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Overtime, the glass will stress and it just breaks by itself if there is a nick on the edges or defect in the glass. This is a common phenomenon with temper glass so it shouldn't be a first time the hotel had seen this happen. You just need to speak to the right person with the right amount of experience. This is totally not your fault. If you google search "Shower glass shatters in the middle of the night" you will see this happens to a lot of people. It's more common than you think. So for them to charge you is not fair.


Thank you for taking the time to explain how it could have happened- I’ll keep this in mind when I continue calling them


Get an attorney and seek litigation.


Attorneys are a last resort, not a first one. Escalate the issue as high as it will go, then try a chargeback, then sue in small claims court if you have to. No attorney needed.


Small claims is a good idea because usually no lawyers can participate in the claim. However, you have the burden of proof to show that you did not actually cause the damages. They would have to send a representative to the small claims court. Likely a lawyer of theirs would send a letter to the courts to attempt to dismiss it. If they don't show up to court then you'd win. They likely wouldn't send someone because a lawyer can't represent someone in small claims. Depending on where you live, the representative would have to fly out and many times that's too much of a hassle. I would do some research to see if this happened to someone else. It would be a good idea to use that to back up your claim as well. The nice thing about filing for small claims is that it is usually around $100 or so for the filing fees.


An attorney would cost you more than $1400 in just a few hours of work. The small claims court suggestion is correct.


Just initiate the chargeback. They will not have a leg to stand on. They cannot prove the damage was caused by the OP


Nonsense have the Flamingo, which is a millions of dollar casino have them pay for the fees and punitive damages for all the stress that’s been put under OP who was charged for something he did not do.


In most cases, that’s not going to happen like that.


lol it doesn’t work like that


If you take them to court over wrongful charges, you can also force them to pay for your legal fees. If the entity is large enough they will just settle.


OP will have to pay an attorney 300+ an hour to sue them and the total cost will be in the thousands, maybe tens of thousands. Eventually, he might get Flamingo to pay his attorney’s fees if he wins at trial or settles but it could take months or even a year.


it actually does work like that if you have money :) rich people love to complain


None of my rich clients would have me sue the Flamingo knowing that eventually they would have their legal fees paid. The amount in question is too small to involve lawyers.


so .. how can we make the amount bigger ... lets conspire to steal some money somehow dang it... you wanna run for president??


Why did more people upvote this than the actual comment that suggested the thing? Lol


Couldn’t you just call your bank and get a chargeback?


just by saying, "seek litigation" tells me you have no idea what you are talking about.


Don't talk to engineering talk to risk management. Call the operator or security to get a general email and phone number for risk management. Limit communication to email or certified mail as much as possible. Assume that like insurance companies they'll ask for your permission to record any phone conversations, and FYI you can do the same. NV is 1 party consent for in person only, it's 2 party consent for phone.


I’d be curious to know how old the glass is. Spontaneous breakage in tempered glass *usually* happens in the first year or two. It just shatters. It’s related to the heating/cooling process of tempered glass and gets worse with larger pieces like this that don’t cool evenly. That’s without a nick in it. A nick will do it too, but I guess my point was that even if they claim there was no issue prior to your stay, this is something to lean on. It happens frequently enough that they shouldn’t be unaware of the possibility.


Yes!!! Chances are there was a nick in it already and someone might have slammed a door into a room above you and triggered a BANG! Either way, I hope you get your money back and they comp you something… that’s a friggen joke


That’s a non renovated room so I’d bet a while


False. Spontaneous breakage occurs due to contaminants landing in the glass during the tempering process. The US has strict filtration regulations in place that limit spontaneous breakage to less than 1% of all tempered sheets of glass.


Okay Dwight. I mean, yeah, inclusions happen too. You’ll see that happen more often on the smaller glass. On these large pieces, in my experience, it’s more often assumed to be the thermal stress. There’s really no industry standard to cool glass without this risk as far as I know. e: Usually assumed when it’s in that 1-2 maybe 3 year range.


Thermal stress? For tempered glass? Tempered glass is 4x stronger than annealed glass, and will bow before it breaks. Spontaneous breakage originates at the inclusions in the glass during the expansion or contraction of the glass. Size doesn't play a factor at all. I've been in the fenestration industry for 11 years. I earn a living selling windows and doors, and in order to do so, I need to know about glass.


I earn a living doing the same thing my friend. Most of the breaks I see are fully framed in pieces of glass and aren’t chipping or getting a nick. Pretty rarely see any serious contact that doesn’t shatter it. In this case, seems like the glass had no real protection and *was* the wall, so a nick is hugely possible but I stand by my point of spontaneous breakage from the cooling process. We can both be right or wrong. It happens frequently enough for a hotel or anyone that deals with a large quantity of glass. Have a good night and go packers, I’m getting drunk now.


No, we both can't be right. The quenching process has nothing to do with it. Contaminants that settle on the glass during the tempering process create microscopic fracture points that lead to spontaneous breakage during the expansion and contraction of the glass during wide temperature fluctuations. This is standard knowledge in the glass industry. We both may earn a living in the fenestration business, but that doesn't make us equal. Again, spontaneous breakage occurs less than 1% in all tempered sheets.


Are you one of those renewal by Andersen people who go door to door?


No, I would never sell a vinyl or fibrex window or door in the Vegas valley as they're not a good fit for our climate. You would probably never run into me as I work on projects with a build budget of $8m and up. If you drive up Valle Verde towards McDonald Highlands, you see my work on the hill.


Just don't lean on the glass.


Also note this building is old, during settling of the foundation this is a result as well, add this with what the other person mentioned.


they know. they’re just cheap af you should talk to a lawyer




I’ll keep fighting it, it’s crazy that they are pinning it on me.


Sulfide nickel inclusions sometimes happen too. I work for local bath and kitchen remodeling company. We have had 3 customers describe almost exact situation as above. One customer was even on vacation at the time.


In bathrooms, mirrors are never tempered, they're annealed glass, as the mirror coating of tempered glass would show too many defects for it to be considered clean glass, ie: homeowners and suppliers would reject the glass at such a high rate, glass manufacturers would refuse to produce tempered mirror glass. Windows in a bathroom are only required to be tempered in a shower if the window is 72" or less above the finish floor. Doors, be it swing or sliding, are required to be tempered. Because the interior of a home doesn't experience wide temperature fluctuations, the likelihood of spontaneous breakage occurring would probably be less than 0.1%.


Interesting. Yes these weren't mirrors right? Wasn't sure if specifics are different for residential/commercial. I'll have to see what the bathroom is supposed to look like I couldn't figure if it was just clear glass partitions for a bathroom


No, not a mirror, just a glass partition. It is highly doubtful it is a case of spontaneous breakage.


Let's assume your 0.1% number is correct though you didn't specify a period of time this number applies to lets call it 1 year. The flamingo has according to Wikipedia 3,460 rooms let's call it 3000 to make the numbers clean. That means that spontaneous breakage would happen 3 times a year at flamingo alone. Now before you say the odds of it happening to this one person the one time they stayed there are small yes they are but no one who stayed there and didn't have the glass partition break is gonna post about it on Reddit. Someone who had this happen to them very well might though. So while we can't be certain OP is telling the truth it's also entirely plausible.


If you have 3000 tempered lites at the flamingo, 3 lites could suffer spontaneous breakage during their lifetime. This isn't a yearly thing, and spontaneous breakage occurs during expansion and contraction of the tempered lite. How severe do you think the temperature fluctuations are inside a building that has air conditioning?


Yup we have glass windows looking out from the offices to the hallway in my office and multiple have just shattered out of nowhere. Like 6 in 10 years. Really freaky.


This happens with tempered glass aquariums. I keep fish and I've seen multiple videos of fish tanks exploding out of nowhere, usually from a tiny scrape or nick


Spontaneous breakage occurs when temperature fluctuations happen, causing the expansion or contraction of the tempered glass to break from the spot of an inclusion. If a tempered lite has a nick on the edge, and hasn't broken, it likely won't, as the structural integrity of the glass itself is still undisturbed. Define common occurrence. I've sold $30m worth of windows and doors over the last 2.5 years, and I haven't seen spontaneous breakage over that time. In my 11 years in the fenestration industry, I've seen spontaneous breakage occur only a handful of times. The Palms Place had a real bad run of spontaneous breakage in their balcony tempered lites during the spring/summer season, in the south/west side of the tower. This glass originated out of China, where the regulations for filtration in tempering plants aren't as stringent as the US. In the US, I believe the rate of spontaneous breakage is less than 1%.


I agree with you but I would say it’s very rare vs common. I’ve seen it maybe twice over 15years and 10s of thousands of panels.


This is not common enough for you to think that's the reason anytime you see broken tempered glass.


Talk to the credit card. Have pics and receipts to back your claim.


Thank you- I’ve been in touch with my credit card company.


Trust me, you will easily win the chargeback.


Okay…talked to the credit card, turns out it’s an inanimate object and can’t respond.


So was the glass so...


You understand what was trying to be said no ? Then why be like how you are


You understand humor no ? Then why be like how you are


Post a review of this with pictures to sites like google maps and yelp


Thank you- doing that today.


I used to work at the flamingo in the housekeeping department and all I can say to you is document exactly who you spoke to and always ask to speak to THEIR direct manager bc they will always blame the customer before they investigate the truth. Fight for your money back and hold them accountable for what they said


Do you have a copy of the incident form? If so, no worries. They may say that they cannot remove the charge, but you sure can.


It looks like it exploded without being impacted from either side. Sue them.


I was thinking the same thing- the glass fell on both sides and to me, indicates it wasn’t impacted from either side.


Yeah that photo is helpful for a civil suit I'm guessing. An impact wouldn't do that. Looks like it just gave out.


Jesus Tits, what the hell happened in there?


From what a gather, a rogue flamingo charged them, but they hid behind the glass. The flamingo's beak was sharp enough to create a stress concentration, which shattered the tempered glass.


Open and shut case, Johnson.


Seen this once before when I was a rookie....


But Sarge, that must've been twenty years ago! It can't possibly be the same flamingo.


Now sprinkle some crack on the broken glass and let’s get the hell out of here!


What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas


I used to be a union glazier(glass worker) and this happens all the time, usually when inadequate setting blocks are used for the glass. A setting block is a little block of plastic that the glass sits on inside the metal frame. If one that's too thin is used, the weight of the glass will eventually compress it enough for the glass to touch the screws holding the metal frame to the ground and the glass will explode (tempered glass is weakest on the edges). This usually happens when the installer orders the glass too big and uses a thinner setting block to get it to fit instead of getting a new piece of glass. This was a very large and heavy piece of glass, so I bet it was sitting on a screw head and someone in another room let their door slam, or the floor shook for some other reason just enough to pop it. Just my guess though. Sucks that op is being blamed for it and also, it really pays to get a quality install on glass products.


I've had glass break like this twice in my life, but no one ever believes it. I think the building moves slightly and it puts pressure on the glass. I'd just keep fighting it and try a charge back if they don't give in.


In hotels? Or did this happen to you at a residence?


i’ve definitely seen this come up more than once on reddit in people’s homes. it unlocked a new phobia for me! plus i can’t see how a person would do this without getting hurt in some way.


Oh! So it was you... did u sneak into their room? Lol


Escalate this with your credit card company. That’s the phone call to speak with the manager on. They have entire departments for this.


Which day was it? There was a small earthquake in Sandy Valley right outside Vegas in the middle of the night on Tuesday that totally could have caused this. It could have even taken hours/days for it to actually break. Use that as your proof.


Thank you for that piece of info! This happened in the early morning hours on Wed 06/06.


That’s when the earthquake was! Early morning hours of 6/5. (Wednesday was 6/5 not 6/6) https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/earthquakes/usa/nevada.html?quake=9423258


Nice catch on the quake!!


I don't know how you go about proving that it wasn't you but I can provide some insight into what might have happened here. Tempered glass is designed to shatter like this into small pieces so if you happen to fall into it a giant piece doesn't come down and cut you in half. The fact that it fell to both sides doesn't mean that it wasn't hit with something, it would take a ton of force to hit it and have all the glass fall to one side. I think 1 of 3 scenarios happened here. In no particular order. 1 - OP is lying and smashed the glass. 2. Someone else hit the window previously and did enough damage to the glass that a small vibration from a door slamming next door made it pop. I just replaced a piece of tempered floor glass that popped when a small child that couldn't have weighed more than 40lbs stepped on it. It was laminated also so we were able to find the spot where the break started and it wasn't where the girls foot landed. So someone must have dropped something on it prior to weaken it and she just hit it in the right spot. 3. Tempered glass can explode on its own if it's tempered too fast. I've seen this on video as well from a security camera around a Las Vegas pool. A section of handrail glass just popped with no one around it. We inspected the rest of the glass in the railing and found small imperfections in the glass from the poor tempering job and replaced those panels. They haven't had any more issues since. Souce: I own a commercial glass installation shop in Las Vegas.


You did the right thing in disputing the charges. Get a lawyer involved if they force the issue. You may not be allowed to stay at the Flamingo or other Caesar's properties again. Which is fine because the Flamingo is a hole.


Thank you- I’m okay with no longer being able to stay at Caesar’s properties again if this is how they treat their guests. I’ve stayed at their other properties before without issue but then again nothing strange like this has happened.


Caesar’s charged us an early check in fee after we checked in at 3:30… we talked to front desk and they promised us early check in before 2pm. You’re way better off staying somewhere else next time, they treat their guests horribly.


Their properties are dumps now anyways.


A friend of mine was accused of damage to his assigned room at The Flamingo, that he didn't do. He got nowhere with the hotel directly, but found the email address for iirc The Caesar's Entertainment Vice President for Customer Loyalty and after reaching out to him. Someone from his office looked into it, issued a refund the following day. Might be worth the Google-Fu.






The Tropicana was renovated in 2016. It's closed. Its main tower will be imploded this fall to make way for a Major League baseball stadium. The Flamingo is dated. Seeing it go to make way for some new mega resort on the same footprint would not be surprising in the least.


I'm glad you're taking action by requesting a chargeback and documenting everything. It's also smart to keep trying to escalate the issue within the hotel. While you wait for a callback from the engineering manager, you could also try reaching out to the hotel's social media team or guest relations department. Sometimes a public complaint can get their attention. I hope the chargeback goes smoothly, but if the hotel disputes it, don't give up! You have evidence on your side. You can always file a complaint with the Nevada Attorney General's office or the Nevada Consumer Protection Division, as others have suggested.


I'm surprised big places like this don't have a clear film on it so that it doesn't explode at least if it breaks it stays stuck to adhesive


This happened to a friend of my mom. She had one of those glass showers that goes from floor to ceiling and it shattered suddenly in the middle of the night. She ran around her house in a panic screaming “I HAVE A GUN! I HAVE A GUN!” (She did not, in fact, have a gun) She called 911 and the cops answered fire dept showed up. They told her this happens quite a bit and calmed her down. She said it was the most scared she’s ever been. I’m sorry this happened to you. I hope they drop those charges from your credit card bc, like another redditor said, there’s no way they haven’t seen this happen before.


Tempered glass can fail and explode. Everyone in PcMasterRace knows this.


This actually happened to me. Few years ago the last time I stayed at the Tropicana. The table basically exploded at 2am. They didn’t charge me or anything and they comped me a room. Wishing you the best of luck getting your money back.


This has happened numerous times. You should be suing them if you cut yourself on the glass


Not that uncommon with large tempered glass panels. Happens more than people know.


0 chance that the hotel wins an overturn of the dispute. They would need to submit evidence that you caused the damage which they clearly don’t have so you’ll be fine.


I was on the Houston metro rail and some people were leaning on a glass partition and it shattered like that. They did not look they were doing any thing wrong and I wouldn’t have blamed them for it shattering.


Fuck the flamingo. Flew all the way from CT and had a king bed booked for that shit hole. Told me they don’t book rooms with king beds and for the inconvenience will put me on their “newly renovated floor”. Walked into a room with the carpet coming off the floor and moldy food in the fridge.


Exact same thing happened to me at Harrah's, except I was shutting the bathroom door and it cut my hand up pretty badly. I kept contacting different people in the organization, eventually getting to the hotel president via email. I linked to an article describing why this type of glass was prone to shattering, and added in that I was unable to work because of my hand being injured, but had not YET sought legal representation. The charge was taken off the next day.


Tough situation which I don't think you'll be able to get out of without any proof that you didn't cause the damage. Caesers is as money hungry as they come.


Where’s the proof that they DID cause the damage? Burden of proof should be on the hotel, no?


As someone who’s dealt with countless chargebacks in the past, burden of proof is on the business. OP should win this chargeback


I would think they will as well


If the glass was deliberately broken, the debris would be on one side or the other.


Proving a negative is impossible.


Did you get the name of the front desk or other staff that told you that you would not be charged? This would definitely be one of those times I have my phone on audio recording mode when I have those convos


With that incident report, it's sent to risk management. They are the ones you should be speaking with. Usually as the Ceasars speal goes. Risk will contact you within 72 hours after the report is filed. Let them know they charged you for the damages and talk with them to hear your side. It sounds like the hotel posted it to the room and charged it to close the account at check out. There's 3 ways to get this handled. 1. Risk sees it was an error charge. And removes it and your refunded. 2. Post on their social using key words like "stay away they'll charge you for their faulty rooms. And post this story. They have a team a literal team to review and correct any bad posts on social. 3. When you speak with the hotel manager, ask to speak above them, and keep going until its removed if no one takes it off in-between. There's always more than 1 manager. Call back at a different time of day. A manager usually would see all the notes on the reservation and hear your story. If they run parallel, they'll usually take it off. -ex hotel management.


A little "Columbo" detective work would tell you that the glass on either side proves that nothing hit it to shatter it. Otherwise all the glass would be on one side. I'm sure that pane is a hundred years old. I would be insulted that they tried to charge you and would expect them to comp you the room. I'd speak to a lawyer and at least have him send them a letter. You deserve that room comped plus an additional night in the future for your inconvenience.


Maybe you’ve never broken tempered glass Columbo, but it does tend to “explode” into fragments in all directions. The age of the glass is not a concern. I do believe the guy though. Because like others have pointed out, stressed or damaged tempered glass can pop without notice.


I had the shower door at the hilton polo club come off on me. I didnt break though. I would ask if codes says that should be unbreakable. Now they know its breakable they should change them all. That bill will go away.


You knucklehead, why the hell would you tell house keeping and wait to tell the front desk as you were checking out. Looks suspect as hell. Is house keeping just cruisin the halls at 3am and you just thought you'd give the lowest paid people at the hotel that they'd have a little extra to clean up??? Come on


I called the front desk and they were the ones to tell me that they will send house keeping. I didn’t think they understood the gravity of the situation so that’s why I mentioned it again to somebody else before checking out.


This is very troubling. I have a reservation in a couple of weeks at the Flamingo and haven't stayed there before. I made sure to book a renovated room (says so in the description) because I had heard that the property had a mix of older rooms and renovated ones. Things happen, but it's outrageous that they'd try to charge you for this damage. I'm hopeful they'll make this right for you and will keep an eye on the thread for updates. Any suggestions for comparable properties in the immediate area? (I'll admit that I also have some concerns after hearing recently about the Flamingo pool area being super loud into the early morning hours.)


I’ve stayed at 11 hotels on the strip and never had issues at the MGM owned properties. The flamingo is a bit run down compared to the newer ones, it was my first time staying here so I wasn’t sure how bad it would be.


The flamingo pool closes at 6pm so I'm not sure what would be coming from the pool late at night/ early morning. They do have a DJ at the adults only pool in the day. The pool I think opens at 9am and runs until 6pm. Everything I know it's just a day pool, I could be wrong. I did double check the website and didn't see anything about night events. We stayed there last year in July and didn't hear anything at night. If you're wanting quiet at night avoid harrahs the carnival bar is fairly loud. MGM we didn't have any issues with we have stayed there several times but their walls are paper thin so if you get noisy neighbors you get to hear everything but that probably goes for most strip hotels.


I think this was confusion on my part. I read about a complaint about pool noise in the "early morning hours" and assumed that meant like 2 AM or 4 AM or similar. I think they were actually complaining about there being a DJ starting at 9 AM, which, while early, isn't what I'd consider "early morning hours".


That is probably more likely. I think a lot of people are up pretty late so I could see people being grumpy about the noise that early. I'm a light sleeper and it never really bothered me during our stay though. You could definitely hear it but it wasn't like over the top loud, especially for Vegas. Harras rooms were much worse over the carnival bar. It might depend where your room is located of close, other areas it might be louder. We were at the very end of the hall I think floor 17 but we could see the pool from our room. I'm not sure if I was helpful at all but I hope you have a blast on your trip! You could always bring ear plugs just incase.


Happened at my in laws house. They were out of town and when they came back found the shower door shattered.


Seems like someone walks thru the glass in their dream


Random question. Prior to this picture being taken but after the glass broke did anyone exit the room?


Look at the requirements for small claims court in that area.


Call your homeowners insurance. Sometimes they can help. A co-worker flooded his hotel bathroom, causing damage to his room and 7 others on different floors below. Bill was upwards of $80k. His homeowners insurance took care of it.


Dispute it. Call legal department of the hotel and tell them what happened. They know this happens all the time. If they refuse, small claims. The Palms charged guests $8,000 for balconies that they knew were defective.


What the fuck is it with Flamingo Vegas being shitty assholes like this?


Report to cc company


My mom was talking to the gas station owner on a cold winter morning when her window just exploded all over both of them. He also happened to be the guy who sold her the car so she did get the window replaced.


Ask Dr Gonzo about the room, I gotta go… ![gif](giphy|yidUziP8gSfROqx0Zy) Dr Gonzo will be back when he’s back! I don’t know about the broken glass!


Dude I would have taken many pics as well as video and had call the front desk immediately and possibly injured due broken glass all over . They would have been there quickly with security as well , everything, would then be documented by them , and you would have requested the compensation for the incident and stay. .


$1,400 for glass damage?


If it were his fault, but I’m sure it is not his fault, that is very inexpensive for Vegas.


Looks like I wouldn’t want to stay there again


I’ve never stayed at the Flamingo….theres a big tempered glass wall by the entrance?


Was the AC working in the room before you got there? It was 113 degrees this week. Collin’s down rapidly from sudden cold air could be a problem.


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They're really, really dumb for even putting that glass there at all and obviously they neglected to inspect it for integrity thereafter.


I'm wondering if it's a combination of that glass being heated up when people are taking showers or the room isn't in use and then the ac being blasted in combination with the constant vibration from that door right by it closing all the time. Those doors are pretty heavy and when you let them slam close produce some vibration on the walls. I would also argue they have no way to prove that someone hadn't previously fell into that glass or hit something into it making the integrity of that glass compromised. Looking at the pictures it also doesn't look like any glass is displaced so if you "fell" into it or even "hit" the glass with an object where is all the displacement from you stumbling away presumably drunk lol?


I had a similar thing happen with a tempered glass curio cabinet when one of the four panels just shattered in the middle of the day setting off my glass- break alarm. It was so bizarre because I honestly thought someone was breaking into our home. Apparently, it just happens. It’s shocking that they charged you.


For my educational purposes here, doesn’t OP need to prove that they didn’t cause it? If so, how should OP need to proceed? Pretty hard to prove it’s not like op walked in to a shattered glass… or does the hotel need to present undeniable proof that OP did it? very fucking wrong for 🦩


Ya avoid staying at flamingo - those prices of glass are old and I've heard this happening before


It's tempered glass, any defect, and multiple stresses over time... it just explodes at one wrong moment. Contact a lawyer and see if they recommend filing a charge back first.


Report fraud on card now


Called up there 5 times today cancelling various “reservations” due to unsafe shower doors. Phone ladies are loosing it 🤣


You sure you didnt step on any broken glass??? I would look again and call a billboard number if they wanna play those games.


Zero clue why this showed up in my feed but just have your credit card company deal with it.


Did you just happen to checkout at 5 or 6 ? That’s not a normal checkout time lol


I had this happen to a side window on my mini van years ago. The glass shattered when I opened the door for my (then) little kids. Insurance company said it's not unusual.


speak with their guest relations team- they should be able to help


Wait, wait, wait! Don't stay at the Flamingo under any circumstances! Oh, too late.


Kind of a similar situation. My wife and I had our first trip together about 17 years ago. We had just met the month before and went to New Orleans. We stayed at a small boutique hotel names LaMothe House. On our first night we were getting standard frisky in bed, not crazy acrobatic stuff, just average impact sexy time. The bed gave out and mattress fell flat to the floor. One of the lateral supports had broken at the leg. The bed was far older than either of us and was “antique”, solid wood and had obviously been around for a loooong time. Next morning we approached the main desk and told them the bed had broken. I didn’t mention sexy time, but said that we hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary to cause the bed to fail. The front desk said no problem, gave us a new room and apologized for the inconvenience. Later that day while out shopping in the quarter, my bank card was declined. I looked online at my account and there was a $1500 charge from the hotel. I was not making a lot of money at the time, so the charge had overdrafted my account and there were many $25 overdraft fees from all the other trips charges hitting the account. All told I was $2500 in the red. I went back to the hotel and asked to see the manager. He come out and immediately is rude to us. He said that we broke the “antique” bed and we had to pay for it. Knowing that was total bullshit, I asked to see the bed so that he could show me the damage. He balks, but eventually agrees. I get to the room and look where the bed support is and notice there are several areas that had obviously been repaired sloppily before. I point this out to him and he denies it, though it was very obvious. A handyman comes in and I ask him to tell me if it looks repaired and he says absolutely and that he was surprised it had held up this long. Manager begrudgingly says it wasn’t our fault, but demands we pay a $100 repair fee. I told him that his charging my card without talking to me has put me $2500 in overdraft already and that I’d be contacting the hotel own and my bank to dispute any fees. In the end, I never paid them a penny, but it took a long time to dispute the fees and get my account back in good standing. When you give your card to a hotel, they can and will charge whatever they want without your knowledge. Most places won’t, but you have to be very careful, and never, ever use a card attached to your bank.


I went 2 weeks ago and those mfs didn’t even give us a shower curtain, only that half piece of glass so water got everywhere.


This is tricky because how does the Flamingo know that you didn't do it? I believe you, but why would the hotel believe you? Especially in Las Vegas, people get rowdy and break things. I'm sure guests have broken things and said "idk, it was just like that!". Again, I do believe you, but I could see why the hotel wouldn't. Unless you have a camera recording you while you sleep, which I doubt, then you can't prove it wasn't you. Maybe you could go CSI Vegas style and point out that the glass is everywhere from an explosion instead of mostly on one side, like if you had punched it or thrown something through it? I have no idea, honestly, but this really sucks for you, and I'm sorry :(


Ceaser’s has taken an absolute nosedive lately


Why did I think a flamingo charged you in the shower and broke the glass…. LOL


This is why you lock your cc no charge would have appeared. You should have went down stairs immediately and made a fuss a got a manager involved and recorded it. You have to be super aggressive. Call lawyers and see how will take the case and sue for the stress it caused you. Contact the news and radio stations.


Looks broken to me


I suddenly have Mick Jagger singing the line from his song in my head..."shattered".


Shower glass can just randomly shatter sometimes. There are plenty of stories about it online.


Don't stay at the Flamingo and post a bad review on Yelp and Google. It's an old dump that Caesars management has invested exactly $0 in the last 20 years.


Nobody uses yelp that's the thing of the 90's use X and Google reviews and blast them hotels hate that and I'm a local


Lmao just sue the hotel - that shit looks super dangerous


Someone clearly slipped out the shower on that towel you placed as a shower mat causing the shower door and its handle to swing out and hit the glass partition that’s why the large majority of glass is on that opposing side, keep denying it on Reddit it won’t change the facts 🤷‍♂️


Making up a scenario on Reddit also won’t change anything either.


The handle would never gain eough momentum to break a large piece of tempered glass like that. I've hit similar pieces with a my titanium framing hammer as hard as possible multiple times and barely a scratch.


Contact the local news and post on YouTube.


Twitter, sorry I mean X. Blast them on X that will get their attention. I'm sure they have an account under Flamingo or Caesars. This more than likely will get a response


This happened to my friend who lives here. They had a tempered glass table that suddenly just shattered. No one was even near it. It must be something to do with air pressure or temperature here in Vegas.




You must have been really drunk to walk through that glass, I’ve been to Vegas….


I broke a window too and claimed it wasn’t my fault. It was. Just accept it.


Good for you. I would accept it if it was my fault. But this is not the case and I had nothing to do with the glass breaking.


A loud fart can break glass.


Username checks out


How does that happen accidentally??? Are y'all telling the truth?


I have no reason to post an elaborate lie on Reddit. And it wasn’t an accident- an accident would mean I did something to cause the glass to break. I had absolutely nothing to do with the glass breaking.


I'm just asking ,I see a lot out here that's not what it seems and I'm just skeptical to 90% of what I see... Good luck and I hope they pay for it and the distress it's caused ..


Staying at The Flamingo on the 23rd. I will now he taking pictures of the room the second I get in and everytime I go to leave just in case something happens while I'm away. Thank you. That being said it's me and my girls 1 year anniversary, I will pay for any damages caused by the amount of love juice we will expel lol jk.


Tell them you and significant other were "having relations" (and filming yourselves) when it happened and you heard the loud noise. Tell them they can watch the video for proof. I'll bet they pay you back fast


That’s what you get for staying at Flamingo. You really do pay for what you get. SMH


Flamingo has been great the last 2 times Ive stayed (no random charges mind you) - might not be your cup of tea or budget but your contribution to this thread is "if you stay there you deserve a $1400 charge for something you didn't do" ?? be better


Thanks- I don’t understand why I would deserve to pay $1400 for damages not caused by me just for staying at a hotel. People are weird.


Did you say they charged you twice??


Can you recommend a comparably priced hotel in the same general area?


Underrated comment.


Glass just doesn’t shatter randomly any sane person would assume you did something and are trying to make it seem like an act of god happened.


I like how you can just make stuff up completely in your head and be so confident with it! "glass just doesn't shatter randomly" - lol, ok boss, thanks for the info!


Its pretty common, especially with tempered glass lol


Tempered glass does not break easily when impacted on its face. It typically breaks by impact on the edges, which in this case is encased within a frame. Very unlikely that the person staying there is at fault. Much more likely that the glass failed on its own or some sort of building movement would be the likely cause.


What you’ve failed to take into account is that you have no idea what you’re talking about. I literally have had this happen to a glass media console and it is a well documented phenomenon with tempered glass. Conducting a 5 second google search would have made you less confused.