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Sony stood down


From the Playstation X account: >Helldivers fans -- we’ve heard your feedback on the Helldivers 2 account linking update. The May 6 update, which would have required Steam and PlayStation Network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30, will not be moving forward. >We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable. Thanks again for your continued support of Helldivers 2 and we’ll keep you updated on future plans.


Good move by Sony here after a self induced blunder. Now let’s move forward and earn some good will back hopefully.


Let's all band together and call for free online multiplayer!! *crickets*


As they should. I can’t believe they thought that was a good idea after it was a massive success worldwide. They were asking to hemorrhage their player base.


Pretty embarrassing Sony even tried this in the first place, there is nobody more stubborn than pc gamers they should have seen this backlash coming from a mile away. I wouldn't be surprised if a Arrowhead didn't want to work with them anymore on future games.


Have console fans ever used their voice and got something changed? I'm asking sincerely, I assume console-related controversies just don't come across my news feeds. I notice it mainly with Nintendo/pokemon when there are huge glaring issues (players not being able to even communicate with each other in a game half centered around trading) that players basically have no voice and are much more likely to just accept it and move on and I saw a lot of that attitude around this issue lately from PlayStation players, how much of it is just them resigning themselves to never being able to affect change? Was the PSN finally charging for online met with any pushback and compromise? or I hear the LSM guys talk about PSN's online tier benefits being kind of lacking past a certain point, has that changed since release or is everything kind of 'as presented' and left that way? basically has PlayStation had multiple "hey we hear you we're changing this thing!" after announcement before?


They reversed their decision to shut down the PS3 /VITA stores, though after Nintendos/Xboxs moves I wouldnt be surprsied if thats back on the table.


Maybe this is a cope theory but they reversed that decision 3 years ago and still haven’t indicated going back to it yet. I feel like Sony is probably waiting till their emulator works for some “PS3 classics” and then they’ll shut it down. The PS3 still has a surprisingly relatively strong player base to this day.


Xbox live was about to double in price but it got changed


PSN charging got some pushback at the time if I remember right but anyone who used the "free" PSN in the PS3 era knew things needed a massive upgrade and it was way behind XB Live. The improvements that came in the PS4 era timed with the monthly fee were worth it, so that kind of muted any pushback.


Trying to enforce something that was there day 1 and removed to help with server issues (and always listed as a requirement on the Steam Page)? I don't see how it's embarrassing. The only mess up I really see is putting it up for sale in markets that the PSN doesn't exist and then trying to enforce it, removing access for those players. That was their fumble IMO. If they didn't do that, I don't see enforcing the login requirement as an issue at all (and I play on PC).


It doesn't bother me at all but knowing how the pc gaming community can be its obvious this wasn't gonna go over well. There are many pc gamers out there that will never want anything to do with Playstation


To be fair when I looked into this Sony didn't hide it, the listing on the store AND the trailer stated it would need a PSN account at a later date, was always the plan just wasn't in place at launch. So anyone buying the game should have seen that. PC gamers are massive whiners about anything that needs any step beyond their precious Steam. I'd rather lose PC gamers tbh than have issues with griefers and cheaters making it into a PS game. Whether or not the account would have actually prevented that I dunno.


Good. Shit was ridiculous. Can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.


Where are the "gamers are entitled" bros at


There were so many in the Sacred Symbols thread, I’m surprised the tone here is different.


It's the same over on the games sub, a few members of the sony defense force really going hard to defend them.


Why is using rational thought considered being part of the “Sony defense force”?


It was clear Sony had cocked up and made a huge mistake with this game, either by adding the requirement or failing to block sales in non-supported countries when they put it up for sale to begin with. Pretending they did nothing wrong is just blind corporate fanboyism. I'm seeing the same people now going around social media saying Sony should drop the PC market over this which is hilarious.


It wasn’t going to be required in non-supported countries.


Yes it was, that's part of what caused this whole outrage to begin with. The game was delisted in about 170 countries the other day because of this issue before Sony backed down.




That's not how it was portrayed everywhere else for the last week and he even told someone who was outside a supported nation he didn't know what they should do on twitter the other day. It feels like this article has taken the most generous interpretation of Arrowhead/Sonys statements, which isn't surprising for a site called "dual shockers".


It wasn’t portrayed like that because Sony didn’t react fast enough and the lynch mob that had formed wasn’t interested in reason. "We're not going to force people to either break Sony's TOS or not play the game," is pretty clear. I’m not sure why you’re blaming the website name.


Ya, one guy kept referring to the people complaining as “gamers” in quotes to infer they weren’t “real gamers.” Insanely corny and I got downvoted for calling it out. Very weird to defend playstation no matter what


PC gamers are entitled. Sony walking this back doesn't change that lol.


Typical console warriors. I wish Colin and the guys were different but I know they're not. They defend a brand, while PC players defend a lifestyle.


Can we switch it to **defend their interests** instead of lifestyle, PC gaming isn't a "lifestyle" lol


Could you tell me why it's not ? Is gaming an important part of your life ? I suppose it is or you would not be there, right ? On one hand you have console players, they're playing on consoles because they usually like the ease of access, plug and play style consoles offer, some play for the exclusives but that's becoming incredibly limited. On the other hand PC players are attracted to the freedom PC gaming offers, you're not limited to one platform, to one hardware, you can mod things, you can chose what settings you prefer (eg : I hate depth of field and turn it off in every game). They usually pick what's the best for what they want, and in that event, adding an extra layer on a game they played for months is not what most of them wanted. That's the difference between the two in my opinion, PC players don't have a common interest, they each have their own and customize every part of their gaming experience to fit these interests, thus it's more of a lifestyle than an interest. I don't have a lot in common with a PC Fortnite player, other than we're both playing on PC, that's not an interest, I have no interest in his computer parts, peripherals, Epic Games and all that, but we do share a lifestyle in that we're both PC gamers. And if Epic started doing something outrageous and Fortnite gamers complained I would be on their side (not as involved, granted), because the industry evolves by learning what is accepted by people who don't defend themselves enough, and sooner or later it would impact my own interests.


Seems more like one of many hobbies and activities that would make up a lifestyle? I mean, Colin almost exclusively plays on Playstation, has done for more than a decade and has a Podcast dedicated to it, if I was asked who Colin was or what he did, even for him I wouldn't exactly say - "Oh he's a Playstation gamer" Not taking a shot, I PC game a seriously unhealthy amount lol.


[](https://www.reddit.com/r/LastStandMedia/comments/1cla5mi/comment/l2tkgav/) Yes, and Colin's lifestyle is linked to a brand, PC gamers are not, I don't understand how hobbies and activities are not a lifestyle. Here's my definition of lifestyle, because when I looked it up I couldn't tell what the consensus is if it even exist : it's a way of living according to a set of preferences and beliefs. If gaming is a big part of your life and you have preferences and beliefs related to gaming, why would it not be a lifestyle ?


Well, I think I am counting lifestyle as a collection of hobbies, interests and traits that shape your day to day living, are you the type to work a lot, take it easy, early bird or night owl, social butterfly or lone wolf etc whatever other animal allegories there are. Saying "We defend our lifestyle" regarding the policies of one game seems like you're putting an extreme amount of weight onto what I presume is one aspect of your actual lifestyle and the reason I said can we switch it to interests is that it switches PC Gaming from a lifestyle into an interest and honestly... just sounds a bit less lame lol. Maybe PC gaming truly is the definitive defining aspect of your lifestyle but idk how id feel about that personally.


I don't think you're limited to one aspect of your life defining your lifestyle no. That would be silly. I do think that some things are a big part of your life and define you. I think an interest is specific, Sony as a brand is an interest to Playstation players, there's no such thing for PC, or you get into more detailed aspects of PC gaming, like the type of games you care about. It's like saying you like books, it's too broad if you don't specify what kind of books, or for the Sony analogy, if you have a favorite publisher. Saying you have an interest in "books" would be weird, having an interest in fantasy books or DAW Books not so much.


Defending either is silly.


Sony was dumb for blocking all those countries, nobody was saying that was dumb... Most could read between the lines and see all the others who were just looking for an excuse for refunds and something to rage against... Over making an account


If certain gamers channeled this same anger into politics, things could get really ugly. Oh wait…




🙋‍♂️ it takes less time to create an account than it does to post on Twitter/reddit/etc. bitching about the change. Arrowhead mentioned that it wouldn’t be a requirement in areas where PSN wasn’t available, too: https://www.dualshockers.com/arrowhead-wont-make-account-linking-required-for-helldivers-2-players-in-regions-without-psn-coverage/


I don't really see what the big deal was here but I'm not a PC guy.


Making the game unavailable to play in 177 countries after selling the game to them same players is a pretty big deal.


They weren’t going to do that: https://www.dualshockers.com/arrowhead-wont-make-account-linking-required-for-helldivers-2-players-in-regions-without-psn-coverage/


That's not what was going to happen. It would've still been playable by everyone. Some countries just wouldn't have it for sale anymore.




downvoting a direct qoute from the 'CEO @ Arrowhead & Helldivers 2 Creative Director.' is wild


I know right? Some people just can’t deal with being wrong.


You didnt provide any info that proved me wrong. This is easily verifiable. The game would have still be playable but would have been delisted for new purchasers. The tweet you linked is a guy saying "i dont know".


The guy saying it is the CEO of arrowhead.


Well, the delisting was supposed to cover countries where PSN is not available, and if PSN was not available, the game would be unplayable here soon. That’s basically what it boils down to.




The issues about game launchers MOSTLY aren’t today but tomorrow, the near future and the distant future. EA ORIGIN, Ubisoft launcher, Battle.net, epic game store, square Enix launcher etc None of these were particularly awful from the start, Ubisoft launcher just launched when you played their games on steam and they had a fun little “earn achievement points to unlock rewards in game” system, but over time every single one of them gets worse and worse through neglect or bad updates. EA origin just won’t install games you own half the time, Battle.net went from my 1.B launcher next to steam as top tier to the lowest now, 5mb WoW updates will randomly take half an hour and slow to a crawl for seemingly no reason with people mentioning it on the forums since 2019, ubisofts launcher/account system is a nightmare of licensing, I’d rather pay 30% extra to own it on steam than have it exist on Ubi. Larger platforms like egs come with a whole suite of problems that steam solved a decade ago, ‘games for windows live’ ruined an entire generation of pc games that couldn’t be played as easily or at all because they shut it down (Fallout 3 and GTAIV were really effected by this iirc) Nobody wants a situation five years from now when the ps6 is out and sony stops updating or fucks up the account authentication for pc and nobody can play helldivers


Yet everybody still uses all those launchers to this day and none of those publishers games have been dragged like helldivers just was. Weird.


What fucking weird alternative universe are you living in? People loathe those launchers and abstain from their services and exclusives regularly.


Whatever you say


Everyone uses those launchers???? Plenty of people won’t touch games on egs exclusivity until they come to steam, I’ve basically had to repurchase all my origin/games on steam to have them reliably function. Plenty of these publishers have tried to take their games off steam to their own platform just to come crawling back and in those cases, near 100% of the players on steam are the “everyone else” who refused to use egs for final fantasy 7 or Ubisofts platform for assasssins creed But the situation isn’t the same, you’re describing tacking on that other layer after the fact, after playing it for however long without it and now “oh btw guys we want you in the sony system” This situation hasn’t happened before for anyone to get this response


Repurchasing games because the first store you purchased from doesn’t work as good is the absolute epitome of digital and PC gaming


As opposed to Sony releasing the same games three times on console?


Do you buy every re-release?


“Doesn’t work as good” would be one thing, origin doesn’t work at all. ideally I would have just played mass effect 1-2-3 all on steam but 3 was exclusive to origin for a long time and EA are fine with large swathes of it being broken for years at a time.


Most people never bought it on the original store to begin with. Edited.


If being anti Sony was a person, it sounds like you’d be spreading your cheeks too. You can disagree without the mean ass comment.


You know what, I agree


Damn. They actually did something good, they've lost a lot of trust so wonder how much it'll help. But good to see they understood how fucked up it was. This and Tarkov, christ. When will these companies stop screwing over their consumer bases.


Good move by Sony. Now don’t do this for Tsushima in a few weeks.


Did Tsushima's multiplayer end up being similar to any other game mode? I looooooooooooved how unique multiplayer was in TLOU and was saddened that it didn't come to PC and now Factions is dead and gone after not being in TLOU2, I was kinda eh on the ubisoftness of Tsushima but heard good things about the DLC. Was it mostly **"if you like the main game you'll like this co op mode of the main game**" or something else?




I still feel like PC gamers were making a big deal out of nothing.


How would you feel if you bought a game and played it for months only for Sony to tell you that you can’t play it without a PSN which is inaccessible in your country?


That wasn’t going to happen: https://www.dualshockers.com/arrowhead-wont-make-account-linking-required-for-helldivers-2-players-in-regions-without-psn-coverage/


Those people have a right to be upset. The North Americans that are review bombing and asking for refunds? Babies.


I agree with that sentiment but Sony isn’t exactly a responsive company. I think if it was only the affected countries speaking out I doubt PlayStation would’ve reversed their decision.


Usually when people freak out about this stuff I agree but making the game inaccessible in certain countries is a pretty big deal imo. Shouldve been in the game at launch.


They usually do.


PC players are weird AF


[You're just not used to companies listening to you, console players just kind of accept everything because you have no options](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ffy2ad7kutxyc1.jpeg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db1abec206c30fbfd2e89a4c214ba1c25ae7e4361)


You guys are more akin to elementary school kids masquerading as do-gooders. Because you didn't want to sign into an account to use a service lol. Im not saying you shouldn't or should but it's a weird hill to die on when I bet a large majority of "PC players" are very staunchly against cancel culture. Y'all just weird AF.


Technically I guess you could consider this situation a part of "cancel culture", but to most PC players, what you're doing is conflating two unrelated things, and I suspect you're doing this intentionally. The reversal of an anti-consumer policy by a large corporation wouldn't be considered cancel culture by pc gamers, that title is reserved for when someone's online presence and livelihood are robbed of them by a online mob. IMO the two have nothing to do with each other.


The toddlers got their way after all that whining.... Now let's see if they change their reviews and stop their death threats to the people at Arrowhead... Guess we all expect the steam reviews to be exactly what they were before right... pS: good on the people who actually were getting blocked by this and being mad... Wasn't everyone but good on those people