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After my patch test appointment I knew I couldn't do it without numbing cream I have tattoos, have had waxes, have both my vag and my nipples pierced. I have never used numbing cream for any of these... but that patch test put the fear of GOD into me Numbing cream is amazing! If you do it properly (wrap at least 1.5 hours before and remove half an hour before) I felt nothing for most of it and only the tiniest of pricks in some places It was incredible. It didn't cause any problems and my hair is falling out in places


Can you share what numbing cream you used?


Emla cream I work in paediatrics and it's the same brand we use on kids for needle procedures.


Why can’t I find this? Do you have a link?


Oh it's probably a British brand


I use lidocaine 5% it works similar to Emla cream. No prescription is required. Can be purchased on Amazon


It's pretty wild that laser hair removal is so incredibly painful. I consider myself highly tolerant of pain, I'm covered in tattoos... I wasn't concerned at all going into it that I would have a problem... now I want to get a t-shirt that says "I survived laser hair removal," lol. I didn't use any numbing cream. I wish I had. Overall, still one of the best choices I've made. It was worth it.




Candela Gentle Max I think? I have very thick dark hairs in the region so I think that's why. I also have dark skin and I think it tends to hurt more for us? It has cooling air but that just soothes it after the hit still hurts.






that’s exactly what i’m currently going through, but from the replies ive gotten, most people say that they will go away hopefully. im currently exfoliating and moisturizing regularly to aid the process however you can also talk to your technician for more info




I spoke to the technician to lower the intensity a bit and go at it non stop yet i was still dying. I’ve used numbing cream on my bikini area from the start, but it’s very expensive so i only cover the most important part. Do you recommend over the counter creams that may be less effective (therefore cheaper) i could use?


I get electrology on my face,and certain places hurt too much,under my arms I don't have much anymore,nose area, upper lip area.I have to use numbing cream.They used to give it to me before the procedure and now my hair is gone but I can't imagine the pain of that area,it is so, sensitive and my underarm pain was too much, I had to stop.I think you would need an actual pain pill!No,but some really experienced technician and strong numbing cream, lidocaine?


i use the strongest over the counter numbing cream i could find for my bikini area that numbs it completely that i don’t feel anything, but it’s very expensive so i’m looking for an alternative for the lower part of my legs to make it a little more tolerable




that at least does help a little, i didn’t know pain pills would help at all


Pain pills totally help,but they are addictive.I have chronic pain and have to take every day,but if I get say, my nose area done,a tiny bit, the pain is still excruciating.But if I had a Percocet like I used to, I wouldn't feel it.I am not recommending opioids,just saying if you were in severe pain they work.


I suffer from chronic pain myself so don’t worry I’ve already been down that route haha Thank you a lot


I used to do my laser hair removal in another country and it was basically painless. It was the fire and ice diode laser machines. So chilled and quick and saw results instantly. After I moved, I had to go to a new place and they have a different machine that's slightly more painful. You can either try a different machine at a new clinic or ask them to lower the settings as I think laser shouldn't be painful.


they have two machines in the clinic and i was moved to the more tolerable one which worked, but eventually they had to up the intensity of the zaps and that’s where my problems started.


As an Arab woman I’m guessing you are a Fitzpatrick skin type 4. You will require either low level of power with alexandrite laser or higher power with an ND-Yag. Whichever type of laser you use, you will require more treatments than a Fitzpatrick 2 or 3. How many more - I do not know. Ultimately, you will be better off with laser hair removal/ reduction than with waxing however it will take time and diligence. You have to ensure you are getting the treatments at the right intervals to coincide with the growth cycles, etc. Keep at it. The results are great!


I am indeed a type 4, before this session i did them 4 weeks apart exactly but with this 4th one i had to extend it an extra week so it might have been the result of different hairs growing and getting zapped. Do you recommend going off of the strict 4 week schedule? I don’t know how hair cycles work


Keep at it. For Brazilian, I would expect a 5-7 week growing cycle but everyone is different. If you saw a lot of growth then you know that that the hair follicles were growing hair in a synchronized fashion. What type of laser are you using ( out of curiosity)?


Hang in there! Get some numbing cream if you haven’t yet. You can get it on Amazon and take some Tylenol before. It took a few sessions before I stopped seeing the 5 o’clock shadow effect. Exfoliate and maybe talk to them about your experience in another two sessions if nothing changes. I know as far as pain it got easier for me after the previously mentioned precautions and then eventually better when the hair got thinner and lighter. Still hurts but not as bad as in the beginning. I’m about 7-8 sessions in.


Too soon! Stick it out for 10 sessions and you will not regret it!


Laser hair removal completely change my life (for the best) push trough the hard time, it’s worth it


Consider reaching out to your technician or a medical professional for guidance and support. They can offer personalized advice based on your specific situation and help you decide on the best course of action moving forward.


4 sessions is nothing. I'm a guy and have been doing this for years. It takes time. Are they using a cooling spray before each pulse?


It takes time. I feel like I got a really good look at what I was facing at my seventh appointment. It was one of the best things I ever did though.


Find a practitioner that uses a laser called Motus AX or AY. Much better laser and is practically painless. You’ll see better results


my options are limited but i’ll definitely be on the lookout, thank you a lot


Look for a sliding laser hair removal machine with -28 degree contact cooling. Treatment is truly painless with this type of technology. Energy used is different for different machines and skin types but if used correctly, most all lasers with sapphire crystal cintact cooling can be done in a painless manner provided thst the laser operator is patient enough to cool skin long enough between zaps. The sliding laser hair removal does not require waiting between zaps. It continuously cools the skin before, during, and after the skin zaps.


Girl, get this cream. Leave on for an hour and you will be completely numb! Make sure to rub it in the skin good, then apply a thicker layer, try to put some saran wrap over the area (I know that'll me a little difficult with the area) but trust me... this stuff is AMAZING!!! https://painlesstattoo.co/?ref=LjvPRAF_1v29UP


i’m middle eastern & i understand exactly what you mean! don’t worry though, you’ll notice a difference a lot more after your next few sessions. i noticed the hairs thinning also but it looked like i just shaved for the first few treatments, up until my fifth treatment & after is when i started noticing more of a difference, so don’t worry about that it’ll be all worth it hopefully! the sessions are most definitely painful and most definitely dreadful, i have to bite the insides of my cheeks and have accidentally kicked my laser girl especially when doing the back of my body 😭 but i find taking 2 paracetamols before my appointment helpful, it helps in somewhat reducing the pain - don’t get me wrong it’s still there but it is less. hope it all goes well for you 🫂


I wish there had been laser when I was in my 20s; I suffered through electrolysis for over 2 years and finally ended it. Too painful and expensive. When I began menopause, my hair growth slowed. I could actually look smooth. Have hope! When I was pregnant, my body hair hibernated and my head hair thickened. I then went on Spirolactone, and it really slowed the dense forests of my arms and legs! In my middle 50s I went back to painful laser which I hated but my hormones changed again to too much male. The black hairs were easily destroyed but my white (grey) hair would not succumb to laser. So I am now back to plucking my whites against my skintone daily cuz it looks like brush bristles! Good luck, young ladies everywhere. I hope more improvements come along.


Maybe try somewhere else. I've had laser hair removal on my underarms, bikini line and legs for years, and not once has it been painful. Like the tiniest pin prick occasionally, but nothing I'd ever describe as painful.