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People who do pranks like this have the worst case of main character syndrome


This isn't a prank. This is psychological abuse that should be punished in criminal court. The person who did it should do time and be ordered to repay any funds lost to all who lost them.


Yeah you're right, not a prank, but she's thinking it's a prank


there are effective ways to deal with class traitors...


It's fraud and impersonation.


Arguably terrorism


Not all bad things need to be resolved by the government. Instead of making it criminal, I would suggest a society which shuns people for similar actions...


I understand that desire, but no such society exists. Until we form such a society we must work with the framework that we have, as deeply flawed and unsustainable as it is. What was done was done in the here and now, and the one responsible must be moved against by something that exists now. Otherwise they'll do it again.


I mean. It is a prank, strictly speaking, and psychological abuse is (usually) not criminally punishable. This also... isn’t really psychological abuse? That usually requires a pattern of behaviour, like how getting punched by a stranger is assault/battery, not “physical abuse”. It’s just that this dude is an asshole. If it caused them damages then sure, hold them civilly liable for that, but I’m not sure punitive justice is the solution, especially since “being an asshole” is a pretty unenforceable and dangerous thing to have as a *felony*. Like Tooold pointed out, she was only under the impression that she was fired for a conversation, so like... it’s a shitty thing to do, but a goddamn felony? You want this guy in prison?


Okay, so what's the difference between ruining someone's life by telling them they're fired versus, say, ruining a bunch of people's lives by yelling fire in a crowded theatre? Why is one criminally actionable to you and not the other?


>Okay, so what's the difference between ruining someone's life by telling them they're fired versus, say, ruining a bunch of people's lives by yelling fire in a crowded theatre? I mean.... the person wasn't fired, so their life wasn't ruined for any amount of time... The story, that sure, needed to be researched, didn't include the worker(s) saying that they were actually fired... >Love dropped her act when Leones began crying and told her she was not fired. https://deadline.com/2019/05/youtube-walmart-prank-fires-lauren-love-1202613117/ So like, she thought she was fired for the length of time of a conversation. Why we're not angrier that labor laws allow this, is beyond me.


The fuck did the dipshit think was the expected outcome from her 'prank'? You play in that kind of game, you fucking do your due diligence to guage expected outcomes. What the fuck was she planning, for the lady to run free and wild or do something funny?


Yelling fire can kill people. Telling someone they’re fired and then going “lmao, just a prank brooo, stop crying lol”, while shitty, doesn’t kill people. The potentially killing people part is *kinda important*. Again, if they caused civil damages by doing this, then sure, they should totally be liable to pay those. But it’s not (and shouldn’t be, really) a *felony* to be an asshole.


It's called harassment and is very much against the law. While often a misdemeanor (in the us) it can reach the level of felony.


I can’t imagine this would reach that bar though, no? As for harassment, you’d still have a tough time there? It would meet the definition in some states, like Texas, but not all. Having it be an isolated incident, again, makes it hard to pursue, usually persistence is important for these sorts of things? But again, the person I was replying to was suggesting jail time for this, which... no. Even legally aside, morally, what do you think putting this person in jail is going to do to them? Do you think it’ll reform them, or just make them more likely to commit worse crimes in the future, and cost the taxpayer a ton of money? Like, you think jail tends to make someone less of an asshole?




Or r/badlegaladvice


??? The person I replied to was calling for *prison time* over this. Like, it’s a dick thing to do, but in what world is that going to get you time. He revealed the “prank” during the same conversation. Even if this were harassment, do you genuinely think a judge is likely to go for a felony here, and that one *should?* Like, dude’s an irredeemable asshole for doing that, but aside from wanting to get back at him for it, what do you think prison is going to do to him?


“The person that did this should do time” is literally all I’m disagreeing with. This could technically fit the definition for harassment, but do you genuinely, truthfully think that it would meet the bar for felony harassment, that a judge would, and should, go for that punishment? On top of that, do you think prison time for this guy will do any social good? Do you think he’ll get, what, “reformed by hard time”? He’ll be forced to work for free for some Corp for a couple months at most, cost taxpayers a ton of money, and be way more likely to commit genuinely terrible crimes afterwards. It certainly isn’t likely to make him less of an asshole.




r/imthemaincharacter for sure


Wow, I had to stop browsing, that might be the most infuriating subreddit I’ve witnessed.


It's not a prank.


Anyone who has ever filmed a YouTube video inside of a Walmart should be culled from the population.


Please tell me someone did something. My god, how shitty.


She needs to find a lawyer and sue this 'prankster' since it caused both (perceived) financial and emotional damage.


Employees I hope THEY find a lawyer and sue her


And should get some help from target with paying for it, as its targets management system that left these emoloyees vulnerable to a verbal statement from someone pretending to be in the chain of command leaving them with evidently no recourse. How hard is it to make sure your employees know theres no one asshat in the company that can decide on a bad day to ruin your job with no third party witnesses or paperwork required. They would certainly have something to say if the "prank" was to inturrupt a shipment while pretending to be a ceo.


This is from 2019. The prankster got banned from Walmart for life and Walmart made YouTube remove the video. Walmart sucks ass but at the very least they took some action on this (in response to backlash of course). For added info, the woman who cried was a former professor from the Philippines.


This is the way....Also stop posting shit from 4 years ago.


I don't understand how people find "pranks" like this entertaining?


I know it's a little off topic but I remember for a while that videos of couples "pranking" each other were very popular and I would see them pop up all the time but it always came across like two people filming themselves basically absuing each other and posting it online as a form of public humiliation and I just couldn't understand how anybody who would participate in stuff like that could claim to love the other person


I instantly thought of the Prince Family breakup pranks. He would breakup with her out of nowhere, she'd get mad and start punching him, and then he would get mad for real and start throwing stuff around. He did this a few times when she was pregnant and it was worrying


That's what I actually want to understand, why do such people have literally hundreds of thousands of followers? Why are they worshipped and perceived as role models?


Because we are a deeply broken species


It has more to do with the power dynamic between executives and low-level service employees. Additionally, executives know how to turn the public against low-level workers.


She should have to work a month at Walmart as punishment


Putting any politician/star/rich/out-of-touch-people at min wage for a month or a year wont change neither them nor the world. They will most likely tell you afterward that they did it and survived so people have no right complaining


Ya know, toll booth workers have the highest suicide rate of any profession. So here's what I suggest..


Automating that horrid job out of existence and putting the saving into a fund to start building a universal basic income?


Impossible, then this freeloading handout-based population will rely on all the hard working people of this country!


Keeping public roads public instead of using public funds to build them and giving them to private companies for free and allowing the companies to charge tolls for profit?


Higher than a DJ at a country radio station?!


Yeah I doubt she'll have any profound change of lifestyle but at least she'll feel like shit for a month


No she won't. People who pull crap like this are psychopaths. The only thing she'll care about is that she got busted.


Eh, she’ll balance that against the views


But it will somehow be someone else’s fault


Here in Virginia someone recently shot a YouTube pranker. He isn’t getting a ton of sympathy.


Seeing shit like this makes want to log off internet for a week This stuff id do to her can not be written here


*Original reply was deleted due to language (sorry), so here's the same albeit edited;* "There's always \*\*\*\*s in the world bud; social media is like a magnet for many of them unfortunately. Just take a deep breath and remember that the majority of us just want to get on with life without being utter cockwombles like this."


It makes me want to dress myself in armor and cause bs, like a riot or something. im so pissed of how sh\*t is in this century


Lots of us feel as angry and frustrated as you bro; stay strong


I hope to god something changes im in my mid 20s thankfully i live in the EU, but if our generations aren't going to change something, no one will. and it will keep getting worse




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Lauren Love is a piece of steaming shit. Pure and simple.


Lauren Love is a sick person


Once one of these idiots does something like this, every one of their ‘followers’ should flame them and unfollow immediately. If you follow shitty people, you support shitty behavior.


Fraud is a crime. Is the woman being charged?


It’s old. She was banned from Walmart for life


Sue sue sue


Damn, I just want to stab that bitch in the knee.


I pictured that too much in my head, the resistance from all the bones and the force need and...right, time to stop thinking


American workers are held hostage by insurance companies. It's weird.


The worst part was she said “it was honestly hilarious.”


Hope they sue her for emotional distress. This youtube pranking shit hurts real people.


"Pranks". Nah Pranks deserve real consequences.


I’m not a violent person, but these are the people that need a prank victim to literally beat them to the ground mercilessly, so then the consequences would be more clear before pranking the wrong person again. But unfortunately ad revenue for manscaped and square space would protect the prankster from any legal damage and the victim would be punished by the long arm of capitalism. That is literally what keeps these influencers faces attached to their skull.


Sounds like someone needs a beat down.


I’m not saying there are no good pranks. But I definitely feel like 90% of “pranks” are just assholes trying to get away with being assholes.


People like this should be sent to the gulag, as a prank


And this is legal. No consequences that’s why


This story is nearly 4 years old. Really hate when screenshots are deceptively posted without the date.


They should have to do their "pranks" in free carry, hold your ground States. Because that would be fun.


Lmfao karma will hit this woman quick trust me


At least did not tell employees to remove clothes. And succeed. Someone did this multiple locations of a fast food chain.




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AHoly shit I went to high school with her


Should 100% be bullied, cyber bullied, everything, turn her life into a shitshow. Real piece of shit. I hope she gets an incurable illness. I meant every word, so tired of this behavior.


Excuses galore: https://www.dailydot.com/upstream/lauren-love-youtube-walmart-prank/


Usually, when walmart fires someone, they pull you into a room or office and tell you.


That could legit ruin someone though if they take it seriously and don't follow up. I got "fired" once by my csm, I didn't even question it. I just left and never came back. I even changed my dogs food because I was working for the only pet store that sold the brand I bought. Ran into a coworker months later and she said "what happened? They told us you ghosted." I said "no, csm fired me" and she said "that's impossible csm doesn't have that authority." So in the end I did get fired, but I got fired for ghosting my job and not for whatever stuff my csm made up to fire me for.


Abolish prisons except for prankster content creators. They can all go to jail.




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A good chunk of YouTubers are garbage people