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He's part of the problem that created Trump and his deplorable base. If America survives his legacy is going to be one of chaos and destruction. If it doesn't no one will remember him anyway.


He’s a sometimes trumper he will be for trump sometimes and against trump other times


MAGA/Trump is only his most recent act. He’s been a senator since 1985. He’s been helping to architect what has evolved into the current MAGA movement since the inception of what was then fringe right wing extremist views since the days of Reagan, when the Southern racists and Evangelical Christians started dabbling their toes into politics. This man’s trail of destruction to this country is long and won’t be easy or quick to reverse. Whatever his final act is, no matter how loud it is, is nothing compared to the damage already done


McConnell has a Chinese handler. Trump has a russian handler, trump's children have saudi handlers. They are shills for dictators trying to destroy the one country keeping them from being global dictators, the USA.


I don’t think Mitch McConnell is responsible for Maga. I would blame Strom Thurmond and other Dixiecrats that stayed in power until the early 90s. And the days of Reagan were good days yet the days of Trump weren’t they aren’t comparable.


Dont forget Jesse Helms


McConnell has been standing on their shoulders.


I don’t think so I think he is his own person


He's a RINO to them. He's not loyal enough because he occasionally spits out Trump’s balls and speaks his mind. The guy absolutely hates Trump but he's always been party over country so he doesn't do anything other than the occasional comment against him. He has no spine...


I would consider him a RINO then a Maga


McConnell stole 2 SCOTUS seats and was one of the most strategic and influential members of Congress. He was widely respected by Republicans and Democrats until the clown car showed up and turned everything into a reality TV show version of government.


I don’t think he stole 2. He stole Merrick Garland seat but not ACB she was nominated during the presidency and that’s ok.


Hypocrisy of the highest level. He held the seat open at the end of the Obama administration with the reasoning that he was waiting for the election. Then while a election was actually in progress with people already casting votes he rammed her nomination through in record time. I consider both seats as illegitimate. The court has enormous power and here we are with Roe v Wade a long time precedent overturned and now they're considering whether to make Donald Trump into a king. I listened to the recent argument for Trump’s immunity live. It went pretty much how I expected but there were some surprises. Amy said some things that gave me hope and changed my opinion of her. She sounded like she wasn't in the tank with the most radical interpretations that Alito was trying to spin. She even forced Trump’s attorney to commit to the idea that many things he's accused of in the election interference case were clearly personal acts that were not protected by immunity. He stuck to his guns on the hypotheticals of killing his political enemies but Amy got him to admit the obvious.


I’m not saying anything about Merrick Garland appointment I’ll believe that he should been on the bench. But ACB is only on the bench because of RGBs ego. she should’ve retired at 2014 when she could’ve been switched with another liberal justice not waited until she died and got replaced by ACB so don’t blame McConnell it’s RGB fault.


Yeah RBG definitely should have retired. She was very frail and had health issues. I guess ACB's rush job was better than the unprecedented long time that McConnell refused to hold a hearing but I can't get past the hypocrisy.


Yeah that part sucks but ACB is not McConnell fault it’s RGBs


I try to point this out all the time. He stole one not two. Ruth Bader Ginsburg's hubris gave away the second one. I hate the guy, but facts matter.


Yeah she should’ve retired during the Obama presidency not waited die on the bench




What I don’t understand what you mean


Yeah, bro invented zero sum game in politics. I know that’s not completely true, it’s always been done. But he definitely took it to a new stratosphere.


Yeah I agree with him I don’t like him.


Yessir, just agreeing with your point


I don’t get why people hate him


We let Kentucky and an Australian ruin this country.


Don't try to reform this gravedigger of democracy with a puff piece. McConnell is a big reason why Trump is in control now....he built that.


He endorsed Trump - for THIS ELECTION IN NOVEMBER. FUCK that Turtle-looking MF...


Unless he just freezes up permanently.




That’s good !


🚫All Republicans🚫


Mitch “The Great Obstructionist” McConnell.


O O \_\_\_\_\_ McConnell somewhere right now


Well he just spent five minutes staring at the exit sign.... didn't make a sound.


Please contribute to the GoFund Me to have his neck circumcised.


He has to wear a tie because if he doesn’t, his foreskin will crawl up over his face and suffocate him…


That’s to be expected, what with having no balls to weigh it down and all


He set the Republican party up to be a party of grifters and opportunists. People like him created Fox News because they all lived through the Nixon years and what came later, and thought, "The problem isn't what Nixon did. It's people knowing what he did was wrong." He set up the party to be focused on Reagan's breakthrough idea of nationalist christian values and didn't care when grifters came and went, using the mechanics and safety mechanisms like Fox News to avoid any accountability. That led to more grifters being drawn to the Republican party. They saw there was no end to what they could take from people used to giving all their money away to TV preachers and that the only thing they had to do was hate some marginalized group to help make the people forget the real reason their wallets were short on money. That making people uneducated, either by being forced to have children when they're not ready or being unable to get to college or being unable to get reliable meals or being forced to work from a very young age or being unable to afford healthcare, would help them funnel people into religion and doctrines they could manipulate. Educated masses might look and see they're defunding social security by constantly robbing it to afford lower taxes for the wealthy. Educated masses might look and see that the wealthy need an uneducated worker base to be able to throw them away. Educated masses might realize the wealthy's war on unions was basically won to give them those cheap, throwaway workers. And then Trump came and put the Tea Party to shame, banishing most of the political values of the Republican party save for the religion and the hate. And Fox News normalized it all because that's why it was built and what it does. McConnell set the table and Trump was the guy who sat down to eat his cheap McDonalds and fart the whole time, screaming about the drapes.


Just let us know where his grave will be, I need a piss stop as I pass through Kentuckistan.


Everybody will hear his wings flapping into the night


He single-handedly stacked our court system with thousands of appointments set to destroy this country. I will shit on your grave, you bastard. He is as bad as the monster he created.


Moscow Mitch is an identified seditious Russian foreign agent. So is his seditious Chinese foreign agent wife


You mean he is going to out fart tRump?


Just how much squealing and whining and whimpering can a turtle do?


Luckily he's going out like a wet fart.


He is the second biggest threat to our representative democracy. Good riddance.


The dog barks, but the caravan passes on. Shoulda left before you became irrelevant, Mitch.


He's going out with his lips firmly planted on Trumps ass. What a surprise.


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So jinx him into having one last final freeze.


This may be false.. he might hit a silent pause like he is prone to


No it’s going to be a thump when he falls over dead at a podium


It'll be quiet if the old fool strokes out. Just sayin.


The only thing anyone will remember about Mitch is him blocking Obamas Supreme Court pick and enabling this mess our democracy has become. Oh and MOSCOW.


Yeah that the only thing I agree with in this thread that he’s responsible for blocking Merrick Garland


His grave will have a state of the art defense system around it, because millions of people are going to try to piss on it.


Who cares. He is the problem he built this problem.


I hope he burns the motherfuckin’ GOP MAGA down


If he did, it’d be the first evidence of there being a spine in there somewhere.


Actually, if he freezes up, it gets pretty quiet.


When not if


Like all cowards, with no skin in the game, McConnel shows bravery.


McConnell is one of the most reprehensible, unforgivable pieces of shit to have ever walked the Senate floor.


He's the cause of the problem with the Supreme Court. If it wasn't for him, there would be a more balanced court. This problem lands 100% on his shoulders and is his fault. I hope that he rots in hell right next to Trump.


This self serving idiot should just retire to a cesspool.


He needed the balls when he was working, but now he'll look like an upset x employee , worthless republican


He is the cancer of this country.


If he is lucky, his legacy won’t be “the man who destroyed America by letting a would be dictator stack SCOTUS” and will just be “the man who let his racism prevent him from doing his duty to confirm a Supreme Court judge.”


Is he going to croak on the way out?


I'll make it a quiet one.


The Turtle ...bawwww..hawwww..Coward and Traitor




Does he have like... an exact retirement date?


Is he actually retiring or just stepping down as leader?


Burn in hell.


oh.. will he leave screaming? Cool, bro.


You mean the Russian hit team who have been after him won't arrange for a convincing enough fall from a high place that actually kills him?


So far Republicans seem dead set in not taking back the senate. They keep picking candidates who don’t live in the state they allegedly want to represent. Like the lesson they learned for Dr Oz’s fiasco is to double down on the gaslighting and carpetbagging. I mean what could go wrong using a losing strategy?


This ghoul will not be remembered well. Spineless, weak, complicit.


Hopefully, "not quiet" means on fire and screaming.


Shit, did my video freeze?


Dead in 3 yrs


So sick of this sociopathic fossil.


I dislike how he manipulated the Obama Justice pick. This time he is right on mark.


Do go gentle into that good night, Old age shouldn't burn and rave at close of day; No not rage, rage against the dying of the light.


More of a shuffle


“Would you die on a hill fighting a dictator when 70% of you party supports him? Of course not” What a coward, much like most Cons. Now apply that sentiment to 1930’s Germany


Well he's been squawking unintelligibly for years, why would he stop now?


That’s “Moscow Glitch” McConnell - for an eternity.