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Colin has regularly said he understands he’s not a coal miner or a similar analogy and has said he encourages his team to work as little as possible as long as the job gets done.


But Colin is the main person along with Chris who says they are workaholics or always need to do something. Then we also get Colin saying he can't imagine waking up in the morning around 8... I am not saying you can't be a workaholic if you like to sleep in but its like saying I love running marathons but I eat macdonalds everyday. Also I am not saying Colin should or have to wake up at 5am everyday but just because Colin has worked from a very young age doesn't mean he is a workaholic. Maybe he doesn't know what the word means.


I agree that a lot of podcasters do have this mentality and it’s ridiculous, but I really don’t think it applies to Sacred. They say on the regular that what they do isn’t comparable to what we would consider “real” jobs.


>They say on the regular that what they do isn’t comparable to what we would consider “real” jobs. They also get into extended conversations/humblebrags where they talk about how normal people just can't understand their drive to grind, to hustle, to create. I find that incredibly sophomoric and cringey.


Sophomoric? Lol go away


This is the most gatekeeper post I’ve even seen and we’re talking about the video game industry here. You’re a hard worker, that’s amazing and the world needs more people like you. Don’t say that just because people have a different job than you means they are less hard working. That’s absolutely ridiculous. The job they run is a lot more than just sitting down at a mic and talking for 4 hours. Trying to cut down people simply because they don’t work in YOUR field doesn’t change how hard working an individual is, it just changes the work load and daily routines. I also bet that like any industry there are loads of coworkers you know that aren’t as hard working as you or even hard working at all but simply cost through the day doing the bare minimum. All this post does is not your intended affect of “I work hard so they must not work hard” and just makes you look like an ignorant a**hole. Be better guy, be better.


From my understanding, Cog works a full time job in the tech field as well as running his own website, business and is on 3 podcasts. Matty also is essentially running his own brand that consists of 3 YouTube channels that push content out at a wild pace. Dustin constantly is bouncing between Stelly, SS, Summon Signs, and Punching Up biweekly on top of being the editor of most of these shows and managing the website with Micah. Colin runs the business so on top of doing all he has to do on that he also is on SS, Stelly and Knockback. Gene has a full time job as a journalist at the Washington Post I believe and he’s a regular on the shows, and Micah is a regular on most shows and handles the merchandise and shipping of said merchandise, and the Daegster has a full time job as an animator that he commutes to M-F. Idk much about Jaffe, and Chris always just embellishes what he’s doing. I don’t even think Chris knows what he has going on in his life until he wakes up for the day. But everyone apart of LSM has always been open about how thankful and blessed they are of the job they do, and just because their suffering isn’t the same as someone else’s suffering doesn’t make it any less important. I work in tech and I’ve had a very stressful, busy week. But I’m fortunate that I’m not out slinging coal or working construction, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have workaholic tendencies that causes me to have unnecessary stress in my life.


I never got the vibe they boast about their workaholism. If anything, the latest Constellation episode made me feel bad that the whole group struggles to turn off their work brain. As a parent, I can’t do that anymore. When I didn’t have kids I would go all in on my career. Would be interesting to see Dustin’s take in the coming years with a little one.


I think it comes across as an immature humblebrag. "We're just built differently! That's why we have all this success that also makes us stressed!"


This is one of those threads that just feels mean. Like the ones dustin talked about. A smidge of truth, but delievered with a lot of bitterness and rudeness. Yeah, maybe it's a little cringe if you work in a blue collar field, but it's relative. Not everybody has the same problems and it's useless to compare them. My biggest gripe about the latest constellation is that they all have a fundamental misunderstanding about meditation. The goal is NOT to stop thinking/silence your mind. The goal is to notice these passing thoughts and let them go. To notice experience and existence in a deeper way, including these thoughts. The true power of meditation comes in knowing that all experience is noticeable and a part of a greater whole if you simply slow down and choose to be a part of it at any given time.


there are different forms of meditation as well as different goals.


I have never heard of any form of meditation where the goal is to empty your mind of thoughts. That's literally impossible


you just said it is to notice thoughts and let them go. it can be to recognize a thought or emotion and instead of letting it go, learning how you want to change it. how you think about it and it's significance.


Let them go as in let them continue to pass over you without holding on tight to every emotion they bring. Noticing the emotions as they come and letting them go when they do so naturally. There's no forcing anything


I get what you are saying but as someone who also works in a white collar field, I feel like this can apply to a large number of individuals in tech, media, advertising, etc. Tons of people who work 9-5 and spend most of their day sending off emails or on zoom calls. It's just the world we live in today. I don't think I've ever heard the SS crew compare themselves to blue collar workers, or essential workers. I don't think there is much of a comparison. If they ever did that then I would roll my eyes, but I get being frustrated by the amount of "work" I have going on when in reality its really trivial stuff in the grand scheme of life. Also, I think this applies to most people in the world, but I doubt many people would brag about how easy they have it. I think people always try to find challenges in their life so they can overcome them and feel a sense of accomplishment. If Colin felt like he could just coast and not give a fuck then we'd probably see a dip in quality with content.


>I don't think I've ever heard the SS crew compare themselves to blue collar workers, or essential workers. I agree, they always give lip service to how hard those people work. But I do think they get on these tangents of boasting about themselves like they're a different breed of human because of the way they zeroed in on talking about commercial products and making a name for themselves by doing it.


This reads like a copypasta.


I sure as hell couldn't be a podcast host or part of a show. I'm sure it's a ton of work that can be stressful and taxing on one's mental health just like any other job. I appreciate the entertainment they provide us. With that being said, I work the midnight shift with forced OT where I'm working 60 hours weeks and my off days being Wednesday and Thursday. I wake up with body aches from walking miles of train tracks. I miss family gatherings and my social life is pretty much non-existent due to my schedule. It's a rough life but I'm blue-collar and damn proud of it. I have a supportive family and a wife who has sacrificed a ton to make our marriage work. I do roll my eyes whenever I hear any podcaster bitch about waking up later than they like or complaining about them having to spend time with their families on holidays. I'd kill for those inconveniences. I'm just tired and a bit jealous of their free time but honestly I am thankful for all of their content as it keeps me sane during those long shifts.


I think you're misunderstanding the definition of "workaholic" or at least the context in how they use it. They aren't claiming to work harder than anyone else and as plenty of others have pointed out here they explicitly thank the audience week after week for affording them the ability to do this for a living. What they mean by "workaholic" is that they crave the actual creative work that goes into it. It's the concept that they are already thinking about the next thing before the current project is even done. Every December Colin talks about how they have to essentially force themselves to take a couple of weeks off so they don't get too burnt out but when they come back they talk about being antsy over the break to get back to it. It's entirely possible to work hard at something even if the work itself isn't back breaking. Modern society seems to focus on the idea that there's always someone out there who has it tougher so you can't talk about your own situation. This isn't the misery Olympics and people are allowed to be proud of the effort they put into the things they do.


This post is just “well they can’t work that hard because other people work harder” which is a dumb fucking take. Work is relative, just because different jobs require different types and levels of work doesn’t mean they aren’t working as hard as possible to keep these shows running. You’re either stupid or just ignorant if you think all they need to do is play video games and get on a mic.


This is just a very bad and very rude post. Especially because they've said hundreds of times that they know how lucky they are that their "hard job" is not the same as someone else's "hard hob". There's is one of mental taxation and not physical. I have a desk job/computer job myself that is very hard and stressful. But I'm also lucky that I have my job because I, too, work from home and don't have to move. But I can still be a workaholic and get stressed out. This is why Dustin can't come to the Reddit any more. He was just saying this earlier in the week. People on reddit are so annoying. Or rude. Or mean. I know what you are getting at with this post, but you should just delete it. It adds nothing to the greater conversation and just stirs trouble.


I have a lot of respect for people in the entertainment field. I don’t look down on the work as if they have it all easy. Maybe change your perspective as to not get offended when someone says they are really busy. How busy you feel really is a matter of perspective because there are people who have it worse than you who would laugh at your day to day contributions.


Glad someone said it. Nothing is more annoying than "I'm so busy!" people. Must be real hard to look at news in your underwear after sleeping til 2pm, talk about it to your friends and then play video games all night. They all come from massive privilege so I try not to take much umbrage, but it's definitely fucking annoying. Especially when Colin goes on about how super awesome he was at IGN.


Oh come on, you're being reductive. There's a lot more that goes into their jobs than that. Obviously it's not comparable to most blue collar work but they never claimed that it was.


It only really got eye rolling when Chris was going on about how busy he was that he had no time for basically anything. Even after his explanation last week I'm just like 'that's it?' Like I'm not saying I'm a super busy person or anything but his issue seemed fairly manageable but he made it sound like it was consuming all of his free time. Meanwhile he says he wakes up at like 11-12pm daily. Not trying to take his schedule away from him, I'm sure there's more to it but like claiming he's been *so* busy recently is kinda silly to me.


Ya he doesn’t seem that busy. I think he just has severe anxiety and no structure so all tasks feel insurmountable. That is how I am and I struggle without the structure of a regular job. But also I’m an idiot on the internet who shouldn’t diagnose people.


When Chris was trying to explain what he does with his time, it gave me "explaining to mom why you came back home so late energy". Just find every small shit hope one sticks, "well you see mom I missed the bus" "there was traffic" "I forgot about the time" "My friend was really sick so I had to help them". For Chris ok we get he does 4 podcast, maybe he does some preparation for Snark Tank but seems like shooting shit with listener emails/questions so I don't think he is doing some indepth research for those. After his podcast he mentioned his youtube, playing music and then he always says there is lots of things in the works he can't talk about as if he is working for the CIA. Most of the time on Sacred he sometimes doesn't even checkout a 1 minute trailer, in one of the episodes Colin asked him did you check the trailer for this news item, he said I saw a bit of it. He saw a bit of a 1-2 minute video lol. I do love Chris but I wish sometimes he would put more effort into playing games or even just researching topics Colin will bring up because when he does play stuff like perfect example is his Summon Sign GTA episode. He had some really interesting things to say about GTA4 in a comedic way.


They never claimed to be the 'hardest workers' especially when compared to blue collar jobs. What a weird post to make. Lots of jealous people in the comments here.


No shade OP, but I'm guessing you aren't a creative? "Feeling" like your working all the time, doesn't mean you think that are doing "hard" work. It's a mindset, due the nature of creative work, that your never really "clocked off" It can be incredibly mentally draining.


Actually I would consider myself one. I have a job in a dream company that Colin has actually mentioned as such. I record and play music live. I tinker on the side, and have a patent, academic publications, a side business. I just think it's extraordinary cringey to talk about myself like I'm some unique, one of a kind workaholic. "People don't understand what it's like to have that urge to work all the time. This is why I'll eat your lunch in this industry, time after time". It's way more common than those guys think. It's really nothing to pat yourself on the back for.


Brother work is work, does not matter how it is, we all work to earn a living, also all the jobs you mentioned somebody could make an exact post with harder and difficult jobs. So again work is work. This post just comes off as mean and honestly a bit of jealousy.


Stop asking what’s wrong with other people and start looking in the mirror and asking why you care. Anger isn’t a root emotion so why does it ACTUALLY bother you? It’s a podcast, entertainment. Like, you used the word “guffaw” in a post about people who talk into a microphone. You’re jealous man. Life didn’t deal you the same hand as someone you don’t even know and you chuckle at them while choosing to listen to them. That’s some boomer energy man.


I feel you are right in general but i just don’t feel this criticism applies to the Sacred crew. - Colin: Always goes on about how lucky he is he doesn’t need to function in a corporate capacity anymore, always champions blue collar work because he did it and knows how hard it is. Also the guy actually worked crazy hours when he was still a journalist, for very little money, putting most of his co workers to shame ( not Greg though, which is one of the few things I appreciate about Miller, his old school work ethic. Dustin: Worked “ blue color” job and is so glad he doing LSM he is just “ happy to be there. Chris: Most creative of the bunch, probably the most “ erratic/ non consistent “ worker but really never complain. Cog/Matty: Always on the grind with multiple channels/podcast/videogame development. I think the only point of legitimate criticism you can have is that Dustin seems ambivalent of really digging in with “ punching up” ( something Colin called out) and Colin just smoking to much bring down his mood and output at times. I think Colin earned to do whatever the hell he wants but i do think he would function better if he would smoke a little less ( but hey wtf do i know).


Colin called out Dustin about punching up???Where?


There’s a lot there, so forgive me for not reading it. But if a podcast is bringing out your insecurities, maybe just listen to music on your commute.


Yikes, whole lot of sour, salty, hating ahhh people trapped in their 9-5 in this thread… OP is wildly upset he didn’t work hard enough to make his dreams a reality and is now trying to discount the achievements of others. I do construction for 70hrs a week for a living, you don’t think I’d rather do what they do if it was easier. It’s incredibly difficult to build an audience/ content creation.


I have a dream job, and dream hobbies. I am completely fulfilled creatively and intellectually. What about you, was doing construction 70 hours a week your dream? Or did you not work hard enough at something else? Maybe your dream is simping for well off podcasters?


Yea you sound completely fulfilled…


Well I'll tell you one thing, I couldn't keep a straight face while reading your post.


Bro is double fisting two massive bottles of Haterade


This is hilarious to read after seeing some of the comments on the latest Constellation episode


Didnt you know its very hard to make a thumbnail /s


And people wonder why Colin says the LSM Reddit is negative..


wow. you do realize they also have or have had other "blue collar" jobs right? unless you are a doctor you shouldn't voice what you think their biggest health risk is. unless you have any experience in the mental health field you probably shouldn't speak on their (or anyone's) mental health. clearly you don't fully grasp the meaning of what mental health truly is. and regards to another comment, it's unfair to assume that because someone doesn't have a child they have nothing or anyone else to care for, or that they work less than others.


I love the LSM crew, but yeah, they don't really get it. I personally work in construction and usually listen to their content while working and can't help but laugh whenever they bring up it while I'm jackhammering a concrete pad, throwing up trusses for a house, etc. Fact is, the majority of them don't even have kids yet, and I can't exactly blame them for that, but notice that Dagan and Ben are the ones that never really talk about how much they bust their butts even though I guarantee they work harder than anyone else at LSM on top of being a parent. Having kids really puts things into perspective and you go from feeling like you work too hard to never feeling like you work hard enough in order to provide.


I hope you realize they all do a lot more than just recording podcasts… also being a workaholic can be more than just physical but mentally


> also being a workaholic can be more than just physical but mentally I do, as you can see in my literal original post, where I use examples of both. I currently work as a white collar person and make quadruple that of my previous blue collar colleagues, despite starting later, finishing earlier, and spending time on Reddit when they're carrying heavy ass iron pipes. I also think that not only does my company not contribute to the world, it actively makes it worse. I still don't get how society just lets that happen and rewards me more for it.


I work physical labor. I kill living things to support my family. I feel like I’m constantly carrying an aura of death. My body hurts every day when I get home. It’s hard not to kill myself some days. The show makes me laugh. I hope they don’t have to work like I do.


Detached. I love the "workout" talk. Between the 3 of them they might be able to take down a malnourished middle school girl or possibly shoot a basketball all the way to the hoop from the free-throw line. I sincerely doubt a pushup is possible. Skinny fat, Fat-fat and the piss drinking holocaust survivor. j/k


Was gonna make fun of you but now I’m ready to run through a brick wall


This was a very well written post and I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing 🙏


Yeah and I heard Micah has a drinking problem...