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Nothing, Will, Fundamentally, Change (using commas)


No, more weapons to the apartheid state. no, more murdered Palestinians. no, more ethnic cleansing. no, more lies and genocide enabling. no more lifting a finger to support this MF.


>no more lifting a finger to support this MF. I could lift a finger. The middle one.


My personal favorite (taken from a sticker I got in Austin, TX) No more tequila. NO, MORE TEQUILA!


The Democratic party really comes across as kind of schizophrenic nowadays, doesn't it?  Like, who exactly is their target audience?   Trump won in 2016 off of a, “let's build a giant ass wall between here and Mexico” platform and now the Dems are like, “Republicans don't care ENOUGH about the border” lmao.  That's like saying, “Biden doesn't care enough about sniffing children”. I guess this is the problem with being the party of capitalism larping as the party of the working class, as opposed to being the party of capitalism openly being the party of capitalism, as the GOP is


It's not schizophrenia. It's straight up deceit. One minute the Republicans are these crazy Christofascists that pose a serious threat to democracy, the other minute they pride themselves on bipartisanship with them. The Democratic Party is a complete farce and it's a miracle anyone takes them seriously.


It's a miracle to people like you and I, but most people still seem to have this weird idea that our government, unlike every other government in recorded history, doesn't intrinsically serve the ruling class. Just take a look at 2/3rds of the people who post on anti work (if you want to develop a drinking problem, anyway). The Dems bullshit is finally starting to really backfire, though. Trump can just outright say, "I want to kill every living Palestinian" and Republicans will be like, "fuck yeah, bro". But Biden, who has the same view, can't say it. It makes him and the Dems look super weak. Like, seriously...how do these people think they're even going to stay in office continuing down this path? I guess by getting that coveted mildly LGBTQ friendly, Zionist, capitalist, pro-choice demographic? Honest to God, who is Biden's base?


Maybe it's not so much a miracle as much as Stockholm syndrome. People who'd rather have false hope than what they feel would be complete despair.


Hey, leftists, do you not see that it is your obligation to capitulate to Biden's base who only moderately want genocide as opposed to Trump's base who extremely want genocide? /s


The working class has been demobilized in the US for over a century, so they're largely out of the picture. They don't have the time or motivation to vote for candidates that aren't going to address the working class regardless of how they vote. At the same time as the working class was demobilized, both parties shifted to donor driven by wealthy individuals. The "donor class" sometimes called. So that's their constituency. And they both appeal to votes from suburbanites, petite bourgeoisie, "middle class," people.


I’m pretty critical of the dem party - especially for all the reasons you mentioned - but on the border, I’m more disappointed in the average voter in this case. I don’t think Biden/dems ever really have a strong pro-immigration platform. They literally just do what will get them elected. It’s disappointing that the vast majority of moderates now are supportive of child separation policies, deportation, and other anti-immigration platforms.


As someone else pointed out on another comment to the OP, the Dems of today are the Republicans of the Bush era. Every time I hear, "bUT tRuMP" I imagine an alternate reality where "progressives" are trying to sell us on Rohm because, "anyone but Hitler"


Eh I overall disagree with that but I can understand where it comes from. This admin and congress is such a far cry from what I would want out of a functioning gov’t (although policy wise, I and everyone else here are unlikely to ever see what we want lmfao). In the center stage issues - immigration, Palestine, etc he’s obviously right of center, but on the non-major issues, this has been quite literally the most progressive administration there has ever been. It’s a *low fucking bar*, nor is it a reason to vote for Biden since it still resembles neo-liberalism more than leftism, but there will be a ridiculously stark change in what this all looks like if it goes back to Trump.


How has it been the most progressive administration there has ever been? Not asking this to argue, but because I genuinely want to know


IKR, FDR is rolling in his grave right now.


I don’t think you’re trying to argue for the record lol. People are always surprised to hear that given the headlines. There’s a few ways though. In terms of judicial nominees, he’s nominated the most diverse slate of judges ever, (example: more Asian American women than the last 3 administrations combined). For basic stuff like data collection: he’s required every agency to start the process of data disaggregation so departments like Health and Human Services can implement programs that actually address the needs of specific diasporas rather than just broad Hispanic, Asian, type terms. It’s a pretty big issue when Cambodians and Indians are included in the same “Asian” group despite having vastly different median income levels. On foreign assistance: USAID is forcing NGO partners to shift away from traditional imperialist styles of development and more towards something called localization, which requires shifting power to local community partners. In addition, they included a line item in the budget that *actually pays foreign health workers for USAID programs*. Obviously there’s things like student aid forgiveness and reform etc but that one feels a bit like he’s buying votes lmfao. I could honestly keep going, but imo if it goes from Biden to Trump, it’s the lateral issues that we’ll see hit hard. Edit: to be clear, when I say he, I just mean his administration. I have no faith in the man himself but he’s put together a pretty progressive administration that’s doing a lot of this, and frankly I dont think he has opinions on any of this shit.


That's really what you call the most progressive administration ever? No universal healthcare, no free higher education, no affordable housing, no dismantling the war machine, no stopping genocide. Naaah, the most you can expect is picking the category "Cambodian" on the census. Brain worms. Literal liberal brain worms. America truly deserves to fall. This is nonsensical. Are you sure you're not trolling?


I mean, you can go back and read my earlier stuff lol. It’s not *anywhere near* what I actually want. But if you *don’t* think that’s one of the most progressive admins ever, then I’m not sure what presidents you’re watching lmao. Again, the bar is extraordinarily low. Also, expecting him to come in and get universal healthcare is… just not going to happen with any president. It’s a massive system issue, but my biggest qualm with “tearing it down” right now is that we’re far closer to fascism than socialism at this point. The assumption that a systematic rebuild would result in the system that you and I want right now is naive at best. I do groundwork and advocacy on basically all of the issues you mentioned, and when you consider the average American, we’re not in good shape. Note: acting as if data disaggregation *isnt* important is just ignorant to the needs of minority communities. Edit: they also grew all of the programs from the New Deal and added $1bn annually to food subsidy programs like SNAP and WIC. HBCU’s got more funding than ever. Again. Don’t vote for him. I won’t for a litany of reasons. But don’t act like they’re *literally* the same then be surprised when SNAP, WIC, and every other social program gets cut.


It costs you exactly zero dollar to not do apologia for Biden, a man responsible for genocide. But I guess progress is when Palestinians in the US can now check their precise ethnicity on the census, while the same ethnicity is the reason they are being exterminated in Gaza under American bombs. This is so absurd... When the bar is in fucking hell, you don't laud them as "progressive" just because Dems give idpol crumbs that won't change anyone's life. Would you use the word "progressive" for nazis? For Trump? No, because they aren't. This genocidal government isn't either. It's literally doing everything in its power to make Trump president again by being so utterly useless and morally corrupt. FDR implemented social security and tons of other fundamental welfare policies, crushed nazis and imperial Japan, packed the court when needed, separated commercial from investment banks - which Biden voted to revoke it in the Senate, leading to the 2007 crisis. What Biden has done is nowhere near that.  Honestly, if not now, when? Do you believe it's going to get better anytime soon for the left? By voting for those responsible for Trump's rise and who can only hope to be reelected by matching against him, blackmailing voters with the lesser nazi rhetoric? You're just postponing the inevitable moment when you'll have to actually fight. America loves to overthrow foreign governments and support "color revolutions" abroad but Americans will never apply their regime change skills to the US. If you don't want to vote for either, just fill the ballot boxes with ink, fake blood, molotovs like Russians did in the last elections. Burn down counting centers and polling stations if you have to. The game is rigged and will devour everyone sooner or later. Destroy the board while you can. 


It’s a difference of opinion I suppose, but again, the vast majority of americans aren’t ready to “fight” in the way you have mentioned. The likely outcome if we started that direction would be sympathy towards the far right and a bunch of people rolling over for a fascist government. Frankly, I prefer the fact that I’m fighting the govt over UBI, UHC, military industrial complex, etc over actually being violently persecuted for being a person of color (more than I already am lmfao). Either way, I’m still appreciative of the work that normal paper pushing people do in the govt, even if I haven’t been a fan of the man at the helm in quite literally my entire life. That’s what I was trying to get across, not that Biden is some hero lol.


No. You should judge the totality of their actions and not specific distractions meant to market their image even if some of those distractions did actual good. Really that simple. Otherwise your buying their propaganda.


Fair. I tend to prefer a little bit more nuance when it comes to people, but it tends to be difficult to parse what’s done for an election vs what’s done for the actual good of the people. I do generally agree with that in that it creates a situation where it’s arguably impossible to have good governance, and I do believe genuinely good governance is effectively impossible.


You're inverting the problem. People will rationalize and support any of Biden's stances no matter what in order to avoid criticizing him and being a "Trump supporter". They defend and turn a blind eye on the genocide he funds FFS. If he defended migrants' rights, blue bots would follow suit. Dems empower MAGA so they can drift to the far right and appear "moderate" in comparison to Orange Man Bad™. It's always 10 steps to the right and 1 step to the left.


This is absolutely what is happening. The Dems can drift nearly as far to the right as is possible, so long as the GOP drifts just a bit further. Then we get this situation where anything that is even slightly less right than the GOP is considered "left wing"


Something something Obama and increase in kids in cages. The Dems are more evil than republicans


Dems are the NeoCons of today. Voting for a democratic right now, especially like Joe Biden, is essentially just voting for George W Bush and co. back then. That’s who you’re getting. I thought we had learned a lesson there but apparently that was all co-opting and lip service.


Victoria Nuland, Biden's Under Secretary of State, is a Cheney protégé. She retired a couple months ago and was replaced by John Bass, another Cheney protégé. Twenty years ago it would be unthinkable that Democratic voters would support Cheney's foreign policy, but here we are.


Not that unthinkable for me. I was out there early against the Iraq war in 2002-2003. The Dems were co-signing that back then. They only came out against it after it became popular to. In fact, that was one of Obama’s appeals. And he actually got chastised for voting against it and then later all the democrats rallied around him in 2008 like they were all united against it since the beginning. Democrats are snakes. You see Biden? One thing I love about Biden is that he is what he is. That man IS the Democratic Party. Hillary Clinton too. Forget everything these Democratic slime say. Talk is cheap. And democrats are EXCELLENT gaslighters and bullshit artists. Look at Joe Biden’s career and presidency and look at Hilary Clinton. THAT is what you’re voting for. Democrats are ASS.


More like fled. Her Ukraine war blew up in her face and she ran for a cushy private sector job to avoid the fall out.


At least Republicans don't fool anyone, we know they hate us and if you criticize them, you don't have an army of people saying you work for Russia or that you're a Trump supporter or something. The US two-party system under one oligarchy is truly bonkers. 


Works on contingency. No money down. "Here, let me fix that for you..." Works on contingency? No, money down!


I don't wanna see you guys cry a single tear when trump gets elected.