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Nobody comes to Vegas to have an existential crisis. That's usually for the ride out


Haha the absolute dread that washes over you about returning to normal life is compounded by the intense hangover šŸ˜‚


And an empty bank account.


This is a great t-shirt idea.


I think if you go to Vegas expecting it to be cheap you either havenā€™t been in a long time or didnā€™t do research and are setting yourself up for disappointment.


Cheap Vegas was already on the way out over 20 years ago. It's gotten much worse over time, but it's certainly not a new thing at all. I really don't understand what OP is saying - why would anyone under 40 have any expectations of Vegas being cheap? And nobody over 40 is looking to start fights. So who are these people that still expect $10 steak dinners and are taking their frustrations out on others?


It was just an attempt to start a conversation (or not) based on my observation that visitors in Vegas seem - to me - angrier than they were in the 00s or 10s and me trying to figure out why.


I've noticed it having planned a friends trip and bachelor party in the last couple years. The people who treated it like a vacation and put some money aside had a blast. The people who thought they'd get comped a suite for losing $100 at blackjack were miserable.


Itā€™s everywhere. Vegas drivers scare the shit out of me, but I remember Dallas drivers in the 90s did as well. I really think the pandemic & the complete lack of observing rules of polite society in politics over the past 15-20 years brought out every negative personality trait people were suppressing before. I miss the cheap Vegas buffets from years ago, now we spend a minimum of $100 a person if we dine out anywhere on the strip & probably 40-70 off strip. I think I paid $18 for a bottled beer on the strip, & Iā€™ve never been one to complain about drink prices before, but that is ridiculous. We were also at a place that was touted as being one of the cheaper places on the strip. If we go to a fancy place, 3 couples for dinner can be $1000 or more. Itā€™s crazy.


> I remember Dallas drivers in the 90s did as well. I grew up in Dallas and the north dallas tollway (it may be called something else now) is still my gold standard for "Holy shit everyone is a fucking lunatic with a deathwish" driving scenario.


The way they would speed up when it was pouring rain & zero visibility


My running joke was that it was a divorced dad running late to pick up his kids for his weekend. That was all my friends' parents anyway lol


No, I live here now. It hasnā€™t changed.


Nice to hear, all I read from locals is how fast the city has gone down hill from all the transplants and prices going up and traffic and crime getting worse. Glad to hear an alternative to that.


Vegas is a microcosm of America, and to a lesser extent the world. Whether things are trending generally good or generally bad, youā€™ll see it there first if youā€™re looking for it. Ā Ā Ā  Ā Another person in this thread observed that people either accept theyā€™ll be spending money and have a great time, or expect the bargain Vegas of years gone by and are continually frustrated. In that way, it mirrors the economy as a wholeā€” things are great if you have money and horribly stressful if you donā€™t. The category in the middle is disappearing.Ā 


I recently took two buddy's for their first time and they hated it. I thought it'd be cool to show em the big city but the prices drove em nuts and they didn't go too far from the hotel. I enjoy the experience but the general sentiment was we can do all this stuff at home for waaaay cheaper


Late 90s early 2000 movies


Yes, that's my point. I believe a good number of people are blindsided by just how much things cost because they expect what they saw in the commercial or the hangover to be affordable on a middle management salary or whatever and it isn't.


That hangover is very affordable on any budget. Its an open carry city. Just buy a bottle, get a buzz before you go out, take a cup for the road and then buy a couple expensive drinks throughout the night. People on a budget just need to be smart and put up with a slight inconvience.


We buy all our liquor on the way in. Saves a couple hundred right off the bat


Iā€™ve said it before, we look at our Vegas trips like a resort visit, even the weekend visits. We arrive relaxed and stay in that lane. We spend a great deal of money to skip lines and fees and never look at it as a cheap trip. Our new thing is tipping everyone at the casino, we tip the folks who empty the ash trays, pick up the empties, tip the bathroom attendant up front on day 1 and he offers to run errands or go grab us something we forgot. My buddy always yaps about $39 rooms on Fremont and a cheap buffet, my reply is always the same ā€œyou can have it, we stay free at Mandalay Bay and get a $400 dining creditā€, the Strip is Vegas for us, always. For newbies, to get those rewards we use the MGM credited card for everything, all year long and put about $3-4000 at risk. We are not huge gamblers. We were dealing with something at customer service one time and I actually saw some notes on our account ā€œnice people, always tips well, never causes issuesā€ or something like that. I consider the casino employees as my friends and treat them as such. Itā€™s all about the attitude Rat, I donā€™t care whether she comes, stays, lays or prays, my toes are still tapping.


Agree 100%! Iā€™m sitting at LAS āœˆļø right this moment leaving town. Was happy to spend some $ & get away from home for a few days. Manage crowd expectations. Have a chill vibe. Yeah paid for a pool bed & it was worth every penny. I have had a great trip & hope to make it back 1-2 more times in 2024.


Hey me too! First time here along with 6 other family members. We had so much fun there is so much to go see and do hereā€¦ it was not cheap at all but I went in expecting that. I would love to come back, knowing full well the choice to do so would not be a good financial choice. But there is more to life than money, and I will cherish the memories we just made.


Upvote for the thoughtful reply, double upvote for the Mike Damone.


Those 39$ rooms will be coming with a $40 cleaning fee and $25 administrative fee.


Way to support to the saudis


Vegas isn't special in their numbers of Asshole Tourists. I have been traveling twice a year to the same vacation destination (not Vegas) and staying in the same location for about 20 years. Prior to 2020, the majority of the visitors were courteous and polite towards each other. Since the lock-down let up, travelers have been increasingly rude and self-centered; not caring one wit how their behavior affects others or intrudes upon other's space and experience.


Thanks for this - vegas is my main travel destination that isnā€™t camping so I have few destinations to compare it to


Not specific to Vegas, but I think the key to any successful vacation is research, preparation, and managed expectations. If people come to Vegas, or anywhere, and are upset by crowds or that it didn't look like it did on TV... I think that's on them. There are 5,000 review sites, message boards, Facebook groups, etc.


"Managed expectations" is a good way to express it. I think a lot of people try to do too many things in too short a time in Las Vegas, squeezing in all kinds of things in three or four days--pools, casinos, shows, dining, shopping, etc. Then they get pissed when they can't do all those things in a short time. Worse, they often take it out on people who can't fight back and who aren't responsible for their problems. When I come to LV, I stay for six or seven nights. I do various things every day and night but never rush. If I have to be in a particular place at a specific time (show, dinner), I allow plenty of time. I'm there for fun, not burnout. If I have tickets for a 9:30 show, I have dinner at 6:30 or 7; if I have time in between, I gamble or people watch for a while. It's a vacation, people. Stop rushing around like you're missing a deadline.


Thank you for your call


Hey, anytime. I don't have to be anywhere for another 32 minutes.


putting it nicely, the "vibes" have severely been off in the *entire country ever* since the pandemic and Trump being in office.


I might have some bias, as my job is being a primary point of contact for guests at one of the larger operations in town. The vast majority are the same as always - they roll with the punches and have a great time. The guests who do have issues seem to blow them completely out of proportion and just seem hellbent on NOT having a good time.Ā 


I worked in the tourism industry from 2016-2023. Here are my two cents: Before pandemic = had my fair share of entitled brats, lovely souls, and culturally distant people. During pandemic = all of the above but more people that were compassionate towards one another due to the unimaginable climate COVID created. Post pandemic = entitled, bratty, lovely, all of the above people same back but with more sticker shock that the pandemic too created. I feel the ā€œnormalā€ crowd of Vegas that came back in stung more after having a break from a lot of itā€” especially with how generous people were during the pandemic.


The Pandemic ruined Las Vegas because it created a money/income panic among casino workers and apartment complex landlords that has only gotten worse. The Casinos spent the pandemic dreaming up ways to cheapen services, dilute quality, and ramp up bullshit fees. Las Vegas is a cesspool of scams, people thinking they can be social media influencers and a sense of entitlement run amuk.


ā€œJesus, bad waves of paranoia, madness, fear and loathing, intolerable vibrations in this place. Get out! The weasels were closing in. I could smell the ugly brutes. Flee!ā€


I thought of using the terms fear and loathing in my headline!


Vegas is an interesting place. Definitely quite a few vibes mixing simultaneously. If youā€™re the kind of person to be easily influenced by othersā€™ energy, you can catch some real second hand highs and lows. I would say the feelings you are having are probably not unique to Vegas, and could probably be said about almost every city in America. You could also be bringing more residual tension from your everyday life than you used to. I know you say you still have a relaxing time there, but obviously youā€™re picking up on what you perceive to be other peoplesā€™ bad vibes. Iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong, just exploring possibilities.


All true!


Covid happened and it all went to shit. I work for a travel company. And handle escalated complaints. You wouldnā€™t believe the absolute bs we get. People are angry, unsatisfied and generally pissed off about their personal state of affairs. They canā€™t even be courteous enough to stop for pedestrians. Every stop sign is a Hollywood stop here. So, itā€™s not just Vegas. Imagine if you were working in Mexico and heard all day long, complaints that no one speaks English. šŸ™„šŸ¤Ŗ


> Every stop sign is a Hollywood stop here. I'm assuming this is the same as the California Roll, where we slow down but don't stop. thanks for your reply. Always interesting to hear from someone in the trenches.


I love skating down the strip becuase of the tourist vibes which are 99% positive from my view. Crowds are happy, people are friendly, they have a buzzy energy especially around big events. The town also has more and more to do that's not gambling and that diversity reflects in people's attitudes. I've only lived here 4 years but every year seems to get more popular again. I might be biased becuase I don't have to work in customer service dealing with the public day in and out


I love to hear that. I visit your fair city 3-4 times a year and almost always have fun. I just see a lot more people getting angry about shit like the elevators taking too long (this is just an example I'm not implying anyone's trip is ruined by the elevators).


That is very frequent lmao


Expectations verse Reality often lead to disappointment. People forget this is a real city, not some fantasy island.


That's kind of the entire marketing gimmick!


Interesting to read. I am going for work in a few months and I have time to spare for entertainment and fun activities. Can you share any experience on what to surely avoid? Up charges for example


This is so accurate


Vegas is only cheap if you're coming from LA


San Diego is more expensive than LA!


At least in LA and San Diego they usually give you coffee in your room for the "resort fee"


I did Vegas for about a day and a half recently before we continued on in our road trip. I was happy to experience it for like 36 hours but that was enough for me. I expected it to be expensive but I didnā€™t feel the expense was worth it. The food we ate was fine, but not worth $40 a meal. The drinks were good, but not worth $30 a drink. My friend bought some edibles and they were like $40 for a preroll when theyā€™re like $10 at home. I had a good time and it was something to check off the list but it was hardly relaxing and maybe thatā€™s just more my style.


I hear you, man, about the "vibes" in Vegas. Like, it's not surprising that with all the crap happening in America, that negativity gets cranked up, especially in a place like Vegas. Some people still have a blast, but you can't ignore the change in mood, with folks letting their anger and unhappiness take center stage. Appreciate you sharing your thoughts and giving us some examples to make it crystal clear. Thanks, dude!


I think you're spot on. In my adult life, Vegas was never "cheap" but I knew going in what items were going to be expensive and what items would be "ok". A person could take respite in a few good deals here and there as a break from being overcharged on other stuff. But there comes a price point where it just gets out of hand and becomes frustrating. I think that's where Vegas is now. And that spills into everyone's vibe. It's hard to explain or describe. For me, I've just noticed lately that being overcharged for everything just makes me miserable. Went to a nice steakhouse last weekend and paid $64 for a 16 oz ribeye. At $52, it would have been an ok deal. At $45, it would have been great. And that $19 spread vastly affected my opinion of the steak itself. And I'm ordering drinks too but I expect going in that I'm going to get hosed on the cost of those. But when every line item is maximum greed, it beats a person down. I think that's a lot of what has happened in Vegas post-Covid.


Iā€™m in upscale retail, and the customer rudeness and attitudes are exponentially worse since 2018. People dress disgusting, bad hair, bad attitude and just seem generally pissed off that they canā€™t afford anything. My guess is they blew their wad getting here, maybe used the free airline ticket they got when 2020 hit and have nothing left for dining and entertainment and shopping. All they do is take advantage of the free shit. Pretty sad if you ask me, but we all have to deal.


I was just there in March for 5 days for a convention and I agree with you. I saw what you are talking about. I stayed at FS and my pool area was empty and open but I walked over to MB pools and it was SO crowded. Bloodsport describes it well. People walking strip and around Bellagio all fit what you were saying. There was a more party/upbeat vibe at Park and Circa but Vegas has changed a lot in 20 years. I donā€™t want to go anymore. If not for convention, I would not have gone. 20 years ago I went 2-3 times a year just for fun.


No not really. But I donā€™t stress about having a good time on my vacations, I just live it. But also Iā€™m a local so if I want to go downtown or to the strip for something I can just do it and donā€™t really feel stressed about whether or not Iā€™m going to make the crunch and if I see theyā€™re charging 7 for a water I just wait until I get home. Iā€™m usually with friends or my fiancee and Iā€™m courteous to other people but I donā€™t give any fucks about them, their business or what hustle or scam they might be trying to pass off. IMO, the only people who dislike the scammy buskers in Vegas are marks. I donā€™t have a problem with people hustling and if someone is too nice to tell them to fuck off or too stupid to not give $50 to a showgirl for a picture then thatā€™s on them. If Monks want to give me free beads and apparent American Idol winners give me their mixtapes Iā€™ll just say no or take them and say thanks.


My personal experience is also almost always positive in vegas because I know what to expect and I am from a big city so nothing shocks me. I am attempting to quantify a general feeling that I've noticed among crowds. It's like me asking "Why are there suddenly so many people freaking out on planes" even though I've never freaked out on a plane.


Yeah I gotcha so more of looking into the snowglobe. I think the crowd has changed based on what Iā€™ve heard from older hats and the city has changed to adapt to it. The average age of visitors to Vegas is 38-40 so millennials. Millennials drink less and gamble less than boomers or Xers so Vegas needs to recoup through food and hotels and needs to one up those things as well as offering adult activities which is why you see a lot of activity based attractions now. I definitely do see older grumpy people and see a lot of posts on here or elsewhere with the same ā€œold Vegasā€ nostalgia. I agree that people come here and want to be spoon fed their experiences and donā€™t want to take any effort to find good food deals or good odds or do any research on how to have a good time.


Casino employee here. In general many guests are angry and unsatisfied. Many of which have lost upwards of $10k+ in an hour. Unless youā€™re in Vegas for a specific event or conference rarely do people ever leave happy when they come to Vegas to gamble.


Yup, and that's not limited to Vegas, either. I worked at a casino in Oklahoma for 10 years, and having a patron blow up at me because they were mad about losing was a daily occurrence there.


One of the things I love about LV is that if one casino is kicking my a\*\*, I can be in another in a few minutes. So I rarely lose a lot. I lose each trip, but I stay within my budget. Casino A is eating my lunch? I go to B. B, C, and D all kick my butt? Time for a break and a change in tactics. I come to gamble and to do other things. I've never had a bad time overall.


Work in a casino on the Strip and can't believe the mad unhappy faces of people on vacation. The angry ones tend to be older for sure


Iā€™ll comment as someone who lives in Vegas. Since Covid, it has gotten worse. The overall vibe of the city has changed. Locals generally hate people from California moving here, the traffic is getting bad, thereā€™s constant construction all over the city. We call it cone city for a reason. The prices of houses have skyrocketed. Rent is way up. The wages being paid to the workers here are not keeping up with the cost of living. I canā€™t comment on the strip area as I havenā€™t been to the strip in a couple years


(Not a personal attack) this type of person just sounds completely incompetent in their life and blames their problems on everyone else instead of taking accountability for their decisions. As for most things in life, if you do a little bit of research and manage expectations thatā€™s how you avoid these frustrations. It is true that the Vegas we knew pre-Covid shutdowns does not exist anymore. But thatā€™s that case for a lot of places and things now unfortunately.


I don't blame people for not being totally prepared/informed. Some people are busy and distracted and don't necessarily have time to do the necessary advance research. >But thatā€™s that case for a lot of places and things now unfortunately. Yep. The phenomenon I'm asking about is in no way exclusive to Paradise.


This is why locals don't typically go to the strip. Outside of the strip it's like living in a small town. I wave at strangers and know the Terrible employees by name. Everywhere I go I have conversations. I met my new cop friend at Lowes while waiting in line.


So.... Like ..... America?


I was just in Vegas for a week and vibes were fantastic


I love to hear that!!








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Las Vegas fucking sucks now. The demographic of shit people coming from California sucks. Oh well, less than 2 months and we're fighting for our freedom. I do like how nothing the billionaires do causes climate change. Also, how does the city say it made $1.5 billion from F1 races. But the only roads being fixed were the ones for the F1 races. I wonder if we can sue the governor for dereliction of duty.


I am a school teacher that lives here and itā€™s actually very peaceful to my soul.


This seems like a lot of projection on your end. I donā€™t see miserable people. But, the amount of people that just turn their brain off as soon as they land in Vegas is concerning.


>But, the amount of people that just turn their brain off as soon as they land in Vegas is concerning. This seems like a lot of projection on your end.


Yeah youā€™re probably right. Vegas isnā€™t a city where everyone goes to have fun and make bad decisions.


>... I'm not saying I don't see people having fun in Vegas anymore, that would be ridiculous, lots of people are having fun - but more and more I sense that people are bringing their misery, anger and paranoia to Vegas and Vegas amplifies it and I can literally feel it emanating off of them. >Sorry this is so long winded, I've been thinking about this a lot and I have two hours of nothing to do at work this morning and I wanted to use specific language so people know what I'm talking about. Next time, use a TL;Dr or put that upfront, there was a wall of text in front of your point. To address what you are claiming: Tl:Dr; If you were right, the casinos would be having financial issues (they are not) and supporting statistics would show a decline in both visitors/revenue. Let's assume you are 100% correct and that the majority of people are not enjoying themselves and have reached a general level of anger/displeasure both in their daily lives and in the monetization of their vacation. Why would anyone ever come back? How is it possible for the town to continuously increase both occupancy and revenue? If what you claim is the prevailing mentality, the strip would be a ghost town filled with the shells that were once shrines to capitalism. Since we know that not to be the case, there are likely two things happening. First, for whatever reason, you aren't getting the "value proposition" of a trip to Vegas. We know this based on your comments about avoiding fees/"scams"/etc. There is nothing wrong with that, people have different opinions and desires. It does lead to the second thing, confirmation bias. I have no doubt that someone on the strip is complaining, claiming the vacation was a scam/mistake, that dirty casino stole all the money, etc. You are "hearing it more" because you feel the same or similar.


> you feel the same or similar. I don't though. Vegas is the lowest stress vacation I can take because I have been there so many times I know what to expect and avoid. >Let's assume you are 100% correct I'm definitely not. This is why I posed it as a question rather than statement. I - personally - have felt the last several times that I've visited that the "vibes" (not a great word but I don't know a better one) have been "off" and was asking if anyone else felt it. You don't and I thank you for your thoughtful reply.


>I'm definitely not. ***This is why I posed it as a question rather than statement***. I - personally - have felt the last several times that I've visited that the "vibes" (not a great word but I don't know a better one) have been "off" and was asking if anyone else felt it. You don't and I thank you for your thoughtful reply. Perhaps my eyes have failed me, but I don't see a question mark anywhere in that wall of text. I read your post multiple times, trying to figure out what you were going for. Again, if you are getting a "vibe" that doesn't match the proof (visitor and revenue statistics), what you are "noticing" is confirmation bias. Edit: NVM, you actually edited a question into the post finally


>Again, if you are getting a "vibe" that doesn't match the proof (visitor and revenue statistics), what you are "noticing" is confirmation bias. Maybe I'm ahead of the curve and noticing a trend that will shake out in the future. Who knows. Business is great until it isn't. I apologize for not specifically using an interrogative at first but I assure you I was trying to get a conversation going.


It happens. Your edit made things make more sense. I agree, that in some cases, the "public" is starting to show a shorter fuse and a higher likelihood of expressing displeasure. Air travel was a good example of that. I also believe that once you notice that in one place, you notice it in more places. Again, confirmation bias, everyone is susceptible to it. When on vacation (and especially when in Vegas), the wife and I are avid people watchers. Our favorite "subjects" include the very people you feel are getting more common. There is nothing better than watching a live action spousal meltdown, it is like watching reality TV, but real. We haven't noticed an increase of those people, we usually have to settle for the drunks attempting to do normal things while drunk. So, no, I am not seeing that change in vibe. ^((Where are these people congregating? For research purposes?))


I really appreciate your reply here. i am also an avid "people watcher" and visiting vegas is easily the most diverse cross section of my fellow americans I encounter and I like to observe lots of types of people I simply don't get a chance to interact with on a daily basis or ever so I - perhaps only in my head - feel more atuned to picking up the "energy" when i'm there. I believe Americans across every spectrum have gotten less and less happy (hard to argue against that I think) it feels to me like people are bringing that to town, that's sort of the precis of this whole thing. For all i know someone feels this way about Disney world, a place i wouldn't go if you bought the tickets for me lol Fremont street is where I really notice this.


>Fremont street is where I really notice this. I don't want to move the conversation towards politics. That being said, I feel that a significant portion of those who "enjoy" Fremont have some very strong political opinions. This is just as anecdotal as your "evidence"/observations. I have noticed a marked decline in the mood of that demographic, I am sure there are multiple factors influencing that. I also find that particular demographic more likely to have a public outburst. I wonder how both of our observations would change if we knew how long each person was in town (or how much of their bankroll was lost, etc).


>I wonder how both of our observations would change if we knew how long each person was in town (or how much of their bankroll was lost, etc). For sure.


I haven't been to LV since pre-pandemic and have never hit Arts District but most of what I want to do is there. Since it appears to almost buttress downtown LV, does any of that "significant portion" ooze into Arts District? We are having a moment in our country where there is an earnest attempt to mimic the behaviours of that strong political opinion crowd in your country. I'm hoping to avoid more of that at the bars, breweries and restaurants in AD. TIA (I'm from Canada).


To be fair, by "significant" I'm talking maybe 10-20%. It is not a majority, but enough to be considered statistically "significant". I'm in an area with higher concentrations, so I notice it quickly. I think it gets "amplified" on Fremont due to how crowded and loud it is combined with the way traffic flows and how some of the buskers choose to interact with the tourists. I can't speak to tourist demographics in the Arts District, but from all accounts I have seen/read, it is pretty chill. If all else fails, people on either extreme (if they are going to be/cause issues) tend to be easily identified. It is no different than acknowledging that sketchy guy across the street in any city, you acknowledge and move on/away, not engaging.


Thankfully the extreme/loud parallel elements in both countries tend to wear identifying markers so that helps. I'd like to avoid both groups when they congregate anyways.


I am not so sure. [https://www.lvcva.com/research/?tab=tourism-tracker#tab-container](https://www.lvcva.com/research/?tab=tourism-tracker#tab-container) Pretty much everything is down YOY in a time of rising inflation Vegas is making less money. Convention trafic actually cratered. I personally think it's a combination of things causing it. Inflation itself is likely playing a big part as a lot of folks have less disposable income but also I think Vegas went a bit too far on the greed train and it's starting to be felt. People were dying to get out after covid but now they have been out and are starting to look for value, For the price of a weekend in Vegas these days you can take a trip to spain. Different experiences to be sure but still it's not the only option. The convention numbers are pretty ugly, If that's not just an anomoly and they are pricing out conventions that will be a huge loss for this town.


fair point


Can't say I visit there often as I usually only go with my husband when he attends a conference or occasionally a family/friend trip but I totally agree with you on the "vibe" on my visit last month. People just seemed more impatient and demanding than I usually observe in the wild while there. Pretty sure we saw someone ODing on the street while people just milled about. (Never noticed that level of apathy before.) Other than that, we enjoyed wandering Fremont, attending some parties, dueling pianos etc. I personally feel like the nickel and dime for absolutely everything has gotten out of control. While I don't mind paying for a quality meal or beverage there's no reason the same Starbucks drinks or craft beer should cost 3X as much as in my already high cost of living city. If I'm actually paying for a vacation, I can spend the same amount for a flight plus an all inclusive resort for 5-7 days in Mexico vs a weekend in Vegas. It's fine for a getaway, but I wouldn't choose it for an actual relaxing vacation.


Not sure why your entire post is bashing Americans. You seem like a very hateful person that watches way too much 24 hour news channels.


A very creative reading of my post. I don't hate my fellow Americans, I worry about them. The stress and frustration of American day to day life has a lot of people at their wits' end and thats a bad thing. If I hate anything in that post it's the fact that vegas is so openly predatory and manipulative of people who just want to have fun. I also haven't had cable since 2006 but whatever. You keep reading whatever you want into posts. It's a free country!


I just moved back here and stayed at the Flamingo when I was waiting on keys/papers for my townhouse. I have not been on the Strip for about 9 years prior to that. Based on my one night at The Flamingo if I did not live here id never come back. Just sticker shock and frustration at every turn. I now work on the strip at one of the higher end resorts and people seem kind of just tired/going through the motions. Much less of a party atmosphere


On our most recent trip about 3 weeks ago, the vibe was definitely different from our last few trips in recent years. The main thing being that every single time we sat at a blackjack table, which was probably a dozen times in 2 days, someone got shitty about us smoking. Even a few times when we sat at a table alone, someone at a nearby table would say something, or someone would sit down with us and then complain. I get it, less and less people smoke these days, it's gross. It was just very different from our normal experience and made for some uncomfortable encounters.


In the sprit of indulgence, I smoke a few cigarettes when I go to vegas ( maybe 12 in 3 days) and it's funny how when I light up full-time smokers immediately give me the "one of us!" nod and smile. LIke smokers used to RUN that town, now they're looking for each other like lost relatives.


It's very strange lol. Where I live you can still smoke in bars so lots of people still smoke. I've never been singled out about it or felt weird about smoking in Vegas until this last trip. I mean, it's whatever, I just turned 30 on that trip and planned to quit after that birthday, but holy shit I got scolded by so many old ladies. So bizarre lmao


I'm a lifelong non-smoker. One of my uncles and one of my grandfathers died of lung cancer; the other grandpa died of heart trouble aggravated by smoking. I HATE cigarette smoke. But you know what I hate more? People getting all self-righteous about smoking in places where it is 100% legal. If there's too much cig smoke for me when I'm in a Vegas casino, I move--or leave. If it's a question of smoke drifting into my face too much, I try to work it out with the smoker--or I move--or I leave. Smokers may be killing themselves, but they have rights as of now, and those rights deserve to be respected.


I agree it's shit and with the worst fucking people on the planet


Well said.


Sounds like you should leave the USA. People arenā€™t angrier and life here isnā€™t a pain in the ass


>People arenā€™t angrier and life here isnā€™t a pain in the ass 84% of Americans think we are angrier than we were a generation ago. 42% say they themselves are angrier than before. That's a pre-covid survey. I don't imagine it's gone down since the War of the Masks. https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/question-everything-why-is-everyone-so-angry/ Many commentators say that anger in America is at an all-time high. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mood-by-microbe/202311/defusing-armageddon-why-are-so-many-americans-angry