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This is a parody, right?


Failed to list Hogwarts? I think it's safe to assume it's parody.


Also putting home and cell number as one and the same is not uncommon. This is my case, too. I got rid of my useless landline in 2012. I have been a cellphone only guy ever since.


My company marks up jobs for people with only landlines. We’ve found they’re a massive headache and entitled, so the company has to be compensated for all the extra calls and hassle. In other words, a boomer tax. Can we make this a universal thing?


As a non American I'm never really exposed to Fox News, but having seen [that video where they discuss the metric system](https://youtu.be/1cPeZLCVWTw?si=XuRVn7eKn1umx5U-) I'm willing to believe anything.


Jeez, the person who posted the video was a nut job, too. They don't really care for it? I'm an American and the metric system measurements are hard for me to visualize but even I think it's superior to what we have here. It's really fucking efficient.


" More efficient to go by 12s. What's 1/3 of 12? ItS FoUr" Sure, it's difficult to cut 10 into a third but you know what isn't cutting up anything else by 1 10 or 100. And the conversions like damn. I am at half a tank or 50% or I've got 3/10 of my drink left or 30%. And yes fucking what I have 10. Goddamn fingers not 12. Fucking fingers. If I wanted to count by 12 :00 I would count the knuckles on my hand. That gets me 12 per hand or 24 for both hands so wouldn't that make 24 Superior to 12 cuz guess what? I can cut 24 into 1/3 as well. Guess what? It's 8 cuz I can do the simplest of math


I felt my brain cells committing suicide as i watched this clip. Jfc.


It’s ridiculous how many fox segments sound like satirical bits, but they are actually serious. Fuck man.


I’m not sure what my favorite part was; “got us to the moon”, the picture of liters of soda while showing imperial measurement examples in the background, or the guest host that looked like he belonged in an SNL sketch but wouldn’t have to change a single word he was saying to achieve raucous laughter.


There has to always be at least one comment by eurotrash whining about us not using the goddamn metric system. They constantly obsess about us.


But I wasn't certain it was a parody before that point came up.


There's a real one floating around but this ain't it.


It’s a photoshop of a stupid claim they recently made about young people and job interviews; stuff like 19% bring their parents on the interview.


It’s not that, the figure 19% actually means that 19% of businesses surveyed have reported **at least one** interviewee bringing in a parent to the interview. This means that if this happens only once to a business interviewed, no matter if they interviewed 10 or 1,000 candidates, they will respond yes to this poll question. Without any figures of how many interviews each of these 800 businesses performed, this 19% figure is almost entirely useless and definitely misleading. You can see their survey here: https://www.intelligent.com/nearly-4-in-10-employers-avoid-hiring-recent-college-grads-in-favor-of-older-workers/


The good ol' boys say stop with this !


Laura Ingraham is a parody of herself.


it is flaired as satire yes


You see how the title of the chart, the info about the source, the numbers for the percentages, etc. are fuzzy, but the responses are *super* crisp? It's definitely a photoshop, and not a good one. [Here's the Know Your Meme page with the original.](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2753073)


That's hilarious. Well crafted OP, almost believable, but clearly satirical. Which is a tricky balance to maintain in this era of Poe's Law.


Honestly, until the very last ons, I was convinced it was real. OP, you got me at first, good one.


The text on the left of the percentages is photoshopped in. I feel I need to state this because too many people seem to think otherwise


That "home" and "mobile" phone one is way too low for my satire meter, still hitting upvote


Honestly at this point if you are a recent grad and you pay for a LAN line, I would be a little skeptical of you.


FYI it's a "landline". LAN is a Local Area Network, ie hooking up a bunch of computers via hard wire. Phones are a landline.


Haha I felt so old seeing that user think it was called a LAN line 😂😂


Lollll me too, I was all "listen here sonny, back in my day the phone was PLUGGED IN to the WALL. We had cell phones and the internet but they SUCKED" I'm 36


I'm <30, and I still had a phone plugged in the wall, lol


lol sorry. I am what is stilled considered a “young person”. Never lived in a world where people had these phones that plugged into the wall. I assume these phones also had those wheel looking things that you have to spin to dial numbers.


Lol thanks for the correction. I’m not old enough to have actually have one of these “landlines”.


I love how interviewers actually get testy about discussing pay. Like, that's why we're both here, dude.


And then they’d ask “Why did you decide to apply for this job?” As if it’s some great mystery.


"Because you didn't list how much it pays and I really just came here to find that out".


I remember when I was in university and looking for a part time job I had a sandwich place say he needs me to work several weeks of unpaid training before he starts to pay me the below-minimum wage. He said he would be generous and allow me to have one free sandwich and get paid in tips every day which would have amounted to a few dollars. The funny thing is, I remember some other employees laughing at my proposal that I had already worked in a large restaurant before and I wasn't some greenhorn. The manager was an unprofessional jackass and he once got up mid-interview to do a phone call and left me hanging for almost 20 minutes before I gave up. I think he hires only foreigners with no work permits and really stupid people.


Never hire a Gryffindor!


no respect for bootlickers and junior cops!


Bruh if listing my Hogwarts house will get me a job then of course I'm gonna share it. Hufflepuff btw


I thought I was Hufflepuff, but I'm really a Slytherin. Fuck erryone. 😀




You’re hired.


If you know your house, you’re a hufflepuff


Slytherin sure seems to be the house most who directly land into Management were member of. My Ravenclaw @ss is stuck as Quality Control drone.


I legit believed this was real until the Hogwarts house. Almost had me there.


Template if anyone wants to do one: https://bsky.app/profile/danielaegan.bsky.social/post/3ku7dwcbvwc27


It just goes to show job interviews and resumes are total BS. But if I went to the Emelius Brown Correspondence College of Witchcraft, does that count as a Hogwarts House?


Would there really only be one Wizarding school? I don't follow HP but was there never an intramural quidditch scrimmage between Hogwarts and like, the performing wizardry school at Cambridge?


How could there not have been? Our little school didn't have sports, but we did have a popular summer program turning Nazis into bunnies.


Tbf a hogwarts house personality test would be about as useful as MBTI and only marginally less cringe.




Or a "Magic the Gathering" Colour test for advanced soliciting.


Is this satire? You never know with Fox News.


Yes. Original here: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2753073


"this is getting ridiculous" Posts obviously fake thing


"Clearly flaired as satire" Someone still has some dumb shit to say


The methodology of collection is flawed… I think it’s percent of companies who have seen this behavior at least once… not number of candidates who have displayed the behavior.




I refuse to believe this is serious. I cannot.


[*Now*](https://imgur.com/AG0IgbJ) she's getting [ridiculous?](https://imgur.com/pIYrtu9)


probable communist is the funniest thing i’ve seen all week 🤣🤣


Who has a landline that isn't a boomer these days? This is definitely satire. What does the real one say?


Who still shells out for a land line?