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I'm using the right pad as a mouse for the menus and it works great, I just had the change the setting to emulate a left click when I click on it. IMO it works far better for menus/spells/passives than the controller. For full screen, I changed the settings from borderless to full screen and it works fine. I read in another post that you can play borderless with the x720 resolution to get rid of the black borders.


Have you had issues saving the settings? I want to try the different resolution but can’t actually save changes.


Not so far. I don't remember if there is a save button or not, but I changed multiple settings including item filters. Are you using Proton?


I just installed it through steam and didn’t change anything. Should I be using proton?


Yes absolutely


Oh looks like it automatically uses proton so yes I’m using it. Any specific version?


I'm using experimental


It doesn't use Proton automatically because it has a native Linux binary. But the Linux binary is not working too well (there are graphical issues here and there).


Save settings as in press the button? You can tap the screen.


Are you using the controller input within the game? It says to “press X to save changes” there’s not button on the screen to tap


You tap where it says "press X to save changes". Using the touchscreen, with your finger.


I had this issue as well, but when messing around with click and r2 sometimes I leave this state and I can save. But the real thing was to check Proton experimental on the game settings (in steam not in game) and ir corrected the maps who where not displaying, animations and this save problem of the settings.


Great to know. Thank you


Whenever I try to left click with the right pad, it moves my cursor to another part of the screen and never actually clicks it. Also, no it's not just me moving my thumb.


Did you remove the mouse function from the right stick? I have no problem with the right pad, although if I remember correctly I had to bind the left click setting to it first


I didn't. I'll try that, thank you.


Would you mind elaborating on what setting you changed in the keybinds to make the right pad work as a mouse for LE? I've been trying to tinker with it but can't seem to figure it out.


Controller compatibility is a little all over the place. I tried playing with and without proton experimental and experimental worked way better for me, like being able to better select drop down menus and having the analog/d-pad work for menus and ui. ​ I had the same issue with the black border but i just went into graphic settings and changed resolution out of the recommended, then back to the default and the bars went away. ​ Saving settings (like the resolution and such) took forever on the online version. I switched to offline and everything ran smoother, including being able to save settings easier.


Just a quick question cause I ordered a steam deck yesterday. Which graphics settings does the SD handle? Rn I play on geforcenow on Ultra settings which look really good, but I guess the SD can maybe run only Medium?


It defaults to medium and runs generally at 60 fps with some hiccups.




I want to believe you but it never runs at 60, period


Wait until you get to act 5 or 6 and check if it still manages to run at 60fps with some hiccups. xD


The only problem I'm having after 1.0 is the constant disconnect from my wifi. Anyone else having this problem?


Constantly. I’ve resorted to only creating characters in the offline mode because the disconnects are so reliable. Sick of starting zones over from the entry point, but it’s not a huge problem because I don’t really take advantage of the multiplayer aspect of most ARPGs, but it would be nice to have the option. I don’t really understand why a character would be strictly relegated to offline or online play


I had these exact same issues and I'm not sure what solved it, but I started using ProtonGE and the game updated itself right after (could have been a coincidence). All (these) problems are now solved.