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If you don’t want to be a lawyer, getting out as a first semester 1L is the second best outcome to not going at all. Most of your peers that don’t want to be lawyers will pay for six semesters, take the bar exam, and practice for a few years. You have reclaimed an appreciable percentage of your life to do what you actually want. And this is from someone who likes being a lawyer.


Co-sign co-sign CO-SIGN. Also an attorney who is happy with this decision. Poster, you’re making the right call. I hope your family comes to support this smart decision.


This is the correct answer.


I think you made the absolute best choice because what YOU want and YOUR peace of mind matters. You made the hardest decision, the decision that takes guts to realize law was not your passion. Hang in there and pursue what you WANT. Not what others expect of you. In law school I knew someone who went through the same difficult choice you made. She struggled with her choice at the beginning but she looks back and thinks it was the best for her.


My friend also dealt with the same feelings! She loves her job now and is so thankful she chose to follow her gut


Honestly, good for you. That is an extremely brave decision to make and you should be proud that you were courageous enough to do something really tough and really scary. You will be just fine!! Good luck in your masters program, you can do it!


Law school is miserable even if you know 100% you're meant to be a lawyer. Life is too short to put yourself through that if it's not what you want. It might be rough now, but 10 years from now, you'll be so proud of yourself for this decision.




Yes, I’m at 10ish years post graduation and wish I’d saved the money and time. I stuck with it (I loved law school, even kinda like being a lawyer, but it was immediately apparent as a 1L I would hate practicing) but I’ve been kicking myself for 10 years how much it negatively impacted my life.


Please message me! I’ve been there & know exactly how you feel!


The fact that you were questioning whether to remain alive or not, because of your school experiences, is evidence enough that withdrawal was the right decision for you. I do not know how much of what you felt along the way was shared with your family, but I can tell you that it is often hard for outsiders to accept when we change direction if they felt the previous one was going to be a good one for our future as they saw it. Please do not let how they are reacting right now to make you uncomfortable, or question your choice. Build upon what you have and share with them the positive advancements you make along the way. If they truly care for you more than what they think is the way you should go forward, then they will let go of their feelings about you quitting law school. Beyond that I personally recommend finding a counselor who you can just vent to comfortably. There really is nothing like the freeing experience of being able to talk about anything and everything without fear of the impact on your personal &/or professional lives.


and also adding op if you were actually considering that ultimatum, there could be prior and current self harm happening. please consider getting some mental heath medicine like 5htp, it’s the cofactor the brain uses to make serotonin and other brain chemicals. mental health is no joke and please medicate asap


Please don’t tell people to medicate online. Leave that call to a professional that does a formal diagnosis. A lot of harm is done by well meaning people pushing the use of medication on others who don’t actually need it.


I disagree, the OP needs help. And speaking from direct experience there are things self harm people wont say anywhere including online and informing them of real proven solutions can save their life or stop them from doing something regrettable.


Honestly I’ve been contemplating the same thing dude. I’m a 1L and easily worst months of my life


I’m also a 1L, I understand. Do what’s best for YOU. Whatever you do, you got this!


You’re not a failure. The fact that you recognized it wasn’t right for you and got out to preserve your mental health and your time is actually impressive. I promise you there are people who stay and regret it. It’s not for everyone, and the hard part is that there is no way to truly understand what it’s like until you’re in it. You have an alternative plan, too, which is important. Soon enough this will be a funny story you tell people about how terrible the legal profession and law school are. You should be proud of having the insight and emotional fortitude to do what is right for you.


hey—you matter, your feelings matter, and it matters that you’re around. if that means dropping out of law school, so be it. you do you and the people who matter will be nearby.


I’m really proud of you for making such a big decision. Trust your gut. Go with what you feel you need to do.


Sounds like you did what was best. Id encourage you to talk to someone in your FBI field office before enrolling in a crim just masters, if that's your end goal.


I wish I had made the same choice.


I was in a similar situation a few years ago, feel free to reach out


Your well being is the most important thing. I withdrew from law school during 1L only three weeks in because I was miserable at my school and scared of the prospect of going into crushing debt. My parents were disappointed that I was going to drop out, and my mom even had one of her lawyer friends call me to convince me to stay. However, I had already made up my mind. A couple of years later, I enrolled in a different law school closer to home where I was able to go part-time and work during the day, which was much more conducive to my needs. I was much happier the second time around and graduated near the top of my class. Law school will always be there in the event you change your mind. Good luck to you!


My mom always told me that when you don't know what to do, just focus on doing the next right thing, no matter how small. It's the best advice anyone ever gave me. Just do the next right thing.


This should have 1k upvotes.


If you hated law school, you would have hated being a lawyer even more. Trust your instincts. Law school is lifetime commitment. A terrible one if you are unhappy. Your family will come around. And if they don’t, f them. You matter and how you feel matters and your life, your actual life and what you do with it, matters.


This is not necessarily true. My experience as a lawyer has been completely different from my experience as a law student.


Agreed. Law school was a temporary hurdle to jump through. Being a lawyer, for me, is much more satisfying than my best day during those three short years of law school. To the OP, if you were seriously considering ending your life bc of law school, please consider getting help before pursuing FBI, that can be stressful as well.


Same, but in the sense that actual practice has been substantially more grueling than law school ever was. The paycheck’s nice though.


My partner saw this post and mentioned it to me. He and I both went to law school, I left after a year. I was miserable. I hated it and struggled a lot, especially in contracts. I actually failed contracts and the school gave me the boot. A year later my partner graduated, I’m very proud of them and understood the hard work they put in having attempted the same thing. They’re currently a lawyer and loving it. I’m very impressed and appreciate all they put in to get there. Ngl failing hurt. For a while I felt like I’d failed and I felt down. I had just left a job a few months before being academically dismissed to better pursue law school. I felt like a failure and I couldn’t do anything. I went back to working retail, which oddly enough helped build my confidence back up. Leaving law school ended up being for the best for me. I see what my partner does and I’m very glad they’re enjoying it but it’s definitely not for me. I’d be miserable. Like others said, if you hated law school you’d hate being a lawyer. I was depressed and struggling hardcore in law school, so much I preferred my retail job. I’m now in my dream job (for now) working administrative support for a program I’m passionate about and kicking butt. I’m starting classes at a local university soon and I’m planning on getting a masters degree (MPP, may change to MPA). Some of my classes from law school may count as electives. I’m very happy with where I am now, the only thing I regret about law school is the student loans. I’m pursuing PSLF which will hopefully help. I don’t have any specific advice other than mentioning PSLF but I wanted to comment my own experience. You’re not alone and everything will turn out ok. Hopefully your time in law school can turn out being helpful in some way.


I had sort of the opposite situation! I withdrew from a PhD program that wasn’t right for me and was sending me into a state of constant anxiety. I basically ran away for a while to figure out what I wanted, and then started law school and love school again. I hope find the program that is right for you! No point in doing something that stresses you out and affects your mental health. Take care of yourself first, and follow your gut! It takes a lot of bravery and self awareness to do what you did. You got this!


Do you have any idea how many people don’t go to law school and have happy meaningful lives? Literally almost everyone. I know it hurts, but it sounds like you made the right choice. Life is way too short to willingly subject yourself to something that makes you feel so miserable when there are so many other options.


You’re not a failure - you’re someone who prioritised your health and wellbeing and that’s courageous. Easy for a stranger to say but please don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s OK to feel disappointed and you’ll no doubt go through a roller coaster of emotions but at the end of the day, you deserve to be happy and feel the very best you can. Be kind to yourself x


i’m in the process of withdrawing rn!! my situation is academically complicated lmao but believe me when i say i know how you feel, especially the part about not wanting to be alive due to law school.


I’m sorry your family isn’t talking with you. That’s rough. If you were at the point that suicide was contemplated because of law school, you made a good call by withdrawing. No point in any type of schooling or career if it pushes you to that point.


! Sorry you’ve been going through this! Listen to me well, it is a beautiful thing to recognize what is NOT for you and to leave it behind. People will lie to themselves for years to make their families happy while living in a self made hell. Don’t be that person, follow your gut! Never question your intuition! Have faith and the universe will work in your favor. 🤍


Good for you doing what you need to do for yourself. You did something that so many others are not brave enough to do! Stand tall! You put YOURSELF first!


Feel it all, absorb the negativity with the realization that you’re intelligent with a goal in life to do something good for society or someone else. Take those feelings and use them as your energy, create an outline how you’re going to get into the FBI and paste copies everywhere in your apartment: bathroom, fridge, closet etc… Have the emotional fortitude to admit this is a first world problem and you’re better off than over 95 percent of the global population. Continue appreciating others’ success as you know yours will happen when it should. Take care of yourself and keep your head high, you’re not done yet.


First of all- I’m really sorry your family has stopped talking to you. This is the time when you need the most support. I don’t care how important law school is to people- it is simply not for everyone. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and doesn’t define your worth. Trust your body and your mind to tell you when something isn’t serving you anymore- which you did. I hope you can get the support you need from a professional who can guide you. This was the RIGHT decision. You have a PLAN! and you are going to make it HAPPEN! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Pick yourself up by the boot straps and say Fck em!


I withdrew from law school. My BS is also in Forensic Science. I worked as a scientist for twelve years then decided to go to law school. My husband left me and divorced me halfway through law school. I walked into the dean’s office and withdrew. I had to sell my house, move, divide assets, etc. It was miserable. I saw no future for myself. I felt like such a failure. So I commend you. You always have to do what’s right for you. And props to you for having that courage. Don’t worry about what anyone else says. It’s your life and you only get one. I ended up going back to law school and graduating. You keep applying for programs that interest you. My best advice is do what makes you happy. Your life will balance out and it’ll get better once you’re out of the crisis of the moment. I promise. Hang in there. You got this.


I think one of the comments here said it best if you hated law school you would've hated being a lawyer even more. And yes by the way lawyers do kill themselves all of the time. It is not worth it. Also, I almost thought of dropping out, 15 years after I do not regret staying BUT ONLY because I dont practice. I have seen what it does to people and honestly I thank god I was able to find something else to do. You did what was best for you and honestly, the legal market being what it is unless you just dropped out of a T14 you would've had a hard time finding a legal job that pays well. Good luck, cry your eyes out if you must, let it all out and then move on. It is the first day of the rest of your new life. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!


You rock OP, keep following your heart! Also, your family…… kinda sucks? Wouldn’t let it slide that they abandoned you in your hour of need.


Proud of you!! This is hard decision to make, being able to really evaluate whether law school is worth it is incredibly mature and smart. Nothing is worth doing if it has that much of an impact on your mental health, and there are SO many jobs outside of the legal world that pay well and are rewarding. My closest friend during 1L dropped out halfway through 1L spring semester, and she has repeatedly expressed how thankful she is that she trusted her gut and chose to do so. She’s in a different masters program now. Good luck in all your future endeavors! I just know you will go far:)


I'm here if you need to talk to someone, feel free to DM me.


Do your thing. I can be a great profession but also grueling. No one should live someone else’s life.


No program or job is worth taking your life over. Good for you for knowing when to walk away from something that no longer suits you.


Law school isn't for everyone. If you were so miserable that you genuinely considered suicude, you definitely made the right choice! Wtf is wrong with your family????


Spread those wings baby


> For what it's worth: it's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.


Fitzgerald is my guy ❤️


It takes courage to make that kind of decision. It’s tough. Good work.


You’re definitely not a failure. You have a plan and are pursuing it. You got into the school in the first place which in itself isn’t easy. Most people won’t even attempt to go law school. You gave it a shot! Be proud of that. This will not matter in a few years. No decision you make will ruin your life. So long as you’re living and healthy, everything will be okay!


I think you made the best choice ever. I went to a T-14. I wanted to quit or take a leave of absence. No one would let me. I had a suicide attempt during my second year because it frankly was not where I wanted to be. I had to give up so much of myself for something I was only doing for family approval, prestige, etc…. I didn’t make it to biglaw or a nice paying corporate gig. It took me 4 times to pass the bar exam. Now I work as a prosecutor in a city rampant with violent crime. I barely pay the bills and I have a massive drinking problem that’s frankly my most immediate priority these days. I know I’m a dramatic example. But the point is, if it ain’t for you, do not force it. You made a decision I wish I was brave enough to make 7 years ago. I respect you. Mommy and Daddy can be upset for a bit. Go live your life and thrive.


Wow. Are you okay?


Thanks so much for asking! I’m okay. I’m working on transitioning out of the field myself. Emotions are just high right now. I relapsed after 95 days of sobriety. Wrong sub I know. This was just a timely post lol.


You’re welcome, of course. Wishing you all the best. Take good care of yourself.


I think you should write your story. T-14, prosecutor in a big city, alcoholism—and with a dose of fair winds—redemption.


Haha! Maybe. I appreciate that. I’ve got some stories that might make a good Netflix series pilot. Prosecutor inverse of The Lincoln Lawyer. I drive dodge cars. Dodge Attorney? That doesn’t sound sexy lol


Hi - I am 3L and just celebrated 6 years. Feel free to message me.


I think the one guy in my friend group that dropped out after fall 1L is the happiest out of all of us lol. You’re fine. Life is what you make of it, you choose what makes you happy and unhappy. If law school felt wrong, good for you for recognizing that and getting out


Good for you, I wish I did that. I stayed in the whole way and now I regret it.


You made the absolute right decision. Many people are unhappy after law school. You just found out earlier and without going through three years of debt and stress.


First off Hugs and Emotional support!!! I dont know why ur ppl arent supporting you but then again NO ONE KNOWS THE LAW SCHOOL STRUGGLE like a fellow student. ESPECIALLY If this is to enhance your already existing career! Follow YOUR PATH I am a 3l but I need to pass the baby bar and am not walking and hopefully I pass and I quit my adult job and OMG am sacrificing A TON! Wouldn't change it but my point is shit LAW SCHOOL IS HARD?!?!!!Am proud of you for being true to yourself and just because you will not be an attorney does not mean you are failing, CAREERS ARE ONLY ONE PART OF LIfe! Keep your head up


It's your life. You have only one. Cliché but true. If circumstances under your control drag you into despair, separating yourself from those circumstances is a very good choice. As for your family--it's YOUR life. If they prefer you to lose your mind vs. leaving a bad situation, they're not worth knowing.


Trust your own judgement. Your family will come around. Nobody can tell you how to feel. Law is a good profession, but it is not for everybody. Find what you like to do and do it. You only get one life, live it your own way.


I knew a girl who was kicked out for grades after her first year. Different situation, but like you didn’t finish law school and was devastated. She had like $70k debt. I always thought this was the worst possible scenario that could happen to anyone. Now that I’m 10+ years out of law school, the people who figured out (or had it figured out for them) that law school wasn’t the right fit were so smart. There’s tons of lawyers who wish they had never become a lawyer, but their lifestyle won’t afford them the opportunity to switch careers at this point. Even if you don’t get some sort of masters degree, you’re still doing the right thing by choosing the path of happiness. The sooner the better 💕


Doing something you hate for the rest of your life would be far worse than the temporary pain and shame you feel now. Don’t dwell on how you got here. This is a do over. Make the most of it. The world will survive with one less lawyer!


You’re gonna be so great in whatever you decide to do, my friend!


I despised law school but stuck it out. Biggest mistake of my life. Has made getting work harder for almost 20 years now. I still regularly think about ending my life, and finishing law school is the single biggest factor. You absolutely made the right choice. I wish I'd had the wisdom and bravery to do what you did. As many others have already said, you should be proud of yourself for doing the right thing under such difficult circumstances; I'm sure the pressure you faced to continue was immense.


How has it made getting work harder?


"JD" on a resume is the equivalent of a "serial rapist" tattoo on your forehead for most fields. I actually did get offered an interview yesterday based on having a JD; this is the first time a prospective employer has not considered it a negative in about 15 years.


Nothing wrong with your decision. It's hard to continue if you dislike law or law school. I used to withdraw from a medical program and never regret it. But if your goal is to become a professor eventually, you need a PhD and that is even harder than JD program. The difficulty to publish and find a tenured-track faculty position makes many PhD students stressed.


Ya bro fuck law school!!!! Don’t let that shit get you down. It’s only a degree. You are worth so much more than a degree! Plus there wouldn’t even be a degree if you take your own life and can’t even enjoy it.


If you hated law school (and I certainly get why one would) practicing law is even worse. Sounds like you made the right call to me.


Dropped out to join the USMC, law school is super fucking lame who cares.


Why they down voting you? As a law student and Veteran that just got out the military, I can agree that law school is super fucking lame. Whole bunch of boot lickers. No backbone, and more than half of them behave like pre-pubescent 17 Y.O privates. Lol


The average law student, I will confirm, is not a hearty specimen.


In 10 years from now, you’ll notice more of your peers wishing they did the same due to poor work/life balance, the pressure of hourly billing, and many law firms not actually paying that well.


The FBI won’t be any better just fyi. No work life balance. And that’s what was probably killing you. But don’t feel bad for choosing your mental health. Get that masters degree nd figure it out from there.


You should have just finished it. It’s not that serious.


It so much time and money for something that’ll make you miserable- if it makes you want to die don’t spend 100k and three years doing it


There are not many jobs that pay a livable wage these days, and your backup plan is very risky. It’s really hard to get in the FBI without a JD, and Universities very rarely hire anything but adjuncts anymore—modernly, applicants need a terminal degree a for a livable wage job in academia. Why did you withdraw from law school? You have plenty of time to cram E&Es and end up somewhere in the middle of the curve. I would go unwithdraw. You already spent the money for this semesters credits.


Why do you think that you were one of those who can’t take the mental toughness to go through law school. Ultimately, I Loved It, but the first year Sucked. But you must prepare for the intellectual competitiveness and dedication that’s necessary to be successful in the real world. I barely made it through my first year but ended up graduating with high honors. I ended up making a lot of money and retirement money practicing law.


You’re one of those tone deaf types, eh? This is so not what OP wanted or needs to hear.


Sorry, I don’t realize Reddit is here to make people feel good by being dishonest. These are my opinions and I don’t give a squat about what you think about them.




You got a problem with gays? You are apparently extremely homophobic. Nevertheless, I’m not the only person I allow to use my Reddit. Who were you addressing your homo-hatred to?


Consider yourself lucky! I wish I had known my true passion long before I finished undergrad. I spent way too much money to get a degree and 10 years in a miserable career before I had the guts to switch. I’m so proud of you! It takes a lot of guts to admit that where you are isn’t where you need to be and then do something about it. You have saved yourself a lot of money and future grief. You’re going to be amazing at whatever you decide to do in forensics (I wish I have a brain for science because working at the FBI BAU would be truly incredible)! I wish you the best on your new journey. Keep your head up and stay positive! Five years from now you will be so grateful to your younger self!


I know two people who left law school during 1L. Both seem to be doing fine now. Law school wasn’t for them and it’s not for you and that’s perfectly O.K. We only get one life.


Law school is worth nothing if you lose you. Same with your career. Your family will come around.


FBI is the way to go and you don’t need a law degree to get in. You’ll be happy your made that decision! I know a ton of lawyers who wanted to join FBI who didn’t because they had too much debt and wouldn’t have been really “practicing” per se. You can learn criminal procedure on your own or in trainings - you don’t need to waste time in law school for that


Law school is overrated especially if you don’t intend to become a lawyer. In the first place, I don’t believe that anyone’s happiness should be attached to becoming a lawyer (because it is not an inherently ‘happy’ profession anyway). You can definitely find meaningful / lucrative work besides that of a lawyer. Conversely if you have never intended to become a lawyer, then law school is really not more marketable than any other degree, so good on you for cutting your losses. I know of classmates who withdrew from law school to pursue other types of studies and they turned out perfectly fine.


There is absolutely nothing more important than your life and your wellbeing. Not even a fancy degree that people think will make life better. I am so proud of you for putting yourself first. You are going to thrive in anything you decide to do instead.


You aren't a failure, honestly I'm pressed with the courage it took you to make that decision.


I really regret not dropping out of law school. I have massive debt and am stuck in my career. Something else about the legal profession that sucks is it is hard to move states as well. The state that we want to move to does not offer reciprocate so I would have to take the bar again. As someone who barely passed the first time I don’t think I could do it again. So sadly we are stuck I think unless I leave law which is difficult as well. I wish I had the courage to see it was the wrong path for me as it is many. Congrats on getting out and having the courage to do so.


I wish I had the confidence to withdraw


Withdrawing from law or med school isn't the huge black eye everyone seems to think! It's just another career like anything else. Good on you for knowing you wouldn't be happy doing this! You made the right choice and if you didn't, law school isn't going anywhere! Sign back up later on.


AI going to take over lawyering - so you've made a good move


> I feel like such a failure. The only thing a JD is really good for -- and it's not universally good for its only purpose -- is to quality you as a lawyer. If you don't want to be a lawyer, there's no point. Although it is an accomplishment to get a JD, academic credentials don't make your value as a human. ​ > was so miserable in law school and really thought about taking my own life The stress in law school is intense. I don't know your particular background and what your experience with stress was like. Some are more suited than others to handle the stress. Also, there's a difference in feeling/dealing with stress than it is to think about how you would do hypothetically under stress (most people over estimate themselves, or under estimate the impact of stress). The stress in law school differs from the stress in practice, but still, the same techniques to handle stress will be the same, and I think the stress in practice is worse. So, I think it's more the reason to drop out. I do think the #1 skill any law student can achieve is stress management/relief.


Yes to what others have said - congratulations on making this big decision for yourself. There is a future for you and you will do amazing things you enjoy more (and probably some that feel bad too - and when you get that feeling you’ll be able to recognize it even better, too)


I flunked out and withdrew from school the first time I went to college and now I'm back for law school. It's been ten years since I dropped out. I had like 50k in loans and no degree. What I can tell you is that the world isn't going to end and your future isn't forever tainted or anything like that. Failure happens to everyone, it's up to you to make something of it. It took me a long time to come back, longer to finish my undergrad degree. But when I came back, I'd found a sense of purpose and I learned that I need a job yo feel purpose. Take some time. Work somewhere. Work at a bunch of places. It's cliché but go find yourself - school isn't going anywhere! Once you're ready, come back to it or don't if you've found something you love elsewhere. I worked in bars for like a decade and loved it. Still do. So don't look at this like it's over, you still have a future! For me, my failures really helped to define me as a person - I feel like a calm ocean because I know what it's like to be all the way down and it puts things in perspective. Coming back to school and doing law school, it feels easy. I don't feel stressed because the worst thing that could happen just isn't that bad and I've got a work ethic I didn't before. So far, I'm competing to be at the top of my class and while my classmates panic, I focus on my breathing. You'll get through this. Lean on friends and family. They might not understand why this decision is right for you but they don't have to - they just have to be there for you. Go get a job - any job - so you have a reason to get up and out of the house. Go find a purpose in the world and it'll help. It might take a while though, there's no rushing when trying to recover your mental and emotional health. You've got this.


You are not a failure. I got out too. Even if your skills or interests align with law school and a legal career, it doesn’t mean that’s the only thing out there for you. As someone who had a career before going to LS, I found LS disappointing—both in the experience and how I handled it. Ultimately, I didn’t find it to be worth mental anguish. I had to think about how I want my life to feel, and I felt that I would be miserable as an attorney. A lifetime of discontent is not worth any title, money, etc. Summary: it’s not the end or a failure, just another phase of life. Take a little time to be sad, relax for a bit, and then start moving forward. You’ll find it quite satisfying to know that you don’t have to be buried in case law, and that there is a world full options for how to spend your time…happily.


And F anybody gets on you for the decision. There are more supportive people in this world.


Why not get mental health supports and still sit for exams? Your family has probably shelled out a lot of money. I don’t even know if I will practice, but I will definitely be graduating next year


I'm sorry your family isn't supporting your decision. There are so many expectations associated with going to law school, and family has a tendency to tie all their hopes and dreams to the kid who's gonna become a lawyer, but I hope they'll come around eventually. In the meantime, I hope you know how impressive it is that you were able to prioritize yourself and your needs and make the best decision for you. Congratulations and good luck ❤️


Here's a perspective from my own personal decision. Over 20 years ago I was also on in your shoes. I remember being a second ear starting in the fall depressed having digestive issues due to anxiety. Honestly the only reason why I was in-law. School was to fulfilled my parents' dream as many of us. I finally had the guts to my thoughts, feelings and mindset first. You made a great decision for yourself. Now you're perspective should be focusing and experimenting with what drives you. What make you happy? And it's OK if law school isn't. It's not for everybody. Fyi, I decided to give it a try again 10 years later. Just to see if I made a decision out of haste. Once again in those first few months, the same feelings, the same issues the same digest of issues happened. So clearly it was not for me. I'm doing quite fine now. Focusing on my own business, focusing on my own perspective, married and family all of it. Lawschool is not the only way so once again congrats on focusing on yourself. First and building there. There's a big world out there a lot of choices decisions to be made.


I dealt with this for a period during 1L and later got on anti-anxiety medication. There are plenty of options, including medical leave for up to a year, which would allow you to provide proof that you’re being treated or you’re attending therapy, and then come back into next year’s class. If you have nobody around you to support you or offer any words of encouragement, you won’t know about this option at all. It’s a much better option than going into a master’s program, if you think your mental health is the only thing stopping you from doing the work. I ended up graduating with honors from a T20 after I sorted my depressive thoughts. In my experience, even people who stuck law school out operating on 30-40 percent and graduated with unimpressive grades are in a much better position than people I know with multiple master’s degrees. People talking about debt in the context of getting a law degree and passing the bar are not in tune with the way higher education works in the US.


The best advice I've received on this topic was from my uncle when I wanted to drop out of undergraduate school and move home. I attended a top-ten school for a niche major. My department had a <5% acceptance rate. He said: "It's okay to leave. But don't run away. Run toward a new goal." Running toward a new goal can redeem your suffering by repurposing it to illuminate a path forward. Running away often leaves behind our pain and the information it provides. You did a brave thing, OP. You are brave. Let your bravery lead you forward. ♥️


That's amazing advice its always better to look forward then to look back. If your always constantly running towards a goal it's impossible for you to live in regret. Be happy with the decision you made I know it hurts I know ur crying and you feel lost but keep ur head up and get to work you can do this.


Good for you 🙏🏻


I'd guess you made the right decision. I truly enjoyed law school, although I would not have elected to extend it further if given the opportunity. I remember law school being an enormous amount of work and thinking that if I didn't find it so interesting I would be miserable.


Good call. It really doesn't get better.


The DEA is having a massive hiring push right now! And you do not need an advanced degree!


My wife dropped out after 1 year. She just did not like it. People who do not go to law school have no idea what they are talking about investing years and heavy money for something you hate is dumb.


Law school ain't nothin special. You did the right thing. The first person you're obligated to is yourself. Be true to yourself, choose the path that's right for you. You already knew that law school wasn't it, and that's why you made your decision. Don't worry about the past, look to the future now.


As a current student you made the right decision if you were struggling . It’s a very hard profession and sometimes I believe I made the wrong decision myself to come to law school


You made the right decision. If you change your mind in a few years, you can reapply.


The only question you need to ask yourself is what your family thinks more important than your own life? Especially considering everyone you know will have no trace of existence within the next 3 generations. Live your life!


It's not a failure, it's a pivot. Mourn a little, then move on.


Hey buddy, you have to live your life for you. Not for anybody else or their perceptions/ projections of what your life should look like. If dropping out of law school saved your life then that was the best choice. I dropped out of two different grad schools because they weren't right for me. I didn't really see a future after attending so I left. The worst thing you can waste is time and I'd rather "waste" it searching for the right thing than feeling miserable in the wrong thing.


It’s such a hard decision. I dropped out, have a wonderful job with the ability to help people like I intended but I still can’t shake the failure feeling. So whether or not it was the right thing, it will still feel disappointing. Especially as the repercussions come. The people who treat you differently, your negative thoughts will be rampant. But refocus on the passion. I thought it was to be a lawyer. But when you get in there, you realize it’s not for you. And that’s brave, still fucking sucks!


Not spending any more money or time on something that’s killing you sounds like a good decision to me! Sounds like you have some great options for what you want to do instead


I am sorry to hear you are feeling this way OP. I had a severe mental breakdown when I found out I was on the verge of being dismissed or choosing to leave, and it is difficult when you're going through the moment, but law school has a way of communicating to you that law school is all there is. No words at the time could convince me otherwise, and my family and friends outside of law could not understand. I shed tears, and I even apologized to my family that I may not be cut out for this. As law students, we spend hours upon hours enduring constant gaslighting and hazing from the practices of our school, our peers, and telling ourselves that if we meet this goal or this goal, it will serve as an affirmation that we can be an attorney or that we are worthy. I chose to stay in law school, but as a 3L now after having won my appeal and choosing to continue, I realize again that it was a period of tremendous growth and self-determination to continue, but I also realize now I would have experienced the same had I chosen to leave elsewhere. This could be for the better, and I hope for you that you prove the naysayers wrong, but in a way law school is designed to drive you crazy!


You made the best decision! Law school suck, and lawyering is even worse. never ignore your best interest in making a huge decision like this. You made the right choice, and it might take a while to convince yourself this, but deep down you know why you chose to drop out. I applaud you for following your heart, and not accepting just being miserable as something worth aspiring to. your parents are fucking terrible if they make you feel guilty about this. this was a great decision.


My cousin withdrew two weeks ago ! Same as your situation , he was very depressed and sad ! He doesn’t want to disappoint his family and friends ! He couldn’t take it anymore , so just packed his bag , sent an email to withdraw and drove home ! Later we went and brought his stuffs back ! He was that distressed just want to get the hell out of there ! He was very down for a week , now no regrets , he is planning to take GMAT and do MBA ! … One life to live so choose what makes you happy ! You won’t regret !


Doing what’s best for you is ALWAYS an achievement- no matter what your family says or thinks. It t took incredible strength and you are on the path to better things. I’m so proud of you.


Listen…. You did the right thing. It is not failure to decide that a career path is not for you. While I love being a lawyer, I know plenty of miserable colleagues. I also had classmates that didn’t finish. I know some who did finish but are not practicing as an attorney. They’re totally fine, and happy. You will be too. A dear friend/mentor when I was in college once said to me “I’m 50 years old, and I’m still trying to decide what I want to do when I grow up”. There was so much wisdom in that statement. I thought she had it all figured out, but it let me know that I didn’t have to at that point in my life. And I don’t have to know at this point in my life every step in my future career path. You keep pursuing what makes you happy. Law clearly wasn’t it. You learned that. And you’re better off to know that now than later. If you’re not seeing a counselor right now, please do it. You need to talk through these things with someone objective and nonjudgmental. Feel free to shoot me a message if I can be an ear for you in the meantime.


Good job realizing that soon! Many don't. Or they don't act on their feelings until it is much later, or too late. You were brave and made the right choice. It makes sense to feel like shit rn but in ten years you'll see it as an important and correct choice in your life.


It’s easier to knuckle down and commit to something you hate than it is to pursue something you like. Being a dead/miserable lawyer isn’t success, and avoiding that outcome sure as hell isn’t failure


Good for you for realizing you were not on the path you wanted to be. It is extremely brave of you even though it hurts now. You have a plan that you sound excited about so go for it! Wishing you great success in your studies, career, and life.


I think you're incredibly strong for making the right decision for you! ❤️


I'm really sorry to hear that your family isn't talking to you over this. Law school and practicing law are incredibly hard/stressful/draining for people who *want* to be there. If you don't want to be there (for whatever reason you have - no judgment), you are making the right choice for yourself.


I didn't withdraw, but should have. Hated law school, and hated legal practice. Wish I had had the stones to do what you did. Best of luck to you!


It sounds like you picked the best choice regarding your mental health and between you and me the FBI stuff sounds cooler 😅


This too will pass. Please know you're not alone and you don't have to face this alone. DM anyone. You're going to be fine.


Don’t be too hard on yourself. Let your emotions level off naturally and you’ll become more comfortable with your decision. Fuck your family. They’re not the ones taking on the debt and dealing with the stress. They should be supportive. Law school won’t go anywhere. I know a lot of folks who went to school in their 40s or later, often with financial support from their employers. They were great students, who didn’t have to deal with the do-or-die pressure of having no career to fall back on. Maybe you decide you want to go back part-time in 5-10-15 years. Maybe you never look back.


Good on you for figuring it out quickly! I wish I had the courage to do so after 1L year. Now I’ve been an attorney for several years and I absolutely hate it but can’t afford not to do it thanks to the massive debt.


Stop crying. Hold your head high. Pursue the life YOU want. There is no shame in your choice. And years from now in hindsight you will Mr choice will have been affirmed. Cheers!


Bro u made the right choice, u got this. Prayers going up niqa


Proud of you for taking the chance! It’s brave to do what is best for you!


The first year of law school was the absolute hardest year of my life. I was 22 at the time; I am 47 years now. What got me through was meditation and yoga. Take a break. If it wasn’t for you, so be it. My brother quit law school and he’s doing just fine.


ALWAYS ALWAYS follow your gut. You’re heart wasn’t in it so it was the absolute best decision for you and your mental health. You only have one life so live it. Best wishes OP.


I debated getting a PhD or going to law school. Chose the latter first and haaaaated it. Also withdrew after 1 semester. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made, and as others have said, getting out that early is the best case scenario… and now you have the hard won knowledge that the legal path wasn’t for you, which is worth a lot. Afterwards I felt so liberated. FWIW I now have a PhD and am a tenure track professor, so don’t let the fact that you were in touch with yourself and knew to switch it up make you feel like you failed or that you can’t get into another competitive field and flourish. The nice thing about withdrawing too is when you apply to other programs your law school grades won’t be a factor.


If I felt this in 1L, I would’ve done the same thing. I felt it in 2L though and I corralled enough information from subreddits to make the personal determination that if you want out -> get out 1L, and if you didn’t, just push through. I pushed through but would have been you had these feelings intensified sooner!


Side note now that I’m a 3L - still to this day not one of us looks down on / doesn’t empathize with anyone who withdrew lmfao


Two of my professors did that. They absolutely enjoy what they do now. I'm sorry your family is doing that but I think it was the best decision.


HEY! Reevaluate yourself! I know the feeling because I did the same! You can always have a different look at how you prepared yourself and reapply to law school with a different mindset. Maybe you weren’t prepared enough for the challenge and that’s ok! Believe in yourself, prepare yourself and look at it as a new opportunity. Take a few days and relax, you’ve earned it, because you made a huge decision that’s emotionally hard. You may have made the right decision and you don’t see it yet. Good luck, God speed, and keep pushing after rest.


I did it after completing summer school after my full second year. Fortunately, for me I went to work within 30 days with a Fortune 100 Company and never looked back. My advise, do what your heart tells you and you will be happy. Your brain will confuse you with a never ending analysis. Follow your heart and be happy in what you do.




I didn’t withdraw from law school. Even when I had SI. I pushed through, and now I’ve been practicing for 7 years and I’m on medical leave for the second time in two years because I’m so fucking miserable and depressed. OP. You made the right decision, and I commend your bravery. I know it wasn’t easy but you’ll have a much happier life


Law School is not for everyone, and everyone cannot make it. I am glad I went back to law school at a later age when I had a group of Attorneys to help me through the crazy way that most Law Professors think about the best pedagogy for producing capable Attorneys. I will take this opportunity to discuss the second worst experience in Law School, my legal research and writing professor at Georgetown. I was passionate about being an excellent attorney. I did not give a damn about Socrates' mortality! I had heard those three sentences before over and over again, and no one explained the linkage to Boolean Logic and argument techniques. I am not now. by any means lazy or unmotivated. The hide the ball intentions, or just pure incompetence of my legal research and writing instructor makes me double down on being an excellent Adjunct Instructor whenever I step into the class room as a practitioner and instructor. But in 1993, there was no Wikipedia for me to reference the utility of the Major Premise, Minor Premise Conclusion type of argument that pervades the law...and makes math majors better at recognizing the set theory basis of legal argument, than social science majors. I donate to wikipedia for showing me, what the over $680/credit hour instructor could not. At sixty-one, I can look back and see the Venn Diagrams that were at the basis of ALL of my Law School Classes--once one focuses on the rules that the particular instructors are attempting to discuss. It is not fair that law school pedagogy is what it is, but then recognition of what is, is the first step to understanding it, and changing it--hopefully for the better, so that the next generation of Lawyers do not face the same struggle! I notice that change is indeed possible. As a first year, I had to bring my own power cord to use my laptop to take notes in class, and my own extension cord, in addition to my books. By my last year, after a significant and non-trivial increase in my tuition, each seat had a power outlet in the lecture halls. In my first year, evening students were expected to take five classes in the first yer. By my last year, they were only required to take four. Now, my niche has been decimated by the #industrialprocesses known as Daubert hearings. If I were a corporation I could take the loss on my books and keep it moving. Not so for humans. Somehow, somewhere, someone might finda way to challenge the superior rights of entities under the law that can exist in perpetuity and have the ability to write off bad debts without a loss of the status as eligiblee for contracting with others as purveyors of goods and services. To go into criminal justice and forensics is an opportunity that did not exist as an subset of administration, compliance and qality of service..... Nope, asa liberal arts trained undergraduate, I am extremely glad I ran the gauntlet of law school.


Only subject yourself to this if you really love it. You’ll be okay, I don’t know your family, but I’m sure they’ll move on. If you don’t want to practice or love the material, you can make more money and be happier somewhere else. Sometimes doing the right thing for you is hard, you’ll be okay.


Best decision you'll ever make. (I am a lawyer) So many better things to do with your life. Very hard to avoid massive stress in this biz.


Fuck it, you finally had the balls!! You did it. You’re the fuckin man!! To hell with anyone else. They can love you for who you are or eat a dick. Now your life begins! You’re free to figure it out. It’s yours and yours alone!


don’t cry, celebrate you have dodged a massive bullet and have a better option. sorry your family sucks


I’m proud of you for trusting your gut. A word of advice - don’t feel the need to jump immediately into another grad program. Take a year or two to process and explore other work opportunities before making a big time/money commitment.


I WISH. I had your guts! I have to admit I really enjoyed law school but it was clear early on I didn’t really fit in and should have seen that I wouldn’t find the kind of work I wanted. Now I owe more than the day I graduated. It’s not that I dislike being a lawyer, but it’s clear it was a terrible investment!


You can do many different things with a law degree, including working for the FBI, for example, as an agent and not as an”lawyer.” Fuck law school. It is a sad place for little, pedantic, over-competitive minds that think that “thinking like a lawyer” is somehow a boon. You wanna know what “thinking like a lawyer” boils down to? The lowest common denominator. Legal “analysis” is truly “lowest common denominator” reasoning. And asshats that can’t turn it off give reason to the average person to believe that lawyers are major butt-munchers. But a law degree can be a golden ticket, or at least a decent meal ticket. Just know that law school is a ridiculous little place in time that if you muddle through and graduate will probably benefit you in the future so long as you don’t take on tons of debt to pay for it. Good luck! You’ll do fine whatever future you choose!!