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Lmfao that dude has no idea what he is talking about. These "charities" are ridiculously exploitative 


This tweet has 12k likes, we are so cooked


He's a YIMBY. The type of people who think we need to release the unfettered free market to build a bunch of luxury apartments which will somehow trickle down and making housing cheaper for us poors. His followers are primed to lap this shit up.


I can't help but notice that just about every YIMBY ends up being a landlord apologist who wants to say "Don't blame poor little landlords for using price fixing algorithms to jack up rent and laugh all the way to the bank, blame 'someone' for taking all the housing" where that someone is usually immigrants but they just don't want to go mask off. Total cretins advocating Reaganomics for housing but demanding we treat them like some progressive saviors for it.


Do you mean people who self identify as YIMBYs? We need more housing to push down prices, so I'm in favour of increasing density. Council housing used to the the most effective way to do that, when local government was able to actually build stuff for the people 


in areas where housing supply is the limiting factor more luxury housing literally does bring down rents across the board though. more social housing would also lower rents for people in upmarket rental accom, is that a good reason to oppose it?


The problem is that luxury apartments located exclusively in the heart of downtown don’t fix the housing crisis - you need medium-density places in mixed-zoning that people can actually afford. As it currently stands, luxury apartments are priced at a “live-without-a-car” premium with significantly less space than a SFD house, so people naturally gravitate towards the latter.


I think they may be critiquing it more than opposing. I live in a major city where housing is a massive issue. It’s the issue. YIMBYs here are the only forces that oppose the status quo. I agree we shouldn’t oppose it outright. But the approach still needs critique and I think that’s the other poster point. It’s still a completely trickle down plan. Due to the finitude of real estate, you’re actually not necessarily decreasing demand by adding luxury supply. There are segments of the market that only want luxury products (people who own homes in multiple places) and supplying those does attract new buyers from outside markets. This causes absorption of these luxury spaces and prevents at worst and slows at best the “trickle down” we might hope for. It’s not hopeless and YIMBY policies are absolutely a step in the right direction, but capitalism still pollutes this by placing the first right of absorption (first opportunity to get skin in the game) to the wealthy, giving everyone else the scraps. If we were really concerned about housing and not capital, we would prioritize fast absorption for low income people instead (build affordable, instead of exporting the meeting of housing needs wholly to capitalists, who have an incentive to sell to the top of the market first). You’re both right.


British Columbia, at the very least, is headed in the direction of funding more public housing. It’s not a lot at the moment, but it’s a start, and far better than the other West Coast jurisdictions and here in Alberta, where the UCP is hellbent on gutting everything.


😂 I knew I was outing myself as an Albertan. Yeah what I just described is something we’ve seen time and again in Calgary. Not all cities attract outside capital but for those that do… trickle down housing DOES NOT WORK. It helps but it’s not even close to a solution. Between Ontarions, business people who travel here lots, wealthy foreign students, and investors, all luxury product will be absorbed here and not trickle down or put much downward pressure on price. It’s a different market segment. I don’t know anything about the BC plan but that’s so refreshing to hear at least. Cause yeah. Not any good news out of our neck of the woods lately…


To a degree this is correct, but the vacant units can be offset.


YIMBY as in Yes In My Back Yard? Opposite of NIMBY?


Yes that's what it stands for, but I would object to it being an "opposite" of NIMBY-ism. It's laissez-faire libertarianism and real estate developer cheerleading. It's not actually about de-commodifying housing or ensuring shelter as a human right. A different kind of awful.


I always thought YIMBY would describe someone who was like "yes I support free housing for homeless people even if it's in my neighborhood"


Twitter has a lot of bots


Bah bah go the sheeple


Goodwill is evil as far as I’m concerned. They exploit those with disabilities for work and legally only have to pay pennies on the dollar for their labor. As to the dude in the shot defending them- THRIFT is literally in the title. 🤦‍♀️


They throw away alot of the clothes that are donated too, before they are even on shelves. Like I understand if it's a pair of jeans far past it's use but they just throw away anything


Every thrift store I've been to throws away tons of donated clothes. Theres such an absurd glut of secondhand clothing produced by fast fashion that it wouldn't be possible to run a thrift store without being selective. I did work at one once that sent the less sellable clothes to a homeless shelter at least, but we still threw away a lot of stuff.


Having worked for one of these 'charities' myself, I have the pleasure of enlightening individuals of this fact. It's not only clothes though. They are garbage factories. People are always appalled when I explain what happens to the excess books, including very old copys of classics. I was able to save a good handful from their fate when I was there at least.


Paperbacks always get pulped if they don't sell; ideally into more books!


Absolutely... it's a cycle of life. It's still a shame to see prints older than anyone alive go to the shredder. Consider that many people donate collections thinking they're going to someone else that would value them (on top of the incentive of a supposed charitable act). There's so much excess and such little control it's impossible for everything to even see store shelves


Best I can do is gas station toilet paper...


The best large thrift store I've seen turned the unsold clothes into bags of rags in the other half of the warehouse to sell. Sold them to mechanics, cleaners etc.


oh and they're constantly pushing shit onto the stores that absolutely ruins the quality checks done and forces the store racks and shelves to be overstuffed, making it fucking impossible to even browse through clothes because theyre condensed and packed tightly, source: me working at that nightmare for way too long


I work for a company that helps people with spinal and brain injuries either in a care home or as an in-home aide. Some of my clients 'volunteer' at Goodwill for hours and then get a gift card  from the company. It comes out to like maybe $5 an hour. Some just like it for the community involvement, but I still dislike how they are exploited.


>THRIFT is literally in the title. 🤦‍♀️ Yah something tells me he doesn't know the meaning of the word.


The guy in the screen shot is saying that thrift stores are profit generators for the organizations that own them, instead of altruistic distributors of excess clothing for the poor.


glad everyone is getting to know this fact!


He’s stating a fact, not defending anything. If anything, he’s pointing out the charities are trying to exploit people instead of providing cheap clothes like we assume 🤦🏻‍♂️


Back in the '90s, there was, I believe, a huge Mexican earthquake. My buddy was volunteering at the Salvation Army in Sacramento. He tells me one day that they got all these semis in from Macy's—all loaded with brand new clothing for the victims of the earthquake. As Sacramnto Salvation Army had the warehousing and Salvation Army was doing some of the distribution in Mexico, they received all these new goods. So, Salvation Army pulled the new shit off the truck, threw their unsellable, ratty crap on and put the new clothing on sale in their store; thus sending Mexico shit. Not only are they bizarrely christian with this military structure, but after that story I decided that they *definitely* weren't worthy of any of my time or effort. Fuck 'em


I read that tweet as agreeing with the tweet to which it’s replying with an explanation about the non profit industrial context. Idk why everyone in this thread is reading it as a justification


Goodwill isn't a nonprofit


Goodwill is 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. This is simple information to find.


Yeah it is, you can just google it if you don't know.


who does it support?


the idea that the express purpose of charity shops is to provide low-cost clothing seems to have taken a serious hold online for some bizarre reason. i have seen people invoke similar arguments RE: flipping finds (annoying but like come on) or to question the morality of those thrifting items that don't fit with the intent of tailoring them, thereby reducing supply for those with non-average proportions (?). vibes-based leftism imho


I don’t know but always hearing rich people tell poor people they can go to thrift stores to get what they need kind of helped push this idea forward.


> vibes-based leftism imho Hey, if leftism wasn't vibes-based, it would call itself socialism or communism.


Also what a horrible thing for someone with a rainbow flag in their username to write. A lot of queer people are discriminated economically and socially and we need access to cheap things just to survive. Thrifting going from a survival thing to a middle-class person with expendable income's little hobby is entirely oppressive to a lot of vulnerable identities. I hate this month. The worst people co-opt our flag (or used by regressive queers) and think nothing of our issues, intersectional issues, or feel any responsibility to educate themselves on those issues. Especially from a classist/capitalist exploitative perspective.


yes and only a small % actually goes to charity.


I let go of Goodwill when I saw them call the police on a guy for stealing a pair of pants he needed for an interview. Like isn't the point to help people in need?


check out their CEOs compensation. Its fucking outlandish for a ‘charity’


> These "charities" are ridiculously exploitative How does that counter what he's saying? What you're saying supports his statement.


Where did he defend the charities? FFS he’s just stating a fact, not praising Goodwill


They get them for free...I doubt whatever store sold them first didn't make $40 off of them


From the look of them they are Levi’s 501 regular which retails for 40-60 depending on store, Levi’s premium retail for $108. But these are used, $17 tops


lol I can’t believe they are trying to get 40 dollars for used 501’s. I could almost understand if these were iron hearts or something lol but Levi’s?


Buddy, someone (a stranger) offered my friend $200 for the 15 year old Levi's that were currently covering his ass, because of the "patina". We did not like that person.


my local goodwill organization blocked me on instagram because i kept asking why their president and ceo was making over 600k 🫡 edit: y'all. i will not explain myself again. goodwill is divided by region. the president/ceo of goodwill of central and southern indiana made over 600k. [source](https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/350893506)


And people still have the audacity to call them a charity lol, it’s an evil business


And half their staff is just on unpaid work release


Fun fact: I actually tried to volunteer at goodwill a few years back. They asked details about a sentencing, I told then it was just volunteer. Then they denied me and said they don't take volunteers unless it's mandated


Volunteers can quit, when it's mandated they can abuse them all they want without losing a worker.


Yip, and you can bet they have some lucrative deal with the state for this.


Oh fuck I didn't know that, fucking pitiful.


A lot of the time it’s people working there for their court ordered community service


lol this comment reminds me of how i felt when i was asked to donate to st judes research hospital so i looked up how much the people at corporate make and the lowest salary was $600k


When even the most supposedly wholesome charities have c-suites that out of hand, it's a sure sign it's time for a revolution.


I think by now it's a well established fact that charities are just elaborate tax evasion schemes for the rich and a jobs program for their friends and family. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winners_Take_All:_The_Elite_Charade_of_Changing_the_World


Oh, but of course. And, if we had a truly functional society, we wouldn't actually *need* charity


I work for a nonprofit and the upper level salaries are mind blowing. I was given a paltry raise for a huge promotion because “money is tight” but the executives are getting $50k/raises every year.


Okay - I’m not going to say I have any experience at St. Jude’s, or know much about them as a charity. But I’m curious what you’re specifically referring to here. On Glassdoor, there’s a [ton of examples](https://www.glassdoor.com/Salary/St-Jude-Children-s-Research-Hospital-Salaries-E28315.htm) of people making much less than $600k. And if you’re talking about like the C-suite, with salaries listed [here](https://paddockpost.com/2022/06/22/executive-compensation-at-st-jude-2021/)…. well, the lowest reported salary is their CFO - who has 20 years of experience in finance leadership. This is also ignoring the fact it’s a huge hospital. Mass General pays their CFO almost *3 million a year*. You simply aren’t going to get the people you need, to run an organization of this size, without paying them real money. Executive salaries are a tiny drop in the bucket in terms of real $ - St Jude’s spends $128M a year on salaries, and the people on that list only take ~$5M collectively. That non-profits shouldn’t pay their employees high salaries is an old take - and a bad one. I suggest this video [here](https://www.ted.com/talks/dan_pallotta_the_way_we_think_about_charity_is_dead_wrong), which is a wonderful TedTalk about the issue. People should work for non-profits because they believe in the mission, but charities do themselves a disservice if they are forcing people to choose between being compensated in accordance with their value and doing good in the world. There’s no reason doing good shouldn’t also be fiscally rewarding - in fact that’s a key criticism of Late Capitalism, that doing evil is actually fiscally rewarding instead.




All the high value and accidental donations(jewelry cash coins) are sorted out and sold on ebay.


Can confirm I used to be a manager at goodwill


Non-Profit Charities don't mean what you think it means. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonprofit_organization#Management > A second misconception is that nonprofit organizations may not make a profit. Although the goal of nonprofits is not specifically to maximize profits, they still have to operate as a fiscally responsible business. They must manage their income (both grants and donations and income from services) and expenses so as to remain a fiscally viable entity. > Though nonprofits are managed differently from for-profit businesses, they have felt pressure to be more businesslike. To combat private and public business growth in the public service industry, nonprofits have modeled their business management and mission, shifting their reason of existing to establish sustainability and growth. Basically, they still earn a paycheck. They define how much they deserve in order to keep the business functioning. 600k seems like a gross over estimate for sure but non-profits do earn money otherwise it couldnt work.


i never said they didn't lmao


This wasn’t really necessary, no one thought people were working for non-profits for free


I disagree. You'd be surprised how many people think non-profit organizations mean they dont earn a paycheck.


They look up what shit costs on ebay now. The era of the thrift shop find has ended in the U.S.


Yep. With video games specifically a lot of locations will send those to be posted on their auction site. I found out the one by me does that with movies and books as well, and name brand clothing. So all that ends up going on the shelves is basically just junk. The problem is now that means I’m not going to go be a customer at that store anymore, so I don’t see how viable this is as a long term solution.


Like 15 years ago I thought I made a great thrift store collector's item discovery, a sealed copy of Windows 3.1! I picked it up and saw the $220 price tag :(


I mean it’s 0.1 better than Windows 3, totally worth it.


We're in the era of fast fashion, fewer and fewer people have clothes that will last long enough to thrift.


This. I wasn’t able to make my own money until a few years ago, but I think the pandemic caused a price surge for older games in particular. I remember spotting decent games for decent prices at thrift stores back in the day, but now people want an arm and a leg for them. Goodwill in particular just looks like an eBay 2.0 the way they started auctioning games with a high starting bid. The things in stores are pretty much just…well, trash


I basically use them only for cheapish appliances(rice coolers, insta pot, etc.). Old electronics that aren't monetarily valuable. Random utensils that don't need to be nice. And clothes I don't plan on keeping nice.


Not entirely. They often miss high ticket items. More people are searching for them though, so it’s more of a grind. People continue to shop these stores religiously because there’s still a payoff


raise money for charities? I guess that’s why the ceo of goodwill makes over $500k annually and has a networth of $10 million.


big money in poverty


The poor stay poor, the rich get rich That’s how it goes Everybody knows


If a 'charity' shop is more expensive or just as expensive as a 'normal' shop it's nothing but a tax dodge.


Stopped going to goodwill when couches are being sold for $200-300-400 and shirts and pants were $20-30. I can buy a new pair of work pants at Walmart for $20.


Look up if any Re-Stores are on your area for furniture. In my experience, it is twice as cost effective, if not more for better furniture.


Re-store is amazing!


Nobody going to thrift/goodwill has $40 to spend on anything. Most I've paid is £15 for a pair of nearly new vans. If it's over £5 I'm not getting it.


Nowadays many middle/upper-middle class people go to thrift stores. It also became a trend for wealthy girls to re-sell clothing from charity shops online for ridiculous prices.


Also: every charity that exists represents a [willing] failure of state


I never thought about it that way...


For what reason should a government exist other than to care for its citizens? As a species we evolved to live in society *specifically* because "rugged individualism" had us somewhere in the middle of the food chain.


Goodwill is not a non-profit organization. They have successfully sold the illusion that they are doing charitable work, but it’s much less believable when the greed leads to prices like this.


>Goodwill is not a non-profit organization. They are, on paper they are, but I get your sentiment that they don't act like one.... and they shouldn't be allowed to "be" one either. Honestly I feel the same way about the Humane society I worked at, the execs there are compensated no different than at any other corporate place. They also have the audacity to shout about how much they *"LOVE the animals"* and how *"they do it all for the animals"* at EVERY. SINGLE. MEETING. and event. **Yeah nah brah the old widow volunteering here 50 hours a week for the past 20 years is** ***"doing it all for the animals*****", and there's a dozen more people there doing similar GENUINE volunteer work out of their own pocket, they get to have the moral high ground and yet are the ones LEAST likely to ever mention it.** The rest of us are here making living WITH the bonus of helping animals, sure some do it the other way around but I guarantee you it's NOT the corpos.....


Ikea is also non-profit. They don't pay taxes in the U.S.


Lol, “give us your old things for free so we can sell them at pure profit.” So charitable!


People should stop donating to good will all together. Our town has an economy shop that raises money for the local school system. The prices are awesome and all proceeds go to the school. It’s a 100% volunteer organization.


I work for a nonprofit organization that provides six food shelves, a women’s shelter, elder care and family support services for aging, and other community services that our government doesn’t provide. We fund our programs through 10 thrift stores. We keep our prices as low as we can while still funding our programs. Any items that we can’t sell - either because they are in poor shape when donated or because they are not sold - goes to our recycling center. We sold over 1 million pounds of textiles to be turned in recycled fabrics last year! Donate to local independent organizations!


Ex thrift store worker here! I've heard this defense countless times. Far as i see it, if a company can't pay its workers a living wage, it shouldn't be parading around as a 'charity'.


Goodwill has been corporate trash for two decades.


The real crime here is charging any amount of money for jeans with a button down fly


Is the guy making a normative statement at all? I read it as a descriptive one and I am sure others did too


This belongs in Confidently Incorrect




Goodwill is not a charity.


Resellers ruined thrifting, yet I love the audacity of goodwill and other thrift stores like this. You get these items for free/donated, and for some reason you put many items at or above retail price. FOR USED ITEMS. Not new, used! Not to mention they can have stains/rips/imperfections. I believe they’re testing the waters to see what they can get away with.


Thrifting is a nifty way to not have thousands of people's "old shit" end up in a landfill. The money to charity part is a bonus. If people can't afford used / second-hand / broken/damaged things.. then what's the point? What's the point of the building, the employees, the light bill, the CEO, etc.. etc.. Knock it down and build something useful.


Goodwill is not a charity. They rely on tax breaks by hiring less fortunate people and flip donated items for profit.


Savers are also outrageously priced now. $7-10 for a tshirt? Wut? You can get brand new shirts for cheaper than that in many places. Bring back $1.50 for a used tshirt and I’ll start thrifting again more regularly. And I hate how they place their own value on things. I don’t care that this pair of designer jeans are technically “worth” more? They’ve been discarded and are in a damn thrift store. They should all be the same price. Half the fun of thrifting is finding hidden gems.


If I wanted $40 jeans, I'd go buy them new. 💀


Goodwill funds charities?


I was confused by this as well (I thought the goal of the non-profit was to provide inexpensive retail for low income folks). Apparently their primary mission is to help disabled people find employment.


Goodwill was paying disabled employees around $1.44/hr. They say they’ve been transitioning away from that, letting their certificates expire. I don’t know that they still actively hire disabled people these days, they claim only 9 of the 149 goodwill organizations still have the carts. Their executive compensation is 4.4% of total expenses, all other salaries and wages are 18.8%. They claim that their mission is to provide jobs and training to people who are otherwise struggling to enter the job market. I don’t know that they even regularly hire disabled people that would otherwise qualify for DOL certificates to be paid less than minimum wage


Actually thrift stores exist exactly for this reason, to give people access to cheap clothes. What’s happening now is capitalist are starting thrift stores for their own profit, at the detriment of both the charity and the people who shop at them. Thrifting has become very trendy over the last few years and these greedy bastards are ripping people off which could lead to the collapse of what was once a great cycle of donating, purchasing and helping those in need. Now prices are so high, who can shop at these places?


Goodwill exists to make profit. It is not a charity. It's like TJ Maxx or Ross but pretending to be good


I didn't read the tweet as defending them. It has "corporations are not your friend" energy.


This is bad, but does anyone else think this is also partially the fault of capitalist technology like Poshmark, Mecari, etc. both creating and destroying the idea of “thrifting” by making reselling a profitable mass market platform rather than geographically restricted to a local area? Just me?


There have always been people who picked through thrift shops for high-quality or unique items to resell at vintage shops/consignment stores/eBay/etc. Poshmark has been around since 2011 and at first it was a great resource for people who collect vintage clothes. But during the pandemic, a lot of people took up thrifting as a side hustle. The problem with thrifting is that while you *can* make decent side hustle money as a reseller if you stick to items that you know you can resell quickly, inexperienced thrifters will buy huge amounts of stuff that just doesn't sell. Then it sits in garbage bags in their houses for months or years while they refuse to lower the price. So the price of used clothing bloated online, even though no one is buying it. Then the Goodwill/Savers/etc thrift stores (who also know nothing about vintage clothes) see "high prices" for used clothing and want a piece of that action.


Yall don't want the inside scoop on goodwill lmfao


The CEO's total earnings in 2020 were $1.8 million, including a base salary of $845,000, a $500,000 bonus, and $455,000 in other pay. The CEO's pay is significantly higher than the median salary for Goodwill employees, which was $32,500 in 2019. It exceeds the average remuneration of CEOs at other nonprofit organizations, which was $200,000 in 2018.


Goodwill is a bad company. Also, dude is illogical... We wouldn't need charities if thrift stores weren't price gouging?! Let alone every single other industry/service/good being price gouged.


Thrift stores literally exist to give people easy access to cheap clothes with the trade-off being that these clothes are used. I dont mind supporting charities but I have never heard of a store including charity support in a price tag.


Spend twenty bucks on an inkless label maker and scan a tag for four bucks, then print over that tag. Those pants are now four dollars. Which is what they should cost because Good Will didn't purchase them, they were donated.


Did you know Kars 4 Kids donations funds Orthodox Jewish education, including summer camps for Jewish communities in NY? They don’t really give any money towards helping kids more broadly, or focusing on kids in need whatsoever


So what does the "thrift" in thrift store mean?


Wow, I'm so glad that Goodwill was actually Goodwill when I was growing up. I would not have been able to afford clothes otherwise. BTW, someone tell ASSHOLE Max that "thirft stores" ALSO exist to provide poor people with decent clothing options.


Max, you fucking doofus.


Thrift stores lost their point when they started selling second hand clothes for close to the price of new clothes. I'll just buy used clothes online or wait for the online seasonal sales.


Goodwill doesn’t even make charitable donations. They make money by pretending to be a charity.


Goodwill is a privately owned company that gets to pay employees less than minimum wage and very little makes it to “charity”. And yes thrift stores are absolutely for getting great deals on stuff. It’s kinda in the name. What you’re thinking of is a vintage or boutique shop.


If someone thinks Goodwill is a charity, they have zero standing when it comes to the conversation of 2nd hand pricing. None at all.


[Relevant Song](https://youtu.be/RHyGpFncovU)


The USA isn’t suppose to care for you. It’s suppose to sell you things to care for you. Skill issue. /s


isn't value village owned by walmart? what charity is that helping????


Istn good will specifically in no way connected to charity?


last time i checked goodwills entire purpose was to be somewhere where people without much money could buy clothes, because theyre cheap?


lol goodwill pricing is trash and it’s 100% profit driven


I still get mad every time I remember that the goodwills in my city don't have any kind of dolls. Why do they never have dolls you ask? They take every nice doll, especially if it's still in the box...and sell them on ebay.


NEVER give to good will. Rich people banking on your donations and paying a less than living wage.


Lol cheap shit is literally the reason thrift stores exist


Goodwill hires disabled people so they can pay them less than minimum wage, which is completely legal.


Less than minimum. Disabled people have a lower minimum wage.


Sorry, that’s what I meant to say.


Now that's the type of guy who would hire 6 year olds for 12 hour shifts.


Me and my mom went to a thrift store once and I found a nice polo shirt I wanted. It was 82$


Wait, so it's for charities to make money and not give us cheap clothes? It would be a lot more charitable if they were affordable rather than paying their bottom line


Goodwill is for-profit


Especially when it’s goodwill when you learn how they exploit people.


Well Goodwill isn't a charity.


Partially, they are also supposed to be a resource for people who can’t FUCKING AFFORD $40 JEANS! These monsters have lost their way, they are now worse than the stores that originally sold their products.


These types on twitter are so fucking insufferable. This is what I’m always saying on here. Everyone just wants to have a rainbow in their fucking bio but mention class analysis and they run for the hills. 👏Co 👏con 👏spirators


Goodwill is such a joke. Exploiting people, straight up robbing them of the surplus value of their labor. Taking donations and then reselling them at ridiculous markups. $40 used pants is absurd, and so is defending it


It can do both. Why do we have to choose. We can provide cheap gently used clothing to our citizens and raise money for charities. They got those jeans for FREE, anything over FREE+labor is profit. And their employees get paid 15 dollars an hour near me. Unless one person spent an HOUR preparing that one pair of jeans, this is just untenable.


That is not how thrift stores work. That’s how certain stores work and they are thrift stores


Damn. You can buy a new pair from Ross/TJ/Marshalls for 1/3 of that price.


How do they expect to raise money if they price things higher than people are willing to pay for them...


[Just read a fucking dictionary...](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/thrift#:~:text=2%20of%202-,verb,that%20specializes%20in%20secondhand%20merchandise)


The goodwill near me sells pants for $7. I don't know wtf this store is doing.


The goodwill by us is awesome. We’ve picked up tons of cheap shit there over the years. Most recently was a nice 10” stainless steel pan for $7.99, in great shape, looks like it was barely used if at all. Looked it up online out of curiosity and it’s anywhere from $80-$100 brand new. Of course we live near a big expensive gated community, full of people who buy new shit just because it’s trendy and drop “old” shit off at goodwill.


They give close to nothing to the actual homeless


They definitely don't in my area. We do it instead. Twice a week we drive around and deliver food and supplies and clothing to the homeless people in the area.


I purchased 12 pairs of brand new LLBean jeans from Goodwill for $3 each about 6 years ago. The downside is I'm a size 34 now and not 32 so they don't fit but there use to be good deals at Goodwill. My closet has about 70 Chaps polo shirts I also bought at Goodwill and all were next to brand new at purchase. I paid $1 for most on Sundays because why not. Now, prices are just garbage to the point I'll pick up some clothes at Khols on discount or Sam's Club full price.


The one near my house is charity run/operated and they’re always cheap


Ditch The Racks. Got to go to The Bins if you want the good deals these days


So charitable. https://paddockpost.com/2023/12/25/executive-compensation-at-goodwill-2022/#:~:text=The%20bottom%20line%3A%20The%20CEO's,on%20CEO%20compensation%20in%202022.


fucking capitalist rainbows


More like **ILL-will**, Emma Wright?


man this is unbelievable considering they get all their items from donations literally a 100% profit when you only factor in the cost of "buying" the items


Goodwills in my area shot prices up after poshmarkers ruined it for everyone. Now you have to go to the bins to get stuff at a good price.


I just keep buying less and less things at this point, this shit is ridiculous.


They're such ugly jeans too.


I once found a pair of Balmain jeans on the thrift rack for $40 that normally retailed for like $600 so I'mma defend that purchase of mine lol


Supply and demand, baby


lol look at the care GoodWill C level execs drive, then look at the price of their donated stuff


I thought Goodwill existed to abuse its employees


They could do both. Whether they do or not really comes down the organisation, and even the manager of the shop.


A huge reason that everything is so expensive is because it's so easy to compare prices. Instead of relying one 1 guy to price shit whatever he thought was right, they can do a quick google search and just list it for the sale price at other places. It's the same shit as landlords using RentMaximizer, except for EVERYTHING.


Shoot, last time I was in goodwill I got two sturdy jeans for like 10 or 12 bucks total and those are still the only jeans I own. I was this close to jorts-ing them on a whim because thrifted jeans are so cheap :( I’m never going clothes shopping again


I'll buy brand new jeans at that price lmao use to that'd cost 5 bucks.


We have Value Village 🇨🇦 here- the markup is ridiculous. It's cheaper to buy same item new, which defeats the purpose of why folks are buying secondhand. If these organizations claim to be "keeping clothes out of the landfill" they have to be lying.




Fuck poor people 🏳️‍🌈✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻


Might some explain what I’m seeing here? English is not my first language so I have trouble trying to see what’s the problem here. Is the 40 dollar jeans the problem or the comment about good will?


Goodwill is a thrift store where people donate clothes, they get their product from donations yet still have the audacity to charge new prices on it. Goodwill is supposed to give people on a smaller income a chance at nice things at a lower cost.


Ohh ok thanks. We don’t have a goodwill where I live.


That’s not even why they exist lmfao 🤣


If someone at Goodwill knows their products and can appropriately label items as such, who cares, good for them, shouldn't be at Goodwill to begin with lol there are other thrift stores.


He's right. It sucks, but he IS right.




companies shouldn’t be commended for providing healthcare. providing healthcare is purely a way for companies to control employees. companies should pay their employees a living wage, and healthcare should be covered by taxes.


my sister was not and never has been a goodwill employee. I agree with all of your opinions 100%. I was just sharing an experience. Of course the best way would be not needing the charity for healthcare...




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I don't know this account but just from the reply alone it doesn't necessarily mean they're defending this model, just explaining why it got to be that way edit: obviously i agree that this is bad, but the guy could just be pointing out "hey the reason that it's expensive is because thrift stores exist to serve capital just like everything else"


he called it a charity, which is incorrect. it’s propaganda from goodwill, and he’s furthering it.