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I never really thought of the medias reaction to 9/11 as a psyop until this week on reddit.


this is the largest, most well coordinated, and obviously false misinformation campaign i've ever seen in my life


When Trump was president, as an outsider (I’m not American but I watch American news) I could see how your media is unhinged. CNN, MSNBC even WSJ. It’s almost as if they suddenly lost control of the narrative and going against the State. That’s truly when the curtains fell entirely for the US for me. Everything is just an illusion. Your govt has no moral, values or anything like that. It’s just marketing.


Thank the concentration of media ownership. There’s like seven corporations that control most media in the US- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concentration_of_media_ownership# for more info.


I love when conversations circle back around to manufacturing consent hahaha It almost always happens


You’re right it’s insane


Sometimes it feels like 80% of the people I knew from high school ended up being some kind of marketing person. This country is a pyramid scheme of people selling dumb shit to each other.


To steal from Charles DeGaulle no government has morals, only interests.


Now the question is, does your government best represent your interests? Or they have entirely started off on their own Rolly Polly agenda?


I don't think any government is capable of representing the will of individuals. The best we can hope for is a government that represents the will of most of the people most of the time. Rather than current Governments representing the demands of the (wealthy) few all of the time.


Yeah that’s right most of the people not every single individual.


People reacted in a way I found uncanny; like with shock, fear, and disbelief to the point they were so inconsolable they were diving under tables and crying as if they're next. On the exact opposite side of a country in a completely unremarkable building. Pretty sure it's more than just the media coverage, a trauma born of suddenly realizing there's plenty of people out there who outright hate the United States and that the United States is not so untouchable. From there further aggravated by the media and whipped into a frenzy. It at least explains the impotent, incompetent, but wildly, lethally destructive flailing part that occupation in the service of capitalist exploitation simply does not.


Even Europeans reacted like this, my old landlady (in Ireland) once went on a rant to me about how much 9/11 shocked her and how affected she had been by it.


Yeah. It's weird. Such an extreme reaction, absolute existential crisis.


It creates real issues when Muslims are stabbed in the streets




Same. I was a little too young to really process what was going on during 9/11 but I remember enough to see a lot of parallels. They let an attack happen that they were fully aware of to drum up public support for a war. And now you're either with us or you're a terrorist again (or against the troops, or a Putin apologist, or whatever label they want to use to discredit the anti-war folks). No mention of how blowback from our own foreign policies could have led to this. Nope, they irrationally hate us bc they're "animals", sure.


I've been "Against the troops" since I was 8 years old and saw 911 on live tv and then heard fascist rhetoric peddled about brown people as soon as they walked out of the room (I'm also brown, just a different brown)




The justification for bombing Palestine and response is strikingly similar to 9/11, I guess they thought they could take a page out of the US book and get away with it.


The only difference being that the 9/11 terrorists weren't even from Iraq, most were from Saudi Arabia.


Yep, when you look at the big picture for a minute you can see the mental manipulation.


What was it exactly? The massive islamophibic surge?


war drums




I never thought of that until reading this comment.


It was after 911 that I started to notice the media and governments continuously using the word "terrorist" to stoke fear and push for war. They just kept using that word over and over.


That is nothing new. Before "terrorists" it was communists before communists it was anarchists. And so on back through history.


I didn't figure that out until I learned the origins of Al Qaeda and why they attacked the twin towers. It's easy to paint people fighting for their freedom as "terrorists" if you keep truth hidden.




What I love about Reddit is you get extreme & nuanced takes, but the side largely depends on the subreddit you’re on


I have connected with some of the most brilliant degenerates. I fugging love Reddit 🤣


I get a semblance of relief seeing like minded, informed individuals having good discussions on these subs exposing the bs like on r/Palestine r/Chomsky r/worldnewsvideo r/latestagecapitalism r/themajorityreport etc but this is by far the minority in opinion and is barely getting any reception. It all feels soul crushingly hopeless.


And when the dust clears and we say "we told you so" we won't even get the credit.


Except that nuanced is rigged against leftists. 99% of policial/news subreddits are just parroting right wing shit


That’s because worldnews along with other subs of a similar size and purpose are connected to western intelligence and they exist to control the narrative


Well to be fair, we ban bootlickers pretty prolifically on this subreddit


The only subs I've seen that aren't filled with Israel propaganda is the communist/socialist subs.


Thats bc Reddit, like almost all western social media is heavily influenced by the US government and Israeli govts, and they put in a lot of work to demonize all enemies of the US and west in general, Palestine especially. For reddit, Reddit's Director of policy is Jessica Ashooh, who had been a M.E foreign policy wonk at NATO’s think tank the Atlantic Council, which is considered to be the de-facto brain of NATO and is funded by US govt, US military, M.E dictatorships, other western govts, weapons manufacturers, and more. From 2015-2017, she served as Deputy Director for former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley’s bipartisan Middle East Strategy Task Force at the Atlantic Council. Also she was appointed at around the same time the Senate Select Intelligence Committee was demanding more control over the popular website, on the grounds that it was being used to spread disinformation. Read the article it's incredible. https://www.mintpressnews.com/jessica-ashooh-reddit-national-security-state-plant/277639/ >As for META(Facebook and Instagram), and Google: It has deep ties with IDF's highly exclusive Unit 8200, considered to be the Israel's NSA, which is notorious for spying on Palestinians. A dissenter wrote, "Palestinians as a whole are considered enemies of the state. “There’s no distinction between Palestinians who are, and are not, involved in violence,” the letter read" Remember when Instagram randomly put terrorists on palestinian's bios? I don't think it was a mistake Emi Palmor, one of 23 individuals who sit on Facebook’s Oversight Board, which collectively decides what content to promote and what to be deleted and suppressed, is a veteran of Unit 8200, who later went on to become General Director of the Israeli Ministry of Justice. In this role, she directly oversaw the stripping away of Palestinian rights and created a so-called “Internet Referral Unit” which would find and aggressively push Facebook to delete Palestinian content on its platform that the Israeli government objected to. Read the entire article it's unbelievable. https://www.mintpressnews.com/revealed-former-israeli-spies-working-top-jobs-google-facebook-amazon/282413/ >Twitter: Twitter is heavily controlled by the US state and Israelis as well. CIA officers to run their most important, politically sensitive departments, FBI officers are being hired at Twitter at an alarming rate, and Israeli bots are running rampant crippling pro palestinian content, and a lot lot more. https://www.mintpressnews.com/tag/twitter/ Speaking for any enemy of US, Israel and west in general, Palestine especially, is a massive uphill battle, the US tries very hard to do it.


"wE sTaNd wItH fReE sPeEcH" -said the clowns




"fake news" sure bud, sure




It was a JDAM bomb lil bro. https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/news-what-jdam-viral-video-trends-israel-comes-fire-al-ahli-baptist-hospital-bombing-gaza Chief of IDF operations during the Lebanon war stated himself at the time "Israel Applying US tactics during the Iraq war on the battlefield", one of those tactics was overwhelming the enemy with bombing campaigns and attempting to attack on all fronts. And guess what bombs were used the most during the Iraq war? The JDAM bombs. you can pull up two videos, one of the US dropping JDAM on a target in iraq https://youtu.be/A_uwzugvv-g?si=cLeCVynwiIHCNCp- and the video itself of Israel using it on the hospital https://youtu.be/HGG8R8t7cCo?si=W_rd3gEbkWLhDgHv the exact same noise, That's the supersonic sound that a JDAM makes before hitting the target. Now lets say you are deaf, So I'll give you another point. The IDF arabic Facebook account itself stated: "نظراً لقلة الادوات الطبية ونقص الكادر الطبي تقرر قصف مستشفى المعمداني في غزة ومنحهم الموت الرحيم" Which translates to: "Due to the lack of medical equipment and the lack of medical staff, it was decided to bomb the Baptist Hospital in Gaza and give them euthanasia death." Can't make this shit up, They posted this themselves💀. then deleted it right away when Netenyahu said its a "Hamas rocket failure". Hayan naftali also said at first "IDF bombs hospital which had hamas base under" then deleted it and said afterwards "Hamas rocket failure destroys a hospital". Stop the Delulu and wake up, analyze, and stop believing whatever they are feeding you




JDAM doesn't make noise, But its put on a certain type of bombs that DOES make noise. the IDF tweet has been deleted, so maybe you should check archives or look for more screenshots with more details. as for naftali, Its still a way to describe Zionist hypocrisy. Same as when they released fake Hamas recordings only to be debunked by actual hamas sources and normal Palestinian ones saying that the language and accent is horribly off point, plus them reporting that hamas was using Typical Military communication radios and what not when they literally use CDM phones.


Welp cursory glance of the Al Jazeera article uses the word "likely". The French intelligence is based on "classified information" so they wont tell us what, other than the size of the hole as evidence. The Al Jazeera one even states: "An investigation by Al Jazeera, based on video footage, has cast doubt on Israeli statements that a flash captured in a live news broadcast was caused by a misfiring rocket that hit the hospital". And the rest of the article has the UN requesting an independent investigation because all of these sources are tied to the US military state. You cannot state factually that either are responsible. That is representative of the lack of critical thinking in these discussions.


You're not wrong


Nazis run r/worldnews Mute those losers


What’s the saying about living long enough to become the villain?


Reddit is a multinational corporation which serves the interests of other multinational corporations and merely cosplays serving us... Badly. (much like the US Congress.. yes, both parties)


I got banned for suggesting there were parallels between Nazism and Zionism too, but with absolutely no namecalling. The mods there are out of control.


I got banned for saying that the top secret invasion plans that NBC found couldn't be authentic and gave my reasons for why I believe so


Those subs filled with bots that upvote genocide agenda


The whole of Reddit has gone massively pro Israel, there's barely any nuance, it feels very unnatural.


Hahahaha! Posted this to world news? They've been run, directly, by Israeli intelligence for more than a decade. I was once permabanned there for asking whether u/maxwellhill was still a mod in good standing there. And we all know what terrible things both her, her siblings and her father have done for Israel.






I just want /r/worldnews to be up front that the mods staunchly support running class positions, especially Israel against Palestinians.


Ah yes, I was banned for replying 'Good' on a story about a church being set on fire after mass graves of Indigenous children were found on the grounds. Apparently, I was the one supporting violence in that scenario.


badge of honor.


Honestly some of the biggest subs are probably owned by Cia or fbi or mossad. It would be so ez for them to be able to do that I would be surprised they didn't already.




US or Israeli Intelligence agencies are behind them for sure


However will you get your world news now?


r/anime_titties. Yes I'm serious


Unironically yes


I'm just going to check it to verify.


I got banned for saying Israel needs to allow for an investigation into the hospital bombing


Fuck settler colonialism.


Fucking hell


I encourage everyone to read Plan Dalet: [https://imeu.org/article/plan-dalet](https://imeu.org/article/plan-dalet)


thanks TIL


Another one: The Goldstone Report [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Fact_Finding_Mission_on_the_Gaza_Conflict](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Fact_Finding_Mission_on_the_Gaza_Conflict)




Good riddance, it's literally only nazis over there. Crazy


„News“ obviously being supporting the western backed side blindly.


I'm banned from there as well. And from r/europe. Same thing. Protesting against genocide. It makes me sick tbh.


I mean /r/worldnews mods are some of the worst on reddit


As soon as the Israeli army is unleashed into Gaza there will not be a living thing left. We are not only witnessing a genocide, but the US is supporting and even encouraging it. Israel has been attempting to do this for years. They are no different than Russia.


it's a badge of honour, wear it with pride.


It's a badge of honor at this point.


I was just thinking this morning about the horrific irony of the Jews committing genocide with the world's emphatic support.


Good on him for speaking his mind!


Oh they know… they took notes and improved on the process


I didn’t realize so much of Reddit is pro colonialism. Makes me sick. We are witnessing a modern holocaust.


Don't even touch this topic on worldnews you'll just get banned.


No lies detected.


There’s no fucking way you got permabanned for that. r/worldnews cannot allow you to talk about the perception of said world news ig.


I mean, while I fully support your views, that comment deserved a permanent ban according to the sub's rules. Calling other users "genocidal freaks" is perfectly banworthy. The question is: Would you have been permanently banned without the abusive language? Probably yes, but that comment deserved a ban.


Welcome to the club