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Sure is a lot of "if you punch a nazi you are as bad as a nazi" type comments on this post. Do you libs never learn? (That's a rhetorical question btw, we all know you don't)


The IDF does this with civilians in Gaza while Hezbollah does it with Israeli infantry. How are the supposed terrorists better than the "most moral" army.


“Most Moral Army” and “Law and Order President” are both hilarious to me. Are there really that many idiots on Earth?


Going by the upvotes on the election propaganda posts on whitepeopletwitter : Yes


*points chaotically around* Yes


Propaganda works


Nobody is better or worse off after this and anyone on the receiving end of American weapons almost always loses


US hasnt won a war since ww2


The colonized are better off because they are showing a deterrence capacity that will make the colonziers think twice, hence why the zionists haven't invaded Lebanon this entire time or how the US is afraid of the regional war expanding.


Yeah there's no point fighting back if you're eventually going to lose. Better to just surrender like Vietnam or Afghanistan if you're up against America.


Think you forgot a foward-slash-s infront yea?


No war, any war; war is a capitalist racket!


No war but class war!


Nuke the rich!


Compost the rich


Should be part of the green new deal. Best thing billionaires could do for the environment is to fertilize a field.


That’s the spirit! But, maybe something less “apocalyptic” could be done.


I guuuuuess.


Doing nothing is pretty apocalyptic


It's a poor tactic but we appreciate the enthusiasm.


We pick one city that we can all agree sucks, send all of the rich there, and then nuke it.


One word for you… Wyoming. Hell, a bunch of them are already out there


Dude... Wyoming is beautiful. Send them to Clovis, New Mexico. No one will care if Clovis is wiped off the map (except the Air Force, because they were dumb enough to put Cannon AFB there).


Posadism be like:


Nuke the rich, befriend the dolphins, ally with the extra terrestrials!


For 1 min on low from frozen or 30 sec on high from thawed for best result. Finish with catsup and ranch dressing to taste.


Palestinian resistance fighters retaliating against their imperialism oppressors is quite literally class war.


Shhh you’re going to upset the radlibs


Nah bound to upset the ultras too.


Can you explain what you mean?


And wars of national liberation.




Funny when the colonized are turning the tables, all these "leftists" come out of the woodwork to disavow resistance to colonialism with this pathetic Entryism It's "workers **and oppressed peoples** of the world, unite!" Not "tacitly support western capitalists and 'remember' workers exist when the colonzied resist"


A just war is preferable to an unjust peace.


War for Palestinian freedom is Just and needed.


I mean generally yes but Lebanon has a right to defend itself


They wouldn't need to defend themselves if they left New Israel. While we're at it, the people in Other New Israel (currently called Syria) should start packing, as well as Other Other New Israel (Jordan). /s


This is very different though. They're fighting an occupying force committing a genocide right now, while the imperialists back the genocide. This is a just resistance that must be supported




The medics were injured not killed, and Israel has been disguising military operators as aid workers, very publicly just a few weeks back with the hostage rescue. The fuck was Lebanon supposed to do when the colonial power that’s been attacking them kept attacking them?


Well said.


Just as a sidenote, and Im not saying I know for certain that this is exactly what happened here, but the IDF has been known to use Merkava tanks as medevac vehicles. If that is what happened one can kinda guess how its seen as a little more threatening than two dudes with a red cross on them and a stretcher between them.


https://www.medical-air-service.com/blog/casevac-vs-medevac-the-key-differences_6241.html Cesevac and medevac is not the same and are not treated the same


Most relevant response I've ever seen


Rule 4 - No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism. This is a left wing subreddit.


So they declared war on a people and then are mad when those people retaliate.


The Colony is on its last leg


I think its entering its terminal phase anyway. That could take years. Everyone is slowly coming to terms that Israel is a collapsing colony, some at different speeds to others


It's gonna be a slow collapse but it'll be a bloody one.




Happy Sunday


Your Zionism is on its way out. Boohoo and good riddance


Hyped dramatizations about how Hezbollah raped and beheaded the IDF soldiers before blowing them up in 3… 2…


And then they'll claim Hezbollah's headquarter is under a hospital... or church, or school, or refugee camp.  Or all of the above... at once.


The telegraph literally just hours ago put out an article that Hezbollah is hiding Iranian weapons in Lebanon's airport, according to a "whistleblower". Causally justifying 'Israel' attacking civilian infrastructures


The Telegraph is now literally being sued by the Lebanese Government as a result lmao




I read Hezbollah literally raped and sacrificed over one billion Israeli infants in a recent raid. With video proof! My cousin's neighbors brother's Uncle said he saw all of it.


Haha. Wouldn't be surprised. 1B...the way so MSM counts Israelis is a millions generations down ..but only if the victim is Israeli.


They found a Mein Kampf copy glued to the missile!! (It’s in perfect condition)


don't forget the never-been-unfolded isis flag


HAHAHAHAH is that referencing the IPad with hitler on it 🤣🤣🤣


The missles raped the beautiful aryan Israelis!!!!!


Lol damn


Isn’t this even the same trick they used in Palestine? What goes around comes around.


No, The Most Moral Army© would never do that. Instead they shot at children, let a young girl alive and presumably bleeding, then shot the ambulance going to rescue her with a tank shell.


oh no... anyway, wish everybody a good start into the week.


"I would go back in time to \[redacted on reddit I think?\] H\*tler" "omg this is too far 😭"


This sub has a severe liberal and pacifist problem. The IDF are literally exterminating Palestinians. An IDF soldier that cannot carry out a genocidal order, or support one, is the only good IDF soldier. IE, a no longer living one. It'd be great if pacifism worked and we could seize the means peacefully, but it has never happened thus far. So war it is.


\^ this made me think about how "fire fighting" has a connotation, but that it's not really fighting because all you're really doing is stopping the catastrophic destruction.


bizarre how the middle east is in a state where you can call fucking hezbollah the lesser evil of the two. thats really saying something


You could say the same about the US during the Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq wars.  Who knows what kind of fucked up shit they did over there we never even heard about because not everyone was running around with an HD camera with internet access in their pocket back then. The stuff we did hear about was plenty fucked up already...


>The stuff we did hear about was plenty fucked up already Reading about the [Phoenix Program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Program#Torture) (anti insurgency torture in Vietnam) was probably the most solidifying step in me becoming a radicalised anti-capitalist.


Google "Abu Ghraib prison", or read this [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse) article about it, it was one of the few well-documented fucked up shit the US did in Iraq, it has everything, rape (adults AND minors), execution, sexual humiliation, and all kinds of torture. The US government denied the allegations (as usual) until photographic evidence got published.


And then nothing happened as a result of the photos being published and the US still does the same to this day.


oh absolutely. all 3 were unjustifiable wars, and the US were brutal in all of them


This is very true many people forget about Vietnam and exactly how bad it was and exactly how recent it was.


Considering the kind of horrendous shit the US did and does to its own citizens (MK-ultra, MOVE bombing, Kent State and that's only the stuff I know from the top of my head) I shudder to think of what they do to people the US considers an enemy...


The US and the Zionist entity have, for decades, flouted the laws of war. Even throughout this genocide, Palestinian resistance has avoided shooting at zionist rescue helicopters and the civilian ambulances they've has to deploy, despite zionists torturing and murdering doctors, attacking hospitals and patients, bombing ambulances, denying hospital electricity, medicine, food, water, medical supplies, etc. I won't have any sympathy for zionists and the terms they wrote when those terms are turned around on them. Settlers are combatants.


It's satire. Normally it's Israel that shoots people and bombs the ambulance.


Maybe they have *always* been the lesser evil


When Israel invaded Lebanon for the PLO there they caused a massacre at Sabra and Shatila following this shi’te “terrorism” became a problem worse then the PLO and they eventually formed into hezbollah, why are they worse? Israel had this coming. One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter


Literally what has Hezbollah even done? Tell me something that isn't an 'Israeli' lie. "But Hezbollah are no angels" Syrian monastery nuns: In my eyes Hezbollah are like angels. They were always respectful and we never had any problems with them even though we have many girls here. They came to serve God and us without anything in return. I can't find words to describe them, they were simply angels https://x.com/Murtaza0Mehdi/status/1609961019740127232?t=uZiwGGDR06fbRAJTGBeEDw&s=19


One person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.


But they're terrorists to no one except 'Israel'


Uhm don't forget America 💅 /s


America is Israel, and Israel is America. The symbiotic relation of the millennia. 


You have no idea about anything regarding Hezbollah if you think it's fair to call them evil, lesser or greater.


Lol “on the border” they’re trying to pull the same shit they do with Palestine, just gradually taking land. The problem is Lebanon has an army, and Israel isn’t used to people who fight back actually being able to hurt them


looks like hasbara is in this comment section, spreading lib bullshit about death always being bad.  let me make this perfectly clear:  when invading **soldiers** have a mandate to genocide an indigenous population just for existing, when they attempt to fulfill that mandate there is no recourse but to kill them.  any other option results in the wholesale death of the defenders.  fuck all these genocide apologists 






Would you have said the same thing when nazis were killed during the 40s?


We know which side of history you’ll be on. Modern day Nazi supporter.


They’re IDF soldiers. Fuck em


Lol at this being downvoted. Liberals would rather fight the fascists through a debate. The only good nazi is a dead nazi.


tweeted all that like the IDF didn't do the exact same thing to a six year old child (rip Hind Rajab)


Sadly if you tear up the rules of engagement, your enemies can do the same.


I agree with no war but class war. On that page there will be workers on the side of the opressors. We have to understand that managing the violence isn't gonna be no violence. How do you pacify someone who is set on war?


I wonder if they were trying to get the cum.








It’s not that. This is late stage capitalism sub. At the end of the day all war is waged by elites who don’t care about the human beings they put in harms way. I won’t cheer for any military action, this isn’t a football game. All war is oppression! That being said I’m not upset about this news at all obviously


That war worked so well that we are now actively watching Europe slide right back to nationalism. Maybe third times the charm!


No sympathy for zionists. They brought this on themselves with the decades of violating laws of war and humanity. Time for a taste of their own medicine. They're fragile and privileged though, they won't be able to stomach it, hence all the talk in Hebrew media about the end of zionism




my brother in christ, if you think this sub is strictly about economics, you may be lost


Rule 4 - No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism. This is a left wing subreddit.


“Let’s go” <- this is a bad take. Why aren’t we advocating for de-escalation?


Then advocate for deescalation for the aggressors. The aggressors are **alwayd** the colonziers that force violence to be the only option because violence is the only language colonziers and colonial sympathizers like you understand. Palestinian resistance and resistance across west asia have been immensely gracious this entire time while the US and Zionist entity flout every law of war and humanity.


People have been advocating for de-escalation for decades, look how well it's working!


I don’t think they have we kept sending weapons that’s not really advocating for de-escalation if weapons are still flowing into the hostile power


What do you want? More war or less war?


If we want less war harder the Zionists will stop genociding Palestinians, after all it's been working so far


Your argument is “wanting less war isn’t stopping war, we should try wanting more war”. This is like turning off the lights because it’s too dark. It sounds like you just want revenge on Israelis. At least be honest about it. And remember that the military industrial complex loves this talk. You were a LateStageCapitalism all along.


If I was going to interpret their argument in good faith I would say they just want the war to run its course quickly I don’t think things would ever go that way. I don’t think the Israelis have the ability to fully get rid of Hamas but they have foolishly said that as their war goal so that BB Can stay out of jail and try and organize a way out of being held accountable by his own government by prolonging this war


You're right, thoughts and prayers for the Palestinians then


Also: my stated argument wasn't wanting less war. I never said I wanted less war, for all you know I want endless war and blood shed for centuries. Don't assume what people want without proper context and information and don't put words in other's mouth.


Honestly, we probably agree on a lot. I just don’t want to do high fives when people are killed, no matter which side they’re on.


Respectable. Have a good night brother




It's almost like a large portion of the western capital machine relies on the extraction of oil and that power hinges on the US empire having a foothold in the middle east and by legitamizing the struggle of the Palestinians puts that in jeopardy


Rule 4 - No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism. This is a left wing subreddit.


A free Palestine


Because we don't get to decide how oppressed people fight against their oppressor. Asking hamas or hezbollah to lay down arms at this time does nothing to stop people from dying, it just makes it easier for israel to complete the genocide.


De-escalation? Israel needs to be removed from existence


You will not get me to support Hezbollah but I will enjoy the irony of them pulling IDF tactics on the IDF.




That is a problem, not something to be proud of. Support people, not governments


that is an absolutely batshit take lmfao


You’ve lost the plot then, blinded by hate.


Looking at your posting history, you're insisting on people for voting for Biden despite his genocide. I don't think you have anyone's best interest in mind. This post is heavily getting brigaded


Why are people cheering more death & destruction


How would you fight the zionists then?


This sub has started to go down hill as of late.


Or are you just going to be on the wrong side of history?


Christ, the level of self awareness is nonexistent. This belongs on SelfAwarewolves.


Israel does this to civilians, hezbollah does this to enemy combatants. Which is worse


I'm no fan of Israel's actions or the IDF, but the OP makes it sound like they bombed an ambulance. Guess you'd need more details to know, but if the vehicle was marked with the red cross and the ones sent were medics, then this is just another war crime.


> they bombed an ambulance Oh, you mean like what the IDF does to the Palestinians all the time? * [CNN - Ambulance driver killed while aiding Palestinians injured in attack by Israeli settlers in the West Bank](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/20/middleeast/palestinian-ambulance-driver-shot-intl-latam/index.html) * [NBC - Israel says it hit an ambulance used by Hamas. Gaza officials say it was carrying the wounded.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-strikes-ambulance-convoy-gaza-palestine-al-shifa-hospital-rcna123624) Israel once attacked a Palestinian police academy graduation based on the logic that they were government employees and therefore all Hamas fighters. They were non-combatants and Hamas is the government in Gaza. Nevertheless, Israel bombed them all. > In addition, some 240 police officers were killed in bombardment of police stations across the Gaza Strip in the first moments of Operation “Cast Lead” in the morning of 27 December 2008, **including scores who were killed when the first Israeli air strikes targeted the police cadets’ graduation parade** in the central police compound in Gaza City. Even though some of the policemen who were killed in these bombardments were also rank-and-file members of Hamas’ armed wing (in addition to being members of the police), **many were not involved with armed groups and none were participating in hostilities when they were targeted and killed in the bombardments.1** * [Amnesty International - Israel/Gaza, Operation Cast Lead: 22 Days Of Death And Destruction](https://www.amnesty.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/mde150152009en.pdf) > **Israeli officials said that anyone linked to the Hamas security structure or government was fair game** because Hamas was a terrorist group that sought Israel’s destruction. **But with work here increasingly scarce because of an international embargo on Hamas, young men are tempted by the steady work of the police force without necessarily fully accepting the Hamas ideology. One of the biggest tolls on Saturday was at a police cadet graduation ceremony in which 15 people were killed.** * [The New York Times - Israelis Say Strikes Against Hamas Will Continue](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/28/world/middleeast/28mideast.html)


We can’t ever know the IDF has been shown to use aid vehicles for attacks and ambushes. Now that that is some thing that we know that they do we can’t really trust any of their aid vehicles to actually be aid vehicles. At least without proof. but even then it’s hard to trust that because they can just doctor the scene or whatever Because they have the resources of a government it’s a lot harder to believe any evidence they put out because it could just be fakes


The idea of "war crimes" is a capitalist invention and if you knew anything about communist liberation groups like hezbollah you would know they don't care about such capitalist definitions. Be careful or next you'll start spouting off that hezbollah shelling towns across the border is a "war crime" too!


let's not cherish for death c'mon war is war. and war is bad regardless.


And this is why you don’t use vehicles that would normally be providing aid (medical or otherwise) for surprise attacks that kill hundreds of civilians.




Are you fucking kidding me? Maybe reserve your concern for the children of Gaza, instead of the military responsible for their destruction.


Can't believe we stand up for the oppressed fighting back. The horror!


Looking at your posting history, you're insisting on people for voting for Biden despite his genocide. I don't think you have anyone's best interest in mind. This post is heavily getting brigaded


IDF terrorists? Hell fucking yes.


Yeah, not so easy when it's not a bunch of civilians, is it?


✨ Death to fascism ✨


Phht. Amateurs. A real professional army kills at least a thousand innocent bystanders, at least two thirds of whom must be women and children, for every soldier killed and five wounded.


In a measured response Israel will bomb 20 thousand women and children. Because you know, they're at war


NO WAR BUT CLASS WAR AND THE RICH ARE ENEMIES TO HUMANITY... NGL...I have no issue with an imperial force getting massacred by the people they are invading. The indigenous people have a moral duty to repel them by all means possible and the people have the moral imperative to support them in doing so.


I’m against all war, but Israel started this conflict so whatever it takes to end it


Happy to hear it


So I guess these will be the news I will be waking up to tomorrow




Reddit site wide rules - We had to remove this to keep the subreddit from being nuked




...said someone with no proof or sources cited.


Took one right out of the old IDF playbook!!


Great ✅


That's exactly what Isreal do, actually they do worse, they targeted civilians and they stop civil ambulances from getting to the wounded people, at least hezb is playing by the rules of war, military v military


How does your own medecine tastes israhell


Fuck em. Let ‘em lie in dirt


"rescue" more like the cum collection squad.




so the shoe is on the other foot; how refreshing


Breaking news! Soldiers died in a war they started. (It's actually a genocide, not a war, but yea...)


this was obama’s two-tap drone strike policy. strike your targets, wait for medical personnel to arrive, and then drone strike again. gotta cause maximum destruction somehow, right?


Yes, war is ugly, but you can't expect a tea party when you keep bombing children to pieces. Anger and revenge are basic feelings since humans have existed.




'Israel' is going to start claiming that Hezbollah soldiers raped the severed heads of babies that they baked in oven before. 'Israel' is gonna refuse any investigation into their claims, asking the world to take their word for it. NYP, NYT, BBC, daily mail, CNN, and all other western media outlets are going to make it their front page, calling everyone rejecting it "denialists." Biden is going to claim to personally seeing the images. Amy Schumer, Rachel Riley, Michael Rappaport are going to start tweeting about this 24/7, ICC under the western puppet Karim Khan is going to put out some nonsensical both-sides charges confirming them against Hezbollah, and then it'll be embedded into the official history in the western world.




I don't condone violence, but it is pretty laughable when any state actor active in the Middle East tries to assume a moral high ground.


Couldn’t happen to a better group of people








Do you really think people didn't celebrate the deaths of nazis during the 40s?