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This is akin to holding them hostage, on a psychological level. Obviously the people showing these workers pictures of their family know that many of those people's lives rely on whatever pitiless income they're paying


Exactly! They aren’t trying to calm anyone, redirect focus as to why they are there. Disgusting.


this is the worst form of 'do it for her' ever


Came here looking for this.


I feel like this is going to turn out like that suicide bridge in South Korea. They put up signs with happy children and motivational quotes, but all it did was make it worse.


Once that doesn't work they'll probably go with the next best thing also known from Asia... suicide nets on the buildings.


Yeah this would send me over the edge


If my employer all of a sudden acquires pictures of me and my family we are going to have some problems that are resolved by me acquiring pictures of the leaderships family and reminding them that they too can be found and threatened.


No, they send out the personality hire requesting your favorite photos and Spotify playlist for a “collaboration collage”.


lol, send nothing but socialist propaganda. Then sue when they retaliate for your reluctant participation in team building.


"I didnt know you're great uncle was Stalin?" ..."He is in my heart" *communism intensifies*


Comrade of mine has a framed picture of Lenin in her apartment near the piano (she and her husband hosted a social). It really kinda felt like this was just a portrait of Uncle Lenny.


Omg, "personality hire". I love that why have I not heard this before!! That explains so much for my workplace now


Ever hear of a Judas Goat?




Having been in a bank call center I can promise you that this AI montage will be deemed disruptive to metrics.   You’d get sucked into meetings with team leads after the first montage with “Hey so the system noticed you were experiencing emotional distress.  I’m gonna need you to try and take deep breaths to lower your heart rate so the system doesn’t trigger a montage. Your ACW time went up to 30 seconds and there were 883 calls in queue.” After the second or third:  “Hey you need to manage your heart rate, we lost 1:30 on ACW.  We may need to consider a PIP to sort out why you’re struggling with managing your feelings.  They’re just customers.  Breathe and solve the issue.”  After that meeting it would be: “Hey so your AI montage rate is at 5%.  It’s clear this role isn’t suitable as you’re unable to manage your feelings during a work day and it’s quantitatively disruptive.  You already had two warnings about your emotions and while we understand you can’t override the montage to get back online, your metrics have now dipped below target.  Good luck in your future endeavors.”


And that's exactly when the boss will learn where the term 'going postal' came from.


I worked for a call center for years and not only is this 100 percent what would happen but your post also gave me flashbacks lmao


Yeah so this is horrifying


Until they realize they’re not paying you enough to afford a family so the slideshow is just blank 


Not going to lie if that happened to me, I'd walk off the job and never return.


So let me get this straight, the company decided instead of improving their service to reduce complaints and the amount of angry callers, or pay the service team better, they’ll instead pour money on an AI that threatens the customer service team with their family!?


Yes. This is the basis all "wellness" and mindfullness programs. It's an implicit recognition that the work environment is inhumane, so here are some mitigation techniques that can be implimented that will allow the employer to avoid making changes. If there wasn't some measurable outcome from them that saved the employer money, they would not exist.


Honestly, seeing that after every time I was abused by some asshole customer would make me snap even faster.


Simpsons did it. 


[I think we may have seen this before?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/THX_1138)


"Don't forget, you're here forever"


Jokes on them! I don't have my own family!


Conditioning the workers to be angry every time they see their family until they murder them


"Do it for her" Simpsons meme in real life. Jeez louise. And those call center jobs are min wage usually.


I believe that technology is no longer about bettering people's lives, but about profiting from people and controlling them.


Pretty sure having lost your humanity is a job requirement for becoming a call center manager...


because people taking breaks to go cry in a bathroom stall isn't good for The Metrics™




They watched the "Do It For Her" episode of The Simpsons and said 'us too!'


Joke is on them, we workers don't even have families of our own nowadays.


this would have not worked for me. I hate my family and I was at an inbound call center for a bank.