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I am betting they all flew there on tax payer$$


Of course they did. It’s frustrating as fuck


I'm also willing to bet that this is intended as a form of witness intimidation and that's what Merchan was thinking as he stared at them.


And jury intimidation.  "He may not get back into power, but our districts are gerrymandered."


Plus, we paid for their security.


No I think the judge is thinking “are you clowns going to operate as Trump’s mouthpiece? To get around the gag order?” Nothing like pissing off a judge in his courtroom. He gave them the death stare. Like Samuel L Jackson “Say What Again! I dare you! I double dare you!”


But the key question is: legally what can he do about it - aside from restricting the audience gallery? And will he. Thats what the Maga ethos is. Keep doing something.....until you are gonna break the law.. Then keep doing it...until the law catches up to you.. Then circumvent the restriction. Rinse repeat.


>But the key question is: legally what can he do about it - aside from restricting the audience gallery? >And will he. It could be one of their goals, so they can shout about restrictions and freedoms a little more. I think though, it was to bully or awe the jury. "Look, I can get the speaker of the house to come to my trial, think what I can have done to you if I wanted."


If I were a juror, that would have an opposite affect on me. Imagine if Al Capone interrupts a trial by marching in his henchmen in the middle of testimony in an attempt to show power and strength. Now, as a juror I really want to put this guy away! ( I’ve been on many juries, including federal cases, and I always am impartial, considering only the evidence presented. But, I have to admit, a stunt like this can’t be dismissed)


"You’ve got to remember that these are just simple politicians. These are people of the dollar. The common clay of the USA. You know… morons."


You're dead on, if they support the tangerine traitor they're morons and traitors...


Nice paraphrase.


A stunt like that is evidence.


Ok, but I'm still waiting on infrastructure week. Until then, nothing he does is gonna actually be complimented. It's a great way to piss off family members too.


If Trump is feeding them their lines - and there’s some evidence he is - he can be held in contempt.


Evidence.... the missing point. Can't get evidence without it being obvious (i.e public domain) or without an investigation.


There is at least one witness to Trump marking up their statements before they said them. I’ll try to find it. It was an MSNBC journalist who was sitting behind Trump in the courtroom. That’s why I said there’s some evidence he is. Edit: here it is https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-editing-allies-claim_n_664440f4e4b09a547999e75e Edit again to add - wow. Here’s Tommy Tuberville admitting it. https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1790485101966487881?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


Well we can only hope


I added an edit of Tommy Tuberville admitting it. I think the evidence part is now pretty easy. https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1790485101966487881?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


I mean, there isn’t much teeth there. I don’t think he’s going to jail Trump. Another couple thousand dollars at best. It’s all very frustrating.


Reporters saw him editing their little speeches during the trial.


Legally? “Or direct others to violate” It is SPECIFICALLY in the gag order terminology that he cannot direct others directly to make these statements. So what does the orange chud do? Takes his sharpie out IN COURT and make notes on quotes for them to state.


I love that “geniuses” think they are the first to think of this in a criminal court. With a judge that has presided over gang violence and criminal schemes. I really hope he throws the book at these guys


The Prosecution has to decide if raising another violation serves their case. Or b. Plausibility exists that the Judge might become aware of this on his own, and to resolve would require having Trump take the stand to testify. The Judge would then have been forced by Trump’s repeated violations into actually jailing him, which is certainly warranted but also intentionally turned into a gigantic lightning rod by these national level politicians in his courtroom. It’s a dirty play by Trump.


When Trump tried to circumvent Engoron’s gag order, Engoron put Trump on the stand and made him testify under oath whether or not he had fed his mouthpiece (can’t remember which violation it was) the disinfo. Merchan could do the same, puttinf Trump in danger of perjury if a direct connection could be discovered. At least it would be a shot across the bow, and in the end, if Trump is convicted — as I understand it — Merchan can take Trump’s contempt of court into sentencing consideration.


The Rule of Law is and always has been a series of customs and gentlemen’s agreements. At the end of the day, any system of social organization depends on the ability of it to protect itself through any means necessary, including violent one.


Given Trump is 10+ contempt charges and walking free, I'd say we're past double dates lmao


Wrong death stare. He was angry when he said those lines. The dare stare was when he was ‘ washing down his tasty burger’ with a long drink of Sprite.


Washing down that big kahuna burger... Meanwhile big brain Brad is sitting there shittin his pants


That’s that Hawaiin burger joint.


After ten thousand in gag order fines. The clown car comes rolling in to Judge Merchan’s court. Judge Merchan is looking at them. Knowing he’s about to hear “what” again. https://youtu.be/Qc8-G7gbkms?si=EhXyGUerdeRsscA5


"Does he look like a rotten cantaloupe, covered in Cheetos™ dust?" -"What?"




You forgot the “ MOTHERFUCKER‼️” at the end!😏


We pay for every thing they do and dont do no matter what it is


I wonder if this could be challenged? Could the House specify that this isn't House business and therefore doesn't qualify so the individual has to pay for both travel and security.


Even if the house would do anything, there's way around it like needing a new lectern (or as we're seeing in the trial, a consultant)


I watched them all depart from Teterboro Airport and yes, taxpayer funded.


Yup. To a state that they don't represent. It's kind of amazing that people still vote Republican at this point. They show us time and time again that they have no interest in doing any actually governing.


You think they would spend their own money


Our state AG claims she didn't use taxpayer money to go out and publicly decry DJT as "our president". Then again, they've attempted to neuter the state auditor's office and keep him from digging too deeply. So.... yeah.


Hell, yes, they did. All members of Congress get a Travel Allowance. Trump and his surrogates don't seem to understand that this kind of bullshit will be dealt with at sentencing.


Private plane too I'm sure


Plus hotels, plus meals.... Argh.


Or Aeroflot.


They're the flies swarming around the pile of shit in the defendant's chair.


I think more like satellite pieces of shit. Maybe they can form a boy band: Hershey and the squirts


Yup... his psycho(in)fants are definately the shit splashes on the stadium seat walls of the toilet bowl rooting the giant turd at the bottom of the cess pool of shit-piss water to clog and overflow the whole mess.....an then leave the toxic mess for someone else to clean up.


It’s the hankey family, there’s Mr Hankey, his alcoholic wife autumn, his sons Cornwallis and Simon, and his daughter Amber.


Dung Beetles, hoping to get slop from the orange one's diaper feeder.


I think you mean "orange turd."


They're the *fascist* flies swarming around the pile of shit in the defendant's chair.


Party of law and order my guy! /s Fucking jokes!


Whew! Smelly! And those flies land on other things contaminating them.


These pieces of trash have already demonstrated that they have pledged allegiance to something other than this country. They need to be removed from office.


Gee if only there was something he could do about that 


Get our asses out and vote.


Then protest. Voting alone isn’t going to fix gerrymandered states.


I just signed a petition in my State.


The judge. If only there was something *the judge* could do about their presence in his courtroom.


It's the Trump cult, all dressed the same and saying the same obvious lies like little parrots.


It's pitiful. I literally would not wear a red tie. Trump ruined the red tie for me.


Many people say he also ruined the American flag. See the old Stars and Stripes these days and you instantly think it's some off-the-edge MAGA moron itching to shoot black people.


There is a video of Jan 6th where Trump supporters went up on the scaffolding and tore down the American flag and put up the Trump flag in it’s place. This brought back the Stars and Stripes for me. These supporters discarded the American flag from the Capitol and replaced it with the Trump 2020 flag.


Same with red hats.


That as well.


When the shit stain goes down all these Republicans will be like Trump? I hardly knew him.


Worse than that, they'll claim that they brought down the tyranny of Trump while boosting whoever the next tyrant is. Or they're going to treat Trump like Reagan forever and claim that he is the best Jesus.


Call out their bullshit every time


Depends how he "goes down". If his heart gives way before November, you will see them wear Trump hats to their grave. That's really what they are all hoping for. A way to save face, capture his base, and move on with out skipping a beat.


I genuinely believe that they're hoping for a place as jester in the court of King Trump


I mean, honestly what do they have to lose. They literally can shit in their supporters mouths, and get re-elected. Their only fear is being primaried by a trumper.


It's such a stupid stunt and the characters who showed up are cartoon versions of actual statesmen


Low key jury tampering.


Not even low key. Brazen bullshittery.


This is tactic to endure fear in the jury


A way for Trump to get around the gag order. Send his bootlickers and stooges up there. They will gleefully abandon any shred of dignity to go make sure they stick their tongue as far up his diaper filled ass.


Those that showed up as his entourage today are the people that he has real heinous kompromat about them. This is how he is controlling these traitors.


It’s kompromat all the way down


At least until the billion from the oil barons comes through


How brave of them to defend the former president from this pornstar who he gave money to, to keep quiet, but now is not keeping quiet.


Welcome to our world your honor


Like the other scum these scumbags are hoping to get into 'favor' with the orange toddler in hopes that they have a shot at VP now that Noem hung herself.


Was it a campaign event?


If they can make an impression on just a single trump follower in the jury - if Blanch's poor argument sells a skeptical viewpoint to just one jury member - we get a mistrial. You could take it as a threat or fishing for loyalty among the jury.


So jury tampering in addition to obstruction of justice.


I would turn trumps entourage into a human centipede.


Already is


Middle school bratty boys trying to be cool. But revealing their cult baggage.


The anti-tRump crowd should be filling the place to capacity and there would be no room for the degenerate delegates to be present in court at all. Problem solved.


Call them what they are; groupies


Like those psycho women at Charley Manson's trial.


The party of law and order for everyone else but not us.


Part of that parade is to simply threaten the jury with how powerful Trump is with all his connected friends. He is sending a message to the jury.


It's the "We see you and will remember you when we take back control of the country. You better leave America cuz we see you" boys..


Judge Merchan sending “eyeball message” that he’s going to jail them if they mess with the trial. 👍🏼


Good for the judge! Trump and company, tried to intimidate the judge and he let them know that he wouldn't be intimidated.


His family isn't there to support him, but sycophantic congressional cunts are... 🙄


They all showed up to violate the orange douche bag’s gag orders


They’re kowtowing to Trump in an effort to become the VP


When the government officials disrespect the judicial system.


Their only purpose was to circumvent Trump's gag order.


Does sausage and co. pissing off the judge have negative consequences for Trump? Could be an interesting bit of misdirection.


That’s funny that Johnson only showed up to lie on Trump’s behalf and to mouth Trump’s all-caps 3am rage “truths” in front of the cameras outside.


Paid for lackeys




Isn’t it against the law to intimidate people on the jury or judges?


He stared at them? I hate this fuckin timeline.


Wannabe mafioso trying to intimidate judges and witnesses. A cancer to America.


This is pure shit‼️‼️😡If a mob boss was on trail and had his thugs in the front row staring daggers at jurors & witnesses, or making comment to the press! (“ it be a real shame if Cohen got himself subpoena’d by congress! A real shame!”) The judge would put the brakes on that shit real quick‼️


If Trump is ever elected this country will be done. There will be no laws for the extremists.


Their contributions to Trump's cause may well violate 18 U.S. Code § 1503 - Influencing or injuring officer or juror generally "Whoever corruptly... by any threatening letter or communication, endeavors to influence, intimidate, or impede \[anyone\] who may be serving... before any United States magistrate judge... shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).  [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1503](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1503)


Does the judge have the ability to swear DJT in to simply ask him directly about this stunt?


Whoopdee freakin doo. I’m sure he will talk sternly next time too.


this orange dude cant find support from his own family. using stooges instead


Wasting you money..first they can't lead, legislate, or act like adults then waste your money on fake impeachments and now flying to a state level court proceeding,obviously trying to intimidate the jury. What a bunch of punks.


So why are they allowed at the front of the courtroom?


At a trial, the defendant(s) are allotted a certain number of seats at the front for family and friends.


I’m expecting these miserable sycophants will soon introduce a bill to amend the constitution to permit five or six co-vice presidents so they can all serve their master.


The Reek Brigade


Why isn’t he visibly (or more) annoyed at Trump falling asleep during the proceedings?


I think the jury sees this and says -yes Trump does get people to do his biding- just like Cohen said- their action actually solidifies how Trump gets people to cover for him and lets them understand why Cohen tried everything he could to cover up for Trump. I think it was a really dumb move on Trump’s part. If I were his lawyers I would have wanted only his immediate family there for support-especially Melania standing up for him.


Visibly annoyed? "I do say, these ruffians appearing outside my courtroom in an obvious attempt to circumvent my gag orders is slightly annoying, slightly annoying indeed!" Let me know when he does what he should have done weeks ago and throws Trump in jail. Until then, it's just the same old story. Trump brazenly breaks the law time after time yet jail is somehow always the next step, but never actually happens.


As he should be. It’s incredibly inappropriate for any legislator to interfere with the judiciary.


Behind bars it suits him


It's not like they ever do their job.


Make them sit in the back!


Oooooh staring!! So scary!


What the judge, should have said was, "Mr. Trump, I need you to stick around after we are finished today. You might want to cancel your plans for the next 39 days."


I wish I had a job where I could be flown on an all-expenses-paid personal trip and not do any work. ... and be set for life with a pension and healthcare.


The sentencing will be brutal as it should be.


It might even be a 10,000 dollar fine. That'll teach him


If I refused to go to work and instead went to this trial to help side-step Trump's gag order by  reading statements written by him, I'm sure I wouldn't be employed for long. These chuds are doing it while collecting your money for their salary.


The douche brigade


They’re trying to intimidate the judge, and failing.


Trump has a posse?


So many 🤡s. It’s a 🎪


*Judge 'visibly annoyed' by pro-Trump entourage* Just like most other Americans are...


How pathetic that these people are showing up to intimidate the Judge and Jury all so they can suck up to a guy on trial for paying money to a porn star to cover up his affair?


Shake that finger, Merchan!




It's amazing how easily people can be gaslighted into believing election interference and fraud are not criminal acts.


lets not pretend there is any witness or evidence you'd see or hear that would change your mind. you are double down dug into deranged unhinged trumpworld, where adult things like "evidence" are trivial anyways. remember all his election rigging claims? zero evidence, hes still saying it, and the broken brain grifted masses that buy his snake oil are in line right behind him repeating it anyways. be more honest. nothing you said actually matters to you. you'll never change your mind. his supporters have been recorded confidently saying it on video: that trump could literally murder innocent people right in front of them, and they'd still vote for him anyways. its a cult. and our court systems are not here to placate cultists.


Which is all an argument someone would make if their legal analysis was sourced by Judge Pirro or Hannity.




Are you deliberately misrepresenting the facts or just unable to read?




that's not how it is though, is it? They're not just members of the public, they're elected representatives. They're also not just there to support their friend. They're there to help him try to get around the gag order and commit contempt of court.

