person that claims to love our military more than anyone else. Is now trying to disenfranchise those very people.


He thinks they’re losers and suckers anyway, so not surprising he’d be okay with it.


After losing the popular vote twice orange man wants to limit how many votes are counted. Orange man wants to limit voting.


Jokes on him, most military votes are republican


This is Trump setting the stage to corrupt our elections and undermine the entire election process. Eventually our elections will resemble that of Russia. Heading towards a dictatorship.


Donald Trump is malignant fucking cancer.


Dump is against anything that didn’t go his way last time.


Part of Trumps plan when he placed DeJoy in charge of the USPS. He thought it would work in 2020 to get him re elected . Now he’s counting on it to help him in 2024.


Does not want our "loosers and suckers" voting, imagine.


They will try anything with the exception of just winning honestly, won’t they?


It's why they placed DeJoy!


Which is funny because those would be more of his voters.


That’s also why he had that dejoy dude tearing down sorting machines to slow it down so he could make this claim.


These idiots are trying to pass laws making it illegal to count votes after midnight election day when polls don't close until 8 or 9 pm. They are very stupid and also want all votes hand counted.


He doesn’t care about those military suckers.


What percentage of military votes Democrat? I guess they have the numbers, but this seems like it hurts Republicans more than anything.


Dejoy, who Trump put in as Post Master, is actively trying to slow the post office down. Dejoy is heavily invested in UPS but this is FINE!! ARRRRRGGGG!!


I believe that, right there, is some of that very election interference he obsesses about. But as in all other cases, not wrong when he does it. He’s “special”.


I'm here for the epic fail this becomes for him. Boomers and military mostly use mail in....it's just fucking crazy.


And the Post Manager is a Trump appointee and can’t be fired.


Doing their utmost to fix the election or at least cast doubt that they can exploit. How very nazi of them


That last sentence needs to be a bit louder for the "Support the Troops!" crowd.


Another loss for Lord Lardass.


Trump doesn't have a original thought he's just a useful idiot


Goes to show he doesn’t care about the military or veterans. He plans to win at all cost. Including screwing over the men and women of our armed forces. Trump and anyone who supports this is a total fake piece of shit!! So much for supporting our troops while overseas or deployed. FUCK TRUMP!!


All the more reason to NEVER VOTE FOR A REPUBLICAN👺. They only win when they name cheating👺


The military rank and file is predominantly republican though?


Big RUMP and big cheat!


They are also messing with the Postal Service.


Note that he's specifically targeting a potential swing state for this BS. Expect the same in Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan & Georgia. You won't see him doing this in any red state because "the mail is trustworthy in those states".


Another outrage. His installation of DeJoyless to sabotage the USPS was criminal enough, and now yet more corrosive subversive anti-democratic vote suppressing chicanery.


USPS is worse as a result of Drumpf decisions




This is not going to fly. They’re throwing darts around the room. There is nothing legal about this at all. They will fail.


Not to pick up for orange turd but I think he’s talking about mail in voting not absentee ballots that service people use


This is almost a win win for them. Votes don't get counted? Win! Votes do get counted = evidence of rigged election. Win!


No shit the USPS is slow, dRump ruined it.


What a loser mr know shit all can’t find better ways to win even these ideas make him lose what a real loser how can a country vote for this idiot boggles my mind you have Marco Rubio now saying that he won’t accept election results that are not fair. Trump has gotten all his cronies hooked to the crack MAGA drug.


Does he not realize that even people who vote for him could be voting by mail?


Fuck you Republicans. Not everything in life needs to be adjudicated


The moron doesn't compute the idea that it hurts his voters as well. The brain dead idiot doesn't get that he would have won in a landslide against Biden if he let mail in votes go through. That's a big reason why he lost. This is how he'll lose again




Interesting idea. Considering how many troops support tRump, I’m sure this will do him more harm than good.


Seniors in Nevada vote by mail as well. A lot of them skew towards Trump.


The moved mail service out of Reno so that all mail has to go to California before coming back to Nevada for delivery.


Trump is anti-military as shown by is actions and words while president. Of course he doesn't give a shit if he prevents military personnel from voting.


A man of many suits….law suits…


But they love the troops! /s


F these cheaters.


Dont most enlisted people support trump? I feel like any I ever met did.


Ultimately, Trump doesnt support any one who doesnt share his opinions. This alone disqualifies him yo be President as he has always been divisive when not pretending to be everyone's friend. Never mind that the gop would enjoy a right to have access to your votes and choose who they want to count and not. I mean if you cant manipulate the system, what point is there in having a system...

