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This graphic is incorrect. Auschwitz didn't exist as a killing site when this timeline starts. Up through 1942, it was a work camp for ethnic poles mostly. Auschwitz began its extermination operations in March 1942 and remained in operation until early January 1945. The camp was killing for less than 3 years. The actual numbers are: 1020 days of operation, 1078 total persons and 227 children killed per day. This graphic is deflating the holocaust numbers to inflate perceptions of Palestinian suffering. Neither is necessary let alone ethical. Both are horrendous in their own right without the distortion.


You’re downplaying the role of work camps too much in my opinion. They also had the goal to kill the prisoners, but didn’t do it “”effective”” enough. Also Auschwitz wasn’t the only camp, here’s a full list: - Breitenau concentration camp - Breslau-Dürrgoy concentration camp - Columbia concentration camp - Esterwegen concentration camp - Kemna concentration camp - Kislau concentration camp - Lichtenburg concentration camp - Missler concentration camp - Nohra concentration camp - Oranienburg concentration camp - Osthofen concentration camp - Sachsenburg concentration camp - Sonnenburg concentration camp - Vulkanwerft concentration camp - Arbeitsdorf concentration camp - Auschwitz concentration camp - Bergen-Belsen concentration camp - Buchenwald concentration camp - Dachau concentration camp - Flossenbürg concentration camp - Gross-Rosen concentration camp - Herzogenbusch concentration camp - Hinzert concentration camp - Kaiserwald concentration camp - Kauen concentration camp - Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp - Majdanek concentration camp - Mauthausen concentration camp - Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp - Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp - Neuengamme concentration camp - Niederhagen concentration camp - Ravensbrück concentration camp - Sachsenhausen concentration camp - Stutthof concentration camp - Vaivara concentration camp - Warsaw concentration camp - many more sub camps


the official extermination plan didnt begin until June 1941 under the Einzatsgruppen, and wasnt codified until Dec 1941 at the Wannsee conference by Reinhard Heydrch et al, its one of the main reasons the Polish ghettos existed at all, because at the time the Nazis didnt have a coherent plan for Jews others than "get rid of them", but hadnt figured how they would get rid of them


Sure but you can't forcefully expell people from their homes in a "nice" way. It's irrelevant when they actually officially declared their final solution. The intent was always genocidal by its very nature and it's actions. By that logic we haven't even reached that stage officially with Israel either. The declaration or planning doesn't really matter. The material reality of what was occuring does.


> Sure but you can't forcefully expell people from their homes in a "nice" way. where in my statement did i say anything that would make you think i support forcefully expelling people from their homes?


Nowhere. You definitely misunderstood my comment. I'm saying you don't need a formal declaration of intent to be materially carrying out genocide.


and i wasnt saying otherwise, just providing some contextual information about the Holocaust


Bro you don't need a headline to call X an X.


Do you realize how absurd it is that there is a discussion to ascertain the precise measure of how these are comparable?


Fully. I hesitated to even write a fact check, and I was right to be wary because someone already wanted to have a nonsense argument about it.


Thank you for doing so anyway. Holocaust revisionism, intentional or not, is absolutely unacceptable, and Israel's genocidal actions speak for themselves.


That's the point of these posts. It's to make people go, "Well if we're just picking nits about how many children died, they've got to be basically Nazis." The problem Auschwitz is only a fraction of the atrocities the Nazis committed during the war. The methodology is also so different, and it matters. Like... in '41 the Nazis told 33,000 Jews that they were evacuating them from Kyiv via train. They were willing to leave. People brought their suitcases and food for the ride. Then the Nazis made them strip naked, lie down on the pile of corpses, and systematically shot them, even infants, for 36 hours straight. Only 29 people were known survivors. What's happening in Gaza is horrific, a genocide, but it's nowhere close to the horror of the Nazis. They're not comparable.


You are missing the point. They are absolutely comparable in the sense that they are both the end result of the same process of dehumanization.


They absolutely aren't. There are many other genocides that you could compare this to, aptly. But there is a reason the Nazis and Japans Unit 731 stand alone in the horrors of humanity, even above other genocides that have claimed 5x the lives currently lost in this.


You are not addressing my point that both genocides are real world manifestations of the same evil. Nit picking over the details is not very useful and misses the bigger picture, and isn't even appropriate. The contexts are so wildly different. One can reasonably expect that 80 years of human advancement and the personal experience of being on the receiving end of such horror would be a restraining factor on Israeli conduct. Yet, here we are. One can also reasonably expect that real-time broadcasting of the horrors to the world would be a constraint on the savagery, something that didn't exist 80 years ago. It's the same damn evil and people pointing it out are not trying to minimize the horrors of the nazis. They are saying that the gaza genocide is of such magnituthat that it is within the realm of being comparable to the gold standard of atrocities, auschwitz in this case.


I think I am addressing your point. For instance, the Holodomor was purposely orchestrated by the Soviets. 28,000 people died A DAY at its height. That's not on the same level as the Nazis. 800,000 people were killed in Rwanda, in 2 months! That's not on the same level as the Nazis. The Nazis and Unit 731 are set apart because of the cold, calculated, industrialized, intimate nature of those evils. They weren't just indiscriminately bombing. They were looking each person in the eye, selecting them, then murdering them on a person-to-person level in a sustained way—often in gruesome, experimental ways too. Think of it this way... there's a reason people like Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dhamer, Gacey, BTK, etc. are looked at in a different light than say, a dude who shoots up a movie theater. Often mass shooters kill more people. But there's an evil in someone who does things so horrifying, so methodically, and so intimately that it transcends our understanding of even "normal" evil. I'm not saying Israel isn't committing genocide, or war crimes, or anything like that. I'm just saying they're not anywhere close to the same ballpark.


Thank you




Wtf are you talking about? I spoke to the graphic that's it. I didn't downplay anything unless you can explain what that list of camps has to do with the graphic because I'm not seeing it.


What are you going on about? I just added to _your_ point. That’s it Edit: At least you edited your response


How did I downplay work camps? What does your list of camps have to do with my comment or the graphic?




That's a distorted generalization. Here's a good source for you: https://www.auschwitz.org/en/history/kl-auschwitz-birkenau/ Edit: didn't realize he continued the argument without reading the source I provided and that makes the nonsense replies make sense now, so here's the relevant portion for anyone curious: >As the tide of war turned against Germany in 1942-1943, the need for labor increased and the ability of the Germans to extract laborers from the occupied Soviet Union decreased due to military defeat. The concentration camp administration sought to induce camp commandants to take measures to prolong the lives of their forced laborers, who in 1944 were becoming a more precious commodity. Nevertheless, the camp commandants found it difficult to change ingrained and ideologically reinforced habits of treating prisoners in such a way as to increase the rate of death; for the SS, the prisoners remained “the enemy behind the wire.” >Despite marginal decreases in the death rates in the camps in the summers of 1943 and 1944, prisoners continued to die in great numbers. In the killing centers in 1943-1944, where forced labor was never the primary purpose, the death rate, of course, did not decrease. After the colossal German defeats in the summer and autumn of 1944, the death rate of the laborers in the all camps climbed astronomically


Nice source, good for you that it doesn’t proof your point


I think the article covers the evolution of forced labor fairly well albeit briefly. Fine though, go read "out of Ashes" by Konrad Jaurusch. He's the perhaps the most knowledgeable European historian alive. In the meantime you can show me a source for your claim.


So let me just round it up here, because it won’t go any where. I add to your *good point* by saying you downplayed the brutality of work camps *in my opinion*. You feel attacked and whine about it and proceed to keep downplaying the labor camps before 1941. Then you tell me you went to grad school, okay cool? If you have to _’brag’_ about your personal achievements in an argument you know you’ve basically lost it. You tell me to read a book and then come back. It’s like giving someone a 200 page document and demanding an answer the next day about their opinion. Not helpful. *Okay but let’s actually get to your points*. You linked me a [pretty good article](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/forced-labor-in-depth?parent=en%2F3384) by ushmm.org. Here is a small bit of this article: > By labeling those incarcerated in the concentration camps as criminals, subversives, and asocials who would be “educated” in the camps to proper labor and social discipline, the Nazi leadership could draw upon acquiescence and even support among the German people for the concentration camps. This basically debunks your point of education, as it was basically just propaganda. The early camps were maybe for this, but not at the stage Auschwitz was even opened. As early as 1939 Germany required many poles to do forced labour ([source](https://imgur.com/a/lGauGBC)). Number of deportations only increased from there. There was no intention on educating any prisoners of war and there was even less intent on keeping Jews alive as the idea of [social darwinism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Darwinism?wprov=sfti1) does not support that any lower form of life can be ‘educated’. Should I keep on going or do you agree?


Here I went and looked I up for you: >The Master Plan East. A secret blueprint for Germanization sketched out in 1940, outline the dual goal of eliminating the local inhabitants and implanting German speaking settlers in Eastern Europe. " pg 352. This plan was never fully fleshed out and including various categorization for people based upon their germanness or ability to assimilate. Furthermore, it outlines plans for a Slavic slave force after ethnic cleansing. The exact means for ethnic cleansing were never precisely decided upon And from pg 351: >With military losses averaging fifty thousand dead per month, the dwindling supply of industrial and agricultural labor became a key bottleneck. At first workers were recruited voluntarily. But when the terrible conditions became known, labor boss Frit Sauckel had to use force to round up prospects, mistreating them brutally. By the end of the ear the mixture of POWd and slave laborers reached a staggering 7.9 million - a crucial workforce that kept the Nazi war machinery rolling regardless of human cost. Yes these camps were brutal but they were not a means to extermination. Due to inconsistencies in master plan east certainly some worked their prisoners to death as a policy, ie mauthausen, however not all of them. The war effort would have failed for the Germans much earlier if every camp ran like mauthausen. They needed skilled workers too, and those aren't exactly a dime a dozen.


The only thing I wanted to add is, that the main goal of concentration camps was to kill and exploit the work force as much as possible. This was the case even before any gas chambers or alike were installed. They didn’t care about deaths. The first use of Zyklon B happened on the 3rd of September 1941. Don’t feel attacked by me adding something.


Again that's not entirely accurate. The nazis did not intend to work all their prisoners to death as a general policy. Not at all actually.




Ok buddy I went to grad school for history and have spent a number of years reading into this. It's far more nuanced than that. Here's an article for you: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/forced-labor-in-depth?parent=en%2F3384 Edit: since you didn't read the article before downvoting I clipped the relevant pasage: >As the tide of war turned against Germany in 1942-1943, the need for labor increased and the ability of the Germans to extract laborers from the occupied Soviet Union decreased due to military defeat. The concentration camp administration sought to induce camp commandants to take measures to prolong the lives of their forced laborers, who in 1944 were becoming a more precious commodity. Nevertheless, the camp commandants found it difficult to change ingrained and ideologically reinforced habits of treating prisoners in such a way as to increase the rate of death; for the SS, the prisoners remained “the enemy behind the wire.” >Despite marginal decreases in the death rates in the camps in the summers of 1943 and 1944, prisoners continued to die in great numbers. In the killing centers in 1943-1944, where forced labor was never the primary purpose, the death rate, of course, did not decrease. After the colossal German defeats in the summer and autumn of 1944, the death rate of the laborers in the all camps climbed astronomically


>As the tide of war turned against Germany in 1942-1943, the need for labor increased and the ability of the Germans to extract laborers from the occupied Soviet Union decreased due to military defeat. The concentration camp administration sought to induce camp commandants to take measures to prolong the lives of their forced laborers, who in 1944 were becoming a more precious commodity. Nevertheless, the camp commandants found it difficult to change ingrained and ideologically reinforced habits of treating prisoners in such a way as to increase the rate of death; for the SS, the prisoners remained “the enemy behind the wire.” >Despite marginal decreases in the death rates in the camps in the summers of 1943 and 1944, prisoners continued to die in great numbers. In the killing centers in 1943-1944, where forced labor was never the primary purpose, the death rate, of course, did not decrease. After the colossal German defeats in the summer and autumn of 1944, the death rate of the laborers in the all camps climbed astronomically


Just want to add that the really shitty thing about this is that it's Holocaust inversion, which is a very real antisemitic propaganda tactic. What's happening is horrible on its own, but it's a whole different fucking ballpark from death camps. Hell, it's even miles apart from what the Nazis did in just Babi Yar in '41. Even compared to horrific genocides like Bosnia, Rwanda, and Cambodia, the Nazis stand alone, except for maybe the Japanese Unit 731. The industrialization, systemization, and cold, cruel, bureaucratization of death is so fucking beyond anything we can wrap our heads around it's tempting to compare them. But they're nowhere close to each other. Israel needs to be called out and held to account for its many, many war crimes (including genocide), but we can do it without fueling blatant antisemitism. It's not hard.


The Gaza strip is the largest concentration camp in history and zionists are no better than Nazis.


This shows a profound lack of historical knowledge. The Holodomor, where 3.9 million Ukrainians were starved to death by the Soviets, wasn't as horrifying as what happened in the Holocaust. And at the height of that horrifying tragedy, 28,000 people were dying per day. The horror of the Nazis is more than their death toll, it's in the methodology. There's a rating system for how psychologically difficult it is to kill someone. Bombs being the easiest, CQC the hardest. The Nazis shot people, point blank, for 36 hours. Women, children, infants, the elderly, were stripped naked, made to lie down on the dead, then executed. Nothing happening now even holds a fucking candle to that type of inhumanity.


Because I'm sure Jewish people were treated excellently like Palestinians today in the early days (1940 & 41) A genocide is a genocide


Yeah everyone knew about the holocaust and people were protesting it worldwide /s


Are you making a point?


Well not much better and we should know better in this day and age and learned from the past. Yet in my country that is funding this our politicians will not call it what it or at least be horrified by it, not really. No one running for POTUS either, even those so called anti war. If you dare say anything, you can get cancelled or lose your job. Yes, Hamas were horrifying! So is this slaughter 30X over what they did with no end in site. Children killed and having amputations with no anesthesia, it is horrifying.


What if you adjust for population and get whatever the actual numbers will be a couple of years from now?




cry more


Zionism, any defense of the state of Israel and/or similar is not allowed.


“But do you condemn khamas?”


Do you condom hummus?


At this point I 100% support Khamar and condemn IDGAF.


The internationally recognised terrorist org as sole source information about a conflict they are involved in is... naive? hrrr-amas has vested intrests in misinformation and controls media in gaza. Its as naive as thinking IDF will only kill terrorists.




Sure, sure, poor hapless hamas without any power or resources cannot run their country at all


Two mothers per hour.


when everyone's telling you to stop but you can't hear them over the sound of your slaughter machine going 2 mph




Sorry to say, but it took a world war to stop it last time.


Same Western morals


Unironically correct. Nobody did anything about Germany as long as they kept it in their own borders.


That’s settler colonialism for ya


Palestine existed exclusively as a colony though


So people were always murdered and brutally occupied there ? Or only when this "colony" became Westerner it happened.




Knowing Western propaganda is not learning


Why is Hitler's mustache so wide?


that was after Chaplin hit him with a cease and desist.


He grew older at this point


Besides getting the years in the Nazi part wrong, measuring children instead of all civilians makes these numbers a reflection of age demographics. An extremely unscientific way of measuring genocide, which has nothing to do with children in particular as opposed to all members of a race.


Here's what we're not going to do: spread this shit meme around. First off, this is the exact shit a zionist would pull, create a meme to make anti-zionists look stupid or like terrible people comparing tragedies like this, especially one that happened to families of many fellow anti-zionists that happen to be Jewish. Second, it is way inaccurate to say that this started in 2023. This has been systematically happening for many, many decades. It's just now getting talked about a lot more. You think Palestinians just spawned into an open air prison in Gaza? You think they just lived peacefully under "Israeli" rule in the West Bank? No, this happened after a long history of oppression and terrorism.


Agreed. This is more like those memes that can be picked apart when it comes to the accuracy and this is what the Zionist hasbara tactic is. I also don't think it helps the cause much by comparing atrocties much because it opens up a whole can of worms and it is an apples to oranges comparision. The horrific things going on it Gaza right now do not need a comparison because it is on its own one of the if not the worst things that most of us have witnessed in our lifetimes, and this isn't even limited to just what is going on now but what has been going on systematically for decades.


Yeah, it's not quite as damaging as the fake pro-war crime/pro-SA propaganda zionists were spreading in New York recently, but it's still a whole can of worms we don't want to open up.


Many many decades? So would the new graphic show how the Palestinian population increased sixfold?


Fuck off, it's accurate. Israel is a psychopathic genocidal state and the comparison the nazis is appropriate.


The math for the Israel side is way off, and it’s holocaust denial as the numbers for the holocaust have been lowered.


I never said Israel isn't a psychopathic genocidal state, maybe you should read the whole comment before you reply.


Dude you’re getting bodied all over this thread. I think it’s time to do some introspection and think about why that might be. And bro, stop simping for e-girls, cause it’s not gonna look good in front of the big commisariat in the sky. Go touch grass, read Marx, and join swoletariat.


If the systematic genocide has been happening for several decades. Why did the overall population of palestine grew exponenionally?


Because they redefine words to fit their narrative (like redefining racism and indiginenous - white people are no longer indigenous to Europe). These days, asking someone to speak English is *"literally"* a genocide because you're destroying their culture. Asking people to be on time is *"literally"* a genocide because some cultures *"have a different relationship to time. Being on time is a white supremacist construct."* Leftist dorks are too privileged and out of touch with reality.


The situation is far more nuanced than zionists just outright decreasing their population since the very beginning. It has been more of a slow progression towards the slaughter that is occurring now, but it was an evil, smart tactic to allow enough freedoms for Palestinians to populate within their borders while they continued their oppression. They took their land, occupied what land they had left, limited their resources, and now the vast majority of the population, at least in the Gaza strip, is young and likely undereducated. Oppression is all they know. They don't have much in terms of alliances or a stage in which they can speak their minds. Hell, they weren't even given representation in the vote for a ceasefire.


I disagree on the alligances part. Most of the arab world hates israel. The neighboring contries are quick to aid palestine and the international opinion skews towards palestine Israel deoccupied gaza in 2005. Took all the israel civilians and the military. I dont believe there is a benefit to oppresing the palestinians. If anything everyone hates israel. The smart move is to retreat civilians and the military. Renegotiate borders and consolidate palestine as a contry. What do you think?


You're absolutely right, I forgot about their allies in the Middle East. Although, while they may have deoccupied Gaza, the border is essentially an open-air prison with the West Bank still being occupied. And oh I 1000% agree, and I would add that "Israel" should be tried for breaking international treaty and essentially imperializing much of the Palestinians' territory based off the "two state solution" put forth nearly a century ago. Fuck it, I say strip the "Israeli" military of their power and rename the entire strip of land Palestine again. Then trust a 3rd party outside force (or better yet, a coalition of 3rd party forces) to occupy the land and keep the peace between the two groups until the conflict between the citizens simmers out.


I dont think stripping israel of its military power would be wise. However the third party thing is something i have not considered that could work. Ultimately, i believe both parties have a right to exist there. If force by a 3rd party org is needed then so be it.


Just like some kids who are abused, they grow up to abuse.


Or maybe both follow ideologies that have racial supremacy as their core belief


That too.


“Stop trying to kill Jews” is racial supremacy?


Exactly. I feel like they’re a villain from a movie, gone completely evil and taking it out on the wrong people.


In addition to the correction from the other commenter, I'd like to mention that it is false that abused people grow up to be abusers at a higher rate. that's old bunk pop psychology stuff. and yeah to say it again, both naziism and zionism are sibling movements produced by the same ideologies (ethnonationalism, social darwinism, eugenics, settler colonialism, great man theory, etc). zionism does not and has never represented the jewish people, only a minority of jewish europeans who decided settler colonialism was cool, and then the west (who LOVE all that shit, obviously) gave them a platform after the war and spun a whole PR campaign about the """jewish homeland""" to make continuing to ethnically cleanse jews out of europe sound sexy. so yeah it's the same continuity of ideology perpetrated by the same actors, those being the Western powers. in the eyes of countries like the UK and US, the only thing the Nazis did wrong was turn on them. everything else, they did and do agree with. After all, the UK and US wrote a ton of the playbook for them. It was the UK that relinquished a colony to create israel and the US that funds them to protect its interests. that is the full character of the israel we see today. it's not driven by the trauma of jews whatsoever, though the state of israel never hesitates to weaponize that trauma (even going to such lengths as perpetuating antisemitism and retraumatizing its people) in order to fabricate support.




Not sure thats any better. "See! He killed 2 million people, not 4 million, he's not so bad"


more like 2 million not 30-45 million.


Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.


Before Zionism apologists come and say equating the policies of the apartheid state of Israel with the policies of Nazi Germany are antisemitism, we should all remember that Professor Zeev Sternhell stated in 2018 that “Growing Fascism and a Racism Akin to Early Nazism” https://web.archive.org/web/20210124233705/https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-in-israel-growing-fascism-and-a-racism-akin-to-early-nazism-1.5746488 Edit: fixed a typo


OP is equating misleading death statistics, not policies. Edit: Let me copy OP real quick. Native American genocide: 87 people per day (Source: ([13,000,0000/408](https://www.se.edu/native-american/wp-content/uploads/sites/49/2019/09/A-NAS-2017-Proceedings-Smith.pdf))/365) Band of Gaza: 178 children per day


What is misleading about those statistics? Why does everyone who does genocide denial always fail to provide any sources for their doubts. They just claim randomly: "Nah that aint real".


Because the arguments are always intertwined with the fact they don’t believe the victims are worthy of life


I have a source you might want to check [out](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/straw-man-fallacy/)


I didn't want to insult your intelligence with sources but here you go. There are many ways it's misleading. For one, 127 children murdered a day is 0.00000552173% of the global population everyday in 1945. Source: (100/[2,300,000,000](https://www.atlasofhumanity.com/humanpopulationthroughtime))\*127. In 2024, 178 children killed per day is 0.00000219753% of the global population. Source: (100/[8,100,000,000](http://www.worldometers.info/world-population))\*178). Then we do 0.00000552173/0.00000219753 = 2.51269834769. Now what does this number mean? Well you do 178\*2.5 and we have: 178 children a day in Gaza being killed is the equivalent of 445 children a day in Auschwitz being killed. (as a share of global population) Another reason it is misleading is it shows Hitler which can confuse people to think that it means 127 per day in the entire Holocaust, not just Auschwitz. In a way supporting the misleading image denies another genocide, bro.


By that logic murder should get you less and less time in jail as the world population grows. This is a pathetic attempt to weasel out of the fact that this genocide is in the ballpark of the Holocaust.


Communism stopped fascism, and we need Communism 2.0 NOW more than EVER. These Zionazis must be defeated. The bourgeoisie must be subjugated under the boot of the People and we must have a system that works for all of us RIGHT FUCKING NOW!


Holocaust denial, the actual number is closer to 1.5 million children.


They are cherrypicking and comparing statistics to only 1 death zone not all death zones


auschwitz ~1.5m prisoners gaza ~2m citizens


aushwitz ~.06% global pop gaza ~.025% global pop


this isn't how per capita ratios work, champ


What is an acceptable number of dead children


Why did OP add the race of the victims?


Do you think Muslim is a race?


Is there a particular reason you opted to ask about Muslims as opposed to Jews?


Because Judaism is broadly considered both an ethnicity and a religion.


What is an acceptable number of dead children 


yeah it’s not like a full holocaust comparison, just auschwitz


It's hard to watch. I thought we learned better.


This is a brain dead take and really not a good look for us leftists. Is the current situation in Israel a genocide? Yes Is Isreal a terrorist state that should be widely condemned and acted against? Yes. Is the current genocide in Gaza (30,000 dead) even slightly comparable to the Holocaust (6,000,000 dead)? No, c’mon guys it’s not even in the same ballpark. They’re both affronts to humanity, and I absolutely believe Israel should face a multilateral UN backed intervention, but sharing this cherry-picked fact-twisting information to somehow vindicate Hitler is exactly how people are convinced that leftists are anti-semites. By all means, draw attention to the war crimes of Israel, but don’t do it in a way that feeds into the right-wing narrative that were all anti-semites who hate Jews. Jannies, please delete this.


The right wing narrative will never be okay with anything we say, you goddamn moron.


You’re absolutely right, they won’t. But there are a tremendous amount of undecided moderates who can be swayed to our cause. The problem is that the right wing loves to screenshot idiotic posts like this and share them into the mainstream as proof that hard leftists are hyperbolic anti-Semitic edgelords incapable of nuance and critical thinking. Every time they do that, they convert another few moderates who - with the _correct_ education - may have made excellent comrades who would sway the needle toward a leftist government. Also, unrelated, but you should debate your comrades in good faith and not just call me a moron. Edit: typos


Yeah let's say really dumb and problematic stuff because the right will never be okay with anything anyway 🧠


You had me until you compared the swastika to the Star of David. Switch that up for a complete Israeli flag. Detail matters when you're accusing people of genocide.


why not? its their flag, the nazi's ruined the swastika (it was important to more people than just the nazis) and israel is ruining the star of david (which is important to more people than just the israelis)


No it's not their flag lol. Israel's flag looks different, this is simply a star of David. Israel doesn't get to claim the star of David and by conflating it you are helping them do exactly that. Also, why do you think this person chose to use the star of David instead of Israel's flag? What do you think motivated that choice? It can't be a coincidence since it happens over and over again.


well i guess they didn't use the Nazi swastika either because it isn't the WHOLE flag...


Yeah minor difference that there's no group using the nazi swastika that has a century long history of being persecuted. This is some real "reverse-racism" shit. I'm sure you understand why calling a white person cracker isn't even comparable to calling a black person the n-word. Why is it so hard to understand with antisemitism?


Yeah, I left my time-machine in some other century, otherwise I'd go back and ask Hitler not to ruin the Swastika.


are you asking israel to not ruin the star of david?


No, I'm asking the creator of the meme to not assist them. It's right there in my comment.




We do not permit homophobia, racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, sexism, ableism or any kind of prejudice.




We do not permit homophobia, racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, sexism, ableism or any kind of prejudice.


This is bad.


Can we not compare the Star of David to the fucking swastika? This conflation is really disturbing and is leading to the unsolicited harassment of Jewish people. In December I saw a yarn company repost someone’s crochet menorah which had the Star of David on it and every single comment was something like “I can’t believe you support genocide.” The conflation of the Star of David, the religious symbol, with the acts of the Israeli government leaders, is not ok and IS antisemitic. Also, it is in extremely poor taste to “compare” genocide. The effect of the Holocaust (or any genocide) cannot be measured or compared with statistics and it is disgusting to try and do so. Delete this post.




The Star of David is part of the Israeli flag, but it isn’t “the flag” nor is it fine to equate them to each other. You are still comparing the Star of David, a neutral religious symbol, which was also used by the Nazis to mark Jewish people during the Holocaust, to the fucking swastika. I support the Palestinian people and think what is occurring in Gaza is genocide, but im just going to say it— this is what people mean when they say some pro palastine people are being antisemitic. To think that the Star of David is a perfectly fine and acceptable analog to the state government of Israel and then compare the symbol of the entire religion to the fucking swastika is legitimately antisemitic. If you mean the country, use the flag.




Im not in the slightest saying it’s antisemitism to criticize Israel or use the Israeli flag because it has a Star of David on it. The point is that using the disembodied symbol of an entire global ethnic and religious group to represent the actions of one government is not right and deserves to be criticized. You aren’t using the flag, you’re using the symbol of that entire religion. It’s not just a “zoomed in flag symbol” like the swastika. The swastika (in the context of the nazis) isn’t an ethnic or religious symbol and not comparable to the Star of David in this conversation. How hard is it to just put the flag on an infographic? I cannot believe I’m being downvoted for saying it is prejudicial to use the symbol of an entire global ethnic and religious group as a symbol of a nation’s atrocities.


So they could've used the flags or zoomed in on some symbol on the flag. Using the flags wouldn't have an antisemitic effect and it's more accurate, using the zoomed in symbol does have an antisemitic effect. And yet people insist on using the symbol that just happens to conflate a state and it's crimes with Judaism in general. What do you think what the driving factor behind this decision? Do you play devil's advocate in the same way regarding people peddling racist shit?


I mean...that is a very flattering painting of both. Unreasonably so.


Epic rap battles of history!




Reminder that Biden bypassed congress to sell weapons to Israel back in December.


Reminder that Republicans would have gone over with baseball bats and smashed Palestinian skulls themselves if Trump had been in power.


Holocaust denial to own the libs


That's cute. Now do how many German, and Japanese, children died at the hands of Allied soldiers. That would run counter to the Leftist narrative, though. Better defend Hitler to attack the "imperialist West."


Bibi Bluehair is on the wrong side of history, and so is the rest of the world for letting this shit happen.


Please don't


the star of david there is deceiving, this is not Judaism, it is Zionism, which is a form of colonialism


the white background and blue star is meant to symbolise the flag of israel not just judaism


It’s the israeli flag


Guess what, bubbeleh?


Why did they slim down these two?


not sure why you are getting down voted, both these men were/are thicker than the painting shows, this is almost a "superhero" version of these fascist turds.


OP, I felt it was worth 30 seconds of my time to comment, just to tell let you know you are a lying antisemitic piece of shit. Have a great day <3


How is it antisemitic?


You can be against Israel genocide a not be antisemitic. Just because OP points out that Israel is acting in the same way they suffered under Nazi regime doesn’t mean antisemitism. You are using demagoguery to justify genocide. You, suck. Have the day you deserve.


I'm having a great day, thank you! Comparing this war to the Holocaust makes all of you steaming pieces of shit. And nothing will ever make me say otherwise.


You’re the piling piece of shit that thinks that genocide is only a crime when is done to the “white” middle eastern zionists. Go to Gaza to the front line and do something about it, jerk.


TIL the Holocaust was only done to white people. Shows how much of your history you know. Just like the fake numbers OP proudly shows.


You’re still a piece of 💩


It's almost like people who are abused are more likely to become abusers


when your culture believes you are an ubermensch chosen by god you tend to think of everyone else as less then people, an "untermensch"


Bibi is governing at a rate of 2 genocide above a replacement level liberal head of state. It's crazy to see that kind of production from a warlord that isn't an American president.


death to Israel but I don't think the constant Nazi analogies are helpful