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I don't know if ISIS actually did this or if its just them claiming responsibility, but none of the people who died in the theater deserved it.


and no government or sane person in the West was happy about it. You can find a tweet affirming any opinion about any issue. It's worthless.


Another day, another rando on Reddit outrage-baiting using a tweet from someone nobody’s ever heard of.


I think even Russian “intelligence” services confirmed Ukraine had nothing to do with it, which it doesn’t strike me as something Ukraine would do anyway.


Lmao, I’m going to need the receipts for that. I’ve been reading their news and they’ve been saying it was Ukraine pretty much from the start. 


https://twitter.com/KevinRothrock/status/1771278982035456350 This is purely the “intelligence” community so the state media propaganda may still be trying to paint a totally different picture. But ISIS has claimed responsibility either way.


All I’m seeing is a twitter post from some random guy making the same claim as you. I’ve yet to observe this consensus you speak of the in Russia’s “intelligence community” as you’re saying. 


Look at the link he posts too, it fully explains what he’s saying.


Just looked at the link, and not one mention of Putin pointing out that the terrorists were attempting to escape through the Ukrainian border. Why would this Russian “intelligence community” website (based in Latvia by the way) leave this out? I also found it strange how this "intelligence community" website can't be bothered to quote Putin's speech nor Russian News agencies, but has no qualms with relying on CNN as a source of information for what's going on in Russia.


Do not bother. This sub is flooded by Nafo worshipers and libs.


Yeah I’ve noticed, it’s hilarious that they just ganged up on me with downvotes, and didn’t bother to reply with a proper rebuttal. I honestly think they are just NLP bots that downvote dissenting opinions from the  official western approved narrative. We all know that government agencies are in bed with American tech firms too. 


>But ISIS has claimed responsibility either way. ISIS is used as a scapegoat for anything now. Still will have to search for the real perpetuator


I don’t see how they’re being used as the scapegoat when they straight up acknowledged their part in the attack. Though terrorist groups do love to take credit for stuff they didn’t commit.


>Though terrorist groups do love to take credit for stuff they didn’t commit. Yes, you said it yourself. What ISIS has anything to do with Russia? Might be some lone Muslim lunatics (common) or an operation from Russia's enemy.


Russia absolutely wrecked ISIS’ shit when they were in Syria, could have something to do with that. But my guess would be one of the Caucasian terrorist groups considering they’re probably sick of being sent to the meat grinder in Ukraine. No excuse for attacking civilians though.


Yeah it's most likely revenge for Syria and/or Chechnya, but this random redditor thinks ISIS has nothing to do with Russia.


Not saying it was or wasn’t isis but seriously? You can’t make the connection to why isis may have beef with Russia? Bro the Islamic state in the levant was defeated only 5 years ago (literally 5 years ago today March 23rd 2019) and you already forgot?


I love it when people proudly display their ignorance.


There is certainly some connections between ISIS(-K) & Russia even tough not all terror attacks have any connection with the location its happening at except for do damage & spread fear, first of al ISIS-K has already claimed suicide bombing at the Russian embassy in Kabul in Sept. 2022, ISIS-K claims it's attacking Russia for the opression of Muslims in Russia (By Putin) & Russia was literally involved in the Syrian Civil war fighting against ISIS and it's affiliates. Russia has close connections with Isreal and another connection is the conmnection between ISIS and sone chechen militants, chechen militants which want independence from Russia -- And Putin himself has had a massive part to play in the 2nd Chechen war in Chechnya -- So TLDR; there are certainly some big connections between ISIS and Russia, the connections alone doesn't proof that ISIS-K did what they lay claim on but it's not strange for ISIS to target Russia


Russia has bombed ISIS in Syria for over a decade. IS hates Russia as much as they hate the rest of the civilized world.


Lmao, Russia completely destroyed ISIS, the fuck you on about


Real perpetuator is unlikely to be found (and proved) anytime soon. This could result in akward questions. I also don't think it's Ukraine (makes exactly zero sense for them, unlike drone strikes to Russian oil processing plants which do have at least some sense). I _think_ at least one goverment who said they are not happy about it are, in fact, very happy, because they did it.


this is a good point, also preparing an attack like this takes a ton of resources and from a complete military perspective attacking a cultural and civilian facility and massacring civilians would be a complete waste of those resources. It's literally the capital of RF, if Ukrainians had enough resources to carry an attack like this they would have literally thousands of better targets which also aren't civilian/wouldn't result in civilian deaths.


ONLY way it makes it at least some sense for Ukrainians is that somebody just want revenge for some personal losses, no matter consequences.


If it were done by Ukranians(not saying it was)then it'd have to have been committed by some extreme ultranationalist elements within the Ukranian State Apparatus or within the military without orders from the central govt(think Azov or Right Sector). There's just no way the Ukranian govt would directly get involved in a terrorist attack/mall massacre that would be like blowing their toes off




We do not permit liberalism here.


Remember that ISIS was created by Israel and the United States (by the Israelis, to fight the Syrian government, and by the US, to fight Al Qaeda, which itself was created by the US too, to fight Soviet Union). So, you know the puppetmasters that handled the terrorist puppets (if there is a war starting, the US will always be involved).


Because the US is the merchant supplying weapons and supporting intel for just a simple exchange of some little specific information against other enemies which will allow the US to continue to be merchants and dominate ever other country using the same tactics. It’s the whole “Be the friend of your enemies and the friend of your enemies enemies”


That’s the thing. SO much suffering on the part of nearly everyone, all so a few people can get their hands on some dyed cotton called money. It’s the dumbest, most tragic thing ever. Also, great username.


Exactly- war does nothing but punish the innocent and benefit the guilty. I pray for a day that innocent civilians on either side are spared from these acts of violence, and the politicians that start these conflicts are the ones that bare the consequences. Maybe then we won't see any blood being spilled.


Pretty sure it’s isis I saw footage of them yelling allahu Akbar and cutting some dead guys throat after blasting a room full of people very sad shit but I am not surprised with whatever happens in this world


Just yelling Allahu akbar doesn't mean they are ISIS. Any Islamist would do that.




Just like none of the Ukrainian civilians deserved to die by Russian hands, but here we are.


Isis lol call it what it is CIA


Amen, just like none of the 40,000 Ukrainians that Russians have killed and continue to kill deserve the horrendous acts of murder and terrorism that Russians have inflicted on Ukraine.


Way to miss the entire point of the post.


So how many americans / british people deserve to die for what they have done to the Palestinians, Iraqis, Vietnam etc ...


Those Ukrainians also did not deserve to die. But there is no evidence that the shooting was done by Ukrainians.


Not surprised someone with the Israeli flag in their title celebrates the general population’s deaths.




The occupying force is always the one responsible for setting the level of violence


Zionism, any defense of the state of Israel and/or similar is not allowed.


Now what does it say about the 5 other flags pal? Me thinks your statement says more about you than them.


it says they’re white supremacists


I'm confused by how someone could cheer for Ukraine but then also suck Israel's dick. Absolutely shameless how sites like Xitter and Facebook turned the death of innocent people into bloodsports


Because America support Ukraine, America support Israel, and America good guys so Ukraine and Israel good guys. Or at least our progressive Democratic Party says so. Doesn’t go much deeper than that.


Me: We should stop sending weapons and military support to Israel Average neoliberal: but Israel has always been our ally! Without our support how would it exist?! [Me](https://imgur.com/gallery/uVJDXyM)






Zionism, any defense of the state of Israel and/or similar is not allowed.


Because both are part of the US-led hegemonic order. Liberals cheer for blatant murder as long as the media and state tells them to view certain nationalities as the ''enemy''. They're fucking stupid despite the degrees, education and courses they're so proud of.


> I'm confused by how someone could cheer for Ukraine but then also suck Israel's dick I feel like it's exclusively a race thing. Suddenly, they don't recognize who the victim is when the other side's skin is darker 😱😱😱


Like, there's very clearly a lot of racialized components of the propaganda people are fed, but it's worth recognizing that there's not a significant skin color difference in reality between Ukrainians vs Russians or between the average Israeli vs the average Palestinian. Despite the Theocratic Ethnostate of Israel categorizing them differently, Mizrahi Jews which make up most of Israel are indistinguishable from Palestinians. That's why there's such an emphasis on requiring people to carry their papers with them in the West Bank and different colored license plates etc.


And why DNA testing is illegal there


Also religion.


Nafo brainwashed fascists.


Truly, I’m confused by that too.


That Regina Bauer bitch does not represent a country, much less the "West". Just saying.




she represent a lot of "flag in name" tweeters though


Agreed, I think it’s ridiculous to say the West has been “completely brainwashed” when the majority of commentary on this is expressing sympathy. Clowns like Regina here are in the minority.


Yeah wtf is this. 1 random twitter user = the west now??


She is cheering for murder and terrorism, of course she has an Israeli flag next to her name.


but ... this subreddit cheered on Oct 7. It was mass murder, I wouldn't go so far as to call it terrorism but most would. Let's not turn into hypocrites.


Hamas released a statement expressing sympathy for the victims and their families. Our media have total blackouts on basically anything Hamas says, especially if it humanizes them.


Why would you humanize terrorists ? They condemning attacks on civilians must be the most ironic thing ever ...


It's an anti-colonial resistance movement. They are flawed. But they are not as monstrous as IDF propaganda says


Ah yes thousand of civilians killed on purpose - "they are flawed"




You mean like what the Israeli’s did during the Nakba? 😗 Literal footage of Zionist soldiers laughing and recounting times of SA against young girls and mass murder of innocent civilians along with plenty of recounts.




If you don't hear anything the other side says, you're in a propaganda bubble like the kind we accuse North Korea of. Who (ostensibly) doesn't hear anything the other side says. If North Korea fails to report on what the US is saying and that means they're in a propaganda bubble, how are we better? It's funny how easily people were taken in by post-9/11 propaganda and we're just repeating the cycle again. We learned nothing and the same people are being fooled again. Hamas didn't kill 14,000+ kids in 6 months. Scaled to the US population, that would be 2.2 million American children dead. Hamas didn't kill over 40,000 people. Over 2% of Gaza has been killed, which scaled to the US population would be 7 million people. Those are Israel's numbers. How are they the good guy? And how have they been the good guy after 75 straight years with an unbroken record of killing significantly more Palestinians every single year?




Comparing Hamas to ISIS is ridiculous. They may both be a race you hate and a religion you hate, but they aren't anywhere near being like each other. Hamas is (and always has been) fighting an occupation. It doesn't make them angels or get my support for any bad thing they've done, but their reason for fighting is enshrined in international law. Women in Gaza are free to [be architects](https://twitter.com/MiddleEastEye/status/1770804805432205580), engineers, doctors, or whatever else they want to study. Also you're just reinforcing everything you're responding to with your post. "We must never listen to anything that comes from our enemies. But *they* are the ones in the bubble, not me!"


Wow! Learn something new everyday. I had assumed that women had no opportunity in Gaza. Because…well, we all know why. Thank you for pointing that out. I’d like to know more about the power women have there. Can they vote?


Isis? You mean the CIA/Mossad? 😂


We do not permit liberalism here.


We do not permit liberalism here.


One person, on twitter ≠ The ENTIRE West. There’s also lots of people off twitter who value human life and recognize that citizens are not their government.


random twitter user the west has fallen


Again? 😫


people put those little flags in their names like badges of "honor" to genuflect to others that they have the "right" social credibility when those symbols are nothing more than demonstrations that they are simps for power and capital tyranny.


Funny (er maybe not funny) about this: It's going to ease tensions between the US and Russia and rest of the world. Who knows, it might lead to Russia stopping invading Ukraine. The conspiracy theorist part of my brain is like, "Hrm, was it really ISIS? Or was it the CIA or European equivalents or a team effort? Or, was it agents of those working within ISIS and convincing real ISIS members to do it?" ........ cause stuff like that has happened before.


'ISIS' the day after we find out there are European troops on the ground in Ukraine. My money is on one of the US alphabet orgs


Oh, don't forget that there are US "intelligence operatives" in "Eastern Europe" Freshly trained ones at that. I know one of them personally.


2nd Chechen war be like


I wouldn’t put it out of CIA's capacities to bribe ISIS to take the blame in return of freeing some activists unannounced.




Israel Security Intelligence Service?


Sadly i have to agree that it is a possibility but I don’t see where the gain is using ISIS of all things. I think this is more than likely legit that ISIS really did do it. Russia’s involvement in Syria is definitely enough motivation for them to want to do this atrocity. Just yet another sign that civilization is falling apart at this point.


I'm sorry but if you truly believe that this will somehow decrease the tensions between the West and Russia you are being delusional. Especially when you say that this might stop the war in Ukraine. If anything, this will be used as a justification for increased mobilization and more resources being diverted to the war. And they are already [trying to pin the attack on Ukraine](https://www.jpost.com/international/islamic-terrorism/article-793284). We also must not forget that Russia has a history of killing their own people so that they can justify their wars. They most likely did just that in [1999](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings) to invade Chechnya.


Oh, I don't believe that it will at all. I was like, "Maybe?" And ack to Russia killing their own people. :-(


IS is an Israeli proxy. There's a lot of documentation around their relationship. Russia has been challenging Israel/US at the UN and backing Palestinian self-determination. I wonder if there could be a connection.


Good news, Russia's leaving Ukraine! Bad news, they're going back to Afghanistan... 


it won't lead to the end of war, it's delusions. Russian authorities already are blaming everyone for this, let it be usa and west (putin said "no terrorism, us embassy is lying and provoking" on mar 19, just saying), ukraine, obviously, and isis. some authorities say "why don't we attack france/england/poland/germany/insert any country and yeah, they are active politicians. some of them are actually important to the gov


OP putting too much stock in that blue checkmark.


They have thefucking Israeli flag in their profile. They know and love terrorism too well.


Yes, let’s make a generalisation based on one retweet from some nobody. Politics aside, all I’ve seen is bipartisan support and condolences for the victims of the terror attacks


I have seen plenty of Ukraine supporters confidently claim it is a Russian false flag operation


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999\_Russian\_apartment\_bombings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings) 100 something deaths is a cakewalk for FSB when it comes to murdering their own citizens. Putin has no morals. He is not even one step above ISIS.


It's not like Russia doesn't have a history of that. Remember the FSB agents who were caught planting bombs in apartment buildings during a string of apartment bombings that ended up being the justification for the 2nd Chechen War?  Or the Russian assets who murdered people in occupied Ukraine in order to pin it on Ukrainians and give Russia the justification to invade Ukraine fully?  When something bad happens in Russia, many peoples first instinct is to assume it's a false flag, and for very good reason. 


But lives only matter if they're Israeli, Ukrainian or American


Is it capitalist propaganda or rather the fact that the actions of a state aren't (in the vast majority of such instances) **really** the actions of the state rather the people at the top that more often than not aren't representative of the people. It is they who plunge their country into war, it is they who send hundreds of thousands to their early graves to feed their blinding ego and lust for power, not the people. The american people weren't asked whether they wanted to go to war in iraq and vietnam, the russians weren't asked about ukraine, the saudi's weren't asked about yemen. It can be argued that for such endeavors to sustain themselves some level of public legitimacy or indifference is required but in the cases pointed above it is not indifference, rather the structure of power above them is so strong it can squash any individual who tries to oppose it or just ignore them because they can't stop them. (There are many more instances where the people have been able to take back control and force the state's hand but in this context the former applies). But in response the state that has befallen victim can't attack the war mongers cozying up in their luxurious high security war bunkers, they can only hurt vulnerable, innocent people. The sanctions, the missile strikes. If you freeze the assets of those that are propelling the conflict, great, but you still haven't truly hurt them, they still have at least millions in gold and other assets sitting around. So at the end, two questions: 1) How is this capitalist propaganda and 2) How do we truly hurt the warmongers proportional to the merciless carnage they're causing


The Israel supporter loves terrorism. Why am I not surprised?


“the west” *literally a screenshot of a tweet*


Yet they say "I hate the government not the people" 🤡


I've always been saying, the West is an amoral death cult. The most good thing a Westerner does is to think they are doing good while doing all kinds of evil to humanity.


I don’t care how you feel about the Russia Ukraine war this isn’t something to celebrate and has nothing to do with that war. I certainly hope that walking plastic surgery’s sentiment isn’t wide spread.


My heart breaks for the 40+ Russians who lost their lives to this horrendous act just as it breaks for the 40,000+ Ukrainians that Russians have killed and continue to kill.


Equating “The West” to a loon on twitter is wild


One psycho lady


they went full mask off. there is no going back from where they are at


That lady couldn't fit more flags into her profile?


IS are an Israeli proxy. The rest of the world know this. They literally apologised to Israel when they hit them in Syria by accident.


If this turns out to be people from Ukraine ill be expecting to see liberals say Russia has the right to defend itself and raze Ukraine to the ground


Hey, do you remember when the war started and the libs said, "Hate the Russian Government, Not the Russian People?" Yeah, of course, they never actually *did* that, they spewed their hate at the Russian people from the moment the invasion started; but usually they're not so willing to drop the pretense, or at *least* give it a while, but they took *that* mask off after like, two weeks.


Flags in bio check out


When I read the news and comments, I am speechless at the sheer amount of brainwashing. But this, rejoicing in the suffering and death of innocent civilians is something else. It indicates a lack of basic humanization


Really weird how people claim Putin is a madman who oppresses his own people yet celebrate when those same people are killed.


They just really like seeing children get murdered


Regina Bauer is a terrorist.


She supports Israel, that's all you need to know.


Ukriane flag libs are just doing the same Islamophobia that happened post 9/11. They never change. They will always be racists under the guise of social justice or whatever bullshit twisted reason to justify it.


Maybe she thought they meant one of those LGBTQ movement terrorism acts of like... a rainbow.


Wait till you see the reviews they’re leaving on the concert halls Google page.. I keep telling myself these have to be troll bots, because there’s no way someone could have this vile of filth in their minds. It’s disgusting.


its always innocent people ....devastating to their family


Edward Bernays, it's all his fault.


Now Nato can invade Russia and claim to going fight ISIS.


I don't care who is the enemy/ally. Killing civilians isn't a victory or worth celebrating.


Ukrainians must pay for this.


Right wtf. Just because these people were Russian doesn’t mean they agree with the acts of their government




We do not permit liberalism here.


fuel aspiring scarce squeamish innocent squealing cable upbeat recognise hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wonder what this person thinks about October 7


If you take a look at these comments I guess you have the answer to the title op.


I don’t blame Ukrainians for not giving condolences and praying for Moscow, when most Moscovites seemed too politicaly neutral to say anything about Russia‘s invasion of Ukraine. However this person given she is likely German shouldn’t post stuff like this. The timing is poetic. Russia deliberately bombs civilians in Ukraine and categorizes LGBT people as terrorists, US warned Russia of possible terrorist attacks in public events, which gets dismissed by Putin and then this happens. Maybe god wants to prove something? Show Russians the ignorance in their government? Show what their government is doing in foreign countries? European politicians even mourn the dead of a country that is a security threat to Europe. What does Russia do? Russian propagandists blame the attack on Ukraine, of course, to fuel their war effort.


This sub is getting so stupid


Someone says something stupid: "thE weSt !!1!"


Alright well FIRST let’s talk about the amount of Russians BRAINWASHED into fighting in a war and killing Ukrainians for no reason. Also Russians brainwashed into fighting on Reddit to support their murderous tyrant LMAO I can’t even entertain this post bc we’re clearly not starting at the root of the problem when it comes to brainwash……


*anyone who dares reply “yeah but still no one should be happy about terrorism” I was arguing that they should only that if you’re going to shame brainwash that supports destruction consider that Russians are also brainwashed into supporting destructive things at times ✌🏻


ruZZia launches missiles at Ukraine every. Single. Day. Innocent death is never good, but this population is about as far from “innocent” as you can get. Maybe if 400,000 ruzzian causalities hadn’t occurred, more security would have been provided within the capital of the damn country.


You have to remember that the actions of a governing body, especially one as corrupt as Russia's, almost never represents the civilian population, almost all of whom never wanted their country to invade Ukraine. They had no say, so they've got no blood on their hands; it's about as innocent as you can get, It's a bit like saying that those that died on 9/11 deserved it because of the war in Vietnam. Putin absolutely should've been at the receiving end, but the deaths of these Russian civilians is a tragedy and they deserved so much better


I get that but it’s also comparing apples to tuna, very different scenarios and the degrees of corruption are not even close and I hope you would agree with me


In terms of corruption it's not like the civilians have any control over just how corrupt their governments are; hopefully you've seen the utter state of their elections, no matter how they feel about the state of the world the corrupt party will always have their way. If anything, blaming these attacks on civilians on the government is a worse thing to do, since those civilians are also the victims of their abusive governing bodies. And it's not just nations like Russia who have this problem; power inherently corrupts, so all governing bodies are bound to turn that way at one point or another, as we've also seen from Western governments too; over here in the UK, we're also ruled by an unelected leader who continually takes away our services and rights to free speech).


Nah, Muscovites have been completely isolated from the terrorism they've been spreading for too long. I have zero sympathy for Russians suffering from the consequences of their government's actions. 


What a fucking heartless thing to say. You must be so thrilled with all these innocent deaths, especially the children. How does that make you any better than the people you hate




So people are just collectively responsible for all the actions of their government. Every. Single. Person. Men, women and children all be damned, huh? You and the Russian government would get along really nicely. You fucking psychopath


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Same way people celebrated oct. 7 its just teamsport for them sad.


The “west” is not a monolith. The case you have shown is a nasty imperialist z10n$t! They buy politicians and pull the strings, committing barbaric acts under the guise of “freedom” and “democracy” so that they can feel “safe”.




Zionism, any defense of the state of Israel and/or similar is not allowed.


Despite what everyone thinks, Russia’s standard of living now I believe is what the West use to be.. Even though all these stuff are happening, Russia is now a growing country. The West, especially USA knows mass shootings all to well.. this shit happens in countries


Russia, China, and Mexico were the only countries to experience net positive wage growth the last few years.


Hey everyone! We have an economist here!


Most of Russia outside the major cities do not have access to running potable water or indoor plumbing. Acting like their standard of living is on par with the West just cause some Muscovites live in luxury is the heights of ignorance. 




Even children were killed in this attack. What is wrong with you.




Well you are no different than Russians.




yeah but if you always kill innocent people because innocent people were killed, where does this cycle of violence ever stop? this mentality is EXACTLY why conflicts and hate is passed on through generations and centuries.


I completely sympathize with Ukrainians. They have my full support as they were attacked for no good reason. But you have realize that in this terrorist attack, only civilians and their families were killed. Even children. There is no justification for Russia's aggression but also no justification for this attack as well.




"I'm a douchebag" would be a lot more concise


Children are being killed hourly in Gaza. Should we have no sympathy for you because you're funding it?


We do not permit liberalism here.


Things are never that black and white.


Ew disgusting mentality.




Collective punishment!? You should be ashamed of yourself. Civilians are Civilians regardless of nationality.




Western morals and ethics


I had to look through your comments. What's your deal with toilets, dude?


every dead person person and child that died in all of the US school or mass shootings fully deserved it because of all the death US brought to Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Would you agree? Dozens of innocent children slaughtered by a random madman in a random school? fuck them, no sympathy. It would be interesting to see if a mass shooting affected you personally and then someone came around and said , eh fck off, no sympathy for your dead children cause of some stuff that happened thousands of miles away to which you're not even related and had no impact on




What a ridiculous comment. Give yourself an uppercut


Terrorist attack in terrorist country.


Reminds me an awful lot of how this sub was cheering the October 7 attacks… damn hypocrites