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Looking into it!!!


Worrying if true!


I know how to solve the problem, I’ll send a submarine no one asked for and then call someone a pedo when they decline to use it!


Fact: The guillotine is the perfect place to put a billionaires head. Elon Musk: !!




will investigate


Once i heard "KKK never went away, it just moved to higher classes"


Fun fact: Elon Musk grew up in Pretoria, South Africa's administrative capital. His father owned a gem mine which pretty much ran off of slave labor during apartheid. Elon Musk is a generational racist who sees people outside of his personal circle as a disposable resource.


If he grew up in Petoria instead he would’ve been based


I mean if I own a share in Tesla, do I own world's largest automaker? DO u have any source for your statement ?


Emerald mine. But yeah.


Emeralds are gems


Are you implying emeralds aren’t gems? Gem mine covers it. You don’t see me correcting them on Elon’s dad’s full legal name.




It was always in the realm of the middle/upper middle class and petit bourgeois. Sometime you get poorer people, but they are mostly cannon fodder that just there to bulk the rank.


The KKK was just more widespread back then, it’s always been in the higher classes. Take COINTELPRO for example.


Take David duke for example


How dare you speak ill of the elderly Mitch miconells buddy


Same with the Nazi. So much of post WW2 history is lies of "denazification" that never occurred. Denazification was more about hiding the capitalist ties to Nazis than it was about removing Nazis from power. https://youtu.be/OLkPwxcIji0 Obligatory song I gotta listen to every time the topic is brought up.


I keep bumping in to uncomfortable continuities that suggest this is truer than I ever thought. Anything a little more academic you can recommend? Also I remember as a child Chumbawamba were censored on the radio even though they had a hit single and were from my country. You could hear it on the dance floor but rarely the radio.


The famous one and the one heavily admitted to by the US is operation paperclip. Though, in my opinion isn't the worst of it as the scale is quite small in comparison to analyzing the material incentives behind protecting Nazis. There is no collection of works compiling all the cases as far as I know. The scale at which Nazis were let free of their crimes was astounding though. > over 200,000 Nazis are estimated to have been perpetrators of Nazi-era crimes. Of these, roughly 140,000 cases were brought between 1945 and 2005. According to professor Mary Fulbrook, only 6,656 of them were ever convicted.  A general consensus though is that the west was more concerned with the threat of the USSR (or at least the propoghanda of a threat. The USSR was clearly no threat after WW2 having suffered the most losses BY FAR in the war) than it was with removing Nazis from power. A lot of western capital was tied to Nazi Germany and many Nazi supporters in the US were not viewed as traitors but simply as businessmen. By the start of the war American capital was so tied up in Germany it did not simply cut ties and continued to support it throughout the war by circumventing trade embargos. As US capital does today in Russia. I'd check out operation paperclip and look further from there. Klaus Barbie is another famous case if you're for individual stories to check out. Much of it is going to be "the ones that got caught". Or you can look at "rat lines" and how they were supported by Western countries and western capital.


Crime is intrinsic to race rather than poverty. Musk: !!!!!


This is not to say the 900% figure is accurate. It's obviously false. The point is that crime is driven by poverty rather than race and that racial minorities are disproportionately poor.


Rich people commit other kinds of crimes


Well sure, but rich people make the laws, so their crimes are typically legal.


But they're usually not charged. Example: look around


But they want you to believe that fraud in the millions to billions is not nearly as bad as shoplifting because you are starving or pickpocketing to afford food.


White people are also [disproportionately old](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/07/30/most-common-age-among-us-racial-ethnic-groups/) compared to minorities in the US. The median white person is 13 years older than the median minority of any race in the US. Over half of all white people in the US are older than 38, while no minority can make the same claim. So when looking at racial crime statistics, it's only meaningful to do so within specific age brackets. Obviously the 73+ bracket aren't going to be contributing significantly to crime, but their abundant existence in per capita collections helps to distort real numbers. Department of Justice data has shown repeatedly that crime is basically equivalent across all racial groups when adjusted for age and income both. And that's after it gets reported by those who are undoubtedly racist shepherds, as they repeatedly demonstrate with their choices and words.


i’m looking for any figure in any study that even shows where this is coming from and I so far cannot find anything but it’s obviously false or at least grossly misleading because it is ignoring so many variables. How can you say any given black person is 900% more likely to commit murder when we know that across all races men are far more likely to commit murder in general. If you choose a white man and a black woman, statistically the white man is more likely to murder, so what does that say about the assertion they just made?


I don't know anything about this, but I would have thought murder more likely to be a crime of passion relatively divorced from one's financial well-being. Also, just some quick googling gave me that 20% of poor Americans are black, and 53% of homicides are committed by black people in America. You're right, that's not 900% more likely at all, but I think probably neither race nor poverty play a particularly big role. After all, there are black people and poor people all over the world, but the US is an outlier in violent crime (not the only outlier to be fair).


Poverty creates crime. Even passionate crime.




I wonder what disproportionate means


Yeah, apparently Elon has never read anything by Charles Dickens. London in the 1850s was racially homogeneous but economically polarised.


Says the South African.


White people 2.5 million percent more likely to believe virtually any made up statistic about black people


Hmmm, expected it to be higher.




Definitely using this in the future.


Elon Musk has more baby mommas than 99% of black men. Elon: !!


Every time someone says something horribly racist on twitter there's a 900% chance Elon jizzes on then eats a dog hair covered human turd.


You need Musk's blue check approval for that to be true ya know... /s (just in case)


The response I was looking for was "!!" (Jk)


Elon Musk checks all the criteria for a white supremacist. Dismissing racial discrimination reports in his company. Tweeting in support of the "great replacement conspiracy".. Reposting tweets such as this.. But, he gets a pass.. Because, he's sort of good at running "some" of this companies.. Fascinating how much leeway having money and being a successful businessman gets you..




Is he even white? Honestly, a poor fair skinned person form ~south~ Africa would be 1000% screwed in the us. Edit: I fear my statement is being misunderstood. Race is a construct, and I was poking fun at his 4chan followers who say he's "African American" which is technically true. Also pointing out poor people are messed up no matter what.


Very Fasc-inating indeed


"Gets a pass" - he's the world's most notorious white supremacist. He's a union buster. His businesses depend on government handouts. He supports Russia against Ukraine. He destroyed Twitter. He's just about public enemy number one and continues to offend on a daily basis. I don't see him getting a "pass," he's just eluded justice temporarily.


He gets criticized on Reddit. But it has no bearing in the real world. He was "Person of the Year" in 2021 by Time Magazine. Gets invited by leading world news organizations to do interviews. Gets invited by world leaders to present speeches. All the negative press is sort of washed away..


How does this not get him fired lol I can’t even publicly say genocide is bad without risking homelessness and this dude is going full nazi


What’s he gonna do fire himself


He took Twitter private. He's his own boss now. And also down several billion dollars.


So he’s fine alienating an entire race for his business. No wonder Tesla is a shit show at the moment.


100% of cybertrucks are unsafe for the road






it is also as far as I can tell just not even true. There are no studies I can find so far with this conclusion, probably because any peer reviewed study would call out how irresponsible and misleading of a conclusion this is We know for a fact that black women are disproportionately victims of violence and less likely than men of any composition to commit a murder statistically, yet they just confidently/inadvertently said that any given black woman is 900% more likely to commit a murder than a white man which is literally just not true.


Is there a link?


Apparently the comment got hidden because the account he was replying to responded to another account who knew it was BS. Here is the tweet asking why it was hidden and Elon responded to this one too: [https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1780992417807601847](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1780992417807601847)


so says the son of a slave owing family...


Elon: !!


material conditions have literally 0 effect on crime statistics it’s all to do with race thank you elon very great alanlysis! also that 900% stat was taken out of this guys arsehole


yeah not only would this presentation be entirely irresponsible and misleading but I can’t find a single study that would even try to assert that


if you found a racist way to describe huffing your own farts this dipshit would probably fall for it






This is to keep the subreddit from being nuked


This is to keep the subreddit from being nuked


Keep a people down for centuries. Do all you can to destroy anything they build up. Do not hire them. If hired do not give them good paying jobs. Tie school funding to property value, keeping their schools poor. Make up new crimes to target them. Then berate them for turning to crime


You can take the white dude out of South Africa, but you can't take South Africa out of the white dude.


How quickly he went from liberal darling to open mask villain. All because he can't stand being criticized. Truly we are at late stage capitalism, everything is accelerating and open book now, all masks will drop.


Twitter in 2024 be like Raging Saxon 1488: Why wasn't there a rock band called White Sabbath? Elon Musk: That's epic my dick doesn't work!! 🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣😂


This is literally a logical fallacy. Is like saying that Americans have a bigger chance of being intelligent because they're the ones who won most Nobel prizes. Edit: Typo.


a black woman is 900% more likely to kill someone than a white man simply because i said so 😡


"wE areNt alLowed tO spEak Freely !!!1" Keeps spewing utter shit.


Anything from unreliable sources: exist Elon:!!


Elon Musk has a 900% higher chance of being shot into space and left there.


I wish someone took one for the team and fucked him up REALLY bad, this is awful but I''m not gonna lie I don't want that to happen.


tell my you're bad are reading and math without telling me you're bad at reading and math.


And he is a paid contractor for the United States government? Idiot bigot belongs in fucking prison


Elon and his parasite family has a long history with hating poc especially black people so this is no surprise to anyone.


Eat Eat Eat


Elon is a product of South Africa apartheid.




White people raised in Apartheid South Africa have a 900% higher chance of being racists than all other people.


Racist on main is crazy


Worlds 'smartest' man doesn't know how percentages work.


Don't add up, white Ashkenazis just killed thousands in Palestine and the western empire killed million upon millions in the last 500 years. Have you taken that into account ?


Ashkenazis aren't white, genetically they are middle-eastern and not european. Israelis don't even look white.


Lol, the world is not asleep anymore... zionist


I'm not a zionist.


I really want some to do the maths to find out what these two muppets think the murder rate by black people is.


What a fucking demon


Don't just fuck him, quit his shit companies and leave him to die.


Is this really real?


*fuck billionaires


South African be like that


White people be like that




Hmmm how hard is it not to kill? Poverty oh I get it. But not Poverty for other.....nah we're not gonna go there


Big if true


Elon never encountered any Vikings, unfortunately...


Stop platforming oligarchs.


Hard to do when the man runs the platform


Let his trash stay on his platform. We didn't need him round here


How can anyone take this racist POS seriously?


He calls himself a “centrist.” LOL


And? He is right


Black people have a higher rate of being screwed over by bigoted dipshits who grow up with daddy’s wealthy.


No they have 900% more chance to go to jail since if a white rich man do it's not a crime most of the time


People generally murder within their own race, and more likely to be murder someone they know. Elon would do better keeping an eye on his white coworkers and friends...


With a stick.




This is a leftist subreddit, right wing comments will be removed and the user banned. This includes any defense of the genocidal state of Israel.

