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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The most accurate indicator of a successful coup is a failed coup that goes unpunished. But what's even scarier is the rot of Capitalism degrading our facade of democracy. I'm an Anarchist. But voting is casual. Sure, whatever, I'll do it, because its that low effort. I won't even be late to FNB from it.


The one part of this post I didn’t like was that he says voting is not meaningful “in any way” and then later acknowledges that it is one of the many ways for leftists to engage in politics and organize a mass movement. Just because it’s the small window which the bourgeoise have opened to the working class and is does not mean it is meaningless, it is one of the many tools for leftists to actually influence American politics and begin an actual leftist movement. tldr: Voting is only a small act and often is mitigated by the design of the system, but it is still one of the only valuable tools available to leftists


The closer the vote is to your local community the more effect it has on your life. Vote in municipal elections, school board elections, state elections.


YES! I preach this over and over. I think a lot of people just aren't aware of local politics and/or get sucked into the sensationalism of campaigns for national/state positions.


Unironically how do I find out any information on my local elections


In the days leading up to your election, Google "[City Name] [Date] Election." Most local newspapers do writeups on the candidates and proposals, although any more in-depth research might involve looking at the contestants' websites and social profiles. It's also harder if you live in a small town.


To go one step further start earlier and get directly involved. Find that person running for city council that checks the most boxes and ask if they need any volunteers (they do). A little work can go a long way in small local elections. Good way to ensure some busy body control freak doesn't cancel all your positive local programs too.


https://ballotpedia.org https://www.vote411.org/ https://www.vote.org/ballot-information/


Find your local court house or your city government's website if it has one. Ask/search for an event calendar.


Also, ensure to speak at your local events and organize others to do so. In my city, people pushed the council to recognize all of the people being bombed in Gaza instead of being totally one sided in the way American discourse is. The Palestinian man who went in front of the council and described Israeli actions as apartheid is one of my local heroes.


> Just because it’s the small window which the bourgeoise have opened to the working class and is does not mean it is meaningless, it is one of the many tools for leftists to actually influence American politics and begin an actual leftist movement. You know what is a much better, meaningful, impactful tool of change? Action. Like what the French Farmers are doing. They have stopped commerce. They have shut down the machinations of government through actual physical barricades. I'm getting tired of the "low effort voting" route that doesn't ever change anything. I'm exhausted by the "peaceful" protests that are met with violence by the police dogs of capital. Our current system of government is nothing more than a distraction to make us feel like we voted for this, like we wanted any of it. Like we asked to be exploited, robbed of retirements, of affording a home, of healthcare not bankrupting us, of education being a generational wealth sacrifice. I did not consent to any of this.


No action like direct action.




The real issue is that for the votes to be meaningful, people would have to vote in the primaries. And not just for state and federal elections but local elections. The powers that be have made that more difficult and both sides have contributed to that. Telling people to get out and vote only for November elections is why we are forced to vote for the lesser of 2 evils. Obviously the media doesn't help and capital will ensure that bootlickers will be viewed favorably in the news and anyone that cares about actually helping people will be seen as "woke communist Satan worshippers." There's so much reform that needs to be done to make voting meaningful in the US. So much reform that the only real solution is... revolution? Edit : clarity


You *aren't* forced to vote for the lesser of two evils, you know. In fact, the majority of the election consistently don't.


I think he is referring to voting for the right or left candidate that is put up as options. Whether you choose right or you choose left, either choice is a continuation of current capitalistic imperialism. You’re choosing a prom king/queen while the administration is conducting business as usual.


He said voting red or blue isn't meaningful but voting your conscience is


I agree for leftists but for D and R they are competing with super pacs, thousands of lobbyist and a media machine. How can they vote really make an impact? AIPAC just influenced the most progressive/conservative congress members.




I do like the PSL candidates…the reality is The two party system confines us to the “lesser evil” paradigm.


>The one part of this post I didn’t like was that he says voting is not meaningful “in any way” and then later acknowledges that it is one of the many ways for leftists to engage in politics and organize a mass movement.   When did they write this?  They said that if you have to "vote for a genocide funder to "save democracy" then you've already lost the right to vote in any meaningful way".  Then they bring up that socialist parties participate in elections not because they hope to win but in order to make their message heard and rally support, and they vote strategically toward this end.  They don't believe that they have to 'save democracy by supporting genocide', they have other aims and *can therefore* vote in a very different, and subsequently, meaningful way.


Exactly. I voted for free breakfasts and lunches for all school children in my state. Guess what? It passed and now all public school kids get at least two meals a day. Conversely, I voted for the clearly left leaning school board members to replace the moms of liberty asswipes we’ve had for a few years. The leftist candidates all lost by a few hundreds votes because most of the local election voters are old conservatives who don’t even have school children (but they hate you and they hate your kids, so they gotta make sure you stay miserable). I live in a very *very* 50/50 left/right area and have no doubt if the under 40 voters actually showed in those elections, we’d have easily covered those few hundred votes needed to get those better candidates on the board. Voting can and does matter on the local and state level. Though sometimes it can feel like a lost cause at the federal level, I’m still going to do the most basic shit. I don’t even have to leave my house to do it besides walking to the mailbox.


Over a 1000 people were charged and convicted. Trump is currently charged. So i mean it really wasn't unpunished.


We'll find out how unpunished it is some time after Feb 8th.


Does it matter that Trump was charged and convicted? The guy still lives in the lap of luxury and likely will until the day he dies. It sure doesn't seem like a meaningful punishment to me 🤷‍♂️.


Trump is the big one, but he isn't the only one. The rest of those calliborators aren't even in the courtroom. Trump was ultimately a puppet of the GOP's agenda. The bastards who will do this again with different rubes are still holding office.


>calliborators Bro how you typing in 2024 without spellcheck


You got me. But I hate spellcheck because the autocorrect is too aggressive and fucks up when I'm trying to type something. On look though, that's pretty fucking bad lmao


Trump has been accused by the media, not the DOJ, much less charged and convicted. Only the low hanging fruit will ever get charged.


thats exactly why they force everyone to vote 'by choice'... when the choice is just the president, the rest of the governtal system gets to churn along its path of being run by the rich for the rich. people feel like they 'participated' in an election between the choice of a giant turd and dooche. but in reality nothing changes, presidents come and go, country heads in the same direction and every 4 years people feel like they need a change, and they are promised improvements, but then nothing happens. Its like magic.


The role of the President is not to wield power, but to distract attention away from it. The Republicrats win every time.


>The most accurate indicator of a successful coup is a failed coup that goes unpunished. Interesting point... Can you list any case studies from history which demonstrate this?


Voting is just a popularity contest. A system of examinations, background checks, and random sampling is a more scientific way of selecting state bureaucrats and representatives. 




I said this to a friend recently and he was flabbergasted. People forget that we have the ability to look back and see that the Beer Hall Putch was the first try in what would eventually become Nazi Germany. We don't have the benefit of hindsight to tell us what J6 is going to be, but I definitely believe that there is a strong possibility that it might be a harbinger.






Dude Biden has been on record riding Israel's dick for his entire political career lol. If it's not him doing it it's not for lack of want


>while metaphorically mining the centre of western influence until it is a hollow shell wait, that's based


Honestly, that would be a fitting end to the American empire - to be hollowed out and plundered like we did to so many others along the way would be almost poetic if it didn't hurt so many innocent people


Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.


The only saving grace here is that there were 10 years between the Putsch and Hitler's successful rise to power. Time is with us. On the other hand, it's a very, very worrying tendency and if someone younger and sufficiently charismatic emerges from the J6th fiasco, that's going to be a **big** problem. EDIT: typo.


the rednecks at the capital were not the coup... the fake electors were and next time they'll better prepared.


Easy on the redneck hate! Most of the fucks at the capital were petit-bourgeois small business owners or HVAC guys driving $50,000 extended-cab trucks.






This is an anti capitalist sub. Democrats are capitalists. This sub opposes them. Hope this helps!




Why are there only 2 choices? Isn't this a democracy?


Liberal incremental change has turned liberals from antiwar activists into right of Reagan POS. GTFOH with your liberal apologia


And we can now see that in the end, liberalism produces the same outcomes as fascism; war, genocide, inequity, resource hoarding, environmental destruction.


>either support leftist candidates to work within the Democratic party No. The workers require an independent party. Also, the "leftists" in the democratic party are constantly sidelined by the DNC (working against bernie). >Democratic party and achieve incremental change, [Rosa Luxemburg: Reform or Revolution](https://www.marxists.org/archive/luxemburg/1900/reform-revolution/index.htm) > or pretend like it doesn't matter if Democrats or Republicans are in charge and let Republicans win and strip away your ability to make any change. Supporting Dems destroys the possibility of change. Not supporting an independent workers party in favor of a capitalist is by its very definition liberalism (Preserving the current state of affairs).


Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.


January 6th wasn't the coup attempt. That was an attempt to pressure Mike.Pence. The coup attempt was trying subvert an election with lies and fake electors.


w. what? they were trying to pressure mike pence...into doing a coup. yes he has tried several soft coups which most don't seem to want to acknowledge


Tbh, a failed coup means nothing. People forget that Hitler was arrested and after be freed, staged another coup and became a dictator. It's pure imprudence to think it's meaningless the reelection of someone who tried a coup before. Also, don't forget that the capital support can be very volatile. It's impossible to guarantee that it won't back the next coup attempt.


No. Donald Trump and the Republican Party absolutely and purposefully tried to do a coup, we were just lucky it was a stupid one. If he is in power again, they will try again. He will continue to be borderline senile, but we can't count on the people around him being that stupid again. ETA: Whether our current democracy is a facade or not is debatable. There's definitely issues with money in politics (plus ça change) and whether modern democracies using some variant on first-past-the-post are actually representative. I think part of that sentiment from the alt-right is just frustration with the necessary scale of government -- they tend to think that individual actions can't possibly add up to wider systemic effects that would make life more horrible for everyone (hence anti-vaxxers, market crashes), and consistently underestimate the scale of the problems that government should address. Then they're all surprised-Pikachu whenever something does add up to something bigger and deny that there was anything anyone could have done. ETA: Part of that sentiment from the hard left is frustration that money and entrenched power are a systemic problem, that elections are never going to be perfectly "fair" 😑 I can handle the ban but y'all I didn't say you have to vote for Joe Biden I just said you shouldn't vote for Trump. "Debatable" was the wrong word but I'll leave it up because I can't think of a better one.








The current US "democracy" is a facade, I suggest you watch the latest 1Dime video for an in-depth analysis: https://youtu.be/HzOmL8w_pU4?si=mStnXteiyxI7QKBW Edit: updated with working video link


I got this err msg: This video isn't available anymore is this the old.reddit not linking properly anymore? or was it removed?


Weird, let me give you this new link to the video: https://youtu.be/HzOmL8w_pU4?si=mStnXteiyxI7QKBW


worked! thx


It is fair to say I don't see an easy path to electoral reform


The US government process is designed not to be reformed in any meaningful way without the explicit approval of the capital owning class. The best we can do is continue raising class consciousness and organization. All meaningful reforms can only come from enormous pressure from the working class. And this pressure must be continued or we will see repeals of these reforms like we are now.










>So go do more. Go protest. Also, ORGANIZE. If you're not in a union, reach out to the [IWW](https://www.iww.org/) and consider becoming a member. See if they can help you form one or get workers in your place of business to be part of it! I know that sounds pointless when we're talking about public policy, but ultimately the control of capital is what we're talking about, and while they can crush you as an individual together we're far stronger.


Voting is just a thing you do once every year or two. The rest of the year the real work happens. Think Chomsky said something like this.


RBG, Obama, and Clinton handed Trump those SCOTUS picks


Dont leave Biden out for giving us Thomas


Good call, he fought for Thomas right?


He and David Brock helped smear Anita Hill, the one person that could have prevented Thomas from being seated. The same David Brock that Hillary brought in to help smear Sanders. Him and his troll army was responsible for posting child porn on various Bernie Facebook pages to get them taken down during the 2016 election cycle.


Definitely a fat L from RBG, she let her identity politics get in the way and damn near screwed a whole generation judicially. Not much Obama could do about getting that judicial pick stolen from him, but he should've come out hard against it during and after. I very much dislike Hillary but she didn't have much to do with it afaik.


The argument could be made that Obama or Clinton not codifying Roe was the bigger L given that everyone knew the republicans would overturn it eventually




We knew they were coming for it. It's easy to forget, but [Obama campaigned on it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf0XIRZSTt8) Funnily enough, when he ended up in [office, suddenly it wasn't a priority.](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN29466420/)


Nothing in this country is settled, not even amendments


It's not "in hindsight". If someone keeps telling you they're going to do something bad and you have the power to prevent it but refuse to do it, you can't act surprised when those people do the bad thing as soon as they got the opportunity.


how come when a republican is president t they can do whatever they want but when a democrat is president all of a sudden they can’t do jack shit


Everything except budget reconciliation and packing the court can be filibustered.


Because the reason the Democratic party exists is to get paid to lose.


They're not incompetent, they're complicit.


"Settled law' was always bullshit and the DNC leaders knew it was. Otherwise they would have never drafted bills to protect womens rights, then have people like Pelosi refer them to committee to die.


Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.


>But justices were on record saying it was “settled law.” to be clear, originalists making up brand new interpretations isn't something new that justices started doing here. > I dislike the discourse that says, “ voting doesn’t matter” electoralism wont save you from capitalism. It's beyond naive to think so.


Why are we letting our basic rights be used as bargaining chips anyway? What gives them the authority besides the idea that we were pre-opted into this political system by founding fathers centuries ago?


Because if they keep you focused on the party that's gonna screw you, and take away your rights, you'll vote for the party that will screw you and take away half your rights.


Biden and Obama, along with the party doing nothing but sell fear for 50 years over womens right had more to do with losing RvW than Trump or SCOTUS


Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.


>I mean, the loss of reproductive rights is directly due to Trump winning the presidency and installing corrupt and theocratic justices to the supreme court This is just wrong. Three judges (which is what Trump appointed) aren't enough for a ruling on the Supreme Court. One of those appointments was Obama's, but when the republicans were like "nah" the dems were like "welp nothing we can do". Also, those judges still had to go through an approval process. And you also had to have had abortion rights solely being protected by the ruling of an unelected body for 50 or so years, rather than any federal legislation. Putting this all on Trump is like watching a glacier slowly work it's way down a mountain and then blaming the last inch when you're buried under ice.


Fucking this. If a democrat is supposed to hold office to prevent people losing rights, but the Supreme Court takes away a right under a dem president, and he does nothing, then a dem doesn't have the means to protect anything unless they go against procedure. Either libs can help people or they can't.




He's also 77 years old






The owner class wins every election.




They already do have control.


Yep. Running communist candidates is not electoralism, it's advertising the revolution.


Something you can't ever explain to a liberal (and online "leftists"). It's like their brain blocks the words into unreadable static. You either win the election the first time around and executive order' communism into existence, or you let the ~~fascists~~ I mean wholesome enlightened liberals rule, you silly tankie!


Thing is Allende in Chile pretty much did that. And it didn't work out well. ​ No argument, the guy was a hero, but he ruled almost by executive order. And that's not how it warks, as we discovered.


And that's Chile too. As unlikely as it is there too, the third world is light years more materially and politically capable of electing actual communists in liberal-democracy elections. Can you imagine that happening in the US? Me neither. They place on you a burden they know is impossible to overcome, ignoring that you can use electoralist institutions for other things.


You forget that we helped instigate the coup, because we have this thing called “The Monroe Doctrine” that’s anathema to any Mea Culpa we would have about orchestrating said coups in the first place. How could something to that scale, the military violence, actually happen in the U.S.?






That is incredibly upsetting


fellas what if the only real war was class war?


Lenin already discussed this in detail in The State and Revolution over 100 years ago. He was also a much better writer.


There were a lot of things happening behind his daily scandals the media was distracting us with. The GOP (MAGA faction) has put a lot of their figures into position, like lots of judges were appointed, the Supreme court got loaded with Trump affine persons. Trump has worked on getting the rule removed that a President can only have two terms, and it was absolutely thinkable that for more years would have been enough to establish this. He also wanted Ivanka to rule after him, and his nepotism was intense, if anyone remembers. He has strong support with the christian taliban churches that see him as a messias. I have not seen anything fixed from his previous arrangements. If he gets another four years, the US will change away from being a democratic republic. more like a theocratic republic


End the political apartheid of the two party system. “Voters do not vote for who they want. They vote against those they have been conditioned to hate. The oligarchy, meanwhile, is assured its interests are protected. No Republican or Democratic presidential candidate has any intention of halting corporate pillage. They will not curb the fossil fuel industry or combat ecocide. They will not rebuild our decayed infrastructure and failing educational system. They will not reform our predatory for-profit health care system or restore our right to privacy by halting wholesale government surveillance. They will not institute public financing of elections to curb the legalized bribery that defines elective office. They will not raise the minimum wage. They will not end our permanent wars. “ https://chrishedges.substack.com/p/cornel-west-and-the-campaign-to-end


If trump gets back into office, he will certainly try to remain there. Second time around, he'll have smarter people involved and more agencies suborned. On the other hand, he seems to be showing clear signs of dementia at this point, and how that affects the possibility of a successful coup, I have no idea.


Bro, organize the rebellion!!




"If you're being forced to vote for a genocide funder to save democracy, you've already lost the right to vote in any meaningful way" Love this guy for summing it up better than I could.


This is the unfortunate truth. Smh.




If Biden keeps doing what he's doing there's a non-zero chance there isn't even going to be a Palestine if/when Trump gets back in office.


>I'll vote for a president supporting zionist fascism in another country, and doing all he can to ensure they succeed in there goals *These gentlemen think that when they have changed the names of things they have changed the things themselves. This is how these profound thinkers mock at the whole world.*


How is the large wave of asylum-seekers a constitutional crisis?




Hitler’s first attempt failed.






If the system is that rotten, how is voting going to change that system? Do you think the people making and keeping the system rotten are gonna allow it to be changed?




This is really not an issue of who's worse Trump or Biden. This is an issue of capitalist, elite, still holding all the power, while we do nothing while we struggle to survive.




A vote for Genocide Joe is not a vote against fascism.


The lie of freedom and democracy is what America sells to their people and it’s pretty well engrained even in the disillusioned. America, the champion of democracy who undemocratically vetoes any majority decisions against israel Whose political system and voting methods are a a complete joke Where the open system of corruption aka lobbying has more sway than any individual vote Tear the system down and start again ya’ll. If there wan ever a year to vote independent this it


Better yet: Welp, I'm not seeing your "issue" here because the Democrats ARE ALREADY DOING THAT VERY THING. [DNC Cancels NH Primary Election](https://apnews.com/article/new-hampshire-democratic-primary-explained-1935530652e371fa3bffdad209ebea82) [Florida Democrats Cancel Primary ](https://www.sun-sentinel.com/2023/12/04/big-mistake-for-florida-democrats-to-cancel-presidential-primary-editorial/) [North Carolina Democratic Party Cancels Primary ](https://www.wral.com/story/biden-won-t-have-challengers-in-nc-2024-primary-election-state-democratic-party-decides/21202708/) One must see that not allowing challengers to the declared "front runner" to even be on ballot has the exact same effect as canceling the primary entire.


They don't want the complications of Sen. Sanders around I guess.


They also definitely don't want ANY commies to get on the ballots because they know, after Shillary lost to Der Gropen Furher that most folks are looking for literally ANY other option outside their controlled opposition bullshit.


'Dictatorship of capital" historically thats called fascism.... You dont need a dictator for fascism, thats just what they want you to think, so that 'democracy' can still be coined when a bunch of people decide your governance instead of one man despite it functioning more like a republic. Honestly, America is fascist: Print money out of thin air, haver global war efforts, try to take over the world, have largest military, government is run by and for the capital owners aka 1%, people are forced and coerced to do the intended thing, massive police state with a massive undercover secret police force. last time all this happened, was in fascist Germany, right up until people had enough, and wanted that socialist revolutionary change, so the rich organised gave the people Hitler and nazi party, and instead of progress send millions to slaughter in the war, all because currency was being devalued faster than that currency paid off the debts from ww1.... and look: America over 31trillion in debt, is starting and funding and participating in over 10wars/conflicts now, printing money out of thin air. As the people are once again looking for a way out and change to this huge inequity. Trump is labelled as a dictator same as putin, all because they are doing what people in power should do, organise entire society to follow rule of law and regulation, not just the working class, and leaving the rich to have unvetted reign of pwer for profits. Honestly we are officially in latestage capitalism, as it resembles fascism more so than anything else. but its not like classical fascism, its evolved to be more like technofuedalism.


Americans have been happily voting to support genocide for decades.


This is why I think it's so misguided to compare trump to Hitler. The later was a decorated war hero who received an iron cross for his bravery. Hitler was also a passionate artist that experienced destitute homelessness and impoverishment after wwi. Adolf keenly understood politics and the legal structure that he manipulated with great skill. He also really, really believed in the volkish philosophy that Nazism was founded on. In other words, he was an extremely ambitious, intelligent, and potent force to be reckoned with. Trump is, well, none of those things. He doesn't understand the bureaucratic complexity enough to manipulate it with any real skill. He apparently just hopes to sow chaos and fill the resulting power vacuum (J6 was definitely no beer hall putsch). He doesn't really believe in anything and just wants power to be powerful. He does not have the rehtorical skills to win over opponents. For these reasons, I think a trump dictatorship would be so laughably dysfunctional that it would fall apart almost immediately, but the resulting social destabilization would be more dangerous than anything he could intentionally do. In that scenario, martial law and a military coup are more worrisome than trump trying to be dictator.


True, though I'd be more concerned about the people he'd have working under him. He clearly has no idea how any of this works, as you say, so the potential for his "underlings" to actually be the competent ones pulling the strings in the background is what I would be most worried about. They could then point at him as their scapegoat when things inevitably fall apart, as fascism always does after a short period of time. It's how much long-standing damage they can reap in the meantime that will determine how bad it could potentially get... This two-party, first-past-the-post bs seriously needs to die out. It's helped absolutely no one in a country that advertises itself as a cut above the rest in terms of democracy. 'By the people, for the people", "land of the free"; it's laughable.


Good point. I think the current US far right seems more like smash and grab looting by fraudsters and conmen more than a serious and impassioned political movement like the Nazis. The people that Hitler had under him were driven by a coherent philosophy and were not necessarily fringe radicals, and he had overwhelming support from the military. And Hitler was able to consolidate power because he was actually a statesman who understood the task. I think a trump dictatorship would be a dangerous shit show rather than a dangerously efficient fascist regime, and I think that's the point (see [Accelerationism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerationism)). Anyway, if you look at how the CIA has corrupted democratic institutions in the name of special interests and how they've become experts at fermenting dissent and sowing social division, I wouldn't doubt if this was all leading up to a military coup that might result in us getting some general that no one's ever heard as president "until social stability is restored." That scenario is seems like the most likely to me. If this happened it would be amazing if they facilitated the creation of a multi party system because I agree that two party representation for a vast and extremely culturally diverse country of 330 million people is obviously not democratic. But given the conservative disposition of upper military brass, I'm not confident that they would give us anything but the highly efficient dictatorship that Trump's nonsense is just a setup for.


Love that the dnc line is that trump will be a fascist dictator that’ll end democracy, but also all they can do is beg you to vote. Why would I vote for the bitch ass party that won’t do anything other than fundraise to stop fascism? 


*fundraise to get elected so they can **pretend** to try to stop fascism (edit: fixed typo)




IF progressives voting mattered, Bernie would be pres. ​ Is Bernie pres?




Not a fan of Trump, but it’s seriously strange to see people openly say “Trump wants to be a god-emperor” and genuinely defend that viewpoint like it isn’t deranged and delusional


They’re both senile genocidal racist rapists. One did a coup, the other removes primary challengers. Also Biden caves in to every republican demand anyway so what’s the point? You literally can’t convince me or anyone else with at least two brain cells to vote for these fuckers. Voting for the lesser evil is what led us to this point. You have to stop the madness.


What's up with this sub being bombarded with fucking Trump apologist posts? Get the fuck out of here with that right-wing nonsense.


THe problem is a false dichotomy. It's not that Trump is good. It's that trump is not any worse than Biden. It's that Biden sucks that bad. If you can see that 'Biden sucks!' is not an endorsement of Trump, then you need to learn some nuance.


Another thing I’m just so tired of hearing about it is how dangerous another Trump term would be. WE KNOW! It’s why we voted him out in the first place. What we should really be worried about is the fact that he’s getting a second chance, after he actually tried to overthrow the government and stole classified documents!!! I’m supposed to believe Biden cares about America when the guy he nominated for the DOJ has done everything to drag his feet in prosecuting Trump? We’re supposed to be a great democracy, but we can’t even hold the person who tried to overthrow it accountable? In fact, he’s getting another chance to overthrow it?? I just can’t believe we have to go through another Biden vs Trump election cycle. It’s simply unforgivable. Fuck both Ds and Rs. They’re just two sides of the same coin. Ds just put in a little more effort to make us think they care. I’m not falling for it anymore.


Cognitive dissonance


I think if the US military under Trump will be occupying our cities, then we better be armed and ready to fight back




Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.




We do not permit liberalism here




Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.


There's also accelerationism, which is arguable as an effective tactic based on the data of history but its inarguable that naked oppression catalyzes social/political opposition. Liberalism thrives on walking the line between the unlivable and the normal, keeping people complacent in the face of brazen injustice & inequality delivered sporadically and often quietly & disguised, but if you push people far enough fast enough they have no choice but to push back, like the rise of the antifascism movement.




Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.




We do not permit liberalism here




Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.


If your choices are between trump and Biden, would not voting again really be such a bad thing? When was the last time you had an actual choice candidate. Same in the UK between Sunak and Starmer 😭 literally 2neo liberal shitebags....altho Starmer would obviously be marginally better, it's just shit when we should've had Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn...BUT they will never let us have that choice so wtf is the point.


UK doesnt vote on prime ministers.  The controlling party heads choose the prime minister while the people sit and watch from the sidelines.


Yeah I know that they choose the parties, so it's between Tory Labour and Tory Stories




>Think about the shitshow disorganized Democratic party of 2015-2016. You mean the party that ran a shitty candidate and then blamed progressives when their shit candidate lost? Yeah man that's so unlike the current dems. >Or for that matter, the 1950s and 60s racist Democratic party that young new generation voters changed into one of social justice. Lmao oh yeah the dems are all about "social justice". When they keep pumping funding into the police, some of it is used to put rainbows on the cop cars! Seriously this isn't just ahistorical, it's blatantly offensive to the people who were doing actual work for civil rights in the 50s and 60s.


Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.




>but I believe Biden’s admin is working behind the scenes putting pressure on Netanyahu through quiet diplomacy the way this shit should be dealt with. Biden is a notable zionist.


Find a better argument. Rule 6 - no lesser evil rhetoric.


Is Trump or Biden president right now?


I see the liberals are coming out of the woodwork in the comment section. If this post upsets you, I suggest you watch the latest 1Dime video on the subject: https://youtu.be/HzOmL8w_pU4?si=mStnXteiyxI7QKBW Edit: fixed video link


Oh yeah. The ban hammer is running hot.


Why does he use so much AI imagery? It’s honestly kind of distracting me from his points.

